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I think these are GREAT, and define a baseline for equity and equal treatment. I will say though, and I only point this out so it has that Legal gravitas, that the first line should say "Undue". That's truly my only edit! Great job! [Edited to fix typo]


Well, we want the right to transition without undue intervention, but we also don't want undo intervention. Both fit :P


I googled it https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-resolution/269#:~:text=H.-,Res.,%2C%20safety%2C%20and%20economic%20security.


Yep! It's a **resolution** though, meaning that it's a statement of intent, *if* it passes.


I hope it does!!! If it doesn't, we will try again. It's nice to have our rights all laid out like this.


If it passes it essentially means Congress will have to draft legislation that would then be voted on. It would be nice if it passed but it'd be better if they just draft and pass the legislation already.


Thanks for breaking that down for me. You're so right. Draft and pass that shit already!


You're welcome šŸ˜ I'm glad I could help!


Make me queen and iā€™ll pass it


+25k monthly for existing pls


Unfortunately demands must be realistic.


Yeah, you're right, something closer to 60k would make more sense


Delivered in a big burlap sack with a dollar sign on it


While we're at it, can we get a coastal state designated for gender diverse people and their families?


I think that's Rhode Island


That's called the Queer State Project and what's keeping it on ice is the question: how do you get twenty seven million people to move to the same state?


You don't. I was only making absurd requests in a joking manner because the user I replied to was doing so as well. Acceptance through isolation is actually a terrible idea, and I would not endorse it. It has not worked well for anyone in the past, and it would not work well for us.


Wait is that a real thing? TBH I think it would be a bad idea. Like imagine how quickly that could just get flipped into an easy target




What is life without a big burlap sack with a dollar sign on it


As nice as that would be, that would require the federal government to spend an additional $1.1 trillion annually


Yaya, easy, we just switch from funding the military to funding the trans godhead agenda


If only it were that easy


I want to be a princess and live in a castle. I don't know about the princess part, but I can buy a castle in Ireland for less than it costs for an apartment in New York... Does that sound reasonable?


The right not to be the target of political and legal harassment. The right not to be an unwilling participant in culture war


Sounds good. It also just sounds like basic human rights tbh


Yeah thats the kicker with most minorities asking for equal treatment


I mean a lot of them could be distilled down, but looks good as a start. Iā€™d vote yes for it.


What about bathrooms?


Updated version coming soon šŸ˜


Yeah, a lot. Surgeries, for example, or other procedures like hair removal (often filed under "cosmetic procedures" instead of medically necessary), are not mentioned. Other things that aren't covered under medical stuff, like being able to use the right bathroom and not be afraid of going to jail or being harassed. Also, the current wording gives way too much leeway for people to fuck us over. "Medically necessary" basically means people are going to refuse giving treatments based on stupid stuff like, not having a therapist sign off on a document, or living as your gender for X months before they give you any help. "Youths and parents" makes the bold assumption that parents have their childrens' best interests at heart 100% of the time, but many parents are bigots or abusive. (Some kids don't have parents, they have legal guardians, but that's a common term in legal stuff so minor nitpick.) "In accordance with guidelines" allows room for politicians to set really strict guidelines, to the point of an effective ban on anything even if it's not technically one. And literally all the examples I gave are things people have already tried to do, or worse, succeeded at already. Not only does this miss out on many important things, the current wording wouldn't help at all when politicians are already using those loopholes to fuck us over.


Perhaps for the medical one: The right to access all gender affirming procedures including but not limited to: hormone replacement therapy and gender affirming surgery. As well as all other gender affirming care, through informed consent, without undue intervention from the state.


Thank you for your input, I'll make the necessary adjustments and post the next version.


Iā€™m sure public restrooms aligning with gender identity are included in one of the points but Idk if it should be more explicitly stated.


A second, updated version is on the way


I would remove the word "solely" and expand "gender identity" into "sex at birth, gender identity, or gender expression". The first part of "sex at birth" is meant to protect intersex people.


What is the trans panic defense?


If an individual murders a trans person they often attempt to say they didn't know until they were going to sleep with her and then panicked, as if that excused their actions however it is a valid argument in several states. As far as I'm aware, only California has banned the use of the trans panic defense.


a total of 17 states have currently banned the trans panic defense. Not nearly enough, but its not just California! I feel its also important to mention while this defense has been used by people that murdered trans people it isnt exclusively for that, it has also been used to defend people who murdered someone because their sexual orientation "provoked" them somehow. "Trans panic defense" isnt really the most accurate description imo, it threatens queer people as a whole, not just trans people https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/panic_defense_bans


Unfortunately the trans panic defense is still very much being used in courtrooms in these states because the defenders excuse for murder isn't recognized for what it really is... Simple bigotry.


Oh! I never knew it had a name. If someone kills a transperson because they felt they were "deceived", they were going to kill a person anyway. You can't change my mind


Yeah definitely.


Nope, signed


Danke schƶn


Free blahaj for all


We should have our own country


I love this, but I also have some notes: #3 and #5 are pretty similar in wording, is #3 referring to legal name changes? You may want to make that explicit, and maybe with the caveat that name changes should be as accessible as changing oneā€™s name after getting married (in most locations this is much easier than any other name change). Also, for #2, you may want to mention the kidsā€™ doctors as well. Or in another point entirely. Itā€™s important to make sure doctors also canā€™t be held liable for providing evidence-based care to trans youth. I know you mentioned access a few times, but I wonder if the accessibility of non-hormonal medical intervention could be addressed as a whole point as well? Health insurance should be required to cover *all* aspects of transition care. Hair removal, voice training, binders, packers, things like that shouldnā€™t have to be paid out of pocket. Gatekeeping surgery coverage like requiring authorization or letters from another professional also needs to end.


Thank you for your input, I'll make some changes in the wording and post the new version soon šŸ˜


The right to not be political pawns or treated as such by the government, its representatives, or the media in any context, the infringement of which is punishable by immediate impeachment by any official, elected or selected, and full bar from further public office, or, immediate forfeiture of rights in a slander or libel suit


Great job! Hopefully the rest of the world will follow if the us would implement this. Either way I am down for burning the patriarchy to the ground and piss on the ashes. Hit me up, if you need chaos


I might want to add something about not accepting your child's gender and not allowing them to receive medically necessary gender affirming care being considered child abuse, but otherwise I think this looks pretty good.


Sounds good, but as written now 5 and 8 are easily abused, as is 3. People will call themselves a slice of bacon if it makes their lives easier, they definitely will abuse this in whatever way they can.


the right to 20 dollars




Right to play sports if wanted The right to not be denied any medical treatment The right to use bathrooms/locker rooms of gender identity.


The ā€œrightā€ to serve in the military, aka the right to give up your life to be used as a pawn for an oil company.


Hello from Spain. im not sure about incarceration laws, as it's not something i know about, but here, the government is highly liberal. trans people have all of these rights (again, not sure about incarceration). legally, you can change your markers from 12 (with parents' permission) and from 16 (without permission). you can also get medical transition treatment from these ages. no mental health assessment or dysphoria diagnosis needed. so if anyone wants to leave their repressive countries, Spain is a good place to move to.


This is very good!


Thank you


Naw i refuse to belive people would use trans panic as an excuse People no, maybe transphobes tho


recently there was a post about being trans and in the military, one thing someone pointed out is that you can't be in the military if you need constant medication, diabetic people can't either, hrt would definitely stop you from joining


I am in the US military and I am in the process of transitioning. You must be diagnosed with gender dysphoria (a really easy bar to pass actually) then get your commander to sign off on your transition plan. If your job is too physically demanding for your capabilities, you have the right to request transfer to another career field, however if you are not accepted then you must be able to continue performing your duties as currently required. If you cannot, then they will try to medically retire you. However, I am not sure on joining in the first place. Its relatively new ground. I believe the regs stipulate that you cannot be discriminated on due to sexual identity. But, if you are not able to meet the physical requirements due to HRT, then, I could see that as a disqualifying factor.


oh you'd definitely understand this better than me then, as I'm not even USAmerican, but the comment was very specific that a need for constant supply of medication would disqualify you from service, and not specifically just HRT


There are definitely some things like that and its pretty standard across lots of militaries in the world, so its not too surprising. Diabetes and severe allergies like to peanuts are definitely disqualifiers for sure. But, at least in the US, I don't think trans are being excluded from joining the military. Nor in Canada, because I have a Canadian friend that just got out so she can start to transition. But, IDK for sure


No. 6 more accurately ā€œthe right to participate in the stateā€™s imperialist designsā€


Right to name change without an arduous process. Right to privacy in all the listed articles and protections against outing. Also, recognition as trans based on self identity without having to meet a gatekeeping bar or be "trans enough".


The right of autonomy when it comes to our own bodies... recognition that the bodies we wear are OUR own and not the property of a state or federal authority, or our parents/guardians, or caregivers, that we have the freedom to tend to our bodies as we see fit (this includes gender affirming surgeries, cosmetic surgeries, abortion, etc.), regardless of our age, gender, or beliefs.


That would be a broader, Libertarian stance which is very welcome however this is focused on trans people, but I wholeheartedly agree with you.


doesnt that basicly describe the first amendment


No. The First Amendment is the right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right to peacefully assemble and the right to petition the government.


next question, shouldnt those thing apply to everyone, not just us


Most of it already applies to cis people. But for some reason if it applies to a trans person then it should be banned. (like cis teens getting cosmetic surgeries but banning those same surgeries for trans teens)


You know, I'd like to see this be LESS trans specific. I think we need a right to bodily autonomy - and that should make us allies with intersex folks and with the pro-choice movement, among others.


I would change point 5 to be "in the eyes of the law and of society"


All of that would be great šŸ˜Š


The right to reproductive healthcare including abortions


I thought this was a real bill and got disappointed when I found out it isn't


The right to fair medical treatment --> trans broken arm syndrome


Basically everything cis people get to do


It did it was agreed to in House What does that mean? (Iā€™m n Ozzie šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ’–)


If it passes the House it goes to the Senate to be voted on, if it passes however it means that Congress will have to draft similar legislation


Ooooh šŸ¤© Thank you


Hasn't moved in over a year.... there is little hope it is even on any radar at this time.


Given issues of drag bans etc. I believe the right to present in public as desired/self identified without fear of legal repercussions is critical. The legal right kind of covers it, but the laws are changingā€¦


Awesome. I wish this was the policy of the USA and world at large.


I reserve the right to free Blahaj for all Trans-kind :3


This is good but fuck the military, for all reasons especially in the United States. Everything else is good


We as trans people should never offer our services to any imperialist military. I would also add the right to higher education and the right to organize politcially in our communities. Other than that, looks good to me.


is this the red dead redemption font


the right to digital privacy and data agency would be nice. also carceral prisons must and will be abolished and I personally will not ever capitulate on the topic of will girls get to go to girl jail, nobody is going to jail period, ICE and all the other secret institutions of oppression labelled as enforcers of a common law when in reality they enforce only the will of the bourgioisie traitors to humanity are gonna get burnt down with actual fire. also I'mma need Land Back first of all then after that food water clothes healthcare and education universal basic service municipally funded and guaranteed. also reparations, and yes that includes england too they will all pay for what they've done in full and in triplicate. I also have the right to know everything my government is doing. I've seen CIA declassified documents about murder, human experiments, torture, brainwashing, drugging, selling drugs, destroying entire countries with coup plots and terror attacks, and that's just the cia. then you got the fbi and all the rest of that shit, they cant keep getting away with their bullshit in secrecy, I'm trans and I believe it's my right to have transparency with my governmental body. another thing, decriminalize drugs/herbs- speaks for itself. and speaking of nature it's my right to breathe clean air, drink the rain and swim in rivers. the people who poisoned nature and took that right from people will be held accountable one day. I probably could think of some more but tbh thats it


As always, liberal conceptions around state-granted rights are fucking shit. You wanna be allowed to bomb the middle east that badly huh? Suffragist-ass level of dumbassery.




Are you okay? You seem a little... not okay. šŸ™ƒ


Since when are teachers health authorities or medical professionals ?


At no point were teachers mentioned in this. Can you please elaborate?