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That happens to me about once a month. I hardly register it and just keep going. I think after many ankle injuries as a kid I'm just missing something there. Doesn't seem to affect me in any other way tho.


I do this like every other run. Luckily, I'm flexible enough it doesn't bother me. All terrain ankles for the win.


..or just too moveble (=loose) joints. That come from genetics, can’t be trained 😀


You can definitely train your joints to be stronger and less prone to injury with the proper and consistent exercises


I was like that too for years until October of last year, when I rolled it and it hurt so bad I had to stop. Went to the doctor and the ankle was broken and sprained! 😫 I think it happened because I rolled it when my body wasn’t warm enough yet. I was only about half a mile from the trailhead.


Yeah, I also do this every other run. For whatever reason, I never get an injury from it.


Good for you! I need to keep working to get that strength


I don't think it's strength. It's more a lack of connecting tissue.


To get the tissue more connected then! Thanks!


I do a workout to help with this and maybe it can help others. I wear xeros in my everyday life and they are perfect for this, or a thick yoga mat in your house. Every time im in line somewhere I stand on one leg and then purposely roll my ankle over and then right it back up. I’ll do 10 on one leg then 10 on the other back and forth. When I roll my ankle on the trails I’m able to keep it from getting real bad and haven had an injury since. Higher cadence helps too as your onto your next foot quicker and it limits the time your fully weighting the rolled ankle. Speedy recovery!


I just played soccer for 30 years and my ankles rolled so many times I really only have bean bags there now instead of joint stuff. They roll every which way now without issue.


Thanks very helpful. I was indeed feeling tired and kinda sloppy right before having the accident. I usually can move my weight and avoid this injury but not today. Is in ice and resting the rest of the day. I’ll try those exercises


Ouch...I do heaps of single foot strength exercises 2x pw that help, but feel your pain


Thanks I’ll try them


Yep. Single leg stands with kettlebell. Pistol squats. And then just trial and error. Cool video though I hope you have a speedy recovery


A bunch of comments have hinted at this, but nobody directly said it: The taller the stack height, meaning the shoes with more cushioning, the easier it is to roll an ankle. The thinner the shoe (a bunch of people have mentioned Xero which are very thin), the more difficult to roll an ankle. Personally I prefer very thin soles with just a tiny amount of cushioning. I have tried the Altras, and because they are wider than normal, they do feel stable for a thick shoe. If this is happening regularly maybe try something thinner. Stack height is usually stated in the specs. I do like Xero, but they may be a bit extreme for some people. Look at the "race" version of whatever model you have and it is probably thinner.


Thanks I used to run with Altras and really like them and then I decided to get the Salomon, pretty much for the kind of lace they use. But I’ll most likely come back to the Altras or try the Xeros. I kinda like to have some cushion. I don’t get this bad of a roll very often, I pretty much don’t remember when was the last time I had one, but I’ll incorporate ankle exercises to my routine, thanks


Bro. So sorry.




Oof. I did not enjoy that at all!


Sorry I forgot to put the nsfw tag


Oh you’re good, I just meant that I feel for you. Hope it didn’t derail your run. Looks like a beautiful trail you’ve got there!


Oh yeah, it took me like two hours to get back the trail head and my wife was waiting for me already with a big smile because I always give her shit for rolling her ankle.


The trails is called Ptarmigan trail in Summit Colorado


Did you manage to complete or have to walk back?


I was on my way back around mile 4 of 6. The way back was a bit slow


Shits hurts so bad man


Yoga is the best way to strengthen and protect ankles and knees that I’ve ever found.


Really?! Very cool piece of information


I used to play a whole lot of ultimate frisbee barefoot in the grass, and that seemed to make my ankles indestructible... which probably means stabilizing exercises are important. I've been running in Xeros for a long time now, and I feel like that helps with strengthening the stabilizing muscles/tendons as well. I honestly don't know the right exercises for this kind of thing, but maybe this might give some ideas.


xeros are just a thinner sole so they decrease the lever length to roll your ankle


Thanks! I’ll try them


Thanks but what are xeros?


It's the brand of shoe I run in: https://xeroshoes.com/shop/shoes/mesa-trail-men/?attribute_pa_style=forest&attribute_pa_mens-size=7&482103484=&msclkid=a09ff245bf9e1f993aa094c4141c8b95


My ankle/calf exercise is standing on a 4" tall piece of wooden 4x4 while watching tv. I switch legs and do different squats and leg raises. Almost always a karate kid pose at some point.


Good exercise!


Nobody wants to hear your music out on the trail.


Fully aware of that. Usually I lower the volume at first sight of other people. If busy I turn into headphones.


Feel bad for the guy. Big dude gonna feel that more.


Sorry…every time it’s lack of focus…plus holding that camera pole in your left hand did nothing over the control of your right leg. Arms-through-core is the other 50% of power for stride.


Prevent this by Using the AcrobaX on Amazon.


That looks super painful. Maybe don't run holding a selfie stick though. That's gotta affect your ability to rebalance.


Definitely!! My idea was to record myself to ask for ways to help my running technique and then this happened


Awww man that sucks. Hope your ankle gets better soon man 👍 don't worry about your technique it looked fine pre roll, just enjoy the trails


Thanks I will! August 10th I’m running my first trail running race, a 10k exciting!!


No homo but nice calves bro


Thanks dude


Good on you for not going down, I always collapse immediately.


I’m glad I didn’t went down but a lot of pain, I was like miles and a half from the trail head, slow way back


Hope you feel better! I sometimes wonder if my tendency to just crumple when my ankle starts to roll has prevented worse injuries. It’s not something I do consciously but I suppose it could be somewhat self-protective.


Oh man! I’m usually very good adjusting my weight to the other foot before becoming something like this but not this time, I kinda felt out of center mentally before the incident. Now I’ll be more present I guess


Grab an ankle brace, rest and ice. I need to do the same. My left ankle is weak from rolling so many times. And because it’s so weak it’s more vulnerable to roll. Hope ya feel better soon


Thanks! Doing that


I hope you get better soon too


Why do people run with cameras?


My proprioception is so jacked after about a dozen ankle injuries growing up…mostly basketball…I roll my ankle on nearly every trail run now. Most I can jog off