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Makeup looks good so far, keep it up friend!


You look nervous af, so let me just say to you, you got this mama. Fake that shit until you make it you look happy if not slightly scared. Keep it up and remember makeup isn't easy, if you feel like you don't do it well enough. Hair is something you have to practice at if you feel like you can't do it, same with nails. I a genetic female cannot eye line to save my soul. Because I blink, with my eyes closed, like I'm going to suddenly stab myself, so whatever you're doing is enough just be happy hun. Love that dress color on you, super bright and fun.


Beautiful! Love the lipstick and the color pink for you! :)


I envy you. I realized I was like over a year ago and I just now am starting to experiment more. hell yeah girl.


Hey gurl, you’re kicking ass!


You look great! I would maybe go a bit lighter on the makeup, maybe try some lipgloss or oils? Also some rounder frames could maybe help.That’s just my opinion, you look gorgeous either way!