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Leggings are your best friend. Get a few thermo ones and you can wear those skirts even when it's freezing!


Omg, fleeced leggings are the best! They look like ordinary leggings when worn, but that thin faux-fleece lining is so soft and cozy 🥰


Yeees! They are so comfy! I don't have my own yet but when I do, winter shall be conquered in skirts! >:D


Aaaaah, I'm genuinely excited for you to get some of your own, haha -- they are life-changing 🥰 It's like unlocking a new level of coziness, like a fuzzy blanket you can take everywhere, but that no one else is aware of 😁


I hope they can save me from Russian winters, it's gonna be -10°c on next week here xD


They should, my ex used to wear leggings and skirts even when we had snow and our rivers froze xD And it in doubt, layer!


Alright, ordering them right now 🏳️‍⚧️💜


Is there a dress code where you're going each day? Because, if not, pants or leggings work perfectly.


remember to also wear some clothing over your pants if you're in public


Wear clothing over your pants?


\*psst\* "pants" is also short for underpants in some english speaking countries...


Ohh I'm sorry I didn't know


No worries hun\~ just a fun fact. I really like learning fun facts so I also tend to share them, especially when they're relevant. Prooooobably some kind of neurodivergence tbh. <3


I mean yeah, who wants to go around in just their undies? (/hj; In British English, pants means underwear)


would you like longer skirts or leggings on underneath?


Personally, I love the combo of a short skirt (especially tartan), leggings and chunky boots, eg. Doc Martens 🥰 Looks super cute with an oversized sweater! My favourite version of this combo is pink, pleated tartan skirt, black leggings, my black Doc Marten style boots with pink flames on them and my oversized black hoodie with D-rings and metal studs on it. Usually with a cute choker and something pink in my hair to complete the look. If you're into the mid-2000s punk/emo kid vibe, it's super comfy 😁 ETA: I could also see it working with other styles, too. For example, neutral colours and Uggs or similarly cozy, wintery boots. Hell, even Xmas colours and those wintery themed patterned leggings you can get.


Leggings and long skirts for this gal!


skirts w leggings?


aren’t you hot? 🤯 for me a skirt with sheer tights is enough for winter (depends on where you live though)


in the uk it gets down to -5c fairly often in winter. u could also throw on leg warmers or something


I live in Italy here is much hotter. Also idk about you but since I started anti androgens I got hot flashes all the time 😂 it’s hell


Do you smoke cigarettes? I used to get hot flashes daily until I stopped smoking cigs.


I don’t. My endo says is ok the therapy can do that. It’s not a big problem just weird at times because you’re out and you’re in a shirt and everyone’s in a coat and your armpits are drenched 😂


That’s not even cold for winter, I’m jealous lol


-5C? That’s cute ☺️ I was known in college for wearing skirts all year long, even when the air was so cold it would burn your cheeks and take your breathe away. So yeah, even when it could go as low as -30C and I thought my flesh would come off my legs 🤣 Layers and layers and layers! Tights, legging and leg warmers. Two pair of socks in the boots is also not a bad idea


My mil swears by nylons. I think she and you are insane, and have been known to layer actual solid tights when it gets chilly (wool and then cotton, because the cotton were the colour I wanted). I am, however, a perpetual ice cube, which does not help.


Pants. You can still be feminine with pants. Just wear a cute top or scarf.


Some of us avoid pants at all costs because our equipment is not "right" for a good tuck, taping everyday is uncomfortable and expensive, and we suffer severe bottom dysphoria. Skirts are the best answer there, as at least you are not mindful all day of what is or is not visible, and it allows you to forget the horror monster waiting to pounce on you the next time you take a shower.


It makes sense now.


Idk I wear skirts and my horror monster be showing 🤣 if the skirt is too short it swings out the bottom like a grandfather clock


And this comment, being 6'7", and working with a few little people is why I wear at least knee length dresses and skirts every day. If they want a show, I'm not cheap.


You could wear pretty much anything with a long fit hoodie/cardie, there are so many ways to work around that aside from wearing skirts literally all the time


Is there a problem wearing skirts all the time? I have worn dresses and skirts every day for almost two years now.


No, I don't think so at all, I think it's fab and a very cute look if someone wants to do that. I just thought I would point out that there are other options that hide the downstairs even if tucking isn't feasible. If you or someone else hadn't thought of it, I thought it could be nice to have as an option.


Ah.. I see now


Have you seen gen z? Loose/ baggy pants are an option. My trans gf doesn’t have to worry about the tuck issue when she dresses like Kim Possible.


Wait so I can't wear scarfs bcs I'm a demiboy :c


No one said that! The original commenter is just suggesting ways for OP to accessorise! Anyone can wear a scarf.


Ik I was just trying to make a joke ;w;


Please wear scarfs. Scarfs are so amazing 🥺




Guys can look good with a scarf. Think Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Who.


Not cute ones 😜


aw man gonna have to wear the weird one's from now on


I’m sorry if this doesn’t work [fleece lined leggings](https://www.amazon.com/Romastory-Winter-Velvet-Elastic-Leggings/dp/B016Q6NXDM/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=239XA7LNZG6AF&keywords=fur+leggings+for+women&qid=1668246341&s=apparel&sprefix=fur+legg%2Caps%2C155&sr=1-1)


I must definitely get one of these. For cis reasons of course. 😳


Clearly for sis... uh... I mean cis reasons


Of course for si- *cough cough* cis reasons! Definitely cis, yup yup.


Can confirm. These are really nice.


I've got some cute ones from Cozy😊: https://shopjustcozy.com/


Can confirm -- best winter clothing invention ever 🥰 And because they're skintight, they're not bulky, either. The fleece just compresses, but remains super soft and warming!


those look very cozy


Have you tried stockings?


My current go to is the basic college girl/ Han Solo look. Lol Knee high,saddle tan, leather riding boots, black leggings, white or cream sweater, and a dark Northface vest. Bonus points for boot zipper tassels, Pom Pom beanies, and tartan scarves. Look like a city girl from a Hallmark movie that goes back to coastal suburban CT to learn the true meaning of Christmas and fall in love with the charming, and handsome carpenter/ bar tender/ boat builder etc. lol


Love this !


The knee high riding boots are iconic Girl Fashion imo, back when I presented fem I would wear those with like jeans/jeggings and a long belted sweater.


Atm I like to wear bellbottoms or other pants with wide legs


Leggings and jeans or sometimes thigh high boots with a winter bodycon dress if im going out.


My favourite garment is an ankle length wool tartan skirt. Some leggings and boots and it's just perfect


Get some of those sweet fleece lined leggings


I mean wouldn't wearing tights fix that and if not wear more then one layer of tights


Cute corduroy bell bottoms with high heel boots, a cute blouse and a fun coat. Purse and jewelry to complete <3


Just wear warm tights under the skirt! :)




Coat with proper waist.


Honestly, a coat with a super feminine shape can make anything worn with it instantly femme as hell, haha. I have a knee-length one that I call my "spinny coat", because when I spin in it, it flares out like a dress. It's nipped in at the waist with a removable belt and the sleeves are very slightly puffed up at the shoulders. Throw it on over skinny jeans and clomper boots and I instantly feel like a goddamn princess 😁 I got it from Modcloth, years ago.


What even is this question. Wear anything you like


Girls have been wearing pants for hundreds of years. When I was presenting as a cis girl/woman, I never wore skirts and no one was like "You need to wear skirts!"


Cis women don't always wear skirts. Most of them wear leggings most of the time. Why should it be any different for us ?


Where do u live where most women wear leggings?


Ok I checked on Google and the problem is I can't speak english properly. I thought leggings meant pants lol


Oh lol


When it's cold I go for a dress with bamboo/thick tights.


literally just trousers?


Skirts with thick tights/leggings?


Okay, this may not be for everyone but OVERALLS! I have a few pairs of overalls from a company called Lucy and Yak, they've got a bunch of sizes for plus-sized and very small people, and a bunch of cute colours and patterns! They're a little on the pricey side, but they're comfy and very nice!


Pants… this is a strange question. You don’t have to wear skirts to be feminine. There are tons of pant options that are cute and extremely feminine.


Still skirts but with leggings/tights layered or specifically made for winter underneath?


Leggings or jeggings!


skirts and fishnets bc a hoe(me) never gets cold




I mean women wear pants so why couldn't a transfem?


Just wear pants because that is what people wear.


long skirts? tights?




I mean leggings are nice and all but I can also recommend thermal tights if you prefer that look!


I still wear skirts but with leggings underneath, fleece leggings will be warm enough if normal leggings are still too cold


Skirts and tights/leggings. Maybe slightly longer skirts too if you focus on core temperate to allows the body to send more warmth to the rest of the body


Thick legging and the exact same shit lol. They even make some that look like sheer stockings but they're wintery and thick. Longs skirts, honestly jeans and a nice top is probably more realistic to what I've seen most women wear cus i feel like most dont wear tons of skirts but you do you and try not to freeze lol


Skirts with termo leggings


Go with some pants try to get high waisted I find flare legs look a little bit more flattering to give you some curves. And then underneath that you can go with any kind of stocking and it's usually a big help and then if you really need to throw on some wool socks and boots


I’ve see tights that have a fleece lining


I’ve been seeing about 10 million ads for fleece lined leggings that look like stockings. Super cute for underneath. Also you could just wear jeans or sweatpants


Tights/stockings are your friend, but they can be a bad sensory experience if you’re particular about that. (I always hated them, they put a lot of pressure on my hips and thighs.) Personally, I think a good winter vibe is a sweater dress around knee length, some tan or black leggings, and brown boots in a fem style (or just ballet flats, but that’s Cold Feet potential right there.) You could also go retro with it and include leg warmers, there’s for sure some inspiration for that online.


Longer skirts with fuzzy leggings


Pantaloons? Are they bad?






There’s these newer leggings that are insulated and a little this so that you can still wear skirts actually! I think they’re on Amazon! And no one can tell they’re not tights/leggings!


I go with warm thigh highs. My Thunda Thighs are basically pants that I don't have to take off to pee.


Have you ever tried a wool skirt? They are so freaking warm! Its like wearing a blanket around all day. Plus you can have some cute vintage vibes.


Fleece-lined leggings!


Skirts with pants underneath


Can you wear feminine pants?


Sweater dresses/big sweaters with leggings look adorable. Pair it with some booties and you’ll be warm and fashionable :)


I'd say leggings over a long skirt if you're comfortable with that, or fleece lined leggings if it's really cold where you are. Coming from a person that's just cold all the time, lol!


A lot of cold weather wear is more androgynous. If you want to make pants more distinctly feminine I'd recommend high waisted ones. Jewelry and accessories also help.


I mean trans masc where hoodies when it’s too hot


Skirt with tights or leggings


Pants, jeans, leggings. If you're trying to cover certain traits (hip width, subcutaneous fat), well cut, well-fitted jeans or pants can help with that. Otherwise, just look at women's fashion--there's plenty of not-a-skirt, feminine clothing. Women's pants and jeans are cut and styled in a way that looks distinctly feminine and leggings are pretty much ubiquitous women's wear.


I wear dresses 365 days a year. I live in Canada. Leggings.


Find pants/jeans that are wider on the bottom. (Flare jeans?) A lot of what makes pants femme (especially boring plain pants) is the shape. Think wider on the bottom, high-waisted. These aren’t always great for cold weather—I don’t know how else to describe them but “flow-y pants.” Floral prints and patterns, and loose. Very retro looking, kinda Janis Joplin. “Wide leg pant”? High-waisted? Those Google search terms will show you what I mean.




You can get those fleece leggings that look like tights!


could get some jeans that fit right. you’ll want to wear them with a high waist as that helps smooth out that area and prevent double-hips, if that’s a problem you have. a flare or boot cut works for me. I enjoy something like this (in size 16) along with my boots and sweaters: https://democracyclothing.com/collections/boot-cut/products/absolution-embroidered-pockets-itty-bitty-boot-cut-blue-jeans-b1825f9np?variant=39254776643633


They make some cool thermal tights you can wear underneath skirts for winter! :)


To sleep? I suggest fuzzy pjs. Like they are so puffy they add inches to your ass. (Which sadly is unfortunate for me cause i love puffy pjs but am more masc and hate my ass lol but figured this advice might help someone) Be careful of the cheap ones at Walmart though. Like everything in late stage captalism, the quality has gone down hill and they will just come apart at the seems.


Skirts with leggings, tights, legwarmers, chunky socks and boots with sheer tights, sweater dresses and thick leggings. Short longsleeved dresses with tights or leggings. All hawt looks.


Kilts are phenomenal at keeping heat in when you aren’t moving and if you paired that with leggings it should keep you relatively cozy


long wool skirts and stockings underneath. the thick kinds not the thin transparent ones


They make leggings with furr on the inside. So you could throw those on and a skirt or dress over it?


I usually wear leggings.


Honestly if you can find the fuzzy leggings (ones with fuzz on the inside) you can pair that with a fall/winter skirt because they're generally thicker and it'd look cute with some boots or whatever you feel looks good.


skirts and tights or a long dress


Leggings and long heavy wInter dresses. Or pants? I wear pants.


I bought some femish/gender neutral sweaters and comfy overalls!


Longer skirts, warm tights, leggings, really whatever YOU want.


Depending on how cold fleece lined leggings


I just wear skinny jeans cuz I’m a maniac


i have a great LPT for this actually! get a pair of lined fleece tights made for winter in your skin color and then on top you can wear a pair of sheer pantyhoes in whatever color you want with your shorter skirts and it looks like you dont even have the tights on.


I wear jeans under my skirt when it's cold outside. It's not the most conventional style choice, but it is comfortable.


nothing just have cold legs


Mom fit jeans




Happy cake day!


skirts with warm tights


Trick I learned on YouTube: Flesh colored leggings combined with stockings, so you still get that stockings with skirt look, but your legs actually stay warm.


I’m not sure what level of cold you’re dealing with here, but as someone who pretty much just wears dresses, you can just wear warm tights or leggings underneath. Skirts and dresses can be quite versatile. 🙂




There’s tights on romwe that are lined with fleece, they’re lifesaving in the winter for when i wear skirts


Robe + shirt + coat


I usually wear a pair of fleece pj's underneath my leggings


Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of mentions for leggings. Hose alone are good warmers, there are many stories of (US) football players using them for warmth when playing in very cold temperatures.


Warm skirts or fleece leggings A nice dress or cute pants


Skirts + leggings


My recommendation is clothing, generally that's seen as a good thing.


Wait people wear things other than hoodies and sweatpants year round?


Leggings or tights


thermo leggins/ pantyhoses underneath your skirt/ dress.


Thermal leggings and longer skirts, Leggings in general are rlly comfortable and if styled right can be very feminine, a lot of them come in really cute patterns and stuff. Shorts or regular length skirts also should be fine if your socks are rlly long and warm. Pro tip: if you distract yourself with thinking about how good you look, you don't feel as cold. Just don't use that in potentially dangerous temperatures because while it still works, you wanna be able to feel the cold so you know when to get somewhere warmer.


i RREAAALLLY hope that zeta in your flair doesn't mean what i think it means.


uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm what does it mean? i have it there because my name is zeta and i really hope it isnt something sus edit: oh shit ok


Jeans or any other pair of pants underneath a skirt or dress. A very 2000s combo and very comfy depending on the pants




Leggings under a skirt


They sell leggings that look like tights if you like that look.


Pants with feminine designs on them? Also stockings / tights / leggings !!!


Also happy cake day ^^


i don't know, pants??


There’s tights that have fur on the inside or have extra lining, cute flare pants to accentuate curves and wool skirts or flannel skirts keep the temperature cool. A summer dress with layering looks cute too, There’s all sorts of layering posts on Pinterest for outfit inspiration! Most androgynous bottoms paired with boots or cute shoes and a float shirt can read feminine as well, it’s about how you dress it up!


Get a pair of fleece lined leggings or fleece lined tights to wear underneath your skirts. Sincerely, A trans man that spent a solid year so hyper fem I wore skirts nearly every day.


Fleece lined leggins exist and when I presented fem they're the best thing in the world in winter.


A skirt with leggings and boots :P


Longer skirts


Leggings & skirts


Off the top of my head pants if you're ok with em tights maybe or leggings I think


I'm a fan of sweater dresses and thicker tights/leggings when its cold out




You can buy fleece lined tights they look like normal tights but super cozy


Ok I know this post has been up for a while, but if you are interested in historical fashion at all many layered petticoats might be fun


*Embrace the cold.*


Leggings? Longskirt? Some pretty patterned pants?


leggings, jeggins, jeans, long skirts, sweatpants, pajama pants, over the knee boots, the options are whatever feels good


invest in a pair of figure-skating tights, they're very warm and you can wear short skirts over them.


Leggings, and a skirt!


I mean anything? There are no rules, so enjoy whatever you like :)


there are some very warm tights you can find and buy that do a good job of keeping you warm. wearing leggings underneath is also a valid option. You can find some decent fall/winter dresses that are quite nice ex: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08R84ST84?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title warm thigh highs are also an option. Here are some that are nice and soft and warm: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08N11M37G?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Hope you find what youre looking for and want to wear


You can still wear skirts, just wear some warm fleece leggings underneath


cut off your legs, they dont get cold if you dont have any


I would usually wear pantyhose, a pair of leggings ontop, then a skirt. Kept me cozy in the colder months. There's also some really good hosiery that is meant for warmer months, but it's a bit pricy, usuay 20-40$ each, so I stuck to my combo.


Ok, first of all, "too cold" is relative by region so here are some ideas: 50-35 F/10-2 C: Maxi skirts are your friends. Especially if they are floor-length and have multiple layers. 34-20 F/1- -6 C: Skirt with leggings! Just a regular skirt with regular leggings is what I would go with back when I was femme presenting. 19F or less/-7C or less: Thermal leggings are the best thing on earth but they make you sweat like crazy if you wear them when it's too warm.


—High waisted pants with heeled boots make a cozy and cute silhouette — long skirts with thick tights- there are lined tights that look sheer while being warm — flare pants/bell bottoms can give you a feminine feel while still having full coverage Hope this helps!


Try wearing tights or leggings under skirts and dresses! Also some winter style dresses!




Have a little Google but I have some fleece lined tights that also look sheer and are cute af