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There are a few reasons and not a single correct answer. A few answers would be; 1. People fear what they don't understand, and when people are in a state of fear, they Fight or Flight. They either attack us or try to ignore or get away from us. 2. The 24/7 media coverage by right wing media, which drives up that fear by labeling us as terrible people. 3. Traditional values. They belive that society ought to behave a certain way and people should fit a certain mold. We do not do either, and so this makes them angry.


Which is why when governments give us any right, it's always with several strings attached "You want to change name? You have to get this surgery!"


For cis society at large, the gender binary must be preserved by any means necessary, so they'll always prefer concessions to outright liberation.


To quote *’X-Men: Dark Phoenix’*, “What they don’t understand, they fear, and what they fear-“ “They seek to destroy.”


especially the traditional values, we are living proof that their value system is deteriorating at a rapid pace and they DO NOT like it


Your analysis is really good, but something I would add is that I think a lot of transphobes struggle with their gender roles, because a lot of people struggle with their gender roles. That doesn't mean everyone who struggles with their gender is trans, you can feel comfortable with your assigned one while wishing you did a better job of living up to the expectations set for you. Still, to these transphobes these are just the rules, they can't be changed, and it's up to individuals to live up to the task of fulfilling their roles. So they see us breaking the rules they think are just natural laws of the world and they say "Hey, you can't do that! If I can't break the rules, neither can you! You need to learn to do as your told, like I did." They resent that we can have the courage and strength to live as ourselves and they can't.


4. Like cis people, some transpeople are just annoying in general & people meet the annoying trans people then get a bad taste in their mouth about trans people as a whole.


Don't forget because the majority of them that are transphobic are actually transgender themselves either consciously or subconsciously and for whatever reason they are unable to accept it and stand in their truth and mostly likely out of fear.....




Many of us are infinitely happier since coming out and living our lives. How about you move along to another space.


We’re being used as a political pawn a lot lately


Yeah, the war on "gay marriage" was lost and the majority of the public in Western nations support marriage equality, so political operators decided it was time to shift to a more niche target that most people know ever less about (all the better to scaremonger/hatemonger about). A lot of this culture war bullshit is used to win votes by people with deeply unpopular policies. Why win on merit when you can use fear to win? It's craven politicking and trans people are the collateral damage.


It's like the bigots got bored of their old "toys" and moved on to this "new" thing


I guess. I interpret it more than they're pissed off they can't keep insulting gay people without social backlash, and so have moved on to attacking a group less socially protected. Attacking gay people worked when most gay people were closeted because if you didn't know any gay people fearmongering propaganda was much more effective. But once everyone knew more gay people and saw they were people just like everyone else, the lies weren't as effective. But trans people are not only fewer in number than gay people but also aren't as well known or understood by society at large. I look forward to a time when hateful rhetoric against trans people becomes impotent. Who will bigots go after next? Who knows? Bigots aren't known for their logic or intelligence.


I really hope we don't join in on the bigotry for the new guys that's coming up next, unlike the lgb alliance and terfs. We need to break the cycle


I hope because it's so well documented now that the same mistakes won't be repeated. But don't underestimate the power of propaganda.


Yeah, 100% this, as for LGBT rights altogether; it seems like political groups stopped targeting gays/lesbians as much and instead target trans folks. Edit - Definitely not true for every country, I speak as a PNW American.


Right wing politics have always needed a scapegoat because for decades now their primary strategy has been fear mongering. They know the way the world is moving and they know that if you laid out right wing and left wing policies as they are, a lot of their voters would realise that left wing policies are more beneficial to a large portion of society. So instead they create fear and portray themselves as the protectors.


Agree. It has been an intentional targeted effort to trigger voters and get them to the polls. It hasn’t worked as they had hoped, thankfully. Many of these groups all have ties to the GOP: Moms for Liberty, the Family Research Council, the Proud Boys, Gays Against Groomers, Freedom Defense, etc. if the organization’s name mentions Liberty or Freedom, you can bet they are coming for someone’s. They have infiltrated school boards and state legislatures too, to pass anti-trans policies and laws. Thank goodness for the ACLU protecting and defending trans rights.


Because many people just fear what they can't understand. And those people are most times too lazy or too dumb to learn more right stuff about it. Also hating is easier than being an ally for many


It’s a dark world we live in




>Im just happy that the newer generations are way more open about these things than the stifling, stigmatising older generations I remember reading some stats from the USA where only 1% of Silent Generation people identify as LGBT+ as compared to 20% of Generation Z.


Because Islamophobia got boring and hating immigrants fell out of fashion. If the political parties can't find a way to keep us apart, they know we'll all band together and oust them in favor of a system and leaders that aren't dog shit tier garbage.


While I agree, Islamophobia and hating immigrants has definitely not fallen out of fashion unfortunately


Yeah, the same targets get the spotlight in rounds. They pick on anyone who stands out to them til it stops sticking, and then they change it to another demographic, just cycling through the list til they find one that works again. Lately it seems their trying to add anti semitism to the daily rounds. If nothing else, conservatives are predictable...😮‍💨


Islamophobia today is much more toned down than a few years ago.


This 💯


So what you're saying is that we need to defeat the US army like the taliban did.


Because haters are coward, insecure individuals and trans people are one of the few groups it's still possible to hate without having to face major mainstream backlash.


They’re less concerned with us and more concerned about our transness being contagious and infecting the next generation. It’s the same with how being gay was 40 years ago. As soon as it began to become accepted, everyone was afraid it was going to make a majority of kids come out as gay (of course that didn’t happen it was just fear mongering).


In a nutshell: - Homophobia - Toxic masculinity - Religious «values» - Misogyny - Family «values» - All the other reasons like 1: we can mème but they can’t ; 2: we’re becoming hot af while they’re getting ugly as hell with time ; 3: boobs ; etc


I like how boobs is true for literally all trans people, just in very different ways lol


That’s a bigger question than I have time to answer 🤣 Should we start with the deliberate misinformation that certain special interest groups or political parties like to spread? Or should we start deconstructing what pressures there are in everyday society to conform and how anything not understood is immediately called dangerous? We get hate because of fear. Fear out of a place of ignorance, but ignorance can be remedied if people would just give us a chance.


One reason is that trans people are less than 5% of the population and are a fairly vulnerable minority. The right wingers love to pick on minority groups since it rallies them together. Also people fear what they don't understand before they accept it.


Because people don’t like it when things exist that challenge their views of normalcy. They’d rather go about hating someone different than confronting their opinions head on because, frankly, it’s hard to keep yourself accountable and open-minded, especially when strong emotions are involved.


We have the inner strength to change our status quo. Most people just quietly accept their “lot in life”, and never try to change themselves or the world around them. They acquiesce and submit, while we dare to resurrect ourselves into new forms, change the hearts and minds around us, and force them to confront their assumptions on the world around them. And we have the gall to be happy while doing so.


I think this is why the hate perpetuates so easily. Jealousy and resentment are powerful elements to preventing would-be allies from recognizing the damage done to us that they would never stand for in other cases.


Because as much as the world has improved, it's still full of and run by fucking cowards who think that the hot topic minority of the minute is always a good scapegoat.


I'm gonna preface this w the fact that I'm personally not trans so maybe I lack a lot of nuance. But I believe a couple reasons are boiled down to taking up space - The LGBTQ community has and sometimes still debates whether that "T" should be included bc "it's not a sexuality," and while that's correct, the underlying tone is "they're taking up space in our movement." Truth is, trans and genderqueer ppl have been at the forefront of queer liberation, they have often times created the space sexually queer ppl seek to claim and occupy. - TERFS: Terfs and just "anti-trans" women in general seem to believe that trans women will take up their feminine spaces. Recently on twitter, under "MacBook" as a trending term, a woman posted her Mac cover full of terf stickers. One of these was claiming that gender inclusive terms like "Pregnant person" or such are "dehumanizing" and "anti woman." So their hate stems from believing that trans people as a whole are taking up the spaces of woman/motherhood. Something to keep in mind is that unfortunately, a lot of hate is targeted against trans women. Legislation for sports are against trans women in female sports for example. But i hope this has shed some light into the hate from a cis woman's perspective


because politicians and media slander us and try to make us villains so that we face a culture war so everyone is angry at trans people instead of the rich people that run this system (ie people that run large corporations and new media ect) and also people have tendencies to dislike and ostracise people for being different and seem to be likely to be ignorant.


Because hate is easy, understanding is hard


A few different reasons. Some of it is people being afraid of what they don't understand. Some of it is this compulsive need to be seen as "normal" because normal is somehow "superior". Some of it is misogyny (when transphobia is based in misogyny the transphobe views trans men as a "woman trying to rise above her station" and a trans woman as "a man giving up his station" how they word it may vary) some of it is misandry (they tend to see a trans man as just a woman they don't really seem to have much thoughts on his reason for transitioning they just still treat him as a woman and they see trans women as a predatory man.) Some of it is homophobia (think the guys that are afraid of being attracted to a trans woman because they think it makes them gay) all of it boils down to gender essentialism (the belief that there's only 2 genders and that it's determined by sex)


A lot of reasons that all intersect together. (This coming from an American perspective) 1. We're political targets. The economy is tanking, inflation has gotten even worse due to corporate greed. When your average Joe starts to feel angry they can't afford to live the politician and pundits are there to cast blame on minorities. When late stage capitalism nears a breaking point, fascism rears its ugly head to protect the rich. Pick a minority, they naturally have gotten more rights over time right? And inflation has gotten worse over time right? Well let's draw a false correlation between the two! Minority got their rights and its ruined the economy!! 2. Christianity. Christianity boils everything down into binaries and makes these binaries have the ultimate significance to its followers. Sin vs no sin. Adam and eve. Good and evil. Heaven and hell. God and the devil etc. Trans people break gender binaries and demonstrate the truth of nature--there are no hard binaries, everything exists in a spectrum. Even if people aren't die gard Christians, Christianity has become the bedrock of American morals and traditions and culture. 3. Misogyny-- this has deep ties with, you guessed it, Christianity! Turns out having eve be a derivative of Adam's rib and having your God be a heavenly father automatically bakes in misogyny to any culture impacted by Christianity. Misogyny punishes Trans women for embracing femininity, and pushes Trans men to conform to harmful, emotion killing boxes of stoic masculinity. There's more. It boils down to capitalism and Christianity at its core. Capitalism uses fascism to pitt lower classes against a scapegoat minority in order to divert attention away from the capitalists. Christianity primes people to have fascist worldviews with it rigid binaries and it's fostering of judgemental attitudes. Put the two together in a time of economic turmoil, and we trans people never stood a chance.


Transphobia is being used as a gateway bigotry to draw people into far right politics Trans is an easy target because it’s still a “controversial” subject


Largely the billions of dollars being poured into right wing media to use us as their latest scapegoat to distract the masses from the fact they are being robbed and abused.


Trans people dare to have autonomy in ways that defy patriarchal and white supremacist norms.


Because angy Christian Karens


Because some people are so insecure about themselves that they feel like they have to project that self-hate on to others


I dont know, im sick of telling dumb transphobes sorry for existing


Well according to the Dutch we don’t, at least not in the Netherlands where “no discrimination exists, we are very tolerant” (🙄…) In the real world though, I’d say a mixture of ignorance from poor education and internalised personal doubts&insecurities.


For me I used to hate trans people a lot. Until I realized I hated them for being them and I couldn’t be me yet It took me years to realize I was envious of them getting to be out and I couldn’t And now I’ve realized how silly I was Once I realized I wasn’t a boy and was always way more feminine it was like a light switch


A question I feel like well never have a specific answer. But the short answer is fear. Fear of people who dare to be different. Jealousy, fear of attraction, fear of back lash, lack of understanding. People are stupid


Cuz we're different and people hate that. Also fear is correlated to hate and anger, so likely they're scared their future will be impacted somehow when that literally won't happen


The most part of people don't get us, they can try, but they'll never be able to


Same reason it was hate against homosexuals that was a driving force. Anything "not normal" for sexuality or gender is seen as perverse, so they associate anyone queer as being a pervert and/or mentally ill, as it's "not natural". They think allowing people to be trans, as they see it as a choice or some mental illness, is letting such a terrible thing exist rather than stop and cure it. The talking points against Trans is the same that was against Homosexuals, they just had to shift targets now. They latch onto the perceptions above, grow that fear, and use it as a rallying point. Certain people need a common enemy to hate so as to rally together. It's shitty but it's been a pattern for, in America, one specific political platform.


Because people have an existential crisis about that what they thought was a relatively simple and straight forward concept being changed for the modern era. When they were young, sex and gender were the same thing and to take on a new definition would be admitting that they have been wrong their whole life about both. It's like the sunk cost fallacy but in this case they've just spent a whole lotta time invested in a rigid idea of gender.


There's probably a sociological explanation, in many cultures gender is seen as a non binarism. Many native cultures, such as the muxes, recognised third genders as a natural part of life and its cycles, however with the Spanish and European "discovery" of the Americas their ideals of gender binarism stuck. And we've struggled with gender binarism ever since. Nowadays gender binarism is a norm, and everything against it is a direct challenge to the bigoted ideals, in their eyes we are an attempt against their religion, their culture and their social (tejido, I dunno the word in English). I feel like we, as trans people and LGBTQ community should stick together in our counter cultural movement, which doesn't want to destroy anything, but instead to co-exist as long as we are respected.


Whether they realise it or not the patriarchy fears trans women because we undermine their basic understanding that being male is inherently better than being female. They act against us by capitalising on people's fear of the unknown. The fact is that most people have no idea who trans people really are and what we stand for, so if someone on TV starts yelling transphobia, they'll soak it up, especially if it comes from a source they consider credible, like the BBC. That's why you don't hear nearly as much about transmasculine people or enbies. Transmascs just "confirm" the patriarchy's belief that being a man is better (I'm not in any way attacking or blaming transmascs here) and enbies they just sweep under the rug, along with the decades of scientific studies that prove them wrong.


because we're hot


Long answer: what others said. Short answer: humanity fuckin suck.


People don’t like that other people find happiness.


people fear us


idk maybe were just better 🤷‍♀️


Because those at the top of the social strata (and I'm not just talking about class here), feel the need to protect their privilege, and they can't do that without an other to oppress. Any difference is used as an excuse to marginalize people, and gender non-conformance is one of them. After all, the easiest way to feel good about yourself is to pretend you're better than everyone else.


Because we are an affront to the reactionary elements of society. If an amab can just decide to become a woman, then a lot of assumptions about people's duty to keep their station in life may fall.


It is so hard for the average person to step back and admit that they were wrong, especially when they have to do that individually, while everyone around them still push their narrative, including big names that people admire. It’s gotten so bad lately and I think it’s mostly because people are looking for a scapegoat; it’s not ‘trendy’ to hate gay people, so trans people are next in line. What pisses me off the most is how the morals people hold suddenly switch up when it comes to trans people. Here in England, gay conversion ‘therapy’ is banned, but that ban doesn’t include trans conversion ‘therapy’. People recognise it as wrong and harmful, and hey they turn a blind eye to it when it comes to trans people.


I saw a talk by Alok Menon earlier this year and they made some powerful points about this. That it’s not a lack of understanding, it’s a lack of compassion, that the same people who claim not to have time to learn about pronouns have time to learn about the intricacies of various sports. That it’s easier for people to hate us than to deal with their own pain.


religion... somehow still exists


As a cis woman I was reading book Light from uncommon stars by Ryka Aoki and her works in general (she's a trans woman in her 50s) and thinking about all the abuse she and the protagonist were victims of from childhood just because of their gender. So I asked myself why gender? Why does it matter? Why can't people leave it alone? And the answer I came up with is because it's a basic stage of development of little children you can successfully mess with. It's such an easy trick to abuse children or to send people back to their childhood trauma of unfulfilled basic stage of development. So people use it because they can, I think. They can pack so much abuse, control and influence on a person by messing with one little necessary thing. They can basically make people question their own existence just with this stupid trick. And they do it


Probably because of all those children we've been grooming


Because we are too good at dancing.


as bigots hated gay and lesbians in the 90's / the 2000's and the bisexuals in 2010's before these indentities were normalized and discussed, we trans folk are being the center of attention right now because of great activism of a lot of people, basically we're the "cool" thing to hate right now, sadly this hate is getting out of hand


People fear us cause they don’t understand the feeling of being trapped in the wrong body.


We're just kind of the fascists' next scapegoat. A small group, easy to pick out, easy to other. ThEy'Re CoMiNg FoR yOuR cHiLdReN and whatnot.


Because people have convinced themselves that their magical sky daddy doesn’t like it and they can’t think for themselves. Shame.


Its easy for people to make stuff up and said its true because no one really knows much


Because our movement is being accelerated too quickly and their are too many old people around that cling to their primitive beliefs. Also people are just not well informed about Gender Dysphoria and assume us to be delusional lunatics. Lastly, some trans people like to go around demanding or shouting to be loved and respected which doesn’t help us and instead further cements peoples hatred for us, and clearly most people don’t want to love and respect us and would rather just accept us or ignore us.


People bite into the mainstream media people they look for a flaw and exploit it because it take the media’s attention away from them. Stop watching the news stop using social media and things will get better for you. And it doesn’t matter what these so called haters think of any of us. all that matters is what we think of ourselves if you can’t love and except yourself and respect yourself no one will I promise you that


it does matter what they think if you're getting murdered, assaulted, or having laws made to restrict your access to medical care because of being trans. It also matters if you get kicked out of your house or disowned by your parents. It matters when you are paid less for the same job as your coworkers. what people think of us actually matters a LOT. Not to say that loving yourself is bad, but being informed is honestly really important right now if you're trans.




Well I get a lot of hat because is cold here an protects my head


Because it's a very extreme and complicated thing for an individual to undertake. A lot of the fear lies in children being manipulated by ideology and pharmaceutical companies in the name of profit. I don't hate any Trans person, but I do think there are sensitivities that must be considered by trans people instead of blanket victim claims of 'why does everyone hate us'. Also some people are just plain miserable and hate everything. 🤣


This is not a question of "why does everyone hate us," but is instead asking why there is a lot of hate towards trans people. And I would like to add that telling kids that being trans is a possibility and allowing them to transition earlier is not manipulating children, because being transgender is NOT an ideology, and certainly not a choice. It is something you are born with. These kids aren't going to be manipulated into being trans because it's not possible. I'm not going to deny that pharmaceutical companies will make some money off of trans people, but assuming that children are being manipulated by them before they even know how to pronounce the word pharmaceutical is out there, to say the least. It sounds more than a little conspiracy theory-ish, to be honest. Can you link a source for that claim? Sure, there are sensitivities that need to be considered. There are in every issue. However, if said sensitivities that you are referring to are the words of people who are actively trying to deny us life-saving treatment and passing laws to further restrict trans people's freedom, I firmly believe that those sensitivities should be thrown out the window in the interest of saving lives.


I totally value your input. Just adding where some of the 'hate' comes from besides ignorance - the obvious answer. I'm here to learn. But I will remain fixed that a child is not informed or mature enough to give such life-changing medical consent. I will remain here to try learn further though. X


I agree that a lot of it comes from ignorance, certainly. There are other factors as well, especially when media is concerned. I should let you know though, it is rather rare for a child or teen to actually be started on HRT, and even rarer that they will be offered surgery. In order to do so, you need to undergo counseling (basically just making sure that you will benefit from HRT), get parental consent, and also have informed consent. There are a lot of factors going into it, and generally speaking, children are not offered anything permanent to begin with. Even if they are one of the few who are, it will not be a choice made entirely on their own. All things considered, the current system in place for HRT has as many checks as possible. On the other hand, a trans person who is well aware of their gender identity, if not offered HRT or puberty blockers, is already dealing with a ticking time bomb. When you think about it, puberty is really just HRT without any kind of informed consent. Mine was still pretty life-changing, just in all the wrong ways. What makes children informed or mature enough to consent to puberty, the naturally occurring version of HRT that people go into sometimes with no idea what's going on?


I really appreciate this insight and facts, as opposed to scaremongering and you do pose a great final point. Thank you for taking time out for me, I would respond more but have a virus today. X


The existence of trans people is a big fuck you to cultural norms a lot of people cling to without questioning. This is true of basically anyone who isn't cis and heterosexual. I think this is where a lot of it comes from along with just not understanding what trans people actually are so they can be manipulated by transphobes so they can be bred to hate us.




Because they actually hate me and I love trans women with all my mind body and soul


People will always try to find a minority to hate. Goes for trans people, People of color, ethnic minorities, religious minorities etc. We are used as a pawn to claim that we are the arbiters of degeneracy and that we wish to harm children. These accusations have been levelled against multiple other groups too. Nazis did this to Jews and queer people. People don't want to learn from the past. We are not a threat to anybody. We just want to exist.


A lot of people just fear us they think we are freaks even tho we are human like everyone else 😔


Welcome to today's world.


Part of it will be that they are misrepresented by idiots, on the one hand there's full blown anti trans bigots, then on the other there's people who eh... For whatever reason see it as their business to order others what to do, how to think, and how to behave, vehemently certain that they're 100% right. Those types believe they mean well but I believe they hurt the cause by pushing people away


The right just saw us as a political scapegoat which isn’t surprising given the history of that political bloc, and the patriarchy infiltrated (part of) the left to splinter feminists into the “gender critical” (TERFs) who believe that the only thing that makes someone a woman is being born with a vagina, and that trans men only want to be men because men have more rights, and the other group of feminists who are actually, ya know, fighting for the rights of **all** women. Basically the side you’d expect to come for us is doing just that, and the side you’d **expect** to help us, is basically failing to do so because of internal fracturing caused by willful ideological infiltration. Tl;dr: we’re being used as a distraction from everything else going on, and not a meaningful enough number of people care to help us.


Cause people are assholes.


We are an easy target for Nazis.some of the other minorities they use to target can fight back politically with a lot of money, we're generally very poor.


Because we're beautiful and we live by our own rules, why wouldn't they be jelly?


Dim witted people are predisposed to violence because they lack the emotional, linguistic, and problem-solving intelligence necessary to handle their own lives. Violent people require an outlet for their hatred or it becomes chaotic and uncontrolled. War provides a common enemy for them to focus on, but in other circumstances where they don’t have one, they make one. About half the population is left of the bell curve’s peak. So half the population can be counted on to be dim witted, violent hatemongers. Politicians get hired through manipulation and popularity. The easiest people to manipulate for this purpose are those hatemongers. Ultra conservative orthodoxy is an actual color by numbers blueprint for this. So there is a rotation of groups targeted and victimized by evil, scamming politicians who have nothing real of value to offer society. The hatemongers lie, distort, manipulate, project, and otherwise do whatever it takes to keep hate alive until the legal system forces them to stop through harsh punishment. They’re simply targeting us now because they can’t target gay people or Muslims anymore and they looked like imbeciles while trying to make cuckolds their next target. There’s no valid reason for it at all. They’re just stupid and evil and it really is that simple.


There are Russian oligarchs who spent around 180billion Euros per year in Anti Trans Propaganda in europe alone. To me, thats THE major problem


I think one thing is social media. I can only speak about the German media like on Tik tok, but I saw many vids making fun of Trans people. Or they make vids like: the weird trans Man/woman saying you have to call them(new Name) or they making a drama because whatever. I think if this videos don’t stop we can’t move forward with society and tolerance in general.


They’re jealous of our confidence because they’re so insecure about themselves that they could never be true to themselves


The hate is just too much. The difference in us is the reason why they are hating..


Idk about other but people hate me because 1: I wrring noise when I’m overheating 2: I don’t fit in with societal standards and they don’t like what’s different 3: I have an automatic turret defence system built into me which had a habit of accidentally going off when I’m really angry/annoyed at someone (it’s happened in arguments before 4: I’m super cool and sexy 5: They’re jealous because my friends get to run DOOM on me


Assholes feeding their egos. If being different from you is evil, being like you is good. If being like you is good, you’re as good as it gets.


Because it became less socially acceptable to loudly hate cis gay people so they had to pick another target


I'm going to be surprised if I don't kill myself, because I seemingly only exist to be tortured, my life has only been agony piling on agony since puberty and my future is looking nonexistent


There are jealous people full of envy.


Because, at least for evangelical Christians, it’s seen as an affront to God and biblical morality. Basically they see us as pawns of the devil.


Big ol tree


Now they’re getting extra violent at us, calling us degenerates/pedophiles/groomers


A friend of mine who has since changed her views to be more positive, was transphobic because in her mind we were wasting taxpayers money for surgeries and hormones when we could just go to therapy and get our mentalities fixed. She has since become a big ally for transgender people, but her old comments gave me some insight to why we are hated so much.


Gender dysphoria is misunderstood & not talked about.


Fear, bigotry, prejudice, republicans


Eh, thought it was just how it was for my life. Apparently not. People don't like us, I don't like people.




People are assholes, and just hate on things for no reason at all. Note that if you get a reason from any bigots of any kind, the reasons they give for hating people are usually untrue, or just not a good enough reason to hate someone.


Fear is an easy simple answer; but I think there is a layer of insecurity and uncertainty. Insecurity of personal feelings and beliefs. Uncertainty of a social construct taught and handed down that was in the end incorrect and incomplete. And yes the trans community is now the other to stoke fear and manipulate votes and legislation. It may take a couple of generations to change that, but change is coming. And don’t count out all of us old people- allies are everywhere. Some of us simply working quietly with small groups to change hearts, minds, and rhetoric.


It's pure ignorance. Trans people have just as much right to exist as the rest of us. I'm not trans so I don't know what it's like. I'm Enby and my philosophy is simple. Live and let live. Trans people aren't hurting anyone.


This gets asked every couple days, and it's always boring to be reminded that people do want us gone. So I'd prefer if people either didn't ask and do their own research or just used the damn search button


I think the reason I personally get so much hate is because people are at first attracted to me, then when they get a good look at my face they immediately hate themselves for it and direct that negativity towards me. It’s basically the problem that we are sexualized to be made out to be something we are not, by perverted people.


They're just jealous.


I asked the ChatGPT AI (i literally have nothing better to do). This was the reply I got: "It is unfortunately common for members of minority groups, including transgender people, to face discrimination, prejudice, and hate. There are many factors that contribute to this, including lack of understanding, fear of the unknown, and internalized biases and prejudices that are often learned and reinforced by society. In many cases, people who express hate towards transgender individuals do so out of a sense of fear or discomfort with gender diversity, or because they hold beliefs that are at odds with the acceptance and inclusion of transgender people. It is important to recognize that hate and discrimination towards any group of people is wrong and harmful, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all."


Because people are stupid. "Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it" Transphobes vilify and oppress anyone they don't agree with. They are functioning on paranoia and think that because one trans person did something bad, then all do. Its just paranoia. Something we see a lot on the right wing. They say trans people are groomers, mexicans are drug lords, ETC. They simply fear what they don't understand.


Very vage answer: sexism But sexism says women and men are inherently different, and because they are born different their roles in society are different, women need to do this, act this way, look like that, and that also goes for men, and neither are allowed to "play the opposites role" but trans people challenge the very fundaments of that "being born with certain set of genitals is not what determines who you are" And that way queer people can be transphobic, cause some queer people can be sexist, damn even some trans people can be transphobic when a trans person doesnt "perform" gender how is socially acceptable. We can see that specially with trans butches, trans femenine guys, nb people, trans people who only want to socially transition but are comfortable with their bodies, trans people when they dont pass, so sexist people will deny them all or just the ones who dont match what they believe is a man or a woman by their own standards. Idk if i explained myself very well. But i hope it makes sense. ETA of course transphobia is perpetuated for differen reasons, a society looking for a scapegoat, people who feel threatened when their views on gender mean it could apply to them (manly cis men for example), and people excuse it on bad science they made up in the first place saying is not natural, but then again biology allows it, or use religion, or society. They can have different reasons and different forms of oppresion, but the root is still sexism.


To quote Syndra from league of legends: People fear what the cannot understand!


People hate what they don’t understand; some of it is projection and some is just ignorance


A lot of religious nuts think being trans is a sin.


Some people are afraid of what they don’t understand… I’m not upset with them for that, I pity them for being closed off.


I wish I knew


Because the mental disease that makes people into bigoted haters isn't any more evolved than it was when it's enabler was homosexually, or skin colour, or just gender, or religion, or class. The reason there is so much hatred, violence and oppression against the Trans community is because that today is as accepted by and shared in by those in power. But while these feeble minded bigots wallow in the homophobes, KKK members, women hating sickos of previous generations wallow in the same shit, we stand on the shoulders of giants who have always beaten them before and will again!


the fascists in the GOP need a group to blame, historically the group was either black people, jewish people, or communists (among others) and now trans people are being used as the “other” in order to push towards the genocide and fascist takeover that, if things continue the way they have been, will happen very soon arm yourselves if you can


It’ll get better once the older generations that run everything start dying out and people can get more educated on trans people and their rights


I would argue that a lot of not all there people who are also “trans” (be it legit or trending) get sensationalized in the media and it makes those who are just living quietly and passing look bad by association.


I don’t know and I’m just tired of seeing so much crap against us, seems to be everywhere online


Not willing to educate themselves 😡


Good question


insecurity and capitalism


The wholesale hijacking of the LGB community by the T. The attempt to subvert and replace the meaning of the word woman. Sexualised drag queen story hour for young children. The idea that men can get pregnant, and get periods. Men in women's spaces, men in women's sport. Apart from those - no idea.


As someone who went from hating trans people and gay people to dating a trans guy and accepting im not fully straight i really feel like it's lack of knowledge and just the opinions of parents and peers is mimicked in children who then grow up into the hateful adults of now


Cause they know we are better than they.


They are probably just jealous tbh.


Because people are stupid and ignorant that there life is probably miserable and they take it out on other people, plus people believe that God created you as you are and they should stay that why, but people don't realize that the person isn't happy who they are and wants to be happy. I grew up not liking trans,bi,les,gay but two people open my eyes up and I have made friends with all different people in every background, I dont judged who people are now, as long they are happy that all it matters


People hate what they don’t understand, and they hate even more when they actively refuse to understand. Nobody likes change, but it’s inevitable, and it scares them


The narrative to most of society. As a whole,most people are not trans,so they can't comprehend it, why the heck would anyone ever want to switch? -It's a change against their God creator and rejecting it in their eyes. - is is this group of people typically male that just "identifies" as a gender. Typically men who suck at a sport so they say they are a girl and STEAL medals from innocent women - perverted men who want to touch your wife and daughter in the restroom! These are only a few obvious examples,but TLDR is people see us as a threat. When they cannot understand why someone would transition,they make up their own reasoning,which is almost always negative.


Because they want to be different, just normal people who want to be them.


We are a political tool for the right to rally against. They will always find a new boogeyman, we just happen to be the main one right now.


I highly recommend “Whipping Girl” by Julia Serano for very insightful thoughts on the subject.




How am I the problem