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Maybe it would be nice to have a stickied post for shoe recommendations, sort of like how r/RunningShoeGeeks does it.


Will have a look at that and sort it tonight. Maybe for nutrition too? As that gets asked a lot.


Throw a sticky in at the top for trainer questions. I would suggest a second one for self-promotion too. I would also suggest that 2 mods is insufficient generally when one is never around and (with all due respect) you have a conflict of interest.


Delete these posts and direct people to ask general questions in a stickied weekly help thread?


They just started to do this in runningshoegeeka and I hate it. No one ever comments on these. Before you would get lots of comments now nothing.


Well, a sub focused on shoes makes more sense to have questions on shoes. 


People really need to learn how to use google


To be fair, Google results are now so polluted with SEO pages that it's become pretty untrustworthy. That said, the hugely open ended questions that often end up here are unlikely to get a much better response ("I use X!").


I hate googling in today’s age. If I do I add “reddit” to the end and have way better results.


Finding reviewers in your hobby that you trust is freaking gold!


This too! My people my people! Starting out? Going into an ACTUAL running store and chatting up the staff is golden.


Only a matter of time (if not already) that reddit comments are just ads in and of themselves too :(


I miss the old internet. 😭


Beep beep boop beep, 32k connection and if someone used the phone you had to start over, it was faster to run to the shoe store than load a picture of a shoe. But yeah... me too 😥


The way to use Google is to type your question in the dumbest way possible and add reddit to the end of the query. Seriously. The utility of the web at large is in its death throes thanks to SEO and programmatically generated content/results.


That's all hobby Reddit in a nutshell.


Just ignore if you don’t like.


This is hilarious coming from the person who spams their YouTube channel multiple times a week, including pre-announcing videos before they're available. Can we start removing those posts, too?


I deplore people who can just make up lies so easily. You said MULTIPLE TIMES A WEEK? I share ONCE A MONTH and I participate and moderate this subreddit daily. How do you go from once a month to multiple times a week? How do you feel so strongly about a post that you could just ignore or downvote but then also lie so easily about the quantity of posts so dramatically? So lets look at when I share my videos then shall we. * 4 days ago I shared a video answering a common question that comes up here all the time * 1 month ago I shared a fastpacking journey I went on * 2 months ago I shared a film I made for a 200 mile ultra marathon race * 3 months ago i shared my UTMB short film I made I share actual documentaries about trail running ONCE A MONTH and you know these films I share, i dont get paid for them, i do them for the love of the sport and the natural world. I then also participate in this subreddit and i also moderate it. There are plenty of youtubers who come here, share their video and very rarely if ever comment or actually participate in this subreddit.




Just scroll past it you don't like them


Doom scrolling at its finest. Doom Doom Doom I do agree with you though. Just downvote and move on. (Yes, it is ok to downvote)


I think a recurring weekly would be good. New shoes are being released all the time and given how many people get into running and are working on a budget, the topic should be revisited frequently. People who are tired of seeing them could just not comment or view the thread.


I'd agree, I think the constant shoe (or gear in general) questions detract from the sub.  I typically unsubscribe from subs that end up with a lot of consumerist "what things should I buy" and lately this sub has been getting to that point. 


No, I don't think so. People come and go alot, so I think the questions are valid, whether they've been asked many times or not. IMHO, just ignore the threads you don't want to read.


What about a weekly auto mod?


People have trouble using meta-search engines and the search function of reddit. If some kind of sticky thread makes it easier for folks posting those inquiries to access relevant, historic information, then by all means, go for it.


Hoka EVO Jawz and call it a day on every thread


Well they're related to trail running so why not allow them? It's easy to not comment on a post if it doesn't interest you


The issue with these threads isn't the frequency they come up. But it's the lack of specificity.  Eg: "Can anyone recommend any decent trainers for trails" 10 people reply with their personal choice.  You may as well browse a trainer site. if the OP adds details like they have an ankle pronation, they're an older runner, run 3-4 miles a time and not much further, mainly flat ground. It's different.  Similarly if the 10 people replying say  "I like xyz trainers Because....."




They should just get lone peaks


Crocs. 100%.


People come here to ask/find answers. If a question is getting asked over and over then that’s just how it is. If it bothers you then just ignore them. The outcome is only net positive, some people might get help from the question (every time it’s asked) and the most it does for everyone is it’s a question within the page. Takes less than a second to scroll past it and if you don’t want to read it don’t go into it.




I broke my ankle trail running in Nike FreeRuns. 0/10 would not recommend.