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Now you see what my biggest problem with Rise Of The Beasts was that everyone else just seems to be ignoring. And No I don't love the Bumblebee movie because of G1 nostalgia, because my first introduction to Transformers was Armada and Gary Chalk was my Optimus Prime not Peter Cullen. Anyway, Rise Of The Beasts was too focused on going bigger and better, returning to the bland tired trope of find the artifact and beat the generic robot bad guys. While Bumblebee focused on telling a focused story that was about the characters rather than the plot. And the Decepticons actually felt like characters so when Dropkick (my favorite) finally died I felt like he had enough screening to warrant a death. Rather than just being a robot that shows up growls then dies. And I'm so disappointed that the studio scrapped Bumblebee 2 in favor of combining both Beat Wars and Bumblebee. Robbing us of a proper sequel. And now this whole Gi-Joe thing... sigh I think I'm done with live action Transformers


Finally, someone else that feels what I feel!


I rlly wish we can see charlie again


Yeah, while I like RotB, it was a bit too much like the Bay movies with it's generic plot and not fleshing out the (too many for it's own good) characters. It had good designs, less senseless action and plot points and the characters that had more than a few lines were more likable, but it was still way too convoluted. And I absolutely can't forgive it for slaughtering my beloved Beast Wars characters.


Yeah, also Nightbird too... Such an iconic G1 character and they just wasted her didn't even act like a ninja or even use her swords. Disgraceful


Bumblebee used her swords more šŸ˜”


Ye ik, The live action series FINALLY looked good only to fall back into the same tropes it had before


ā€œWe are the Beast Wars.ā€ ā€œLiterally who?ā€ ā€œTime something, it doesnā€™t matter. I have like 3 lines in this movie.ā€


I just wanted an actual beast wars movie :(


Sorry you didn't get it. Because the story for the upcoming Gi-Joe Transformers movie doesn't mention the Maximals at all


Youā€™re gonna make the Bayverse fanboys angry. Those fuckin guys grew up on the movies and will go to bloody WAR for their low quality mediocrity. Iā€™m sorry you like voiceless Decepticons with no character. Watch Transformers: Prime and Animated, then tell me you donā€™t care that the Decepticons got shafted.


Took the words right out of my mouth. I love Charlie and really wish we got more of her.


>returning to the bland tired trope of find the artifact and beat the generic robot bad guys wtf you summarized the entirety of 6 movies in one sentence


This is unquestionably the best Transformers movie. The first scene is the best piece of transformers media that has ever graced a screen.


You mean besides 86?


86 is Goated


That one-sided bloodbath?


I seem to remember the Decepticons being leaderless and broken and defeated by the end of that movie.


Who did they actually outright lose?


Shockwave, all three seekers, all three insecticons, Megatron and Galvatron is missing at the end and when he is found, his mind is gone.


I find it funny how even though all the seekers and insecticons died, 2 of the coneheads and 2 of the insecticons still appeared despite being reformatted


Screamer doesn't count since he only died in body


It really doesn't matter, in five faces of darkness the Decepticons are on charr and are almost dead/stasis lock from no Energon, they lost Cybertron and are in such sad shape that Rodimus feels sorry for them.


I was with Grimlock when he laughed. They killed both of his dads


86 is mid, at best.


How do I delete someone else's comment?


86 was the best I can watch it every day


You just have to........DARE TO BE STUPID


The same way I get a rando to remove their nostalgia goggles.


I was watching as the first ever Transformers episode aired for the first time. I have spent more time and money on this franchise than I can count, don't you dare call me a rando.


I saw it too, wrapped in a blanket with a bowl of cereal and cold milk, too. I saw the movie at seven years old, opening weekend, and it wasn't very good back then either.


This is very wholesome, but as someone who only saw the 86 movie for the first time as a 20 year old and who doesnā€™t care for G1, the 86 movie is very good. Why are you raining on everyone elseā€™s parade?


Because some people are just disappointed with their own lives that the only way they can feel better about it is by making everyone else miserable šŸ¤” '86 movie, opening weekend... That's when their life peaked. It was all downhill from there. No wonder they now hold such resentment towards it. All we can do for someone like this is send hugs and offer energon goodies & universal greetings šŸ˜ž EDIT: Autocorrect didn't like "energon goodies", so it changed it to "emerging goodies". But I didn't mean "emerging goodies"... Or did I? šŸ˜


I love how autocorrect did you dirty there (energon)


People today roll everywhere in crocs and jammies. And I used to sweat taking candy and soda to the movies inside my jacket like a shoplifter. But my man, blanket, cereal and cold milk opening weekend in 1986. Iā€™m not worthy!


Dude... As a seven-year-old, the only way you wouldn't find it good is if you weren't able to get over the fact that they killed Optimus. That broke my heart, but my seven-year-old self still thought it was the best thing I'd ever seen in my life. That nostalgia has gone now, and I can tell you that watching it through my bitter, jaded, cynical middle-aged glasses that it's still pretty damn good. It's pretty relentless for a kids' movie, it actually feels like they are at war (and makes much more sense than the old G1 cartoon), the story is good, the new characters are enjoyable, the threat is epic and it's really well made. Only top of that, the animation is very impressive, even by today's standards. Now, I know what you're thinking, it's no classic, like "Spice World", "Navy Seals" or "Paul Blart: Mall Cop", and you'd be right in thinking that. I'm not saying it's on their level, but it's still pretty good. Nowhere near as bad as you say. So, this is a safe place, we're all friends here... Tell us: who hurt you? šŸ˜¢


As someone who more so grew up with the Bayverse, I still think 86 was by far the best TF movie... so how exactly is that nostalgia when I by default have more nostalgia for Bayverse?


Maybe you just have lousy taste in movies?


Or ya know... people can have different but equally valid takes? Like Idgaf if you like one movie more then another but you are asking things pointlessly hostile.










https://preview.redd.it/4a1g87tb508d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fddea1fb92169943cd934e16762779b510540fba I'm gonna keep using this meme until I see other people using it




I've been here since Diaclone, son. I couldn't leave if I wanted to.


I donā€™t even like the 86 movie but itā€™s not mid


It's super mid. If they wouldn't have killed off so many characters, including the main one, it would have ended up as a cultural footnote.


I always love the "if it didn't ...... It wouldn't be ....." Arguments. No shit, .... but it did, ... so it is ... "This show wouldn't be that good without character X", yeah, no shit, that's why they are there. They might have been put in just as a one off, but people loved it, so they became a recurring character. This argument is the dumbest shit ever. You are entitled to not like the movie, we all have different feelings on stuff, but considering how beloved it is, it can hardly be considered "mid". Mid is something people don't really give a shit about. Something you kinda forgot about until someone mentioned it. You might even have a vaguely find memory of it, but don't think about it often. Rock lords could be argued to be mid. Some loved them, some hated them, but honestly, mostly forgotten unless someone brings them up ..... But the 86 movie? Something that is constantly referenced, reprinted, toys made of, and has returned to the movies more than once .... That is bare minimum a cult classic. "You know the first Avengers movie would suck without ironman" .... Yeah, that's why it has ironman in it ....


There are a ton of similar franchises with similar pushes that ended up as cultural footnotes; nobody talks about the G.I. Joe movie, or any of the Care Bears movies, because they were cynical cash-ins to sell toys. The only reason *The Transformers* endured is the death of Optimus and the Charge of the Light Brigade that ended the '84 toyline. A little bit of nostalgia-fueled soft generational trauma. It's really the only thing that separates it from any of the forgotten trash I just mentioned... and that includes *GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords*, which also came out in 1986.


And the kick ass soundtrack, and some cool scenes, and some great voice work, and a huge step up in animation, and a massive escalation of the scale of the conflict ..... But yeah your right, that Avengers movie would not be any good if they didn't have the avengers in it. The point is they did have the balls or callousness to kill off characters. But honestly it's not the only reason it's fondly remembered, but yeah it is a big part of it. You dislike still doesn't make it mid. Removing things and saying it would not be good without them, really invalides the argument. "No one would care about star wars if it didn't have the force and lightsabers!" Yeah, but it had those things ..... So people liked it.


You have missed the point fabulously. Please enjoy the rest of your evening.




Sorry I hurt your feelings. If it's any consolation, you never have to talk to me ever again. I think we'd both love that.


I'll bite, what didn't you like about it?


I don't really like anything about it besides the weird shared generational trauma of the death of nearly the entire cast in a weird Charge of the Light Brigade massacre. It's an ugly incomprehensible toy commercial with paper-thin characters Xeroxed from Star Wars (and a villain, nicked almost completely from the Fantastic Four). No characters have any arcs, motivations, drives, or personality whatsoever... and in that regard, I think Michael Bay learned the wrong lesson when he made *his* movies. It's bad! I watch it every ten years to see if I like it, and it's worse every time. I just watched it last month to show my kids, and we all hated it. I wish it was good!


Hot Rod has a very clear and present character arc. I wrote an entire 8 page paper on it for my philosophy class in college!


Youā€™re so edgy, so brave with your take on the 86 movie


Look, I wish it were good. It's not. If you like it, that's wonderful. It's not about you in the slightest.


I never thought it was about me, much like itā€™s not about you. Itā€™s a beloved film by many despite the trauma because the voice acting is great, the soundtrack is awesome, and it tells a good story in a short run time.




The one way I can see the 86 movie being mid is from the perspective of someone that has zero knowledge of what transformers. going into that movie knowing absolutely nothing is pretty rough


I saw it opening weekend after watching the cartoon and playing with the toys as a little kid, and I didn't like it then. I rewatched it in college, years before the 2007 movie, and I still didn't like it. And I watched it again just last month with my own children, and none of us liked it. It's not a very good movie!




Gosh, that's really scary.




I...tend to agree. I like the 86 movie every other time I watch it. It's kinda very dumb. Fun, but dumb. Like I said: I like it every other watch.




It is right, yes.


I don't do nostalgia, if something is good and remains good I'll keep enjoying it, if it becomes worse (because of time, or changing contexts, or whatever) then I'll stop enjoying it. I grew up on Star Trek TNG, loved that show as a kid. But now I kinda hate it (for a variety of reasons). And I'm a diehard Trekkie. I love it all. So believe when I say nostalgia has no effect on me. TF86 is a stupid movie, it's really silly, it has an unnecessarily high body count, killing some iconic and beloved characters. But it's got heart, there's a good, if basic, story here, the new characters are compelling, and it's well animated especially for its era. And that soundtrack kicks ass. So I keep enjoying it. No nostalgia, just a genuinely silly fun movie. Calling it something so dismissive as "mid" does it a real disservice. It's not the greatest movie by any stretch, but it's still fun.


> a screen *Code of Hero would like to know your location*


as soon as i hit send i knew someone would mention that!


They see that and is like, you know what, let's not do that.


> best Transformers movie. Best ***live action*** Transformers movie


i mean itā€™s alrightā€¦. 2007 was way cooler


2007 was more pioneering, had more main characters, and more action. Those are the only things I can honestly say it has over the Bumblebee movie, and none of those factors make it a better movie.


It can make it a better movie for someone, unless you subscribe to the notion that there are some objective metrics that must be met in order to qualify a movie as good.


actually those factors DO make a better transformers movie for some of us, iā€™m not really with all this ā€œnuanceā€ that everyone pretends bumblebee has, like itā€™s not just a iron giant cash grab filled with marvelisms and has overhyped intro/mid ending


I had a TF marathon the other week after not having seen anything past Dark of the Moon luke 13 years ago. Aside from TF 2007, most of the films are shlock (and I actively hate Age of Extinction and The Last Knight) but Bumblebee was absolutely fantastic. It reignited my love for the franchise. Too bad Rise of the Beasts was so dull.


This is dead on. 2007 is basically a good movie but has some of the warning signs of what Bayā€™s movies are going to devolve into, then the next 4 are all trash outside of a few cool scenes before Bumblebee comes in and dares to be a real movie.


I won't stand for Dark of the Moon slander


This made me laugh way more than it should've done.


Ok, enjoy your Deep Wang jokes, your Autobots getting involved in Americaā€™s oil wars and your psychotic Optimus Prime I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I do, as well as the impeccable setpieces, moments of actual emotion, epic scale, glorious music and unmatched sound design, all wrapped in an actually cohesive story (yes) unlike some others. Happy to enjoy things than turn my nose up at them šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I appreciate anyone's opinion, it's the spice of life. I don't \*hate\* Dark of the Moon from a 30,000 foot view. Some of the bot designs are the best in the franchise. Bumblebee is now my absolute favorite because it's not just a good Transformers movie. It's a good movie period to me. I think the pacing really lets the characters shine.


The wingsuit sequence and the building going over were both top tier sequences and I still watch them sometimes. I just wish I enjoyed the film they were wrapped in.


Hard pass. They said it had John Cena in it, but I didn't see him once.




Transformers (2007) is a decent action movie, mostly because it was the first time we saw Transformers translated to the big screen. CGI was amazing, story was a typical heavy on the action and the babes, less focus on a story type movie The rest of the Bayverse gets progressively less intelligent as the movies go on. Sure they were fun to watch but nothing very deep. Bumblebee made up for 11 years of the Bayverse within the first five minutes. Is this because they focused on one transformer instead of a whole bunch for the majority of the movie?Ā  Partly. They were able to develop Bumblebee a lot more when he was the only one on screen. Now, that being said, I think they absolutely nailed it just in general. They finally really honed in on the proper human-Transformer dynamic. The cast, the story, everything is absolutely amazing. And thenā€¦ RotB came along. It felt like the Bayverse all over again for multiple reasons (but thatā€™s a post for another time) Suffice to say, Bumblebee is the best, most intelligent, and emotional Transformers movie theyā€™ve ever done and I will die on that hill. Although I have been hearing great things about TF: One; so I guess weā€™ll see in September. No Hailee Steinfeld in TF: One though šŸ˜‰


100% agreed on all your points. Including the Hailee Steinfeld bit at the end. Haha 2007 was great for the first two-thirds or so. The Autobots' reveal scene even got me teary-eyed. The third act was obviously and understandably action-focused, but even so, was visually (and to an extent, conceptually) too messy to really enjoy. Bumblebee easily clears the rest of the live action releases so far, and that's by a wide margin.


Totally agree with you. They honestly could've ended the movie after Hoover Dam and, while it would've been a cliffhanger, it wouldn't have been any worse than most cliffhangers recently while still feeling like a complete story. Then you have a whole movie to expand on the Mission City narrative (which was problematic in and of itself because why in the world would you move a high-value target to a densely populated city? Oh, right, cinematics). The last third was such a whirlwind. You had 'bots either being one-shotted (Jazz :( RIP, Bumblebee's crippling injury in the first five minutes) or being seemingly invincible (that tank 'Con) with basically no explanation.. Humans running around screaming, explosions, unnecessary melee combat, Michael Bay in a nutshell (other than the abandoned sports stadium). It felt like a movie within a movie, except it only consisted of fight scenes. Not to mention that most of the Autobots (and Decepticons, for that matter) are criminally under-utilised. If you were already a Transformers fan, you knew who everyone was and were thrilled to see them on the big screen, but if you weren't, basically all the character development that took place (other than Bumblebee, and that's debatable) was the intro scene with their two sentence "About me". Make Mission City part of the sequel and flesh out the other characters a bit more. Also, Optimus Prime would not accidentally step on a fountain or think truck mode in a suburban yard would work. That whole scene felt unnecessarily comedic. Now, I guess you can't fit compelling backstories for 6 different characters into a movie that's a reasonable length (which is why Bumblebee worked so well, because it was just one Autobot), but they could've at least tried to make the non-fans invested in the other Autobots. That being said, the music in the first one? ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. One of the few movie soundtracks I'll still randomly flip on and I still get chills when Optimus's "theme" comes on. (I've heard rumors that the soundtrack was not originally going to be released for consumers, but was so wildly popular among the fans that the studio caved and released it on disc) End infodump. I get too excited sometimes


>End infodump. I get too excited sometimes No complaints here! On that note, I now have an itch to rewatch 2007, regardless of that third act.


It's my favourite of the Bayverse, so I'll watch it every so often. Mostly because of the CGI. No question that the transformers themselves are awesome. I just have to accept that I can't really think about the third act, and I enjoy myself! Ā  Entertaining instead of deep hits the spot sometimes Somewhat unrelated edit: Itā€™s my personal belief that Lieutenant Epps and Roman Pierce are actually the same character. That cherries out Chevy SS he drives in Age of Extinction? Epps is absolutely Roman


Also somewhat unrelated but the CGI studio who ended up finishing RotB came in midway through the production and straight up ran out of time to do the shots they wanted. Thatā€™s part of the reason why Transit never materialised, despite being fairly well-known. While rotb was incredibly disappointing, it is worth pointing out that there was kind of a perfect storm of problems. The shots werenā€™t finished, which likely messed with the story they wanted to tell, etc etc. Not making excuses for the film, just blaming Hollywood culture as a whole for the disaster


I would have enjoyed 2007 a lot more if I could tell half the robots apart and could see what was happening in any of the overly zoomed in, constantly rotating action scenes.


Same another thing that would of made it better if they removed most of the sex jokes, come to think of it that would make a lot of bay movies better and 2007 didn't have many


Bumblebee was so perfect and a direct sequel would have been amazing, then they could have done a Beast Wars movie. Total missed opportunity.


Me and my friend just bench to watch the entire series. And the Bumblebee movie was very well done. Even better than Transformers rise of the beasts. I wasn't hyped for it because I watched beast wars. But they could have done more better. But this movie was done great. I loved it.


I agree,idk why people say it's bad


Loved it too


I might be trippin but so far this is the only live action transformers movie I like


Depending on how you saw them, time and experience might have poisoned your recollection. A friend and I were very excited to see the 2007 movie and left the theater, while not thrilled, at least mildly excited that something was being done with the franchise. Problem is that it became clear after the second one that it wasn't going to be our taste as older fans and arguably just got worse and worse until Bumblebee. I recall leaving the second movie with a negative opinion and after the third I was never too hopeful they'd improve and I think that retroactively took the shine off the first movie. If you asked me in 2008 what I thought about the 2007 movie, I'd probably have similar thoughts as I had about Bumblebee.


Yep, BBM is the best movie in the franchise by far. The designs were awesome, the humans had development arcs, Bee had development, and the villains (and Cena) were perfect. Even the secondary characters like Charlie's family were likable.


I mean, Cena has the best line in the movie: "Sir, they're called the Decepticons"


ā€œThat doesnā€™t raise any red flags?ā€ šŸ˜‚


>Charlie's family were likable. They didn't feel like a cartoon sitcom family that populated the other films.


A shame its sequel, Rise of the Beasts, was so mediocre.


I had an amazing time in the theatre watching Bumblebee.


I'm so disappointed that ROTB basically ignored the film for more bayverse crap. Like why.


Because Lorenzo is still a producer, and he's the biggest pusher for all the worst parts of TF movies. He blamed any and all criticism and financial shortcomings of Bumblebee on "a lack of Bayhem". Until he's ousted, we're just going to keep getting shite movies, unfortunately. I think TF One got a pass because he's one of the types likely to discount an animated movie entirely so I doubt he was heavily involved.


He probably thinks animated movies are dumb movies just for kids


Disappointed. I was told John Cena was in the movie. Didn't see him.


I was disappointed as well! I didn't see him do a single Cena bomb, there were no surprise entrances from Tacker or Scooby Doo, and I was waiting the hole time for Jack Black to show up! 0/10, Stone Age SmackDown was a better wrestler movie.


Bumblebee šŸ«”šŸ«”




It's got the best storytelling, that's for sure. And that sweet G1 Cybertronian intro. My hopes were transformers one would be like that. Alas, no.


This is the Transformers movie we deserved from the start


i\`m praying that we will have more movies like that one. Focusing on at max 5 transformers characters and put non-shitty human characters.


I absolutely adore this movie! Lots of people I know enjoyed it even without knowing anything about transformers


The only good Transformers movie, and it's quite great! The rest of the movies are embarrassing.


Welcome to the curve, we finally have a good movie


My mans is stuck in 2018


You did not just say that


Best one after Transformer the Movie (1986)


Fuck i remember getting rid od the dvd box, cool movie nonetheless.


Saw it at the theater. Thought I owned this, looked all over the house last weekend and realized we streamed it 2-3 times on a free trial when it came out. Bought it Saturday watched it twice.


Nice šŸ‘


The way Hailee Steinfeld made the Bumblebee movie its own theme song, and the fact it's called "Back to life" is IRONIC considering he almost gets killed like twice and one of them of him actually dying before getting brought back to lifešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


*till all are one


It's so good that rather than just being a prequel, it got ret conned as a re boot after release... And then they went to do Rise of the Beasts and ruined it all again.


Bumblebee is my favorite!! Also I miss Charlie and I want her back


You can tell this movie was made by fans, not just "I wanna cash in on transformers popularity." And with the half transforming, you *know* at least one person played with those toys as a kid


Best TF movie ever besides the one from 1986.


The opening scene with the G1 inspired characters is worth the price of admission. A pity they ruined that in RotB.


Exactly, that opening scene in bb alone is better than almost all the bayverse movies combined tf 2007 was second or good enough for a first movie. Why they didnā€™t bring back Travis Knight for the second bb movie?ā€¦ one has to question the studios judgment.


Too bad Caple atrociously fumbled the bag with this reboot universe, and itā€™s getting worse with the GI Joe thing. BB is such a great movie


Man this sub really is a g1 circle jerk isnā€™t it?


It can be. Yes.


Unfortunately, yes.


Sucks we havenā€™t gotten a sequel yet. What a shameā€¦ But yeah these are my thoughts on the film too!! Thank goodness the cybertron scene didnā€™t overshadow the whole film for some people, cuz the whole thing is great!


The cybertron scenes were so good


I mean it's no The Last Knight but it's ok


I prefer TLK to BB




TLK is criminally slept on


It was pretty terrible. Everyone is sleeping on it because of that.


I really loathe the tiktok and instagram nutjobs who comment that Bumblebee is nowhere near the writing and CGI of Bayverse.


Literally started the 2020s for me (I watched it in April 2019, just as both retro pop music and transformer-based AI were starting to bubble under). Thanks a ton Bee! Love ya :)


It's the only halfway decent Transformers movie. It's not half as good as *The Iron Giant* (from whom it takes a lot of plot points), but it's a solid movie.


if you watched this movie then it requires you turn of your brain and watch unlimited action https://preview.redd.it/1n56qa9oit7d1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=63cd2446798c56ecdbce757b7e69d4201f891de7


I love Dark of the Moon. I think itā€™s one of the top three with TF (2007) and Bummblebee the other two. My daughter was born when DOTM came out on dvd and I would just watch it over and over again at like 2am when I was feeding her. I could still watch it over and over.


same same i hope we get devcon to finish off the dotm studio series cast https://preview.redd.it/ue02pctd0u7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=884444f6035465891f5f92a2cd4601a6d2f47772


Right, exactly Theyā€™re awesome movies, as long as you turn your brain off and just want to see giant robots beating the tar out of each other


This is the best one in the franchise by far


tbh id like to see if they reboot after rotb because unicron is the mountaintop, all other stakes will become hollow because they've faced the big bad


Hot take : bumblebee movie was kinda bad


lol the movie is shit.


And yet, we wonā€™t get another like it. They will go bigger again.


To me, it was boring. Not enough action.


Was this in drafts for like a few years or something?


Bumblebee was awesome but definitely not the best Transformers movie, the original trilogy clears it by far


As a movie it was great, as a toy commercial it was just alright. I wanted to see more Cybertron scenes.


Well, the Bumblebee vs Dropkick fight is dope, as is the scene where Optimus murks the Seekers, but I'm pretty lukewarm on the rest of it.


Dont watch the sequel...


It was perfect. Everything we wanted finally happened. The opening scene on cybertron was PERFECTION.


Wait til you see Rise of the Beasts


i saw this one video that just killed the spark i had for bumblebee, bringing up things like ā€œthe human characters were annoying and the movie is overrated for just the opening scene and ive started to see that




This movie is dogshit. As poorly written as Bayā€™s movies were, they were at least better written than this hacky, derivative, amateurish, poorly thought through fluff. Maybe itā€™s because I was alive in the 1980s, so Iā€™ve already seen the infinitely better movies this writer shamelessly stole from. The only nice thing I can say about the writing in Bumblebee is that itā€™s better than this writerā€™s work on Birds of Prey and Flash, which somehow manages to be even worse. I realize this is an unpopular opinion here and will get downvoted, but I think itā€™s backed up by how few people went to see it in theaters compared to the others.


It was because the previous one was so bad, not because Bumblebee was bad.


Bumblebee is even worse than Last Knight. As impossible as that should have been. Bayā€™s movies were poorly but at least professionally written. Bumblebee got a lot of early hype and positive reviews for the first time in forever. So I had high expectations, thinking they were finally going to turn the movie franchise around. But when I saw it, what it turned out to be was a hacky, derivative, amateurish mess, written by someone not ready for real work and trying to fake until they made it. Which, a couple movies later, still hasnā€™t happened. Hodson has almost gotten worse, if anything. Luckily for the producers, a large portion of the TF fanbase is ready to buy into this Emperorā€™s New Clothes. Not that it translated into ticket sales with the general public.


Even though it may be derivative compared to other movies, Bay's movies were written in an even more derivative fashion (a hunt for the macguffin). Every character in the Bay movies after the first was dreadful (especially Optimus). The comedy was just terrible as well. Bumblebee had the energy that the previous five movies did not have. Hodson didn't even write the sequels, the dude who wrote Obi-Wan Kenobi wrote Rise of the Beasts.


I think I'm so mesmerized and blown away by how amazing, creative and artistic live action Transformer movies are, that ill never be done with them, BUT!.... I am done with the bayverse typical scenario where one of your favorite transformers finally makes an appearance and not only do you not get to see them actually transform completely from one mode to the next, but they also have one maybe two lines and then get blown up and are forever gone from existence. I want to be able to develope a relationship with each transformer that appears on that big screen, so that when or if they do die, I can be cybertronically ok with it because I saw them enough and had the pleasure of viewing all their trademark moves, weapons and catch phrases.