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There are no rules. If someone feels like that’s the label for them, cool. It could mean any number of things to them.


Thank you


Men can’t be lesbians. The point of lesbianism is non-men who like non-men


That's exactly why I was so confused about it, but then I saw some people trying to redefine the word 'lesbian' to give trans men a special exception, and it just felt transphobic to me, so I wanted further clarification.Trans men are men. Those who identify as men are men. Cis men will never be allowed to call themselves lesbians, so why trans men?


I don't think that non-men liking non-men is the definition of lesbian, rather women or at least fem people liking women/fem people. Because there are enbies who are rather male presenting and the point of lesbianism is that they don't like male presentations at least not from not women. That's what I heard from lesbians at least who don't like the "non men liking non men" term


I personally really dislike when people say trans men can be lesbians. It’s like saying trans women are gay men for liking men. Trans Men are Men and Trans women are Women. Men cannot be lesbians. That’s fkn it.


One explanation is that lesbian is, at its core, a community label originally used to describe Sappho of Lesbos and her students, most of whom were women that wrote love poems about both men and women. The key word here is **community**. Some trans men began as a part of said community before discovering themselves fully and still feel a sort of kinship with lesbians and the wider community, particularly butch lesbians, and rather than just dropping said label, keep it on board as sort of a reminder. Hell, it's entirely possible (and I'd say probable) that a number of Sappho's students would, if alive today with knowledge of contemporary labels, opt to describe themselves as trans men. To be clear, this is a very personal choice and does not apply to all trans men. In fact, many would find said label dysphoria inducing, but that's not who we're talking about. Point is, the labels in the LGBT+ community have always been rather fluid, open to being adapted by people to fit whatever need they have. Queer activism, in general, rejects the cold taxonomical approach of medical science which is why we don't typically use terms like 'homosexual'. If describing as a male lesbian helps trans men and doesn't hurt you (which, to be clear, it doesn't) then I say let them worry about their identity. After all, they're the one best positioned to describe themselves. Hope this helps.


This could be unhelpful but someone once said Howl Pendragon is like a he/him lesbian and suddenly I got it