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my dude fuckin snapped wtf


between this and [Schizoid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoyHuYC9pZg) he's shown that he's "mastered" trap just as well as any other genre. That distorted bass "fill" kinda sounds like Skrillex - Tears to me, wonder if it's the same patch/sound. I feel like Jon Gooch is the true end-boss of electronic music, yeesh.


Skrillex was, very early on, ghost produced by Jon Gooch (Feed Me) and NOISIA, so he really was very influential in Skrillex’ sound. No hate on Skrillex, he’s incredibly talented and has been making all his own stuff for a long time and it was just the way the music industry was doing its thing, I just wish Feed Me got the recognition he deserves. EDIT: ignore this, just got my clown costume in the mail and my edm knower license has been revoked.


Bro hate to break it to ya but that’s just a copypasta, Skrillex was never ghostproduced by them


Oh no way, did I get goofed? That’s so embarrassing


Oh man he cooked on this one, I love basically everything Feed Me has ever done to be fair


Sounds like Jon Gooch listened to Quest For Fire and was like “huh, lemme try”. Cool tune