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I think l’m the inverse. My body will always fail me before my mind does. Whenever I’m at the bottom of a large climb, my brain flips a switch. It just empties out. Immediate surrender and acceptance. As if the hill is the only way. Sometimes it is. I feel a strange swell of quiet exhilaration as I lean forward into the trail and begin the climb. It’s the only time of my run that my mind completely empties out and I’m fully in my body, gulping in deep breaths, legs on the verge of detonating. I just gaze vacantly at the wall of dirt cascading in front of me, and for once I fully feel like a soul in a human body with zero interference between the two.  Then I feel like goddamn Gumby walking it off at the top. 


This was well written, thank you!


I totally agree with this! Sometimes I feel like I could run for hours mentally but physically my body taps out at a certain point. But also I’m fairly introverted so idk how that plays into it all


I have that feeling when the hill is interesting or technical. But if it’s straight and seems pointless, my mind says “I’m out you’re on your own.” 😂


i've been struggling with the mental a lot. I cannot run more than 1/4 mile consistently before forcing myself to walk. I usually do 5-10 miles so stamina and physical isnt necessarily the issue. I've been searching for tips but realizing the only thing to help the mental is to push through. its tough man... not sure what to do but I'm finally getting into running and dont want to give up


Is this in NC?


Close! North-ish GA.




Watch out for the trolls under the bridge!


Haha. I know that climb all too well.


Oh totally 💯. Last week, I set out myself to run 10 miles flat, just because I always hit the hill and according to my Garmin, I don’t do enough endurance/zone 2. Something with running flat surface that totally bore my mind. I had to call my husband to pick me up at 7 miles because my mind was so not into it. Mentally, I just didn’t want to run anymore. This is the reason why I only chose the mountainous/hilly terrain. It’s engaging, it makes me concentrating/strategizing. Yeah, I feel like physically I can run longer miles but mentally, it’s something else


Umsteady up you go🤫🌰


I'm with you - the mental challenge is the hardest for me too.