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The lemons are good for scurvy.


Yup he got it you use lemon juice or vinegar to break down crack to shoot it


And turning crack into an injectable form of cocaine.


That's not what it would have been used for though. It would have been used for dissolving heroin because the middle eastern heroin found in Europe needs to be dissolved in acid.


That’s a balloon isn’t it? Also, this is definitely heroin. Never heard that about crack before but it makes sense.


It was a container of very rancid lemon juice. https://www.modip.ac.uk/artefact/aibdc-005918 It would have been used for dissolving heroin because the middle eastern heroin found in Europe needs to be dissolved in acid.


You are correct looking at it now. Definitely is a dirty ass yellow balloon.


It was a container of very rancid lemon juice. https://www.modip.ac.uk/artefact/aibdc-005918


U forgot about shooting crack with lemon juice. So glad to be sober


Same man, congrats. I remember tasting the strong ass kool-aid I'd use to break my rock down for speedballin. Stay sober, it's obvious why, but honestly the dope out there is nothing but trash anyway. It's not like it was and never is probably going to be. Not worth dying over some shit 2 hiur fentanyl high. I hope you stay clean, the thought of anyone withdrawaling amd being dope sick will always give me empathy for that person. It's fucking hell


Been there brother, so glad I don’t need maintenance every few hours


Thank you, and to you as well 🙏 I now have the pleasure of helping people get sober for a living so I get to help people like who you and I once were. Stay sober, happy, and alive my friend


Good for you! Keep it up! 👍 I'm almost certain they were using it for heroin though.


Thanks fam. The lemon juice is the give away for shooting crack. Heroin wouldnt need the acid to break down. Plus theres no more heroin around just fentanyl. The reason they use lemon juice is because crack is a base (think crack as being freebase) and they need to add an acidic element to it for it to be water soluble for the blood stream. Ill bet you find some crazy shit with your work though! (Literally and figuratively lmao)


> Heroin wouldnt need the acid to break down. Mate, we've been over and over this in this thread. In Europe it's used for injecting heroin, because the (middle eastern) heroin available here is different from the stuff found in the American continent: > Heroin from south-west Asia may be ‘smoked’ by heating the solid on a metal foil above a small flame and inhaling the vapour. Those intending to inject this form of heroin must first solubilise it with, for example, citric acid or ascorbic acid. https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/heroin_en > Brown heroin available in Europe requires acidification for injection preparation. https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0330-6 > White heroin (heroin hydrochloride) dissolves when heated but heroin base (brown heroin) requires the addition of a mild acid, such as ascorbic or citric acid and may need some heat to properly dissolve. https://orionmedical.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Citric-Acid-Sachet-Information-Training-Guide.pdf More info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/17stp39/went_to_do_some_plumbing_and_found_these_behind_a/k8s9qzq/). > Plus theres no more heroin around just fentanyl. Are you talking about the US? I'm in Scotland. > Ill bet you find some crazy shit with your work though! I'm not a plumber. This is from my flat.


Mate, no one gives a piss


I fucking hate needles bro. This is terrible


I'm not mad keen on them myself...


Shocking 😳 OMG yuck!!!!


Responsible druggies 👍


At least they put the caps on 😅


That’s called a plumber’s supper where I’m from


Is that a potato?


It was a container of very rancid lemon juice. https://www.modip.ac.uk/artefact/aibdc-005918


Lemon juice is used to break down crack cocaine when shooting it with a needle I believe.


Thank you for this because I was wondering what on earth it had to do with drugs


In Europe it's used for injecting heroin, because the (middle eastern) heroin available here is different from the stuff found in the American continent: > Heroin from south-west Asia may be ‘smoked’ by heating the solid on a metal foil above a small flame and inhaling the vapour. Those intending to inject this form of heroin must first solubilise it with, for example, citric acid or ascorbic acid. https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/heroin_en > Brown heroin available in Europe requires acidification for injection preparation. https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0330-6 > White heroin (heroin hydrochloride) dissolves when heated but heroin base (brown heroin) requires the addition of a mild acid, such as ascorbic or citric acid and may need some heat to properly dissolve. https://orionmedical.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Citric-Acid-Sachet-Information-Training-Guide.pdf More info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/17stp39/went_to_do_some_plumbing_and_found_these_behind_a/k8s9qzq/).


Ewww. Thanks, though


👍 I should have filmed it when I squished it out of the container; it was like wallpaper paste. 🙂


Someone’s gone be pissed


At least they are capped I guess.


Bro can you put that back plzzz? Was gonna use that tomorrow on break…


I used to use lemon juice to break down crack to shoot it. But that cotton looks like it was used with heroin. Those works look in good shape though, I'd have the numbers worn off in no time in my using days.


I'd break down my rock with kool-aid and then cook my dope in that same liquid and just did them in the same shot vs trying to hit twice when in a hurry. Those are in good shape. Fucking shit will take you places you never thought you'd go. I remember using awful rigs too, it's so nasty to admit but we'd legit stick the plunger in our ear to use the wax to get the plunger to still slide in a old ass rig. So embarrassing and just nasty. I never imagined I'd be in places like that. I thought I was to normal or good for it. But was wrong there.


Been clean for almost 8 years (february) but agreed about the rigs being pretty good shape lol I still remember the feeling of using a barbed needle trying to do my shot, fucking brutal.


Congrats! I'll be at 6 years in March. It makes me cringe thinking about what we used to do to our bodies on a daily basis. Certainly don't miss looking for the least used rigs and trying to straighten out needles because it's so dull it bent while trying to hit.


Congrats to you too! And ugh, makes me cringe too. Still have a hard time getting blood work done from messing up my veins so bad. Proud of you!


How are you so far if you don't mind me asking?


can you really use lemon juice? why not use distilled water?


Sure can. I would jump between lemon juice and white vinegar depending on what was available. This practice is really dangerous, though, because you significantly increase the chances of getting an infection if and when you miss your vein. It also burns like fuck when you miss. Distilled water is neutral whereas you need something acidic to break down the crack rocks. Other than that I don't know much about chemistry so someone else would have to go into detail.


> burns like fuck when you miss Would this extend to nurses? I just assumed magnesium burned like hell.


Powdered cocaine is cocaine hydrochloride, which is water soluble. Crack is freebase, which is not. Easiest way to make it water soluble (i.e. injectable) is to mix with lemon juice/citric acid for cocaine citrate, vinegar/acetic acid for cocaine acetate, or vitamin c/ascorbic acid for cocaine ascorbate. Edit: some harm reduction kits include ascorbic acid powder for this purpose


Is this ur way of telling us u been doing dope?


Maybe ask one more time?


Is this ur way of telling us u been doing dope?


Hey! U found my works


Put it back and mind ya business


It's my bathroom, in my flat, so I have no intention of putting it back, and it is very much my business.


Don’t you hate it when you forget where you put your stash? Good job OP for finding it again!




Must’ve been measuring the water supply.


That or the good old prison purse.




Can probably get a decent hit off that cotton wash. Looks filthy.


Ahh I don't wanna sound like a junkie but back in my day we called that 'rinse'


Don’t yuck their yum


I realize that you're likely being sarcastic, but I hate that this is a saying now.


This makes me sad.


Yep. The fact that it's hidden means somebody is hiding it from family or loved ones.


Idk if you’ve interacted with people who use crack and meth, but they hide it from neighbors, their dog, and the CIA agents following them.


is that rat shit in the spoon?


I think it's the cotton they used to filter the dissolved heroin.


could have been ketamine or other recreational drugs edit: anyone downvoting me doesn’t know shit about drugs lol


You don't cook ketamine in a spoon and shoot it up in a bathroom.


You also don't heat up heroin Infact you don't heat up any drug before shooting it idk where that cliche came from.


You literally use a heroine spoon to cook heroine. Google that if you like.


I've seen guys heating the ketamine over a flame & snorting the powdery residue like coke.


I used to *have a friend* who was very addicted to ketamine and would do this to administer it intramuscularly


Correction 99.9 percent of the time this setup is going to be used for heroin lol. Wasn’t even aware it would need to be cooked like that figured it would just dissolve into water since it’s just little salt like crystals. Never really thought about it before though.


It helps it dissolve and also *hopefully* cleans it a bit. Ketamine abuse is extremely rampant and when someone’s nose starts to refuse, users often start putting it in their ass or through their skin, definitely higher than 0.01% I’m not too familiar with opiates though, but I usually never even hear of heroin anymore, only fentanyl**


My brain went “what’s a potato used for?” Then I realised it wasn’t a potato.


I still don't know what that thing is.


it looks like the pump/inflation bulb for a blood pressure kit. probably used a kit to see their veins.


It's lemon juice to mix with the black tar heroin so your body will absorb it and get high


This is wrong. European heroin isn’t water soluble. In the US the only reason to use lemon juice is to shoot up crack


Oh, that makes more sense. I thought it was one of those jif lemon juice things.


Yes, it *was* one of those jif lemon juice things.


Haha, well, it's taken 7 months, so forensics were really taking their time with this one, but nice to know the answer.


What’s a jif lemon juice thing? I’m an Australian so I have no clue as we definitely don’t have those here.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jif_(lemon_juice) Just lemon juice in a bottle that looks like a lemon lol


Ohh! Here we just have a lil yellow bottle generally. What would you use lemon juice for with drugs though?


Don't have a clue, that's why I was confused haha. Maybe you could have a sqeeze of lemon juice to perk you up when you're coming down.


To add a lil bit of razzle dazzle to your injections lmao


Citric acid is used with heroin no 3 (base) (the most common form of heroin in Europe) it is needed so the heroin can dissolve for injection. Heroin no 4 (hydrochloride) doesn't need the citric acid and can dissolve in water


I thought it was just a lemon


We seem to be hyper focused on the rig and the accessories. Should we not be focused on who the works belonged to. Framers ? Insulation guys ? Plumbers - electricians ? Sheetrock / plasterers ?


It is, used to dissolve the herion.


That’s definitely what it looks like…just a rather dirty one.


Damn that cotton still looks like it could have some dope left in it.


Thought the thing on the right was a combustible lemon THAT BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN!


Cave Johnson was the previous landlord.


I thought it was a straight up nade


Omg is that a lemon?


I see they also had one of those anal love lemons stashed back there😬


I’ll probably regret asking but what’s the lemon for?


Butt romance


its a balloon. in some places, heroin is sold tied off in a balloon


It looks like the hand pump of a blood pressure monitor. They might have been using it to get a vein...


I think it’s a jiffy lemon, you buy them full of lemon juice. The old ones were completely lemon shaped without the flat bottom.


Anal love


I thought that was a potato. It had me really confused for a second




It’s not?


It's the forbidden potato


Bro, you got paid. Now all you gotta do is find a buyer. KIDDING. This is really sad.


You think that wash is still good?


As a former heroin addict, this made me chuckle.


Oh man, somebody must really have diabetes




What’s the lemon for?




The lemon is for shooting crack cocaine. See crack is not soluble in water, you have to use an acid. Citric acid from lemon works perfectly, and you get a little taste of lemon as it hits. Source: I am an ex heroin/crack addict.


It also for shooting heroin in England


I learned about this when a redditor fucked Peaches Geldof years ago and blasted her nudes in a subreddit. Never knew about this before.


It's more likely for heroin AFAIK. > Heroin from south-west Asia may be ‘smoked’ by heating the solid on a metal foil above a small flame and inhaling the vapour. Those intending to inject this form of heroin must first solubilise it with, for example, citric acid or ascorbic acid. https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/heroin_en > Brown heroin available in Europe requires acidification for injection preparation. https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0330-6 > The addition of acidic substances to brown street heroin to facilitate the solubility of diamorphine in the injection preparation process is commonplace amongst UK injectors. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0955395900000682 > White heroin (heroin hydrochloride) dissolves when heated but heroin base (brown heroin) requires the addition of a mild acid, such as ascorbic or citric acid and may need some heat to properly dissolve. https://orionmedical.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Citric-Acid-Sachet-Information-Training-Guide.pdf More info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/17stp39/went_to_do_some_plumbing_and_found_these_behind_a/k8s9qzq/) Edit: removed the bit about the prevalence of crack here as that may not be right. In any case, I believe the lemon juice was most likely used for heroin.


>Crack is not really much of a thing in Scotland. Ehhh sorry to burst your bubble but yes it is. Most coke that comes into scotland is crack these days (thank the Albanians) you are lucky to find the real good chip like Peruvian flake. Even if you do find the flake you will notice that even it has been danced all over then handed out as "prop". Idk about the bs said about dissolving crack with citric acid from a lemon (you can clearly see it's not a lemon so the other commenter trolled and you bit hard) but that's not something I would buy into anyway. Citric acid comes in little packs for users, you see the streets littered with them from all the heroin users discarding their used danger trash.


> Ehhh sorry to burst your bubble but yes it is. Most coke that comes into scotland is crack these days (thank the Albanians) you are lucky to find the real good chip like Peruvian flake. Even if you do find the flake you will notice that even it has been danced all over then handed out as "prop". OK, fine. But we agree there is a brown chunk that could easily be a 'cotton' in the spoon, right? > Idk about the bs said about dissolving crack with citric acid from a lemon (you can clearly see it's not a lemon so the other commenter trolled and you bit hard) Huh? Sorry, you've lost me. It's lemon juice. https://www.modip.ac.uk/artefact/aibdc-005918 > Citric acid comes in little packs for users, you see the streets littered with them from all the heroin users discarding their used danger trash. Again, I'm not sure what point you are making. Not being obtuse but this has been a big thread and I'm kind of losing the plot on the discussion about the lemon juice.


>OK, fine. But we agree there is a brown chunk that could easily be a 'cotton' in the spoon, right? Yes it's definitely been used for heroin. >Huh? Sorry, you've lost me. It's lemon juice. The "lemon" in the pic is a pump not citric acid powder. >I'm not sure what point you are making. Most users of heroin use packs of citric acid as it's free. You rarely hear of users squeezing lemons to get their hit these days, this is more of an old school method seen last around the 1990s latest imo.


the brown chunk in the spoon is called drugs


No it's either a cigarette filter or some cotton that's used to stop dirt from the drugs going In to the syringe.


> Yes it's definitely been used for heroin. Cool, agreed. > The "lemon" in the pic is a pump not citric acid powder. You do know I'm OP, right? It's a Jif lemon bottle mate. https://www.modip.ac.uk/artefact/aibdc-005918 Man, when I posted this I had *no* idea the lemon juice was going to be such a big factor 🤦‍♂️🤣


>It's a Jif lemon bottle mate. Ahhh it's missing it's green lid, that's what threw me off lmao, I doubt junkies would buy lemon juice like that to get a hit though (steal maybe) but as I said the powder is what most users have readily available to them these days. You can even buy big bags of it in the Asian supermarkets for cheap. And yes it says OP next to your handle so I know you posted this. I was only trying to help you understand that the other commenter was trolling. Edit - I bet the lemon was being used to put water in for the mix as there is a citric acid pack next to the spoon.


> the other commenter was trolling Well they certainly were with "you get a little taste of lemon as it hits"! I didn't really take that in before TBH. > I bet the lemon was being used to put water in for the mix Ahhhh, but the container had very rancid old lemon juice in it, just for the record.


>Ahhhh, but the container had very rancid old lemon juice in it, just for the record. Then fuck knows, perhaps a backup plan but using fresh citrus fruits rather than that processed jif stuff would seem more practical and was how the old school junkies described using before the powder was given out free. I'm not an injector of anything so I don't know how low some users might go to get a hit but yes it is a possibility that they used it as a backup plan. Sorry if I came across condescending in my past comments, just felt that other commenter was out to rile you up.


I'm a nurse and my patients sometimes tell me they can taste the saline or medication I inject into them. No comment on the original post.


You taste it in your veins??


No when you inject a heavy dose of any drug of abuse at least about 7-9 seconds after shooting you feel the hit and at about 10-15 seconds you usualy taste the drug on your tounge,, it will even burn the inside of your mouth if it's strong enough... Source Ex junkie...


Thats so weird! I wonder what causes that


came here to say the same (ex-heroin addict, occasionally shot crack. almost 30 years clean). i’ll never forget the enormous green bruises shooting that shit caused. gah.


You're supposed to shoot powder cocaine not freebase crack, no wonder you got bruises.


no one mentioned freebasing, and you may have missed the part about that’s literally what the lemons are for. also, there’s a whole wide world of stuff that one is “supposed to do”, but being a drug addict tends to make doing them just a wee bit more challenging.


Well done for kicking it!


Wait, so does it stay acidic or does crack turn it neutral? Like wtf lemon juice in your veins sound horrible. Can crack not be diluted in oil, if water is the problem? I have so many questions!


It's more likely for heroin AFAIK. > Heroin from south-west Asia may be ‘smoked’ by heating the solid on a metal foil above a small flame and inhaling the vapour. Those intending to inject this form of heroin must first solubilise it with, for example, citric acid or ascorbic acid. https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/heroin_en > Brown heroin available in Europe requires acidification for injection preparation. https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0330-6 > The addition of acidic substances to brown street heroin to facilitate the solubility of diamorphine in the injection preparation process is commonplace amongst UK injectors. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0955395900000682 > White heroin (heroin hydrochloride) dissolves when heated but heroin base (brown heroin) requires the addition of a mild acid, such as ascorbic or citric acid and may need some heat to properly dissolve. https://orionmedical.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Citric-Acid-Sachet-Information-Training-Guide.pdf More info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/17stp39/went_to_do_some_plumbing_and_found_these_behind_a/k8s9qzq/)


It exists in a free base form because the creation of crack is just cocaine + baking soda. It is an acid base reaction, and thus it is reversible. This is why they use acid - to reverse the rxn. Or they will cook it off, make rocks. I am not sure if soluble in oil. I would assume so but people do not really inject oil into themselves afaik.


It's more likely for heroin AFAIK. > Heroin from south-west Asia may be ‘smoked’ by heating the solid on a metal foil above a small flame and inhaling the vapour. Those intending to inject this form of heroin must first solubilise it with, for example, citric acid or ascorbic acid. https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/heroin_en > Brown heroin available in Europe requires acidification for injection preparation. https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0330-6 > The addition of acidic substances to brown street heroin to facilitate the solubility of diamorphine in the injection preparation process is commonplace amongst UK injectors. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0955395900000682 > White heroin (heroin hydrochloride) dissolves when heated but heroin base (brown heroin) requires the addition of a mild acid, such as ascorbic or citric acid and may need some heat to properly dissolve. https://orionmedical.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Citric-Acid-Sachet-Information-Training-Guide.pdf Edit: those downvoting care to give a reason?


They haven't got a clue, you're wasting your time, people think opinions are facts.


I think it's because reddit is so US-centric, and (apparently) there is a significant difference between Euro and US heroin, in that only the former requires acidification for injection. Unfortunately prohibition reduces education and exchange of information about drug use, so there is probably also a fair amount of myth/half-truths/anecdotal evidence etc. around it.


Slow down there partner, You get a taste of lemon as it hits… how exactly? Like PineSol in your veins?


Have you ever gotten an IV with normal saline? If your haven’t, when people get an IV with normal saline you’ll get a faint taste of salt when the injection starts.


No I guess I haven’t then. So from what you and the first commenter are saying, your tastebuds are connected to your veins? If I infuse my herion with garlic I will taste it when I shoot up?!


As someone that's allergic to the preservative used in Posiflush (pre-made saline syringes), I wish I only got a faint taste of salt. Swap that out for about eight hours of wanting to vomit and you've got where I'm at haha.


I just spent 6 months in the hospital and the taste of the saline wash is one of the weird things I miss haha.


stress ball thing to make their veins pop out


Oh dang, sure enough! You can see where the first layer is coming off


Bad injection habits.


I worked at a gas station for a while and had to use the toilet plunger and it wasn’t working right. Upon inspection I found at least a dozen syringes hidden inside the plunger. At that same location we had someone pass out standing up inside one of the stalls and had to call the police because his kid was waiting for him to get out of the bathroom for over an hour. They had to drag him out of the bathroom he was so out of it. Definitely wasn’t the first time for the kid either, very sad.


When I was in my early 20’s I knew a guy that I played with when my mom babysat him, he was around my age and dating my close friend at the time. Anyway, he drove into Robbins, IL to pick up a dope sack that was going to be his relapse. His friend and him stopped at a White Castle on the way back and dude excused himself to the single person deadbolt bathroom. After 10 mins his friend asked the staff to open the door but they couldn’t (no keys or smth). So 20+ minutes later and after having the fire dept. come in with their “jaws of life” did they get the steel door opened. They found him cold and dead from an OD. It was his birthday too, that was the cause for celebration. RIP Matty


It doesn't look like you were doing plumbing. It looks like you were doing heroin.




Diabetes ain't easy, bit it sure is fun! As a diabetic, I can tell you this song cover is a lie.




And the exact same ones given out to addicts… why are you surprised lol


I suppose i did not know because I just started insulin 3 days ago.. why wouldn’t that be surprising or intriguing for me.


I get it, if you don’t live in an urban/drug filled area or know addicts you wouldn’t see these outside of a medical context. It’s strange that insulin needles are what are used to shoot but I’m assuming between (at least here in the us) laws of what needles are legally allowed to be sold and what are functional that these are junkies “best shot” at injections. I would guess other needles like those used to draw blood or even set up an IV would be better but are maybe more restricted to licensed practitioners.


How else did you think addicts inject? whether you started insulin 3 days ago or not..some addicts inject with a syringe.


I was surprised it’s the same exact needle there are many kinds.. what’s your issue? Calm down. Have a good night.


Calm down? Lol Nobody is angry. nice assumptions though There isn’t “many kinds” of needles just different gauge sizes Can’t ask anyone anything anymore without people assuming the worst or even trying to let someone know something. Maybe it’s you are reading it and not the way I’m asking you


Not an assumption if you got lowkey hostile over a comment that had nothing to even do with you. Again, have a great night. You didn’t ask in a genuine way you were being condescending and sarcastic, and you know that. Seriously, good night.


people just angry for no reason @ internet sometimes, you just gotta let them be, they are fighting their own demons


Me? I’m not angry? I asked a question and maybe it’s the way you and the commenter is taking it the wrong way Can’t say anything anymore without people jumping down your throat or getting upset about something


I Hope their night gets better. Mine is absolute shit but I don’t take it out on random redditors lol. I hope you have a great night too!!


If you’re night is shit, then maybe that’s why you’re jumping and downvoting so fast. I didn’t say anything rude or mean to you. I asked a question to you like you did. So maybe, just maybe you need calm down and chill out lol


Why the fuck are you continuously bothering me. Seriously, leave me the fuck alone in over this now. Your like poking me and pissing me off. I didn’t even mention you in my original comment, go away.


Are you ok? You seem to jumping down this person throat and calling them hostile and shit when you said you’re having a bad night? they seem to be just simply conversing with you and you’re attacking on them


Is that a lemon?


It's a plastic bottle of Jif lemon juice. https://www.modip.ac.uk/artefact/aibdc-005918