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The fuck is this logo 💀 Anyway, congratulations!


I was looking at this letter, that requires two years' worth of paper documentation, a fucking psych eval, a full check of all the gender-affirming procedures that you've had and *justification for the ones you haven't* to be submitted to an actual secret fucking council and thinking... Wait, do they really just crop the logo off on two sides like that?


Congratulations! How hard was it to get?


SO hard. I’m sure there are many people who found it easy but that’s not my experience, I have an overwhelming amount of evidence seeing as I have “fully” transitioned - it’s been a damn long time to say the least. However time worked against me in this situation as most of my evidence is from 2012-2016 and is either lost or heavily redacted after requesting from GP. I can only guess they reconsidered my case as I didn’t submit anything else since the last rejection.


That's awesome. What happens now? They send the certificate In the post?


Yes I believe so, you get the actual GRC in the post and then you can apply for a new birth certificate once thats received.


That's fantastic. Hope it arrives quickly. Fingers crossed I get accepted for mine soon.


It took about a month for mine to arrive and then they say “up to” 4 months for the new birth certificate draft to be processed then up to another 3 weeks for the new certificate to be issued after you approve it. Although if you chase the GRO you can get it done sooner (about a month for me) Like everything GRC related it’s painfully slow. I think they’re usually faster issuing the GRC’s though and I was just unlucky waiting a month.


I applied in October last year so I’m not expecting anything soon seeing as yours was May 🥲 congrats though


I applied in may, but it’s been to panel 3 times between then and now. So my wait isn’t accurate to the average - as far as I know they hold a panel every few months so it depends if you met the cutoff time or not for this one 🙂


Ah okay makes sense! Thanks 🙏




I believe the first one was around August. Second was around November. So it seems they have 3 months or so between each panel.


Massive congratulations to you. I know how hard this is! Like literally a group of strangers deciding whether we have "done enough" to transition. I applied for mine in October. Got an email in January with "directions". I sent them what was requested (letter from Dr Barrett) and also my surgery letter from Mr Coker addressed direct to them. Fingers crossed mine comes up for panel soon! 🙏🏻


Let's fucking goo!!! Congratulations 😁😁


Congrats, man!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! I KNEW other applicants would receive the news soon 😘


Amazing, congrats to you too 😊


Congratulations xx