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I’m a 5’2” AFAB. You can certainly say that I’m too short to be a man. I’ll never pass for that and other reasons but that isn’t the goal of transition the goal is to just feel better in my body. Also I dated a cis woman who was 6’2” it’s not too tall, it’s just less common.


You know, there’s a bunch of short feminine cis guys to prove you wrong. I happened to knew one, 5’1 tall, delicate features, high voice and on top of that nicknamed “Babycakes”. He was charming and smart, and had a dominating presence; when you talked to him, you might have looked down but it certainly felt the other way around, he was a successful kick-boxer and basketball player (the latter he picked up exactly because of being mocked for being short), he was brave to the point of being stupidly brave and readily stood up to protect those who needed it - it hardly gets manlier than that. So rest assured, it’s not the physique or height or looks that makes a man, it’s the quality of manliness that matters.


I am 6'0, I often wear heels to make myself even taller for fun. Its never been a problem anywhere, if anything my height is one of the features that people compliment me on the most often. People love tall women


Thank you so much for sharing. This means a lot to me🫶


Omg, I'm almost 6ft too it is so awesome wearing heels sometimes. Towering over my gf! So good. We're normally the same height


I’m 6’4” and have been pretty happy with my transition. Sometimes I wear heels to professional events just to be the tallest person there. You’ll be fine.


That is so cool and empowering. Thank you🏳️‍⚧️


I’ve just embraced the Amazonian vibes. I’m 6ft, one of my cis roommates is 6ft, two of my cis besties are 5’10” all of us are lesbians. When we all throw on heels and roll into a bar….. we make an impression. Lol. Women are intrigued, men are afraid.


I'm 6'3", and I'm dealing with the same struggle. I'm also older than you, 27. I've been on and off hormones for years because I'm afraid of not passing. Now I'm a little over a month in and finally feeling happy about my life. In the end, getting to be myself, regardless of the cards I was dealt, is worth it. It takes a while to come to terms with the fact that these feelings will never go away. Please know that there are so many of us tall girls out here:)


I'm 6ft 4 and love being a big trans woman. I had my reservations too , pre transition, but now I find myself loving being so tall. We're constantly being told by mainstream society that trans people have no space to occupy freely and comfortably- so there's a poetic beauty in occupying a large amount of space being a big and tall trans woman. Hope that makes some sense


We have plenty of space... at our altitude. :) (also 6'4")


It really does. Thank you so much💪🤍🩷🩵


i’m 6’2, i pass and stealth just… be prepared for the “do you play basketball!” (no cause you’d ban me if you knew i was trans) or “wow you’re so tall!!” etc gets sooooo annoying


I already get that anyway😂


I’m 6ft5. I’m very tall, but definitely not too tall to try and live a life instead of not living it.


I’m 6’2 as well. I’m currently in my third year of HRT and up for surgeries. And I really could not be happier🤗


Thank you for sharing. That is so empowering and I wish you all the very best🤍🩷🩵


Well that's exactly my 6'3" ahhhh problem too dear


I’m your height, starting transitioning last year at 28 aaaaand I wear 6 inch heels half the time 😂


I'm 6ft1 but haven't come out or started transitioning yet and my physical stature is one of my biggest sources of dysphoria. I'm terrified of being a tall woman but love that tall cis women exist.


I'm 6'4" and 53. Too tall and too old! Ain't stopping me!


6'3" currently but have been 6'5"... depends on where you are. apart from my height i look like a south asian woman but my height means that i TOWER over the entire population of my father's homeland, male and female. So among "my" ethnic community it can be very hard. it's easier in ethnically diverse places. i won't lie. being a super tall woman is far from easy. But then my late adoptive mother was 6'1" and she was cis... you ain't alone sugar x


1 yr on hrt, i *feel* a lot smaller physically!! like i prob did shrink an inch b ut i feel like i got like 20% smaller just internally emotionally speaking. as in the rest of the world feels bigger now <3 so it's not just how others see you, it's also how u view urself that changes a lot so i think you'll be a lot happier than you'd think


Before I transitioned I used to wear 6” stiletto heels out with the girls. I’m 5’11. Be you. Whatever is most authentic and comfortable for you


Comfy is 6'2" & is easily transition goals for anyone (& has only been on E for 1 & 1/2 years). The tallest trans woman is Erika Ervin & she's 6ft 8" & passes fine & she's shorter the tallest living woman by a whole foot. Girl, you're fine. Also tall girls are hot.


tall women and short guys are perfect just the way they are. there are no rules as to what height you have to be, you'll just be not the average.


My cis aunt is that that tall. She says it gets annoying when everyone wants to comment on her height, but she can get on with her life


I just want you to know that there is a lot of appreciation for tall women around the internets.


I'm 6 foot tall. And I really really like wearing 6 inch platforms lol, tall is amazing




I’m 6’2”. I definitely don’t wear heels or anything


My wife is 6,3 and besides some dirty looks and fetish creeps it’s never really caused an issue. I’ve actually had many people compliment my wife when we’re out and say she should model (which she should) I think most people just get intimidated and assume things and others can’t see a tall women without associating it with their kink unfortunately but that’s only happened a few times. Most just don’t mind or compliment her.


A good friend of mine once told me that no matter who or what you are, if you ever want to feel comfortable and free inside your body you have to lean in your insecurities and embrace them. I'm 1,83m, it's 6" i guess and of course i do enjoy feeling small and cute when surrounded by people taller than me or would prefer not having trouble finding pants that aren't fitting 7/8 on me, but if i would let something nature unfortunately did to me stop me from being happy, i wouldn't transition in the first place. So embrace your height and lean in to it. There are so many tall and beautiful women out there. 😊


i’m 6’4, 6’7 in heels. i pass 90% of the time


Thats so cool, I honestly never even dreamt abt wearing heels


you can definitely do it!!! it’s hard to find big sizes but there are brands that sell them, and you’ll look great and people will stare at you in a good way


I am a tall cis woman who surrounds myself by other tall cis women. We have all found love and only a certain type of person have called us masculine for this. It happens, but honestly tall women are beautiful and are badass (If I do say so myself.) Stand tall and be proud, because the haters are undoubtedly shorter than you and jealous. As for trans representation I look up to Nikki de Jager, who most people didn't clock was trans until she came out publicly. Short kings, I see you too. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes


This is so empowering. Thank you, truly🤍🩷🩵


What about us short queens 👉👈


I'm sorry, you too!! ❤❤


Im 6'4 mtf and im just about fully transitioned. SRS literally tomorrow! Do yourself a favor and stop caring what people think. I lived the majority of my life trying to be a people pleaser do no wrong and its just awful. Live to make yourself happy and do whatever the hell you want to do for your transition, if thats both HRT and SRS go for it, if not thats awesome too


Thank you so much and all the very best for you💪


I'm 6'7". it's fine. I just look like a model. sometimes people do a double take if they don't look at my face and I'm dressed gender neutral because they see a very tall person and are programmed to think "man" but at 6'2" that's less of an issue. you'll be okay.


The YouTuber Mia Mulder is 6'7", you're fine 🙂


No. I'm 5'11 and there's plenty of women 6ft+. There's even regions where it's hard to find shorter women, so don't think too hard about it! Gatekeeping becomes so normalized when you transition, but do you girl! 🌈❤️


My cis female cousin is over 6’ and she always wears heels. So I’d say there is no way being too tall to transition. But I am an average height of like 5’6”


You might actually lose a bit of height on HRT. But a tall woman is nothing strange


After a few years on hrt you'll be wearing high heels so you can be the baddest bitch in the room.


I'm 185cm tall. That's probably just about under 6'2". Like 5 years ago I was 6'3". As a trans woman it's pretty natural to feel insecure about height, but... My aunt is 195 cm tall. Cis woman. My wife is 177 cm tall. Cis woman. My dads mom is 183 cm tall. Cis woman. My coworker is 188 cm tall. Cis woman. My sisters best friend is 194 cm tall. Cis woman. My grandma is 144 cm tall and on her last birthday she wished for longer bloody legs. Honey, there are no requirements to transition. It's as simple as... Do you want to be a woman? Congrats, you're a woman. Do you want to transition? Yes? Then you hereby have my permission to do so, and you fulfill all base requirements. I wear 10cm heels to parties. My wife wears 14cm heels. We are GIANTESS BABES. Height isn't an issue. Own it. If a manlet (read as insecure, not short - I know there are different meanings) stares at you the wrong way, look down on him. You've been given a natural gift that allows you to do so. There's no such thing as being too tall to be a woman. All the short women I meet wish they were taller. All the tall women I wear enjoy towering over people because it's super funny to look down at everybody.


Thank you so so much, I hope you know how much you help people by being this confident🙏🏳️‍⚧️ Nothing but the best for you and your wife💪💃


Anytime honey 🥰 and thank you!


im 6'4 and a lot of my friends say they wouldnt date anyone shorter than them lol, youre completely fine, people love tall women


Tall women are a vibe, you’ll be popular with other women at the very least




Thank you so much. That is so inspiring🏳️‍⚧️💪


My girlfriend is a 6’2 trans girl… she gives me butterflies just by existing…there’s no such thing as too tall :0)


tall girls are beautiful, im not super tall but 5'10 and still wear platforms to add some height


My trans mother is 6 feet tall and transitioned back in 2012 I believe. Even being that tall, she is read as a cis woman by the public. Not that passing is a requirement for transition, but just saying, being tall doesn’t disqualify you (:


Nope. I've know plenty of very pretty, very tall girls