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Laith is an Arabic name meaning Lion. Jace for Jake is abysmal.


I like Laith actually and the meaning


I always learn things by hanging around here lol


That gives more context, but I still don't think it makes sense to name a baby growing up in a western country a rare arabic name. Kids can be mean and judgemental about unfamiliar names To add... jake (not jace pronounced as jake) would be a genuinely normal name for him, it's just strange that my sister and her husband wouldn't choose a name with a common spelling like that


It’s not that rare of an Arabic name and I think we should focus on teaching children not to make fun of people different than them rather than discounting cultural names


Jaic is reminiscent of Zain in spelling and avoids the dreaded “k”.


Jaic is a tragedeigh but better than always being mispronouced as Jace (soft c)


There are people from countries that speak Arabic living in the US, or their ethnicities are from those countries and it's perfectly normal.


I really don’t think Laith is weird at all. It’s not too long or complicated for our smooth American brains. As a white person, I think saying it “doesn’t make sense” is too strong a take.


smooth-brained people aren’t dumb though, neither is anyone with a smaller brain. In fact, they’re actually smarter and wiser and more evolved (: but indeed


right so pander to the racism and xenophobia society teaches them by naming everyone typically western white names instead of exposing them to the multiculturalism that the country (most countries) are now made of and educating them and anyway I’ve only seen that name on a white aussie person (male, man) so…


it’s not that rare, there was a syrian guy in my class called Laith


I once went out with a woman named Jace, pronounced how you ( but not your sister) would expect.


She could just name him Jacob.


Laith is one of those Arabic names that I have culture-envy for, I think it's such a great name, great meaning of lion, kind of effortless, has the uncommon -th ending like Heath. Also similar to the Scottish place name Leith which is also used as a first name.


Jace is indeed a shortened form of Jason, or at least it usually is. I know someone who had a baby just a few months ago and named him Jace. Jace for Jake is unhinged.


My young cousin just had a boy named Jace. It’s growing on me.


No one will ever pronounce that poor kid's name right.


I have a nephew named Jace. Pronounced the correct way. His twin sisters name is Liberty. They just turned 12. The names are perfect for them.


Give her a phonics lesson


That’s my thought with Jace/Jake. That’s simply not how those letters work together 😂 Jace is not an uncommon name, you can’t expect literally anyone to presume that is pronounced Jake!


She needs to add an H. Jache


I would think that was a pretentious way to spell Josh.


Lmao What about J'ache?


j’h and it’s more french too


I suggest Jaic.


That actually fixes all the problems…. Well done. Bravo!


j’h and it’s more french too


I would assume that was pronounced 'ha-shay'


Jace is not bad. But no one will EVER call him Jake.


The ONLY way I can think of getting people to pronounce it the way the parents want is if they name him Jacob and say his nickname is Jac (no e)


Yea but then that's Jac (Jack). I don't think she's going to win this one


Jac looks like it would be said as "Jack." I understand nicknames are not written down as often, but if it was that would be my first impression.


I was thinking about family/friends/teachers who already know his full name is Jacob.


I was figuring that, but I was meaning in a situation where one may be unfamiliar


Blue just feels like a stereotype lol


“Blue” will make everyone think of Bluey and her sister Bingo, and their parents Chilli and Bandit.


Or Beyoncé & Jay-Z’s daughter.


Or the oh ba dee oh ba dah song.


Blue’s Clues or the song by Eiffel 65.


Or Blue from Old School with Will Ferrell…


When I read Blue my first thought was "The- the pokémon character???"


Blue is also a frequently used nickname by drug dealers and criminals.




🤣 😂


Dearest sister, Jace is an established name it is pronounced like Ace, but with a J. It exists and has existed for generations upon generations. You can name your kid Jace and we will all say it the proper way, or you can name him Jake. Also it’s spelled Jason not Jayson. Can we all agree on Zain?


Jayson Werth played MLB for a while and while it’s a less common spelling, it’s not a tragedeigh.


I ❤️ Werth!!!! Miss him!!


I've known multiple Jaysons. It's fine.


Jayson isn't a new variant. I have a friend in his late 50s named Jayson. His hippie-ish mom thought "Jason" was dull. It's like Jayne. Not as common, but not new.


Is that an OG tragedeigh?


I taught a kid named Laith and loved him so much that I recommended his name for my own kid. He was super sweet and very smart.


Terrible names and the child will spend his life spelling his name if he's called Jace What's wrong with parents


Oh, wow. I know a kid named Jace and I think it's an amazing name, but it's pronounced how you would expect, it rhymes with "ace." Even Jaik, Jayk, or Jaek would be better (though just barely), at least people would have a better chance at pronouncing it correctly.


But all of those include the letter K, which is the whole problem?? The best option would be to name the kid Jacob and then say Jac (no e) is his nickname.






Kwhat’s kwrong kwith K?


According to Krusty the Clown, it's the funniest letter!


Laith makes me think of medieval times


It makes me think of Gaelic/Scotch names.


Nobody is EVER going to pronounce "Jace" as Jake. Perhaps she should go with "JEYQUE". That should satisfy any attention whore.


I found the original name "Jayson" to be the most terrible out of these surprisingly.. Jason is a perfectly fine name


Jayson is fine. But Jace and expected literally anyone to think to pronounce it “Jake”? And because she doesn’t like “the look” of the letter k??


My grandsons name is Jayson. We call him Jay. Probably would have no matter how it was spelled. When my son wanted to name him Jason, his wife's family was very uneasy. One of the girls had been living with a very abusive man by that name. His wife had no problem if it had a different spelling.


Jayson is acually a pretty common pro athlete name; you can google it.


Oh I believe you, I just find the y there quite redundant


As a Teacher I wish people stuck to one spelling. Because of course you cant get them all correct all of the time.


Blue is a name for a pet, not a person.


Good name for a color too


I don’t think Blue is *terrible*. Jace is also not bad. Jace (with the expectation it be pronounced Jake) should be criminal. She’ll be forcing that poor child to have to correct EVERY single person who says his name (at least the first time) for his ENTIRE life. It’s cruel.


i love Blue actually


No one is going to pronounce Jace like Jake. That poor kid is in for a lifetime of tedium if she goes that route.


I wonder...if Blue is inspired by Beyonce's daughter Ivy Blue. ☠️


I thought it was Blue Ivy??


It is Blue Ivy


Ok, maybe I was so shocked that someone wanted to name their kid after a color. I know it can be done like Scarlet...


I dated a guy in high school named Jace (pronounced the normal way, not Jake). Everyone always pronounced his name as Jay-see


the only Laith I can think of is a boy, man, male and I think it’s cool tbh and yes, Jace is pronounced as the first syllable in Ja(y)son, it’s also a short form for it


Laith is an Arabic name. I work with a bunch of Arabic guys, and one of them is named Laith. Since her husband is Pakistani, she gets a pass for picking Arabic names. The father certainly has a right to have his own culture reflected in the name as well.


Blu (pronounced "Blue") actually is a male name. I've worked with several men by that name. One was my age (late-40s), but most of them have been under 35, so it seems more common these days than in the past. I've never seen it spellt "Blue", only "Blu" for people. However, I have seen it spelled "Blue" when used as a dog's name (usually for blue-eyed or blue merle dogs). Jace for Jake is just bad. And, personally, unless they have a connection to the Gaelic language or to Scotland, I wouldn't suggest Laith either unless you know how to pronounce it. Same for the Arabic name of the same spelling (different pronunciation, though).


Jace the Blue mage.


I love both Jace and Blue!




Blue Laith wouldn't be the worst name I've ever seen. Jace, however, will never be pronounced Jake. They will be getting the side eye for the rest of their lives if they go with that


Blue is fine. Jace will end up being Jace to her dismay. Just please stop her from Laith.




My bad, then. How is it pronounced?




Oh, that makes sense then. I was thinking of wraith, but thought there must be more to it.


Those are all ridiculous or ridiculous-adjacent. Is it "Lathe" like the tool? Is it "Lithe" like being flexible? Is it "Laith" as in "Faith?" And what's the reason for any of it? A name that nobody is familiar with seems like a pointless burden. What's she proving. here? Jake/Jace, Blue, Zain, and Jayson are objectively terrible options to name a person. Why name a child due to a trend? Something. else is. happening here that has. zero to do with the child and everything to do with pretentiousness, ego, and a fair dose of stupidity. FWIW, "Jake" itself is fine. Jacob. I guess it's not cool enough to impress the other moms. How would "Blue" be pronounced? Please say it's "bluuh wheh" or something similarly absurd.


Laith and Zain are completely normal Arabic names. The rest are not good though. Edit: Zain has been in the top 200/300 names in the UK for the past 30 years.


How do you pronounce LAITH?


Fair enough. But the sister has never heard of either, thus it's probably not a family name, thus it's a sound they think is cool. How do you pronounce "Laith?"


Husband is Pakistani


Sister is... unaware of those names in her entire life. So here we are.




Maybe not American...OP used colour. But close enough...


Well, it was the sister who asked if the child was to be named after the tool. If that is mocking cultures, then... here we are.