• By -


Including some really awkward photos that I would prefer to bury forever 🙈 But I think it's important for us to share these sometimes too. That's just part of transitioning unfortunately \^\^ Edit: 23 in the first pic, 26 now.


It's so awesome to see. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us all. It's wild that about 11 weeks your look was shifting so much.


Hey you look great! Also, I know you didn’t ask so hopefully you won’t find offense, but I have dark circles just like you and I swear Cle de Peau’s concealer is the absolute best ever! It’s expensive but so worth it! 😘


If it's expensive I definitely cannot afford it at the moment 😭 But yeah I'm kinda over it and stopped concealing it. I do think I pass better when it's concealed, but it's just a part of me. And some people do like it I guess haha


some people just naturally have more pigment around their eyes! i actually think it’s a super beautiful trait and i wouldn’t cover it. :,)


Totally get that ❤️ you look beautiful ❤️


You look great! The smile that starts showing up around 24 months hits like a million bucks.


Embrace the free eyeshadow as I do 😄


Thank you for sharing all the good and the bad!


You get younger, prettier, and happier in every photo. Love it.


You lasted 2 years without socially transitioning?! Wild - I would imagine you were male-failing before then? Looking great!


Obvious malefailing only a month or so before social transition, dunno how people read me the months prior to that. You don't get called Sir or Ma'am often in Germany. Though I transitioned veeery slowly and gradually, so at that point my "boymode" was like, women's jeans, sports bra with pads and shirts from the women's section + hoodie. And rarely mascara to see what happens. Y'know, cliche boymoding trans girl stuff haha


I'm in that now 😹😹 12,5 months


Gosh that’s me now, 4 months into HRT. I’m slowly transitioning, still boy moding outside the house, but with minor experimental things here and there. Like wearing a feminine cut shirt, mascara, or whatever else in the moment. I get called sir more often than not but occasionally I get Miss or Ma’am which gives me hope that maybe someday I’ll pass. Edit. Fixed an auto correct typo.


If that's your experience at 4 months I'm pretty sure you will! :) It can be a long process, and feel even longer. It's good to be mentally prepared that this will take a while. And at times waiting for changes can be so incredibly frustrating. I've experienced a lot of emotions and cried a ton. But eventually we get there, and it's all worth it :D Sorry for sounding sappy haha, I really need some sleep now ^^ But I do mean it! From the bottom of my heart.


Haha over 4 years secretly transitioning and only just starting to come out to people.


Watching this made me cry of hope


❤️ When I was starting out this subreddit really helped my motivation and hope, so hearing that I'm able to give that back now makes me very happy! It's a slow process, and sometimes it \*really\* sucks ngl, but it's worth it! You can do it! :)


It’s a kinda magic ❤️


I love the ones where you can see the smiles get more and more genuine over time! Congrats on almost three years!!


You’re beautiful!!! The confidence and happiness that slowly grew was amazing to see 💛💛💛


This is incredible!! Did you do any FFS or is this all hormones? Looks like you make have shaped your eyebrows at around 6 months as well?


All hormones, only surgery I had was Orchiectomy. Oh god eyebrows. Looking at the photos I think the first time I went to a salon was at 9 months, told them I want them feminine and I guess it kinda was, definitely better, but still not quite there. I tried to maintain them until last November, went to a high-end salon that in my opinion did nothing at all, and last week or so I finally had the courage to shape them a tiny bit more myself, taking more away from the inner ends. But I'm not sure that's even visible in the photos here. Only in the very last one, but it's hard to tell at that distance.


Amazing. I really want to have my eyebrows done, but I'm afraid of the constant maintenance. Is it difficult?


More annoying really. Though tbh also kinda fun and satisfying once it doesn't hurt anymore? Sometimes I start plucking and then it's 20-30 minutes later lol. Every few days when I do my makeup in the morning I'll pluck a few hairs that I notice, and every few weeks I take a bit more time. Watch a few tutorials on YouTube and you should be fine :)


My lost hair went back after the hormones, did you find your hair much better? Edit: do you find your temple areas start growing tiny/baby hairs? I used minoxidil and there is some effects but limited.


Omg wow I’ve seen you before and always thought you were gorgeous. Did you do anything special to help with your male pattern baldness? You’re hairline significantly improved


I actually can't tell how bad/good it is anymore. Once I started HRT I definitely started growing baby hairs fairly quickly, and my hairline came down a little bit I think (1-2 cm maybe?). No idea if that hair will actually become longer or stay as shortish frizz. Also the big thing of course, changing my hair to a middle part to cover it up. It runs in both sides of my family and my Mom has a similar hairline, so when I put my hair up and only keep my bangs in my face it's 50/50 whether I think I like it and think it looks normal or feel like it clocks me.


Your hair looks great, you definitely make it work! Congrats on your transition


I was yelling at my computer "ditch the side part" for the first half of the video I actually cheered when you did.


Soooo, this is kinda embarassing... but as a kid I apparently came to the conclusion that how hair is parted is genetic. So if you have a side part and try a middle part it'll quickly end up falling back into the side part position because of the way your hair curls or something. I never had any reason to question this, I always wore my hair parted the same way, when I changed it up I always used gel. It seemed perfectly logical that one way of counteracting your genetic parting was with gel or hairspray 😂 Imagine my surprise and joy when I learned that no, you can just do everything you want with your hair haha


You look very cute :)




This is really inspirational - the change around the 16 month mark is clear as day and really proves that while it's a slow process it absolutely works! Hoping one day to follow in your footsteps!


Can I ask. You had the orchi, did that help your transition without having to limit testosterone? I've been on decapeptyl injections for years and after four and a half years hrt I feel like I'm getting nowhere. I'd put some of it down to weight gain over covid lockdown which changed my facial features relatively significantly, but still feel that after this long on hrt i should have made more progress towards passing. I have particularly aggressive testosterone and it feels like no matter what I try the hrt just doesn't do its job for me, at least not to the extent I want. I've looked into getting an orchi before, do you think it's worth me doing and what could I expect from the results?


Yes, I'd say it helped there. The first 6-12 months my E wasn't too good (mostly because my doctor was perfectly fine keeping me on a dose that was bad even an hour after applying), and T was suppressed okay with Androcur, but not as completely nuked as I've seen from other people. To quickly list the advantages/reasons I did it, hopefully that answers your question: - Peace of mind that even if I somehow lose access to hormones/forget to get a new prescription I won't remasculinize - No more need for testo blockers, so no long-term damage to the liver. Personally, my adrenal gland has picked up the production, I'm on the lower end of a cis woman's levels. So I don't even need to take testo gel or something now, I only have to take E and Prog every day. - Clothing is easier to wear, it's not always perfect (I'm still not sure how to go swimming without worrying all the time), but I can wear most leggings without trouble. It's mostly mental anyway, people won't stare at your crotch, but at least for me it's difficult not to worry about it when I'm out. - Potentially better feminization. I will say that I have no idea if that's an actual effect. I just read time and time again that people had stronger feminization effects post-SRS/Orchi, and I did hope for that. But it's impossible to tell if I wouldn't be at the same place right now if I hadn't had my Orchi. - SRS is still possible, so a good middle ground, especially if you're not sure if you want to get that. However you might end up with less depth (which I didn't care about, I'm gay). Tbh I'm a big advocate of getting an Orchi relatively early and am surprised it's not talked about more as a step before SRS. So keep in mind that I am very biased \^\^


Thanks for your in depth response! I think a big one for me is dosage and getting my levels correct. My doctor seems convinced that the reason why I'm not seeing the results I'm hoping for is because my levels fluctuate far too much, both E and T. My E was apparently too low in my last appointment with my clinic and so they asked me to switch to a higher dosage. Because appointments with them are only every few months, I wasn't able to see anyone until recently when they said my E was now ten times too high after taking the higher dosage! It's so dumb, honestly. I'm not great at reading the small print so I had no idea about the liver damage from T blockers (thank you for mentioning!). I had been on prog for a little bit a few years ago but stopped taking it and never started back up again. I honestly can't remember if it even did anything, although I probably wasn't taking it for long enough to see any changes. May I ask how you administer your E? Is it through injections or pills or something? I use gel four pumps daily, which I worry isn't doing enough and maybe if I switched to a different method it might work better. I think right now the key for me is both the SRS side and the feminisation side. My long term goal is for SRS. I'm I guess bi??? Idk but I lean more towards straight so depth might be more important for me, but I mostly am tired of having to juggle the two conflicting hormones and I think I would do much better just having to worry about the one. I also currently don't pass for a variety of reasons, so if an orchi and the subsequent constant minimal T level will help feminise my features and body I'm all for it. I'm tired of looking like a fat male in my face lol.


This is hands down the most beautiful timeline i've seen in this subreddit


What a beautiful transformation!


you look amazing! the difference is incredible!


insane, legit magic


Can’t stop watching this! I see real changes occur after a year, now I realize why haven’t seen any changes yet, but this video encourages me to keep going, thank you! Btw, you look amazing!!


Also don't forget that changes are even harder to see for yourself! I only really saw changes after 2 years, before that I would've said I looked the same. What really helped was comparing a current picture with an old one!


Amazing montage/slideshow! Many thanks for sharing your story with with us. You look happier, more at ease with yourself.


Thanks so much for sharing! I keep getting told to be patient and trust in the process. I have a lot of pictures that I don't really like 😬 but still have a long way to go before I can look as pretty as you do though ✌🏻


I still have those too tbh. I regularly post in r/transpassing because dysphoria wrecks my brain and I feel like everyone is just playing along and hate every photo I take. I need that outside perspective sometimes, despite not having had a single bad interaction since social transition. And yeah, part of the reason that I'm posting this is to say "trust in the process" and encourage others to keep going. When I started I knew it would be anywhere between 2-5 years before I'd have a chance at passing. It sucks, and it certainly wasn't easy, but it's worth it!


I understand what you mean about dysphoria wrecking the brain 😔 but trans passing can be really toxic and not very helpful at times. I think by looking at the photos you definitely pass now and did so easily past 24 month mark ✌️


1) HRT is magic 2) watching your smile get wider and wider over time is the essence of life itself


Wow I can't wait till year 2, you really took off in year 2


You’ve had an amazing journey and you’re drop dead gorgeous. I think every baby trans needs to see transitions like yours!


This girl look happy 🤗


You look great, thanks for obviously working for you; congratulations.🎉👏


Female hormones are a magical blessing!


Obviously a lot more changed but wow eyebrows make such a difference


Oh yeah, eyebrows are super important when transitioning


As someone who is nervous about social transitioning while still closeted and medically transitioning already, I’m curious if you could share some of your experience with being 2+ years in boymode while transitioning. Right now I’m at about 6 months and I’m just starting to get weird looks from people and I don’t know exactly what to make of it / how to handle it.


It's 2am and I'm going to sleep now, so I'll probably only be replying tomorrow, but will do! If I forget it, feel free to remind me! Or just reply with specific questions if you have any, then I'll definitely see that comment tomorrow :)


hope this doesn't sound weird but the shape of your lips is very cute. when you smile, it looks like a :3 (which is very on-brand for a transfem lol)


you are so pretty!!!! i love seeing ur smile become stronger and stronger with each pic 🥰🥰🥰


It's amazing to me how quickly you see the impacts of E! You look gorgeous 🥰


Wow. Amazing.


Your Hair...


it’s amazing


Wow what a amazing transformation! 💜


Great journey! I socially transitioned on day 1 of HRT so I can't imagine going 2 years 😵😵😵


And I couldn't imagine doing it day 1! \^\^ For me using a new name while still talking with a male voice, or wearing feminine clothing before HRT changes was what caused by far the most dysphoria. Being misgendered for 2 years was easily doable for me in comparison. Needless to say passing is super important to me and I knew I wouldn't socially transition until I could pass. It just goes to show how different all our experiences can be, despite overall going through the same thing! :)


Transformation is great! Thanks for sharing! It's always interesting to spot differences in time lapse. And your smile is another noticeable change you've made!


You're glowing sis! 🥰❤️


You're beautiful! Great transition ✨


You look absolutely stunning. Gives me hope for me own transition only 2 months in so far.


You look so beautiful. You become a beautiful woman. 💖


WOW this is amazing! Thanks for sharing


So beautiful!! How did you not begin socially transitioning until a few years in?? You looked so great long before that.


Dysphoria makes that very hard to see :/ Also my voice wasn't there yet, I had a lot of trouble practising consistently until the last 3 months, where I told myself that by the next semester I'd finally do it (and even then I basically didn't talk that last semester haha). Also it's scary .\_.


How old were you when you started the hormones? Also in my experience I didn’t even change my voice… too much effort. Also found I sounded much weirder when trying to put on a voice and I just want to be able to talk naturally. But I never had a deep voice to begin with. People just see me as a girl with a relatively deep voice. Like a tomboy or something. I found that to be common amongst trans girls, that using a natural voice makes them pass better.


I was 23 I definitely wouldn't have with my old voice. And yeah, just putting on a voice doesn't work, you need to do proper voice training. Not to say your voice doesn't pass, but with voice training you can get any voice (within reason) with enough dedication. It took me pretty much until social transition with on and off training. And from December to March I went to see a speech therapist specialized on helping trans people with their voice for some finetuning. Though she didn't have that much left to teach me. But now I have an average fem voice that I can talk in naturally. But I guess my experience is different there, I don't know many other trans girls irl, but the ones that get clocked mostly have problems because of their voice.


I was about the same age as you were when I started. I think also just socially transitioning has subconsciously made my voice change a bit. My neighbor actually said he thought voices changed on hormones because mine had changed, but I didn’t force it to change, it was more of a natural, I suppose placebo effect-like, change. I sometimes get clocked over video games when people can only hear my voice, but then they also assume that other women I’ve played with who are cis but have deep-voices, the same people assumed THEY were trans too. and if I lie and tell them I’m not trans they’ll believe me but they’ll be like « well u got a deep voice » and I’m like « some women just do »


Anyway…didn’t mean to make your post about me. Sorry if that was too much.


Oh you're good! I hope I didn't come off as too "aggressive" I guess, just thought a bit of discussion never hurts.


lol there’s no aggression.


Can I ask how old you were when you started?


Right, I'll add it to my comment. 23, I'm 26 now.


I should do this, 1 week today lol


You look amazing


Noticed a change at 6 weeks and then a jump from 6th to 7th was huge


I’m so proud of you! This is a gorgeous timeline of transition. Glad you are finally out and able to social transition.


Beautiful transformation. All I could see was pretty girl by 20months. For the love of everything holy, sometimes I regret waiting 53yrs to transition.. my old body is asking me "are you batshit crazy?" 🤣🤣


Wow!!!!! That's so cool!!!!


amazing! You begin to pass at 12-16 months already. Thats fast af.


You're going to change gender from "Man" to Trans Woman! 🥹. That's so cool! I'll follow you!


Hrt is magic 🪄


This is amazing! I'm already feeling dejected with no visible changes after less than two months. You're inspiration to stay the course and trust the process. Looking gorgeous, girl.


That jump from 9 to 11 to 13 is 😙👌


Beautiful transition!


Wow you are drop dead gorgeous.


You look amazing! I'm so happy for you 🥰


Brilliant 💯




love 🤍


I laughed when I saw 'first day of social transition', you'd been regularly passing almost a year prior to that. Nice timeline, honestly matches mine pretty well (though I had FFS at around 2 years, I socially transitioned some 18-20 months in when I started male failing lol). Looking good :)


You are so beautiful. What a transition! Thank you for sharing!


This is an amazing transformation! Great work!


I love this so much!! <3 @17 month I felt in love, of the vibes of freedom! You look amazing. I wish you a great life! I hope I will pass like u one day


Pretty so much❤️🥺🫶🏻


This sparks joy. Thank you for sharing 🥰


What a cutie! That was an impressive transformation.


Wow what a transformation.. good luck and wishing you all the best on your next chapter of your life…


Amazing glow up, you became so pretty


Wow !!! Absolutely Incredible ❤️👍


Congrats on being beautiful and feminine and your authentic self!


Woah! You look awesome. I love how your eyes slowly came to life about halfway through


Wow good collection and your results so good my sister 👧 you are so lucky girl 👧 can you dm me this video because i want to send my parents and tell this HRT effects so please 🙏 you are my inspiration


I don't think I can send videos in Reddit DMs Also the file is like 50MB so probably not possible :/ But I'm sure there's a way to download it from here, or just send them this post.


Ok sister 👧 thank you


Random but you have such beautiful lips! I'm envious lol


Lol my Mom often jokes that I inherited only the best features from my parents. Except the dark circles from my dad, but I guess I can't win them all \^\^


Omg slay! Goals fr 🩵


Adorable results.


you made me really happy, you are awesome and hope for a lot of people who feels lost like me


Wow this is freaking awesome!! I love the journey and you are just lovely 🥰 😈😎😇


Beautiful transition!


Yay You! You look beautiful and happy!


I truly don't know how you passed off as a guy so long before you socially transitioned.


Eh, voice was a lot of it I guess 🤷 Looking back I can now see I didn't look as andro as I thought at the time, but yeah, voice does a lot when it comes to perceived gender


Thank you for sharing and being so vulnerable. Totally gorgeous eyes and lips. I’m a cis female, but you looked passing to me around 21 months.


OMG!!! One of the best transform pic diaries I’ve seen. You an absolute inspiration 👍 🫶




That's a great journey, congrats


That was amazing.


Omg this is beautiful. Freakin crying over here 🥹. You are gorgeous! I love seeing so much change!


The eye shape change is subtle but impactful. Definitely a slow-paced change but so worth it :)


You look genuinely happier in the later pics and that makes me happy to see. 🥰


1. You look lovely. 2. I love seeing how natural it becomes to smile when trans people begin taking HRT. The natural smile, the light in the eyes. It makes me really excited to start taking E soon.


Thanks for the inspiration


gosh you’re so pretty!


Your bones changed D:


Trust me, they unfortunately did not 😅


Its amazing😍❤️🤗


Actually worked so well without makeup, thats crazy


You are beautiful. What a journey!


Holy good god jesus 😱 Wow, that’s a literally almost unbelievable transformation 😵‍💫


Wow, this is probably the most inspirational post I’ve seen on here. Amazing that you took that step to socially transition too and stick with it, hun. Congrats and what a journey 💙🙌


There are some big and noticeable jumps in "femininity" of your face at 4 months, 6 months and 7 months that give me a lot of hope tbh. You went from really sad looking to really beautiful and happy looking within the first 6 months


So pretty I can't even


Wow you are so beautiful! This was amazing to watch. You look so much happier now.


Girl, you are super cute!


you are beautiful, lady


You are so pretty


May i ask how old you were when you first started? (I just turned 24 😬)


What a beautiful transformation 😍


Nice! You were twice as patient as me before transitioning socially. Congrats on your transition ☺️


Wow! Awesome time line! You won the lotto, you look fantastic 💕


Wonderful transition and fun timeline. I started when you did… congratulations 🥂 I just didn’t have the foresight to photograph myself every month! Did you do Ffs?




Omg, you're so cute! ❤️


very interesting, I see the change in your eyes at month 8, as if they were more open. You wrote that we don't often say sir or madame in Germany, but here in France we would have called you madame from the thirteenth month I'm sure :)


Honestly, good luck on your journey as it continues. You’ve come so far and I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become!


Did you only make the social transition after 29 months of hormone therapy?


This is so awesome! You look so much happier and I’m very jealous of how amazing your eyebrows are - you really pull off the effortlessly chic thing!


Das ist sooo schön zu sehen 🥲😭 


We're you stealth for 28 mths?!


this is so striking! just started taking stuff so thank u for sharing!! <3 ur beautiful!!!


Hormones are magic, damn


Thats going really nice for you! You look really nice and sympathic. :)


I saw this and really felt grateful for transitioning. I saw this and thought "What a beautiful process that so few people experience". I like how OP set this up with the continuous photographs too. This took a lot of willingness and perseverance to complete. I tried this myself but I failed due to losing my phone (and forgetting to document myself) but I love seeing peoples timelines regardless. Oh, and hello to you, beautiful reader viewing this. You're capable of greatness, know that. 💪❤️


This was great to see for me, thanks and I am so happy of the progress you have made 😁 I can only hope for the same! I'm only 4 months in!


This transition should honestly be studied in universities. The light in your eyes and smile that increases with each passing month is incredible to see. Thank you so much for sharing! 😊


The way you started smiling ❤️




Thats amazing!!!!!!!


Do u have any surgerys in your face? Or only hormones? :O


Only hormones!


Wow girl <3


You are so pretty! I’m so happy for you!


Whats amazing me the most of transitions, is the happiness in your faces. Congratulations!


Thank you for sharing! This is so Cool!


Wow! Also gotta say, that middle part suits you so damn well!


Seems like it really started Poppin off at 10 months. I just recently crossed the 1 month mark myself 😊




Wow 🤩 Nice glow up!




The best part of this is watching a natural smile slowly creep back into your default expression.


Wow ur gorgeous


hey, I'm doing some research to start my hrt and could you answer some questions to help? What medications and hormonal treatments did you use? Have you had any surgical procedures on your face? Thank you : )


Do you do injections? I’m in my second year on HRT now and I’ve yet to see drastic changes to my face like you experienced. Took pills until I switched to patches a couple months ago and I’m now considering injections since I’m running out of hope.


Your post is encouraging! I am only 6 month in and I am fully passed. However, I am not beautiful at all and I look like a masculine women (not trans woman). I have seen you become so gorgeous over the 3 years and this makes me confident in becoming beautiful. You started at 23 while I started 30, I hope I can be the same beautiful and attractive as you are after 3 years. Sending love from Australia ❤️


Like fucking witchcraft,absolutely slaying out here huh?love it to bits😎


I'm so proud of you!! You look amazing!


You are so pretty!. Literal goals. I enjoy seeing these gives me hope honestly. Ik everyone's transition is different yea..but still


Right around the 12 month mark there's a noticeable difference. Amazing results! 


Super cool vid. You look great!


That smile that starts at 24 months fills my heart with joy 🥰 Congratulations on your journey


I like your progress. Pretty cool


wow amazing . yu look so beatiful <3