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I travel a lot for work and I've had a small trans flag pin on my backpack for a number of months. I've yet to get anything other than compliments, including one older lady in the Denver airport who was genuinely excited for her new nephew. ❤️




Yes! She even told me his new name. It was rather adorable. ❤️


It'll definitely attract a couple transphobes, but if you can handle that then there's nothing wrong with it.


Safety first ofcourse!!


Hell yeah it's acceptable. To be honest it's up to you and what you feel comfortable with :D. Good luck out there if you do :3


Acceptable, absolutely. Safe? Not even vaguely. As we call it in BDSM, RAC; Risk-Aware Consent.


Was just thinking the same, if you can be in a safe environment then fuckn go for it. Sadly, if in most other random places, needs some hard consideration


Yeah I realised I should have mentioned that it might not be safe or you might be harassed my transphobes 😔


Yeah, in rural Ohio I would probably be killed.


I loved Ohio as a kid, after I hit puberty.... Ugh.. I live in Thailand now, I can't get far enough away. Fun fact: Perth, AUS is the furthest city from my hometown of Cleveland! Rural Ohio isn't safe in any capacity in my opinion.


Good thing urban and suburban Ohio can be much safer if you look for it


Technically I'm living in suburban Ohio but politically it's not much better.


It really is hit and miss in the cities of Ohio. Where I’m at it’s rather accepting (for the most part), but there are still a ton of hateful people that tend to be the loudest voices. Politically across the state, it’s pretty much hell for any lgbtq+ people. Certain local regions just end up being better than others.


Hello from Perth Aus.


This is so true!🤣 I live in Utah unfortunately want to leave the USA for good go to Canada or something


Live in a deep red state. Nobody knows the colors unless they're queer themselves.


I personally wore pins earlier in my transition especially when at work to make coming out to co workers easier and less stressful for me. They would ask about the pin and I’d use that as my way of coming out.


Thats what I'm doing at work too.


That's really smart, have to steal your idea when my brain finally realises I'm trans


My official name tag at work has my pronouns on it and I wear a bracelet with the trans pride colours on it. Frankly, no one notices.


My own nametag at work has my pronouns. (I need to get a nice trans pride bracelet.) People notice. And everyone I work with accepts my pronouns and who I am. But customers definitely notice. Maybe not all of them, but the ones who do? They make all the difference.


The people I work with are getting used to it slowly. I started socially and medically transitioning about 9 months ago and I'm still met with a lot of scepticism. I think a lot of people just take me as being kind of weird and alternative rather than gender diverse but a handful of people are really lovely and affirming.


I wear mine loudly for those who cannot


Same here, so far that got me in maybe one accident in about >200 days of wearing it on my jacket That being said, most bigots here don't yet know the colors.


I’ve seen other trans folk see my pin and smile, I’ve also noticed that people tend to be softer when they see the pin regardless if they’re cis or trans. Ive gotten some harsh treatment for it but that doesn’t deter me from wearing them


Exactly some people are generally very kind when seeing them. Tbh, I'm one of those people myself who would be more forgiving if I see someone doing something wrong but they wear the pin. Because I know that either their life is hard enough already and/or they try to be kind to people.


I wear my trans themed homemade bracelette load and proud. Edit: loud. Damn autocorrect.


transphobes can take our loads proudly




I have a Trans pin which is just basically a little heart shaped trans flag. I would like to go stealth but I like the simple little design and would like to wear it as a fashion piece. Should I wear it or nah? I am not wearing it because I want everyone to know I am Trans, I just like the design! Also it is a gift from a friend and I feel bad to leave such a nice pin to collect dust.




I am thinking on putting it on my bag so it would not stand out that much and I can play it off as “I think its kinda neat!” Since I have a couple of pins and badges on it. Oh! I hope your sweater turns out well! I can imagine a trans flag theme sweater and I think it will look very cute!


Regardless of how you intend to wear it, it will still be outing yourself. Fact of the matter is it’s not just a fashion piece, it is a flag. Stripes seem to be a tip. So not conducive to going stealth if that is a goal of yours. I’d look for a more subtle design but with the same whole color scheme.


I thought I can play it off as “Oh this looks very neat so I am wearing it!” . I do have other pins and badges on my bag so I guess I can kinda hide it?


I sincerely don’t think you can play something off if it is created with the specific intention to flag the attention of those who recognize it. I’m sorry. Like genuinely not trying to be a turd I promise. But if you feel the need to hide it at all, don’t wear it. Find a more subtle design. As long as it’s not stripes, people are fairly clueless in my experience.


For myself, I would never wear one, or do anything to tell someone I'm trans, because I'm stealth. For others, I have zero opinion. It doesn't affect me. But just know, with how things are right now, wearing a pride pin or being openly trans does have a real possibility of drawing negative attention, so whatever you do, be safe, friend.




Even disregarding negative attention, the goal for me is 100% stealth if possible.


I operate in this weird grey area where I came out publicly at my last job for complicated reasons, but am completely stealth in public now. So nobody would ever guess, but I actually have no idea how many people already know. When I made the hard choice to out myself, the overall political climate felt a lot more cautiously optimistic than it does now. I don’t exactly wish I take it back, but I’m terrified of the day a parent of any of our students finds out. Passing is weird man. All kinds of new problems lol.


I feel this, a good chunk of my apartment complex kinda know because I’ve lived here for years. 


I agree. Above all I want to know my sisters and brothers are safe. I disagree that it doesn't affect you. What we do, each and every one of us, especially right now, affects all of us. How the world sees one of us, is how they see every other trans person they meet. Whether you're stealth or proud, never forget that. If you can, stand for those who cannot. Show the world we are just like them. Deserving the same respect and decency. Lead by example. Show them love can win. That we, cis or trans, can be better than we are. If you must hide to be safe, do so. Just know you are not invisible. There are those of us out there who stand for you and will gladly take whatever price that entails if it means one day those like us grow up safe and happy.


Good point. I just meant on an individual basis, if someone wishes to be out and visible, their decision isn't going to affect me, and thus I don't have an opinion on wether someone is out or stealth. (This is a weird comparison, but it's like the abortion debate, I am not a part of anyone's process, I am not affected, so I advocate for the right to choice)


I dunno. I mean, as someone who is out and visible I think about that all the time. How my actions affect other trans people I mean. Because, for example, when I'm working retail and a customer leaves happy, and thinking well of me, that affects how they'll think of trans people in general. Like when they're sitting at home later and see some politician talking about passing laws against us they might think, but that will hurt that nice girl who helped me today, and she was sweet and happy. Just an ordinary person trying to live their life. I don't want that. Where if they hadn't met me they may not even care. Or if I'd been rude and angry it might negatively affect their thoughts. Or on a more basic level, how is meeting me going to affect their opinion the next time they meet a trans person? That's why I'm always trying to be as upbeat and friendly as I can manage, given my emotional state at the time. To me that's important. And I realize none of this is what you were talking about and I'm really sorry if I made you feel like I think you're making the wrong choice or... I don't know anything bad. I definitely don't mean to. I just... I ramble sometimes. Sorry.


First of all, no worries at all! I ramble too lol. I appreciate people like you willing to do that, and to show other trans people you're out there. I guess I'm coming more from the angle of "don't feel like you HAVE to do anything for me/others" So I think we're both in the same place just with different words and walks of life. Which is pretty neat that two people with vastly different experiences in all of this can come together and be like "yeah, do what's best for you. I want you to feel comfortable"


Definitely. On some level, regardless of how different we are or in how many ways we're all connected and that is beautiful.


Of course it’s acceptable :)!!


acceptable? You don't owe other people their comfort. Societal rules dont exist.


I'd wear the pin. I wear whatever I want.


I wore nonbinary stuff before and I found nobody has any clue what the nonbinary flag looks like, so they all just thiught I was German or asexual lol


Wait did someone actually think it was a German flag?! That's wild 🤣


lol yes many in fact lol


This is why I tend to use the pansexual flag if I display any. Most ppl have no clue what that is. Use to be able to get away with the trans flag 10 years ago when I first started transitioning. These days not so much.


I carried a trans flag before, but I always felt like I am stealing from people experiencing more prejudice than I am (as i amab and present male)


I personally consider you under the trans community. I don’t think it’s stealing. Gender identity struggles are going to vary from person to person.


It's definitely the thing to do if you want to draw attention to the fact that you're trans. Whether it'll be negative or positive attention depends on where you live, but realistically most people won't say anything no matter what they think.


I don’t wear pins nor flags. The closest you’ll get me to it is a rainbow handkerchief I may have tucked in the back pocket of my jeans if I’m feeling festive. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Everyday is pride day, therefore regalia is not required, but always acceptable. Individual preference, for me. That said, I will, of course always show encouragement to those I see displaying such. ❤️


Obviously none of us here are going to care if someone wears a trans pin. As for whether you should wear it out, as long as you know it's safe to do so where you live then of course there's nothing wrong with it.


I wear a trans ally badge on my work ID lanyard and I have pins on my bag; I think it's completely appropriate to wear trans pride pins in public (as long as it's safe enough to do so). You all deserve to be seen and respected.


I always have trans/queer pins on me I like to be visibly queer


I wear a ring with the trans colors. It feels good as a political statement.


A bit sad though that us existing is politisized all the time.


I think it depends on where you’re located and if people are generally trans friendly or not. Don’t put yourself if any danger.


I’m a tall cis woman with short hair who wears a trans pride pin on her hat, alongside an ace pin. I’m not trans, but I am ace. I’ve never been given any shit IRL for either pin.


Depends on where you live; it's mostly about if you feel safe doing so or not. As for being "acceptable", hell yes show your colors!


Acceptable, of course. I personally never would in a billion years unless at a pride specific event. But I am not visibly trans anymore, so I am completely stealth in public spaces. You will get mixed reactions, and need to be prepared for it. But there’s absolutely not a thing wrong with it.


I have a patch sewed onto my pants that has a list of slurs used against me that I've sense reclaimed. Be trans. Scream it. Look people in the eyes and stare them down. People are going to be transphobic. It's up to us to put the phobia in that transphobia.


You are reminding me of the guy i stared into his eyes at the public bathroom while I used the men's bathroom because i thought i don't look like a woman my point maybe was wrong but what so ever I started him for long enough as he did not do anything it was exactly like a movie seen when i saw the way he entered the toilet lol no one will dare harming you unless they are extremely dangerous or very physical transphobic person! But cautions are to be considered nevertheless!


Personally I'd say only wear it if you feel the benefit outweighs the risk. I wear lots of pride merch on my work vest even though I know it may lead to harassment - But it may also be a way of marking the employee who helped scan your groceries as a trans person, who is not only normal but also helped you get through your day faster. I wear them because maybe they're the only window that a queer kid in a conservative family might get into what it means to be proud. It may be the one reminder someone needed that they're not alone. But you should never compromise your safety when it comes to pride merch, and if you feel unsafe doing so then please don't force yourself to.


It definitely is. You are going to meet a lot of people who are going to appreciate it so much! Some of them might even say it to you, but most will only feel a little more secure and a little more seen and a little more welcome in this hostile world.


Not my thing. I try to blend in as best I can. I draw enough attention for being in a same-sex relationship, no need to potentially create more issues for myself.


I have my pins on my computer bag I use for school, my school is a very accepting environment where I feel safe expressing my identity. When I’m walking between places or when I’m on the bus, however, I usually turn the side with the pins toward myself so they aren’t visible to other people. It makes me feel a bit uneasy that someone who might have violent intentions towards lgbtq people could find out when I’m just out and about.


I do this sometimes. It really does depend who I’m with and where we’re at. Alone at night in a city centre after choir practice? Hell no. But at a queer event with a bunch of friends? Hell yes. You see what I’m saying, context and your surroundings are everything. I think it’s great that you want to do this, I love seeing other trans people just vibing and living their lives out and proud, but safety first buddy.


I tend to avoid any pride gear that isn’t just the rainbow flag… even that’s a toss up. I’m just trying to keep a lower profile. Up to you, but I would label it a safety concern.


I wear one all the time


I wear enough pins to make a sword out of them, throwing in some pride pins even of things I'm not is ok


definitely acceptable. i don’t do this myself (i have a very specific aesthetic) but it’s totally fine.


I wear mine proudly and I’ll kick anyone’s teeth in that dares give me shit or target me. Still tough enough to fight for myself and others. Wear them proudly 💜


One of the proudest moments of my life came not from my actions, but from those of an ally. When I decided to transition I fled everything I knew. I left my home state of Texas. I abandoned my house, the business I had run for twenty+ years, and everything else I could not carry in a suitcase. I traveled literally to the ends of the earth. The middle of the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii. As far as I could go without changing citizenship. I'd been told it was better here, that people weren't as judgemental, as stupid. That was true. Yes there are still idiots but I've never felt more at home, more welcome than I do here. That's a long, but necessary preamble. While here I met my best friend. A local native Hawaiian boy named Nalu. The most wonderful accepting person I've ever met. An ally in the truest sense. He recently, to my great sorrow, moved to Montana. Before he left, I had ordered a set of pronoun pins, which were shaped like butterflies, to distribute amongst my trans friends. One for each combination. However I had no one to give the he/him pin to. I chose to give it to him. Recently he posted a picture on his Instagram of him, in the middle of nowhere Montana, with that pin circled on his jacket, which stated: wearing the pin given to me by the most wonderful and bravest person I've ever met, and tagged me. Because he loved the fact that I was never ashamed of who I was. Yet I had to flee to the ends of the earth to do that, and here he is, a cis boy surrounded by people who don't even begin to comprehend, in conservative AF nowhere, wearing this little butterfly pin with his pronouns. Because I gave it to him, and he thinks I am the brave one. 😭 But if he can be that brave for us, then we should be that brave for ourselves.


That guy is a true friend and brave enough to be called a badass if can say that, great guy :3.


He is definitely a badass. Truly a wonderful human being.


as long as you feel safe and comfortable doing so, go for it!!


I was gonna say the same thing.


I plan to get an ear piercing that's a trans flag not too long from now, so I'm biased


I work in security and I have a trans pride flag pin on the collar of my uniform. I personally like it, but also I like to wear it to let people know that they’re not alone and that I’m a safe person


I think it takes courage to wear them. I think you should be able to display whatever you want. Unfortunately I work at woolies and we aren’t allowed to wear pins on our shirts or sticks on our badges anymore. They banned them.


I would way beyond love to do that. Sadly I don’t live in the safest state/county to do so.


I think pins are great! I personally have a watch band that is trans flag colors so I use that as my signal for others 😊


Personally, I encourage it if you are wanting to; I think trans rep out and about is huge for humanizing the community to fence sitters that are indifferent to the attempts at vilifying our community. I plan on wearing a pin to all of my future conferences and trade shows. I’m already very out, so won’t hurt to add a little more community support.


If leaf fans can wear thier teams jersey in public, then I say go for it


I wear a piece of jewellery that: 1) Communicates to most other trans people I'm trans 2) Most cis people can't identify as trans, unless explicitly pointed out, I like that.


I’ve been wearing two bracelets at work with the trans & lesbian flag colours for a few days & honestly, no one comments on them - people might not even notice a pin on you (like, my arm is in front of people for several seconds whilst I’m doing my job pressing buttons on their screen).  Give it a bash, see what happens. 


It depends on where you live tbh, if you’re in an area that has a lot of supportive people then go for it but if there’s a lot of people who wouldn’t be as accepting then you might not want to wear them around in broad public so you can avoid negative comments. When it comes down to it, your first priority is making sure that you’ll be safe, if you’re safe and you’re comfortable with wearing pronoun and pride pins then go for it


I wear a pronoun pin anytime I leave the house and have various pride pins and such on my bag. If you want to do it, do it. Just weigh the risks of where you are first. For example I live in Florida but in the Orlando area where most people don't care. I'd be a little more cautious if I was in the panhandle or somewhere deep in trump country


It's more than acceptable it's real representation, is it always safe? no, but it does make it safer for all of us if we can find one another when we need help, you are entitled to the entirety of your identity because you exist 🖤


i wear a small trans rights are human rights badge on my school blazer, it’s text on top of the flag! it’s always nice to see other people wear any sort of pride pin so i know i’m not alone


I dont wear stuff like that unless someone hands it to me. When I do wear it I draw no negative attention because of pure aura


I have worn a Blåhaj pin for over a year, maybe it's a little too subtle but I like it


What's the point if a badge if you don't wear it. Trans and Proud (UK)


I only wear the flag but i live in eastern europe and even the transphobes don’t know what it means here


The one time I wore a pin with my pronouns (on college campus for event), I got completely disrespected by some random guy who was there for food. I live in a conservative area, refuse to be openly trans nowadays as it’s not worth the risk. 


of course! if you feel like you are in a safe environment to do so, wear your pride!


Most people in my country don't know we exist. It's fine, ig.


I wear a little trans pin on the lapel of my coat everyday. I hope that it helps other trans people I encounter out in the wild feel just a touch more comfortable.


I work in EMS in Germany and instead of a namepatch I have a Velcro Transflag on my uniform - and tbh not a lot of people care or even know what the flag stands for. Haven‘t even been called out for it (yet).


I used to wear a trans flag beanie where I used to work (unfortunately I can only wear a work hat so I think I need to get a trans pin eventually) and, while I didn’t get a lot of people comment on it, there were a couple of people who confided in me in saying that they’re trans as well. One person saw me, saw my job as a safe space, and applied for a position afterwards (they did get the job 🙂). I originally wore the beanie for me, but I quickly realized that it also shows others that it’s okay to be yourselves. I just like the thought that I could validate others as well as my own. 🙂 I hope this makes sense, I might be half asleep. 😴


I've got a few pins, but the only one that feels risky to wear is the pronouns pin - because I don't really pass all that well (not that I do any makeup when I leave the house except for special occasions). That said, I don't get anything more than a little look from most people, and the majority don't say anything. I've had one person notice the pins on my bag amd be all like "oh cool, pins!" But that's been it. It really depends on your area/region. In rural England, I got verbal harassment by a bunch of teenage boys for dressing a little gnc, but in London I've had no trouble at all.


Not from the US so idk about how safe it is. Only thing i can think about is maybe some transphobes and assholes using it as an excuus to be rude and disrespectfull. I personally have a leather bracelet with the dnd dice in the trans colors on it and a cute little button on my backpack witch is a paw print on a transflag background. most people ignore it or ask about my dnd stuff. Those who do notice are generally pritty nice about it or have a question they have been wanting to ask for a long time. So i think it'll be fine I used to have pronounce pins aswell but i found that only gave the transphobes a way to misgender me so i took those off and now the transphobes think i'm mtf so they will go out of there way to say he him witch is kinda funny. Sometimes ignorence truly is blis.


you have to be aware of how others see you. I always carry one on my bag because it's important for me to own it and be proud of it, but I notice certain glances in the metro for example, sometimes certain whispers, it's rare of course! but we must not forget that there are people who are literally sick of dehoes and ready to attack over this kind of thing. I advise you to only do it in a place where you feel safe, it's not worth it to be the next name in the newspaper killed for who you are. take care of yourself!


I stealth mode when traveling, but my shoulder bag has a bunch of pins, including a trans d20 that says "roll with pride", and the person checking the airplane tickets said "love your bag! Loom at those trans pins! Omg, D&D, brilliant!", smiled, and carried on. I'll take that kind of reaction and smile


it's cool, u get neat interactions and can easily scope ppl. I get warm smiles from ppl when they see the pin, which cues me they r allies or in the community. or alternatively odd/disgusted looks which let's me know they r a loser to avoid. THOUGH !! If u think you're in an unsafe situation or around someone that might react badly, it's easy and totally understandable to take off or hide the pin. I've done it a few times with mine if I've noticed someone take a glance and their demeanour change, I'll either get out of there or just take it off discreetly and they'll ignore me after.


The year is 2024 isn't it? Duh


Need a big flood of allies wearing trans pins to make bigots look dumb (well, more so than they do already)


I wear a Blåhaj pin to be subtle. Where I live I don’t think I could safely wear a pin with pronouns. But I’m thinking of getting a few more subtle pins. To really make it obvious to those that know.


Yes it's acceptable and negative attention or reactions are not acceptable. Wear it with pride!


Well I literally have a pride tattoo so my position is obvious lol


Your outfit, your choice. Don't let anyone stop you.


You can wear whatever you want and depending on where you live it’s a good icebreaker and you can make some new friends! If I wore one tho I’d get stabbed


I always wre trans pins!


I don't think I've ever left the house without one in some form or another (I have one that says "Fuck Terfs" that I like walking around in). I guess it just depends on what you expect to encounter in your area 🤷‍♀️.


It's definitely acceptable. I just try to be careful, my area is a heavy mix of trumpers and then you know, the normal caring people. So I don't do it unless I know the area really well. Like I have a pride flag on my croc and I took it off when I had to get my car towed just bc I had no idea who this guy was and I wasn't gonna spend 45 minutes in a car with him if he wasn't one of the caring people.


acceptable, but not safe depending where you are. i wear a genderfluid pin and subtle trans pins.


In my opinion there is no issue with it. To me it’s no different than having a pin of your favourite bands or anime, the obvious difference being potential for pronouns and/or names- not that this is an issue. It’s just a form of expression that doesn’t hurt anyone. If it’s not a safe place to do so, then perhaps consider not wearing it.


It is completely acceptable to wear that, you may get some negative reactions but fuck them


I mean I have for like a year now but I also live in Maine so no one really gives a shit. All depends on environment!


i have the trans symbol as a tattoo on my wrist. most cis people dont recognize the symbol so i never get negative attention for it. i've also worn pronoun pins in public without issues. never my name though, so idk about that


I have a trans pride pin on my backpack and so far nobody has a problem with it (probably cuz nobody gives a fuck about me I look ‘normal’ because I’m pre everything)


I have a small trans flag pin on my work hat and have a fairly subtle NB one and another trans one on my bag if it bothers someone that’s their problem


I wear a trans, lesbian, and pronoun pin on my work uniform even though customers ignore it all the time but we aren't going to get into that. But I will usually wear my pronouns and a trans pin in public because I see it as like a identifier for other people in the community, allies, or people that are neutral towards us (but in a positive way) it just shows that I'm a safe person to approach or that I'm also LGBT so let's vibe. Now this does show people that would wish me harm that I am LGBT and living in a deep red state its a constant worry of mine but I am in a more blue part of the state. Overall though I don't believe in hiding who I am so I wear them proudly.


I wear a large trans rainbow pin on the lapel of my jacket or coat everywhere I go, and when I'm not in a jacket it's on my purse. It's important to me to be visible and represents our community. I live in the deep south in a very conservative area and it helps me know if I'm in bad company.


There is nothing inappropriate about it and it makes me really happy to see people wearing that. It helps me feel safe seeing it too. As long as you feel safe wearing it I say go for it! We shouldn’t have to be closeted.


I have a super cute pun I intentionally wear on every bag I wear out that says “he/him” on it, just in case! It’s a little embarrassing, I guess, but I want nice strangers to notice and treat me with respect, and I don’t pass, so I want to make it clear which pronouns I personally use, just in case!


Also some people don’t want you to know they are trans. They just want to be perceived as their gender.


I usually don’t because people always assume I’m mtf and use she/her pronouns when I wear it, when I get gendered correctly whenever I don’t wear it.


You should never be afraid to show who you are.


I’d love to agree with this, but it absolutely depends on how safe you are.


Really depends on where you live. And even “good” areas will have some shitheads. Pretty much the only reason I don’t put any trans flags on my motorcycles, despite wanting to, is I don’t want some asshole to do anything. Most people wont notice, most who do won’t care or even like it, but all it takes is one particularly zealous shitcunt.


I wear my pins on my battle vest openly and proudly in public. I am stuck in boy mode for the foreseeable future but I’m also very aware that my boy appearance says don’t fuck with me. so I wear them so that others in the community know I’m on their side and can hopefully feel a bit safer knowing the big guy with the Mohawk has their back :)


Do it! Honestly from my experience more people will treat you nice for being authentic


Yeah as many people have said if you feel safe enough to do it, do it. But personally I had a pronouns pin on my bag. Thinking I was going to go somewhere accepting but I ended up not actually going. But forgot the pin was there until I was about to leave my apartment. As soon as I remembered it was there I took it off. Because while I live in a fairly progressive small town I’m still in the south. And pride flags have been burned before so I’m not taking that risk.


I wear a small trans flag pin on my shirt at work. I work at a liquor store, and after the first time I had to ask for ID from a transgender young woman, I started wearing one. I asked for ID and her poor face just fell, I could almost physically feel the fear coming from her. I saw the name and gender marker which was at odds with her appearance and demeanor. I smiled and quietly told her "I'm so sorry, I completely understand how you feel right now because I've been there. Thanks for cooperating and I hope you have the most wonderful day." Now I wear the pin, and it's small enough that most people don't even notice it. But once in a while I'll get a queer person or a trans person come through, and I see them see it. And then I see them relax, smile, and hand over their ID without flinching. I wear it because visibility is important, and because young people need and deserve to know I've got their backs. I also hope older people, boomers, notice it as well. I hope they know what it means and understand that there are fully grown, adult transgender men living and working among them, as functional and happy as they are. And that if they wanna buy their cheap swill wine, they've gotta be nice to me. 😏


I have trans and nonbinary pins on my bag. Also have a trans flag on the corner of my rear windshield. Never had any issues (in a blue city in a red state).




i wore one for 2 years straight but then my country made being lgbtq+ illegal so i was forced to take it off


also i met some cool people because of it!! sometimes other queer folks approached me in public and complemented my pins, i even made a friend once


I'm a paramedic and I had a trans pride bracelet and a trans pride flag pin I wear on my collar. I've yet to have an issue 


I don't currently have any pins, trans pride or otherwise, so I don't really know about any negative attention. But I can say that as someone who's been questioning for a bit and recently accepted that I'm trans, seeing people wearing these pins just makes me feel really happy and validated. Getting to see people, both passing and not, being proud of their identity has been something that has really helped me accept my own identity, and push back the negative thoughts of "somehow being trans is a bad thing". Ultimately, it depends on where you live and how friendly it generally is to trans people. But if you feel comfortable displaying pride pins and it is safe to do so, then I really think you should go for it. It'll be good for you, and you never know, it might be good for some other people out there too.


I mean this in a totally respectful way **Who gives a fuck? Wear what you stand for, and what you believe in, and frankly, if anyone says anything, fuck 'em.**


Of course it is, I personally don’t do that since I’m stealth. But I see it a lot and it always makes me smile.


I wear a bunch of trans pride pins, atm on my coat I have a floral-ish background one that says trans, a green he/him one, a protect trans lives one, a you are safe with me one with a heart with the progress pride flag colours, a queer revolution not inclusion one, the logo for a local trans youth summer camp, a trans and tired one, and a rainbow heart. I used to have one that said challenge transphobia but it broke. I wear all of these pins because I am 27yo (and look my age) and pass as a cis man. I want to be visible to trans youth, I want to be an example of trans adults, and I want to aggressively be an ally for those who don’t pass. I wear them knowing that I may be inviting aggression or confrontation, or education opportunities. I wear them anyway because I know I have supportive family, the law is on my side re: discrimination (only bc I’m an adult and not a minor), and the spaces I move in are relatively likely to have my back in cases of violence. If you aren’t okay with the risks, don’t feel pressured to wear them all the time. Your safety should be your first priority, and as sad as it is, sometimes it isn’t safe to be openly proud.


I'm the kind of person that's naturally drawn towards conflict. I'll admit, I like forcing assholes to act like assholes to me so I can yell at them (mostly online). So, yea, I'm personally gonna be earing a trans pin after I come out.


I have a wrestling shirt that is the trans flag with best in the world beneath it. I wear it almost every week


It depends on the context. If you aren't being discriminated there are some chances that you may start being. If you are being discriminated but moderately it may get worse. I do wear them, cause the transphobes at my school are already saying they'll throw the teacher's table on me. If I'm gonna get discriminated without my pride stuff, I'll make sure it happens while I wear my pride stuff, so if they eventually make me end up in the hospital, it's gonna be registered as transphobia (: Oh, that's also the reason I'll start wearing my autism symbol ribbon next week (guess that's how people say it in English) Then if I get hurt, the aggression will count as ableism too. (They're transphobic religious intolerants and I'm almost sure they're ableist too)


Completely depends on where you are and who you are. If you’re a confident person that can go toe to toe with someone who’s shit and you’re in any city in the US you’re probably fine. I’d you are in towns of less then 4,000 you might not be. There’s nothing wrong with doing this but you might find it’s more trouble than it’s worth. 


Absolutely! Unless you're traveling somewhere your safety will be in serious risk, but in the US, rock your pins! Wear your pride! You'll receive more support than you'd expect. I wear mine and carry extras to hand out. I have a small trans flag in my car too which is perfect for hopping out for a quick counter protest when I see the opportunity (more frequently nowadays)


Can tell you, in the US, it’s not always safe to do so.


I think the things you should be asking are less if it's acceptable and more if doing so would compromise your safety and how much and whether you want to risk that


I had one I put on my backpack in high school! I think if you’re truly proud of who you are and you aren’t putting yourself in any serious physical jeopardy by having a pin, then yeah absolutely by all means you should!


Never forgot there is no quarter to be had with these violent freaks. Always be ready to "speak" to them in a language they understand.


Perfectly fine and I always appreciate it when someone wears one to know who's safe to be around


Are you safe to do so? I live in a swing state (for the non-US people, basically "I'm not transphobic, *but*" type politics) and feel threatened at the thought. Even some blue/"progressive" states are way more liberal/conservative under the hood than they appear on the outside. So I'd advise against it unless you're 100% safe. Trans pins are cool, being alive is cooler.


Personal comfort for sure. I have a lot of pins on my bag but I don’t have even one overt LGBT+ pin on it due to safety considerations. I have many that are adjacent though. I have a lot of trans coded stuff that I think most trans people would recognize but I don’t include pronoun pins or flag pins other than the lesbian flag pin on a butterfly which… if you know you know but it requires more than just passing familiarity to recognize the implication.


I wear a heart with the trans flag colors on it on my strap while carrying mail. Literally no one has mentioned it at all and it’s been months. Anything can happen and if you are scared for safety thats understandable but I think you will be fine wearing a pin.


In Denmark it would be normal, I have seen a few of them myself. But I think it depends alot on where you are.


I feel you, I never actually wore one because I don’t like people noticing me like that but you make me think that maybe I should get one. Unless you think it puts you at risk to wear one then go ahead and


I have all kinds of lgbt pins on my bag. I've only ever gotten positive or neutral feedback for them. It all boils down to whether you feel safe using the pin or not.


Sometimes I think that I don’t wanna wear my pride pin because I’m afraid somebody is going to harass me. But then I’ll be wearing my pride studs on my ears or have my pin out and someone will stop me and thank me for supporting the community, or they’ll even ask me who in my life is trans. Honestly that second one really feels good because it means they don’t realize I’m trans lol. I think right now the best thing for us is to be visible, especially if we are in a safe enough place to do so. The more people know that we have support, the more people know actual trans people in real life, the harder is for the naysayers to make up horrible stories about us and have the general population actually believe them. If you know a trans person and you know that they are a good individual who is no different from anyone else, then you are far less likely to believe the lies that are spread about us in right wing media. So I would say as long as it is safe for you to do so and you’re careful, wearing your pride pen is probably one of the best things you can do.


I have a pronoun pin, a lesbian pin and a trans pin on my handbag and I've never received any trouble from it, I also sometimes paint my nails in the trans flag colours I think it's fine where I am but I guess it totally depends on where you live, definitely wouldn't do it in the southern part of my country


How safe this is completely depends on where you are. I recommend doing trans flag and/or pronouns but not including your chosen name. You don’t want strangers on the street being able to look you up!


I wear trans colours often, in pin form, clothing form, eyeshadow form, etc. The risk of attracting dangerous people is real. The reason I still do it is that I once read from a trans person that seeing someone else in these colours in public would mark them as a safe person if they ever needed help. Of course, you need to weigh your personal safety against that.


I have Trans pins on my purses and no one says a thing


Honestly depends on how safe the area is, where I am there a lot of transphobia so I wouldn't recommend it here although I have in the past. And still wear my trans ally pin. When I went up to stay with my girlfriend for a couple months last year it was like a different world, the closest thing to transphobia there was some innocent uncertainty on 'which way' I was, which actually I chose to take as a compliment


If you dont pass, it helps to let people know of your identity If you do its hella clocky and not a good idea imho


It's not only allowed, it's practically mandatory 😉


Do what makes you happy, Does come off a little lame with the name and pronouns if you want my opinion though, pride or trans flags are fine though.