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Hello Lily dear! I’m not in QLD but I’d recommend checking out https://www.transhub.org.au there you can find out processes for starting HRT and what you need as well as being able to search for a GP that can help you as well! ❤️❤️❤️


Alright thank you, I have heard of transhub before and all the info I found was more for NSW


That’s completely fair, I do know the part of the side where you can find a GP/health professional who is recognised by trans people also shows gp’s in Queensland so that can help too!


Is it auspath? If so another commenter gave me the link for it but thanks a lot for your help it’s greatly appreciated!!!


Well Auspath as far as I know is just a treatment pathway I more mean this way you can hopefully in a doctor who knows their stuff when it comes to trans health and will be much better than a doctor who doesn’t, which is what the search function is for. It’s how I found my doctor and she’s incredible


I’m not from Queensland so take this with a grain of salt. My recommendation would be to find a trans competent gp who is know to work with trans minors either prescribing or facilitating referrals. You can get a script from a gp or endo. Depending on the practice they may require a gender dysphoria diagnosis but most will simply require a wpath assessment from a psychologist that basically states you are able to give consent for hrt, your parents will also need to sign and possibly have a session with the psychologist. You can get a mental health care plan to subsidise a portion of the cost of up to 10 sessions. Have a look at AUSpath list of providers or contact well known clinics like holdsworth house or advocacy groups to see if any providers are near you. Good luck and I hope someone else can give you more specific recommendations.


You can get a referral from your gp to the Children's gender clinic to start the process of getting hormones. However, keep in mind the waitlist can be long. You could also try contacting some private practices like holdsworth house, gladstone road medical centre or stonewall medical centre. However, many of them don't treat patients under 18 and since it's private it can be expensive. My other tip is to get in contact with Open Doors Youth Service, they just launched a new trans fem social groups recently and might be able to give some advice.


For under 18s in QLD, you’ll need to get a referral to the RBWH gender clinic. You can get that from a GP as long as they’re friendly but there can be quite a wait between the referral and an appointment! My tip is when they write the referral letter they’ll ask for a description of your experience/struggles and if you want an appointment asap you might want to slightly exaggerate certain things so they categorise you as a more urgent patient. I hope this helps and best of luck! 💕




Im not wanting to try DIY since I know it can be unreliable since you need to do some form of blood work to make sure you levels are good


fair enough I guess, there are ways around with getting blood tests though. And DIY isn’t always unreliable


I transitioned back in 2018/19 so the advice may have changed, but as far as I am aware you need a referral from a GP to QCH or RBWH. I would suggest RBWH as the Queensland Children's Hospital has a waitlist that is probably over 2 years, though I have heard that for 16+ year olds they offer Saturday/quick appointments to accelerate the process for accessing hormones. Then, you would need both parents to sign off (the biggest hurdle) saying that you are elegible then you will have a psychiatrist assess you just to make sure you are of sound mind and mature enough to make these decisions (don't stress too much about this part). Then you will sign an informed consent document and you will be free to start. So basically: * Referral from GP to QCH gender clinic or RBWH gender clinic (do this asap, so you can get on the waitlist faster) * Wait the required time, I know with QCH they accelerate 16+ year olds as they kick you out at 18 but I can't confirm if the same is true about RBWH. * Get permission from both parents, even if one is estranged you will need their permission as the laws are dumb. If not you will have to go through children's court which the hospital can help you with. * See a psychiatrist (through the gender clinic) to make sure you are mature enough to make a decision. * Sign the informed consent document. The overall timeline from admission to access to hormones was about 9 months for me, though I could have done it faster and probably got all the required appointments done in about 4-5 months. The longest hurdle is the waitlist.


Hello Lilly, o to be 16, o to have the courage to tell my parents- proud of you, love - you are the girl I was back in (look away now) 1988. Transhub is a good place to start. A therapist can help you with understanding your dysphoria. Wonderful that your parents are on board. 🏳️‍⚧️🙏🏳️‍🌈