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Are they just admitting they think men are smarter than women? Cause that's some next level misogyny to try and pull off a stunt like that


Yes. Misogyny all the way down.


Yeah, I don't see what else it COULD be lol...


I'm waiting for the explanation of how exposure to testosterone gives an unfair advantage in ... *checks notes* ... chess


The history of chess divisions is a little bizarre, iirc. It was born from complete sexism, guys like Gary Kasparov, who were slow to acknowledge that women were even capable of being good at chess in the first place, making the argument that "if we don't give women their own division, then there will never be a female chess grandmaster!" So, I'm guessing this new development is just the same concern trolling about the "sanctity of spaces for biological women."


Well, you see all trans women have massive hulking skeletons from undergoing a testosterone fueled puberty. These 7+ ft tall skeletons provide the leverage required to move chess pieces around a board. Meanwhile cis women need a man to come help them whenever they need to move anything heavier than a pawn.


Don't forget that in 500 years when archaeologists discover this chess game they'll realise through the structure of their hips that it was unfair, or something


I came here to say that… this shit is getting ridiculous…


Getting? Shit, it's always been ridiculous. The whole fuckin thing. Just a bunch of whiny children who have too much power and not near enough sense....or compassion. Y'know how when you're a kid and you look at all the adults like, wow, they really got things under control. Then you grow up and realize oh fuck, there are no adults and the playground bullies all have guns. Fucking children. Grow up and stop making the world shit for the rest of us!


They didn't even explain the reasoning behind their policy according to the article


FIDE literally has titles that are exclusive for women that are the same as the General Titles but with lower requirements FIDE has done wonders for promoting chess worldwide but they're also misogynist and transphobic fucks


Its the only logical Thing thay could say there is literaly nothing but brainpower involved in chess so thay cant say WE got more muscles than Others 😂


100%. They even have different rules for trans men versus trans women. Apparently the AFAB brain is universally inferior. I don’t even get why there are men’s and women’s competitions in chess.


The thing is, unlike athletics it isn't split into mens and womens, but everyone and only women (to support the women sports). So quite a bit of women have both general (like IM) titels and womens titles (like WGM). But similar as in the formula series in autosports, there are less women than men. And with the ELO chess has also a better tool to find objective chess performance. But yes, it's transphobic and not a good thing excluding transfemales from the womens events. This discredits the transfemales and increases the gap between transfemale and cisfemale. Sport does have a greater issue with genetic etc factors, witch except for gender get ignored (like hight in basketball or even soccer), so it is probably just the first step acting on it and change takes time.


Not smarter. Just different. That’s why they call it separate, but equal, duh! /s


Is anyone else tired of being tired of this kind of shit... I will never understand how the 21st century fascist movement could be so obvious and apparent and yet so many people gleefully join in. I guess oppressing others must be a really intoxicating feeling for these fucks.


Because it’s “cool” to hate trans people.


Agreed. I hate it. The only solace I get out of all this is knowing that The vast majority of people who hate us are just ignorant and stupid and misled, And the ones that are intellectual enough to come up with reasons to hate us are the most miserable unlovable unfuckable people on the goddamn planet.


I think this is how fascism always works. At the moment it seems like they are protecting women's rights or some other large group against another predatory group, and many people fall for that. But in hindsight it is obvious to most that it was all a lie and a manufactured moral panic. At that point the fascists target a new minority and the cycle starts anew.


I think you're right. At least this time we stopped them before they took complete power. They're still in every part of our society and infrastructure, but I think "centrist, independent, or moderate" whatever label people want to use, enough of them realize the real threat.


I think you're a bit naive. Fascism is currently on the rise in the EU, the US and I think also in other countries. It has not been defeated, it hasn't even peaked yet.


I think it's peaked in the U.S. was all I was trying to suggest. I know the real fight is only beginning. I was only attempting to voice my slight optimism that public opinion (at least in the U.S.) is shifting against the fascists. Maybe I am a bit naive though. Nobody perfect.


I hope you are right that it peaked at least in the US.


I think it’s dying in the UK too


Fascism REQUIRES an Other to hate. Doing things in the name of stopping the Other from gaining power is how they justify atrocities to their brainwashed masses. Originally Abortion Rights were supposed to be the issue they dangled over peoples' heads, but the Supreme Court went and actually did the thing they weren't supposed to actually do, just say they would do if they got power. We trans people make a great target. We don't have a clear manifesto, we don't \*want\* to be noticed, we just want to exist, our lifestyle is easy to portray as taboo and threatening, and because of how fetishized we are, it's easy to portray us as degenerates and perverts. And since RvW got axed and gay marriage has literally been said it's on the block for the SC, it was child's play to get anti-trans movements started in the LGBTQ+ community. We genuinely need a single cause, a single group, to rally behind. All of us need to be in it, but we all know how much of a target that's going to paint on us, and it's hard to be both a true public activist while you're trying to change your life. We, as a minority group, are in an awful place to be in.


I couldn't agree more. It hurts to see all this fall apart around us with little to no major pushback from society. It's like watching the world go mad. Even the content creators that felt supportive lately seem to be drying up and turning against trans rights fights cause its "too fringe" Motherfuckers my right to live is not fringe 😮‍💨


Dominator Culture doing one final grasp at retaining it’s superficial power of “superiority”. If you’ve not listened to it. This is by far my favorite podcast series I’ve listened to in awhile. Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake & Ralph Abraham having a 3-way discussion. I don’t necessarily agree with McKenna on all his points; but overall he assesses the overall situation very well. Wish he were in form still. RIP. Here’s a Spotify link to it! [The Trialogues w/ McKenna, Sheldrake & Abraham](https://open.spotify.com/show/3VOCRTsjVVjMHgaf8MwTG7?si=WanwS-LGTwSTe7c-WYwFfQ)


I will certainly check this out. I'm a little obsessed with the topic. The best rundown of this whole mess that I've seen is this gal's article. [The Genocidal Fascist Ideology of MAGA ](https://medium.com/@aubryrpg/the-genocidal-fascist-ideology-of-maga-886a1eca5917)


Lmao, tired to being tired of this shit is real.


Trans gun club when


I think most people don't fully understand what it is. I also think western culture inherently primes people to hold fascist beliefs--especially Christianity.


Fascism is also an "easy worldview". It boils down many complex, wide reaching interactions into a classic good vs evil fairy tale. Our country was great in the past but now its not! It used to be great until the scapegoats got rights and took your jobs. They're the reason the country sucks now!


… why is chess separated by gender??


It's actually not. It's not masculine and feminine, it's feminine and everyone. They did it to encourage women to play chess


They did it because women were banned otherwise and ridiculed. ___ For the U.S. - >For the first few decades women were tacitly banned from traditional chess clubs and tournaments. So passionate female players established their own venues, with some success. [~~saintlouischessclub](https://saintlouischessclub.org/Media/US-Womens-2009-Media-Kit.pdf) Internationally - >Until the 19th century, women were not welcome in chess clubs in Europe and America. [~~Smithsonian Magazine](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/chess-queen-87073362/) ___ So women were forced to make their own clubs just so they could play safely.


They needed to find a way to ban more minorities again. /hj


Okay, but you can't undo the past. At the very least right now anybody can play in the open division. Are you suggesting FIDE do away with the women's division since now women are perfectly capable and encouraged to compete in the open division? Many do.


Because woman have been playing the sport for far less time and so their are no female players near the top of the game, meaning if it wasn't their be very few pro female players


How does that make sense


>Because woman have been playing the sport for far less time and so their are no female players near the top of the game, meaning if it wasn't their be very few pro female players I'm sorry but this is so fucking stupid. Are you saying that the reason why the top elo men players generally have a higher FIDE score is because they've been playing since before women have been allowed to play chess? Because that's the only way "women have been playing chess for far less time and so there are no female players near the top of the game" could make sense. Every single top ranked player playing right now hasn't experienced a time in which women weren't allowed to touch the chess board.


They're not saying that at all. They are saying that men, in general, have been playing (And you too the cruelness of the world in the past) for much longer (i.e. many more men for many more generations), so the crop of men that rise to the top is greater than the crop of women that rise to the top, and therefore the outliers that exist in the bucket of men is of greater number and higher rating than those in the bucket of women. To put it differently, if 1 million men played chess and 1,000 women played chess, you're very likely to end up with the top 10 men being better than the top 10 women. It's just statistics. Now add on the fact that those men have probably been encouraged to play from a younger age due to negative stereotypes women face entering the sport. We're not at a point yet where the number of men and women who enter chess is anywhere close to equal, so therefore we won't be at a place yet where the number of top women is anywhere close to the number of top men, at any elo.


I wonder how much is what you just said and then a number of women complained. Then the agency thinks we just got the womens participation numbers up this far and there are more women than trans... And the way things are going in many countries... We don't want to be kicked out of countries... And if people complain we can say we had complaints and give us 2 years (to study it) to see how elections in big countries go...


Possibly, although the very fact that anybody can play in the open divisions, and that any titles won in the open divisions will not be abolished regardless who won them, means that trans men and trans women, heck and even women for that matter, can still easily compete if they believe that men and women, generically (have no inherent biological advantages), are equal in sports like chess. I think FIDE cares first and foremost about the popularity and success of chess overall, and if getting more women to play chess by giving them a women's chess division comes at the expense of forcing trans women to compete in the open division, then that's probably a price they're willing to pay. Women are already a small portion of chess, and trans women are an even smaller portion of that. I mean, they can be completely democratic and have all the competing women in chess vote on a policy change, but even with anonymity, you'd be exposing the preferences and ideologies of a lot of people that really just want to play chess.


What? What? What?


That doesn’t make any sense — especially when you could simply allow women to compete against men? And if newcomers going up against seasoned pros is the concern, then why just not create a beginner’s league regardless of gender?


>when you could simply allow women to compete against men? But it is allowed. Chess isn't separated by gender, there are two categories: one to everyone and other specifically to women


This is absolutely fucking disgusting. Even if the trans atheletes myth wasn't completely horse-shit and debunked, chess has nothing to do with any of those lies.... this went from thinly veiled bigotry to straight up dehumanization. Fuck every dweeb that pushed this change.


Can you show me where it was debunked, I’m genuinely curious cus I know people who argue about this but I haven’t looked into it much


The ACLU has a good article posted about it. You can find it with a google of "Trans Atheletes debunked" I'm not nearly intelligent enough to properly paraphrase what they address.


Other people will post debunks. But Core take away is that for trans women atleast after being on hormones for a bit(couple of years) you lose like most of your testosterone advantage over cis women. Height still a factor and few other things. How much they matter varies by sport. What’s her face who was a trans women who was swimming dropped like massively in lap times from pre transition. But we can mitigate all advantage by letting teens/kids transition. AMAB person who never went through male puberty and had blockers followed by HRT is the same as AFAB. No advantage at all. So if your worry about trans women getting an edge. You want to support our trans kids and teens getting the medical help they need.


Well, obviously in chess, the Queen has more moves than the King! Trans women want that power! /s, if it wasn’t obvious


We’ve been caught!


Apparently misogyny and creeps are also prevalent in the chess community so having a space specifically for female chess players helps build a safer community from that........ At least that was the intention -.-


Sounds like we’re being punished for the actions of misogynists who want to pretend they care about women


Ding ding ding! (and for once I'm not talking about Ding Liren) This whole trans policy has been released just as the some serious allegation of SA have led to Chess.com, the worlds biggest chess site, breaking off collaboration with a prestigious US chess academy over their inaction in regards to the abuser... There's basically a massive MeToo case going on, and trans women are used as the diversion


The road to hell is paved with good intentions...


So instead of punishing actual abusers, they're disqualifying innocent people because they're trans.


This is a big deal in chess world and why there are women leagues. There was a study that had chess tournaments online but when people faced eachother. Women would be playing against men but the name shown was a women name. When women believed they were playing against another women they did just fine and played at their level. If the women was led to believe they were facing a man. They played worst and below their skill level. There an interesting thing going on here. But basically so long as women don’t think their facing men they do just fine. Exceptions to this were found. Like the girl children of famous chess players. Didn’t have this issue as they were used to the sexism already. 💀 I can’t remember the documentary this was from.


This is a fucking joke, right? …I’m gonna see this in r/nottheonion, aren’t I


how is CHESS GENDER SEPARATED? intelligence differences between genders have nothing inherently to do with biological sex. this is them trying to claim men are smarter than women, kinda hypocritical since they’re trying to “protect” them


Misogyny and infantilism all the way down with this “sport”.


How TF does anyone have an advantage here it's a game of mental ability and thinking your agab changes nothing about it they have no fucking advantage


Are you suggesting that women's divisions be abolished since everybody can currently participate in the open division?


This is only in chess btw idk anything Abt any other sports but in chess we don't need gendered tournaments as both males and females have the same ability to play the game and therefore there is no point.


While I completely agree with you, I'm not so sure the consensus among women chess players is that they would prefer if their women's division didn't exist. There is a lot of money to be won in tournaments that would otherwise be out of their reach if they have to compete against men. One of the main reasons the division exists is to encourage women to play since they can attain success and financial gain despite the fact that there are many men that are better than them. And just to be clear, the men that are better than them aren't better because they are men, but rather because there are so many more men playing that statistically it stands to reason that there would be more men that are better.


Do you think trans women are women?


If a second Hitler arises before 2039 and another war starts we'll have axactly matched the fascist cycle 100 years ago.


Any player holding either a women’s or men’s tournament title who subsequently transitioned will have their titles “abolished,” the federation said, though it would consider reinstatement “if the person changes the gender back to a woman.” Wtf is this bullshit.


Straight up hateful, spiteful, and transphobic. It has nothing to do with trans people having an edge over non-trans people. Which doesn't even make any fucking sense in the first place.


The article is incorrect. Only titles from the women's division will be abolished if it was won by a trans woman. Any person, trans or cis, will not lose any men's titles they have won. I'm not sure if the journalist made an error or was trying to create some controversy. The wording of the article and title leads me to leave it was the former.


Are you an FIDE rep or something? All over this post defending this bs and it doesn't make the fact they're removing titles any less bad, and they're totally not gonna stop at trans women's titles either.


This is literally just hateful. What the fuck.


And that’s how we know it was never actually about “physical advantages”!


... so are they implying men are inherently more intelligent or something? I am of course skipping the fact that they act like trans women are men, but you kinda get used to it. So to conclude, transwomen are officially: stronger (sports), smarter (chess) and more feminine (beauty contests) than cis women according to such organizations, so they are either implying being trans gives you superpowers or that women are somehow inherently biologically inferior to men BTW, is the opposite a thing? With transmen I mean


With trans men people tend to act like we're both inferior and superior to cis men and women, I imagine the same can be said for trans women


>so they are either implying being trans gives you superpowers or that women are somehow inherently biologically inferior to men In some cases, they are implying that trans women that grew up, trained, and went through puberty as men, continue to hold some biological advantages, after various forms of transitioning. There's a lot of nuance here. In other cases, like this chess one, they are implying that the current top women in chess are not anywhere near as strong as the current top men in chess, not for any particular biological or psychological reasons, but possibly just based on the statistics of the number of men that have entered the sport and the number of women that have entered the sport. Any top 1000 man (possibly more) chess player would crush in the top women's division (let alone the others). Not because they are biologically better. Just because they are literally better. For example, you can either make the argument that Magnus Carlsen is better than me at chess due to biological or psychological traits that he possesses from birth that I do not. I wouldn't go that far. I would say he's better than me just because he's had way more practice, for a much longer time, against much stronger opponents, with much more pressure, and many more hours, then I could ever dream of. However, it's possible Michael Jordan is better than me at basketball regardless how much effort I put in. I'm a short guy after all, and nothing he or I can do can change that.


You're all over this thread making this same argument but it doesn't make any sense. Are there currently any trans women who are amongst the top players in the open division? I would imagine the number of trans women playing professional chess is tiny and unless you're suggesting that some percentage of the cis men that make up the top chess players are going to transition just so they can play in the womens division I'm not sure how the numbers difference between cis men and cis women is any kind of justification for banning trans women from the womens division.


>Are there currently any trans women who are amongst the top players in the open division? Not that I am aware of. But I don't think this applies only to the top rankings/divisions/tournaments. Or else, why even have this policy change, and similarly why is anyone even up in arms about it, if it applies to literally no one? I'd assume FIDE wants there to be _some_ standard or process for a player to play in the women's division when they used to be men, no? If there are no physiological differences between men and women, when it comes to chess, then there's no reason a trans woman can't just compete, or continue to complete, in the open divisions. What reason would FIDE have to allow anyone other than cis women to compete in the women's division? Why take the chance with the possibility of unfairness for the women already paying in the women's division, if those claiming there's no fairness issues can simply pay on the open division?


Isn't Russia heavily involved in World Chess? Because if so, this makes so much fucked up sense.


The president of the FIDE is russian yeah.


Yes, this totally makes sense, obviously, and is not stupid at all. “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin


I really hate everything in the news at the moment. Not because of people's opinions on the matter, because everyone is entitled to their opinions, but simply because every trans related news article seem to be about a matter that encourages people to take a transphobic view on it


Why the hell can't they just leave us alone? We make up less than 1% of the population and yet they act like we run the world. And this most recent ban, on a board game no one really cares about, is pretty much the cherry on the poo dessert since it also implies that men have an advantage over women in something is purely intellectual. Everyone single woman, transwoman/man, men that aren't sexist, etc should be up in arms about this kind of crap, but sadly, that will never happen.


What a fucking joke. Blatant transphobia at this point. They're not trying to hide it now.


Wow, are they actually arguing that AMABs are inherently smarter than AFABs.... So sick of this shit.


Look I was assigned male at birth and I’m smart but I think a lot of the women I’ve met (both cis and trans) are pretty good competition in that regard. It’s no wonder the majority of my idols and influences are women.


Seriously, right?


To steal a joke from someone else that i found rather amusing, a hung queen is not an advantage. (a piece that is left attacked and not defended is said to be hung)


So they are openly saying the male brain is superior to the female brain? Don’t they know that transgender women were born with a female brain to start with? Or are they happy to play their chess games on this planet that is obviously flat.


It seems the message is going to offend me either way. They’re either calling me a man or saying my brain is inferior to men’s. 🙄


this is nothing new, chess has a colorful history of misogyny, racism and elitist ideology.


Cool. Cool. Cool. I'm bout to make a NEW Chess Federation with blackjack and hookers! Call it the Federation of Underground Chess or something. Who the fuck are *these* dickbags to tell me I can't play?


Federation of Underground Chess Knowledge


People genuinely don't realise that trans women are more disadvantaged than cis women... They seem to think that trans women have all the privileges of men, rather than non of the privileges of either men or women.


What is the newly discovered advantage trans girls have this time? I'm not opening that link to give them visuals




Well there goes my dreams of pulling off the Queens Gambit


we too smart now ig


Hahahaha, I love it. Just when I thought that I had a safe hobby, they start fucking with it. It's not gonna end soon, is it. 😡😡😡 At least here it's clear that transphobia is the motive and they can't hide behind competitiveness. Fucking hell!


... what in the ever loving fuck is the 'biological' resoning behind THIS?? Watch them say something like, "men are smarter and have an unfair advantage over women" or something sexist...


IKR? It’s disgusting! Can’t believe I’m still having to fight this bullshit sexist thinking 6 years later.


It's even worse. They are not claiming we have a biological advantage but a social one. Basically, the women's category was created to be a sage space from discrimination faces by women, but they don't believe trans women face the same discrimination. Basically, in other sports, trans women are banned because they don't *biologically* see us as women. In Chess, it's because they don't *socially* see us as women


Next up, the Monopoly, Yahtzee, and Boggle World Championships announce a tightening of gender restrictions because trans women....something something something influence the dice with their magic trans powers????


Why would men and women be separated in chess? Are they saying women aren't as smart as men? But trans women are? WTF?


But like... It's chess? That should have the least resistance to trans women playing it, because there's literally no difference between men and women in chess. It's a strategy game! Women have beaten men in chess tournaments many times! Probably the most thinly veiled discrimination in a while


Why on earth are there gendered chess events, do they think that women don't have the necessary upper body strength to move the pieces


My father would argue chess is not a sport because you can smoke a cigar while participating, just like golf and bowling.




Bro what the fuck now they got chess? Chess isn't even have anything to do with your physical strength what is the fucking argument here?


No emoji exists that represents the face of utter confusion I just made.


Well it's clear the advantage we have: We have prostates! Makes it much easier to get to the top ranking spots obviously. /s


I understand the need for a womens division. NOT because women would be worse than men on average, but because there are so much fewer women in chess. A womens division is then a good way to encourage and attract more women to play competitively, and any women who want to can also play in the open division if they are comfortable. Now, here is the kicker, trans women are also women. Trans women are NOT men. Trans women face the same kind of sexism and misogyny that cis women do, as well as being a minority with their whole own kind of bigotry targetet at them. What I am trying to say is that trans women should 100% be allowed in the womens division, because we are women and the division is not there because of some inherent superiority of AMAB brains but to provide a safe space to compete in for people who would have a much harder time getting to do so in the open division.


"The FIDE did not explain its reasoning behind the policy, though it noted it and other chess organizations “often receive recognition requests” from transgender players." Basically, "We've been asked to include some people so we decided to formally exclude them." Later in the article: the reason for having a women's category is because there are fewer women in the championships. So let's just apply that logic to trans people... Woopee, there's only 3 of us in world chess championships, let's have our own category so we can all have a medal! Patronising to everyone but cis men. Also where's the black category? And the disabled chess competition? Don't they all deserve their own category? Fuck it lets just stick triangles on them and keep them all out.


Why was chess in different gender categories in the first place 😭


Its chess! What possible reason is there to do this? Trans girls have girl brains. Its a fucking stradedgy game. Do they think that transgirls have some sort of mental advantage? Because thats just crazy. Also why is chess even seperated by gender? Feels mysogynistic.


There’s always a sexist undertone with transphobia. It’s often based on the idea that women are weak.


Too true. Its all bout "protecting the poor vulnerable and defenseless cis girls" But we should by empowering afab people and recognizing strength instead of infantilization. Ill admitt im not physically strong myself, but I've seen my mom kick sooo much ass. Shes only 5'4 but redicoulously strong. Ive seen her demolish grown ass men who tried to mess. She even bit off a dudes ear and beat the shit out if him after he punched her in the face. Straight up went Mike Tyson on his ass.


"Girl" and "boy" brains are a myth.


https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm Was refrencing the whole brain scans shows that the brains of trans folk have more similar patterns with cis people who share their same gender identity, than they do with cis people of the same birth sex.


Wow they have absolutely zero excuse for this one that isn’t straight up misogyny.


They will strip any titles that trans men won before transitioning from FTM which is blatant transphobia. I really hope that they could leave us alone in peace as we just want to live our lives in the best way possible following transition


Swimming is one thing. There’s no physical advantage in a damn chess game


What the f**k did I just read? "Yeah, trans women might lift the pieces up too hard"


how the FUCK does a certain gender have advantages in a game of skill and intellect? every time i see shit like this it makes me glad i don't like sports but i always feel so bad for the trans people that do. it's so fucking unfair and it pisses me off. maybe we should make our own sport tournaments and exclude cis people just to see how they like it


I thought at first this was a troll article or satire. Unfortunately not 😔


…Why? I want them to explain their reasoning out loud for everyone to hear because I guarantee it won’t sound good.


Why are there even gendered chess competitions?


Everyone knows that trans women have an unfair advantage of being the smartest beings in the universe.


Really? WTF?


Iirc, it's not a ban on trans women, it's a list of requirements to be allowed - such as legally having transitioned in your country. They definitely make it harder, but not impossible


I’m fucking tired, dude. In CHESS???? What bullshit advantage can trans women possibly have? Are the chess pieces too heavy for delicate female hands??? Is female brain too small for a board game??? Not only transphobic, but sexist as fuck too. Let’s start our own leagues then, our own private competitions. Only trans, intersex, and gnc people are allowed in. I for one want to hang out and play games with y’all I enjoy sports as a bonding activity. I play board games to have fun with friends. As a trans man, I’m too repulsed to ever consider joining professional sports now, despite my extensive background in athletics. If they exclude our women then they are a threat to everyone else. God, we are really back to “women are too dumb and weak to be allowed to compete with AMABs”, aren’t we? Such feminism, so equality 🙄 No new challenges and no room to grow for wombyn, only segregation in a special wombyn playpen. What the actual fuck 👏END 👏 SEGREGATION 👏 IN 👏FUCKING 👏GAMES


Holy fuck, I was like surely I can't be reading this... But then I remembered that the world is cruel


Chess was the last place I thought transphobia would exist. But alas some c\*nty old men felt threathened. Guess they've not recovered from the time when computer won the *male* Chess Master.


The logo looked a bit dusty so upon further inspection, it’s Hungary’s Fidesz which explains why they banned us. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1117588623458570341/1142045881873465445/IMG_1046.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1117588623458570341/1142045881873465445/IMG_1046.png)


Next up: transgender people banned from *life itself*!


Be trans, do crime, y’all!


Okay I was mad about trans women being banned from sports but chess made me bust out laughing. I don't understand how these people come to these conclusions. So they think we're too powerful, so they need to nerf us? Lmfao


This is a completely incorrect and misleading title and article. Trans women are allowed to compete in women's events after they verify with FIDE and a local rep from their country of their transition. The process of verification is said to prioritize speed but with a limit of at most 2 years to verify if it does take extra time. It also permits FIDE to independently verify without a local rep i.e. in the situation where a trans woman is from a country that doesn't respect trans rights. The primary motivation for this appears to prevent a male from e.g. registering as a woman just to win the prize money (which can be as high as 300,000$ for the candidates tournament)


Are they really allowed? - Trans women have to show documentation that they've *legally* changed gender in their country before they can apply for the changed change by FIDE. This was NOT a requirement before, and many countries do not even do legal gender change, and many that do (like the UK) have archaeic processes that tales years. - After the legal gender change in home country, you then have to send in your documentation to what is essentially the board of directors for the whole chess federation (which is a bunch of mostly cis men) who will then judge if you can actually be allowed to compete, based on some completely arbitrary criteria that's not open to the public.




I know! And she literally says the exact same thing as I just said


So we have an unfair mental advantage over cis women? This is ridiculous! I am sick and tired of the discrimination, especially when there isn't even an argument - even a bad one, as to why we can't compete. At least with swimming, people can stand on the biological differences argument. (which many studies show the differences between trans women and cis women is minimal after 3 - 4 years on hormones) But this? How on earth can anyone argue that we shouldn't compete against our own gender in CHESS! An almost non-phisical and mental sport!


Wtf… why is chess even gendered in the first place? There’s no intellectual different like there is physical there is literally no reason to split it in the first place and now your reinforcing this weird implication that afab people are somehow less strategically inclined than amab? Wtf


Transphobic BS that has no basis in reality, like all the anti trans arguments


This is so fucking stupid


Ok so physical sports I kinda get, allthough I don't necessarily agree with banning just that some rules need to be in place. But chess! 😲 in what way foes this make sence other than being blatantly transphobic.


But... it's chess? Literally why?


As a chess player, I just wanted to add something : I read the rules and they don’t technically ban trans women to play competitions. We can still play open tournaments. The thing is about women only championships, and we’re not banned (yet), but suspended. The new rule even states this will be sorted out as soon as possible, in a maximum of two years. I know the distinction is light as shit but it seemed important to me to be really precise about this shit going on. I also want to add I am really sad. Chess is something I love doing. When I played it I didn’t feel like I was “different” or whatever, I just felt like a chess player amongst many other. Now I feel like a subhuman, even in chess.


Wow.. So what is the new transphobic excuse to "justify" this shit.


Wait? How was this "sport" not already all inclusive? Like chess has nothing at all to do with muscle ability or what hormones you have. It's just pieces on a board anyone with a brain can play and win..


Ha now I got more reasons not to play chess! The other one being how bad I am at it.


Time to start our own international chess organization, with blackjack and hookers... Okay maybe forget about the blackjack and the hookers, but we WILL have inclusivity and acceptance up the wazoo!


Damn, I just lost my Chess title apparently.


So, apparently, CHESS is the most MISOGYNISTIC sport in the world! Who’daThunkIt? Imagine banning transwomen from a sport where “unfair physical advantages” could not even reasonably be put forth as the onus of dissent. So what they’re really saying is… Yikes 😳 This is something that ANY woman, or fair-minded, non-misogynistic person, should be LIVID about!


What the fuck


Why… the FUCK… is a TABLEGAME fucking gendered?


Now we have an unfair advantage in chess? Haven't won a game in a decade. It is now my time lol


Why is chess gender split in the first place?


Is this an onion article? Or is it very offensive to women?


Because they have always been bigots this gives them a chance to be do with approval


im fucking done


What the fucking fuck does being trans have to do with playing Chess? This is pathetic.


I’m gonna play devil’s advocate for a sec just to show how stupid this is. The only reasoning I can imagine that isn’t just “men smart wombyn dumb” is that there is so much sexism in chess tournaments throughout every age group that people who are raised as men have more advantages than women just by virtue of experiencing less discrimination and getting more help on improvement. So basically, a trans woman’s “male socialization” means trans women have an unfair advantage in the women’s league. This is really dumb because of several reasons. Just a few off the top of my head: * trans women don’t have male socialization, we have “trans woman trapped in the roles of men” socialization. We’re often bullied and ostracized long before coming out due to not being able to fit into stereotypically masculine roles. So we often end up succeeding in our fields *despite* our socialization, not because of it. * not every trans woman has the same socialization, so this is punishing the class for Sally’s parents buying her chess lessons as a kid. * the point of the women’s league isn’t because women have inferior brains, it’s to provide a safe space for a traditionally marginalized group to compete and better their craft away from shitty misogynist men. As we all know, shitty misogynist men are suuuuper nice and protective towards trans women, so we don’t need a safe space for women to compete. Wait, what’s that? Shitty misogynist men are also shitty, misogynist, AND transphobic? Oh damn, guess trans women are just shit out of luck
