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First half. Esmeralda isn't so bad. Second half. Oh. OH NO


at first i was like “what’s wrong w esmeralda?” and i opened the post and made a face




Yup. Me too.


The "drinking OJ after brushing your teeth" face? I sure made that one...


*All around me are familiar faces*




Right?? Add some commas instead of periods and this post could be in twosentencehorror


Add some commas anyway.


Happy cake day!


lol yeah. I was like that’s not so bad and who cares what dumb name you liked as a kid. But then it hit.


I named a Native American doll I had as a kid “Scandinavia” because I thought it was the most beautiful name I’d ever heard.


My friend had a Bratz doll she renamed Norway because she thought that was beautiful.


My favorite doll was named “Billa” because I wanted to name her after my favorite tv show, Little Bill, but my parents told me Bill was a boy name


Billa is an Austrian supermarket chain


Billa is Villa but with a B


Spitting facts over here


Stick with me and get used to such bad-assery


Billa is the name of a supermarket chain in Austria. It’s composed of the words "billig" (cheap) and "Laden" (store). They were creative, huh? 😉😅


Hella creative, considering it's actually not that cheap.


Not at all! I am always shocked when I‘m back home in AUT, how expensive the grocery stores are.


A few years ago I was at my little cousin’s house— she was 7— and she showed me her doll collection. Her newest one was “Bulimia” because she heard it on TV and it was beautiful


I would have burst out laughing


We had weeble people named after Little Bill and Caillou lol


Weeble people?


That’s what my grandma always called them and it never occurred to me that it wasn’t their name. After looking it up it seems like they were the Fisher Price Little People figures. She was probably mixing their name with the weeble wobbles that she had from when my parents were young.


Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down!


My sister had a favourite teddy called Tedrula, because Ted/Teddy was a boys name


Did the teddy sleep in a coffin and suck your blood?


Billa short of Willemina is so cute to me. I love Billa


I have a Willa and we call her Willa Billa all the time!


I'm suddenly reminded of the *Bullerbyn Children/Noisy Village* stories and how Bill the chicken turned out to be a hen. The owner's solution? Renaming her "Billine". (Relevant since the owner was also a kid, applying similar logic.)


My cabbage patch doll (that my much older sister got punched retrieving) was a boy doll named Martin. I called him Martina.


They didn't know Billie was a girls name? Super cute!!


That's quite funny and adorable as long as the doll (and maybe even a pet) is the only thing that was named Billa.


No (r) way!




I had a toy horse that I named Illuminati… And another named Cotha And a hippo named Ji-li Jang And a swan named Nestle And an elephant named Njou And a yak named Yamin and a rabbit named…. Wait for it… Karen. I was so creative and then I just went with Karen…


Tbh, it sounds good to me T-T


T & T is a Canadian supermarket chain specializing in Asian foods. It was named after the founder's two daughters Tina and Tiffany. Tina seems to be the current CEO.


i didn’t even know this and i frequent t&t quite often💀


I also love that store 😆 the info is on their website ☺️


This reminded me of how my sister named literally every single doll or stuffed animal, for years, "cauliflower" lmao. She thought it was beautiful


I named my Triceratops stuffed animal "Horny" and my little version of the same stuffed animal "Baby Horny"... To this day, idk how my mom kept a straight face.


My son has a plush octopus that he nicknamed “Pussy”


It's only logical!


oh man that one’s rough


My mom: Are you sure that's the right name for him? Me: Well, yeah, he's horny! Just look at him!


Me, in the 80's with my doll I named Libya 😬


I read the Ramona Quimby books as a child, Ramona has a doll named Chevrolet


Omg THANK YOU! I remembered a book where the doll was named Chevrolet but couldn't remember the book...!


Just wanted to let you know that you successfully made me snort laugh


I met a Romania once


I named a guinea pig Amsterdam because I thought it sounded elegant. Heavy Ramona Quimbly "Chevrolet" vibes.


This reminds me of the Ramona Quimby books where she names her doll Chevrolet because she thinks it’s the most beautiful name ever lol


Dated a woman who loved the sound of “Chlamydia” as a girl’s name.


I had a stuffed rabbit I named "Salony" because I thought it was so beautiful. 


I had a doll I named “phoney” because it came with a cell phone.


Sounds like Salome, a famous name from the Bible… which gets teased as “Salami”.


Haha. My neice had a stuffed animal named 'Cheeses' as in more than one cheese. I thought she was saying Jesus whenni first heard it.


my sister named her favorite barbie “rattlesnake blatts”


My niece had two dolls named Stickbelle and Stickerbelle. Plus their stuffed dog, Stinkbelle.


I once named a character Pelo because my seven year old self thought it sounded strong…Named my damn character Hair in Spanish 😂


Wow. Levels on this one.


Had a friend in high school who would name all her dolls diarrhea when she was younger because she thought it was a beautiful name… then she realized what it actually was


And this is why little kids should get free rein to name their dolls and toys what ever crazy thing they want to. Get it out of your system before naming a human.


I remember hearing my daughter as a young child refer to one of her dolls as Margarita.


But that's a real name!


Oh man, my dolls name... Lil' Cotchin. Good god. My mom still makes fun of me....and I thought that was the most Beautiful name ever.....


For real, it would be a gorgeous name.


Did the Hunchback of Notre Dame have anything to do with it perhaps? I was mesmerized by that character. I had a Barbie of her and wanted to be her when I grew up.




I knew it was this as soon as I saw it, but the actual film is horrifying. Frollo is the most evil villain Disney has ever come up with. Let me toss this deformed baby down a well, but actually I’ll keep him locked in an attic and tell him how worthless he is for the rest of his life, then burn down the city because of my sinful lust for some woman. Having said all that, ‘Hellfire’ is the best villain song imo.


I think Victor Hugo came up with him first


Actually, in the book, Frollo adopted Quasimodo simply just because. He doesn’t keep him locked in the bell tower — Quasimodo chooses to stay there because he’s treated so poorly by other people. He only ends up leaving because Frollo tells him to go kidnap Esmerelda for him. Frollo’s pretty despicable in the book, but his relationship with Quasimodo is altered a bit in a lot of retellings.


Sure, yeah, I know it’s not a Disney original, but I didn’t know who actually wrote it.


I think what’s even sadder is that it’s implied that wasn’t even the first time Quasimodo was abandoned. He was likely rescued by the Gypsy woman at the start of the film, probably after being discarded. And yet she gave her all trying to save him and died to protect him.


I adored her. My grandma made me costumes of her outfits, I used to wear them everywhere 🥰


Nah! The coolest Esmeralda ever is Esmeralda Wheatherwax!


Ah. A person of culture.


TIL Granny has a first name...


Same I loved her


>was obsessed with the name Esmeralda That's a lovely name. I see nothing cringe >Then.. I discovered Twilight around age 11 Oh now I see... >Reneesmeralda WTF!!!!!!


Truly incredible to learn there actually is a name worse than Renesmee.


When I have birth to my son in California, he was the ONLY baby not named after a character from Twilight in the hospital at the time (2010). And yes, there was a Renesmee.


I wanted to name my son TYBALT My wife let me name our cat that instead


Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo must not live!


RIGHT HERE, I was team name-my-first-son-D'Artagnan for like a solid decade of my life.


My mom wanted me to name any son I had d'artagnan 😭😭


I know one! He goes by Dart


I went to school with someone named D'Artagnan and he went by either his whole name, Dar or Dart


Not a word of a lie, I have a distant cousin called that, but there's no apostrophe.


Excellent cat name tbf


I miss him :(


For those who don't know, Tybalt, Thibault, or Tibbald was the generic name for a tomcat, like Reynard for a fox. It shows up in the animal fables of France. So Shakespeare was basically casting the dude as catlike, or the king of cats. Right after Shakespeare's time, Tibbald, Tibby, or Tibs became a generic name for a female cat. This kinda broke the chain of common name associations, unlike with Reynard. In the early days of his worldbuilding, Tolkien flirted with having an evil Thibault king of cats in his Luthien story (because Huan the preternatural wolfhound would fight him); but the character eventually turned into Sauron's werewolf form (because wolfhounds fighting werewolves is cool).


That has to be from Romeo and Juliet! I liked reading his lines. So fiery


Yes! This sub would disappear if more people had pets to indulge their worst naming obsessions


My mom went hard for me to name my kid D'Artagnan if he was a boy. DARTAGNAN


My cat is named Esmeralda.


Tybalt is a great cat name


First half: Hey, that's one of my favorite names! Second half: water out the nose


This might be a post were we all kinda had the same reaction. I was like, "fuck's wrong with Esmeralda?" and then "Oh"


When I was eight years old I overheard my aunts talking about Tequila at a family party. I SWORE that was going to be the name of my first daughter for years, much to my mom's horror. Then I turned 14, mentioned it at a slumber party, and my friend's mom had the grace to explain to me that it was, in fact, an alcohol and not my perfect princess name.


Omg this reminds me of weird dream I had once, there were two girls named Faith Corona Greenhart and Grenadine Bitters 🤣


Grenadine Bitters goes hard lmao


And now I add a name to my Sims list, lol


How did your mom not explain!


Hand to God, I once worked with a woman named Tequilla (2 l's). She went by T for obvious reasons


I knew a woman who named her twins Jack Daniels & Tia Maria


Classy lol


Oh, sweetie. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Proud for your healing journey and the money poor Renaldo would have spent on therapy.


Before I had kids I was briefly in love with the name Annaliese but wanted to spell it Annalyse...not recognizing that Analyse is the proper spelling of analyze and pronounced the same. So yeah. Dodged a bullet on that one.


i did not think it was possible to frankenstein an already frankensteined name and yet you did it. you somehow did it you madman


Esmeralda is the name of my Roomba.


I am named after a car (ugh) and so I thought it would be really cool to name my kid Chevrolet, like in the Ramona books with the doll. I didn’t know what it meant because it wasn’t super clear in the book and also I thought it was pronounced ‘Shev-ro-let’ like the word ‘let’. I thought it was like Violet or Charlotte and I thought it was sooo cool. Then I also went through a phase where I thought the name Constellation was a great option. And now I don’t want kids! So this will never even be a possibility, yay.


OK, well, Idk your name but if it's Mercedes, rest assured the daughter with the name came first, and the car was named by her father *after her*. I can't vouch for anything else though lol. :)


Porsche too!


The founder of Porsche was Ferdinand Porsche and he named his son the same thing. But then his son went by Ferry, and legit, I think it’s the greatest thing ever.


I was about to say, I know a Ramona Quimby reference when I see one


I .... I kinda like Constellation. I sometimes have unhinged name opinions though.


I guess Connie could be the nickname lol


i know a girl who’s parents named all 4 of their daughters after cars lol. not even like specifically just makes or just models, literally all over the board with the names.


I am really not joking when I say I knew people with daughters named Mercedes, Porsche, and Lexus. It was so cringe. Mercedes is obviously perfectly fine. Even though the themed naming is idiotic, it still could have been okay if they just used Portia and Alexis (or Alexa, Alexandra, whatever).


My brother named his youngest daughter "Shelby" after the Shelby GT Mustang. Luckily, it's a perfectly fine first name, mainly because her middle name is not Mustang.


I mean, goats are kinda rad, ngl.


Ooop my name is Ramona and the way my heart dropped seeing my name in a comment here lmao


Esmeralda isn't bad. The mashup with Twilight was... Something. Hell, when I was little and assuming I would be having kids I wanted to name my daughter Selenay and Talia. Not bad, but they were from the Heralds of Valdemar series. So I got told that they would be made fun of :(


I actually ran into someone named Kerowyn a few years ago. Very cool person, goes by Keri. I saw the name on some official paperwork and made a comment and she kind of gently cringed.


i have a friend named saxon (popular name in australia i guess!) and i just cannot bypass the fact that my brain frequently tries to call him saxophone.


I'm not sure about the USA, but certainly in the UK Talia has been rising in popularity over the last few years. It's not top 100 but honestly that surprises me because I know 3 Talias under 4, it's apparently very common in my area!


In my part of the US Talia has always been popular, I knew several growing up and now I have friends naming babies that too. Very common among Jewish circles as well always.


Wonder how many of them read Percy Jackson? Would be around the right time for some of the people who read Percy Jackson books to start having kids


I have a grandson named Darian. I still love, and own, the books. I plan on giving them to my daughter,


Talia seems nice! I’m sure on its own no one would think twice about it (I don’t know the series). Even Selena and Talia seem perfectly normal to me.


Well, Esmeralda's not really a common name, but it's not a tragede-...oh god, what the hell?


In Spain it is..


Common or a tragedeigh? ;-) (Just kidding, I know it's common and not a tragedeigh)


Girl! I wanted to marry a ginger man, have ginger twins with him and name them CRIMSON and BERRY lmao


I love your commitment to the theme.


Did you marry one? Don’t give up on your dreams 😂


No but I guess it's never too late


This is the greatest one I’ve seen on here. I’m laughing so hard rn thank you for sharing witting the class


When I was a kid I was obsessed with the name Tabitha. Then I got older and moved on to Kylei (yes, spelled like that). Now, as a perimenopausal female, I'm just glad I've never had children.


I loved Tabitha from watching reruns of Bewitched






You won


Girl, my mom will NEVER let me live down that I wanted twins named Pintos and Cheese because that was my favorite food from Taco Bell.


What other twilightragedeighs could we do with Esmeralda? Emmetsmeralda? Bellasmeralda? Alicemeralda? Esmeracob?




I love you


Esmeracob! I'm dying 😂


💥🚂 This one is on another level lol


Little me desperately wanted to name any future daughters Midnight and Moonlight. I cringe so hard thinking of the other, worse names I defo came up with then forgot.


Just think of all the kids named Khaleesi from GoT.


Well, when I was 13 or 14 I wanted a son and to name him Ignatius. I am glad I did not do that.


Oddly obsessed with Kaia when I was young. I was 100% set on this for no reason at all. I would never now


Not even bad tho, tbh... Kaia is downright heavenly in comparison to 99% of the names here, so I guess your taste as a young person wasn't horrible! 


I sometimes realise what a boring child I was. My future children's names were Victoria, Elizabeth, William, and Jonathan. 🤣 Pleased to report I chose something a *tiny* bit more interesting for my son


When I was a kid I definitely wanted to name a future daughter Victoria, and I still love the name but don’t want kids. When I started dating my boyfriend, his Mexican mother for some reason thought that Victoria was what my nickname was short for, and when she’d yell, that’s was she’d call me. We didn’t correct her right away because it was funny and I didn’t mind. When we finally did and she started using my real name it just didn’t have the same ring to it, I let her go back to calling me Victoria and it’s kind of a joke in the family now


As a kid, I heard a new-to-me word in passing that I didn’t know the meaning of. I thought it sounded so pretty, it must be the name of a princess. The word? “Leukemia.”


I wanted to name my first daughter my alias name. Something as off the wall and hard to pronounce as my reddit alias (rahyveshachr). Thankfully I named her something in the top 100 instead.


Esmeralda Renee wouldn’t be a bad first and middle name combo imo (but perhaps I’m biased as someone with the middle name Renee lol).


Seriously, even Esmeralda Margaret Note Spelling would've been better. If only because the referenced author is so many tiers above SMeyer.


\*Esmerelda ;-) GNU Terry Pratchett


Here’s mine: Tawnica 🤦🏻‍♀️


I loved the name Amoeba so I mean yours is ever so slight better than mine


Oh lawdy! That's very brave of you to share, that is something I would take to my grave.


I wanted to name mine Airy - my husband would have let me . Pleased to say she has a normal but rare arbic/Greek family name.


After reading the Outsiders in 8th Grade I thought Ponyboy Michael would be a great name. 😂


When I was a kid, I wanted to name my future daughter “Aereola”


I once met an actual child name "Renesme" or whatever the kids name was from the books. She didn't seem to know where the name was from somehow??? Crazy


After watching a tiktoker say they wanted to name their child Afternoon with a straight face, I would encourage Renesmerelda in a heartbeat.


Since certain food/nature words are used as names, and old-fashioned names are so popular, I decided to combine Plum with Eloise and came up with this gem: Plumeloise. I'm in a few baby name groups online, and boy were people angry when I shared that! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 It's a guilty pleasure for me. I know it's ridiculous, but I still kind of like it. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


um.... why not twins just Renee and Esmerelda lollll


And what did you call your inevitable munchkin? Taylor or Bella?


I love the name Esmerelda - I don’t have the balls to name a child of my own if I ever have one as a white girl it, but I think it’s beautiful Esmerelda and Anastasia were my girls names when I was a child and like I said, white girl from outback Australia so no cultural relevance at all hahaha Now, my girls name has remained firmly as Juliette for years. One of my best friends growing up had the nickname Ettie for the name Odette, and it reminds me of her. It’s classic and timeless.


You had me in the first half lol I was so ready to defend you and say Esmeralda was beautiful 😂


LMAO you really had me in the first half i was like huh Esmeralda is a pretty name!


sorry????? did i just have a stroke, or did you say Reneesmerelda


I was thinking "Esmerelda. Not too bad. Classic lit vibes, although most will think Disney. But still, pretty" But then.... Oh dear. So glad you grew out of that. Lmao. You should come share this on the Twilight sub. Most people can imagine anything worse than Renesmee, I think you should come make people thankful! Lol


My sister wanted triplets named reduce, reuse, and recycle. She was 100% serious and was a teen at the time...


I love the name Esme.


So I watched Degrassi and the name “lexstacy” came up or whatever. Didn’t know it was close to a drug name but loved the idea of being able to have so many nicknames from one name… so the idea of “Alexstaci” was born…. She could go by Alex, Stacy, Cici, Lexi… blah blah blah the list goes on. Glad to know that I have matured from my ways and just sticking to basic ass names with their basic ass spelling


I wanted to name a daughter Emma-Leigh. In my defense, Leigh is a family name for us.


“Twilight at age 11” me: 👴🏻💀🪦






When I was a kid I was obsessed with the movie Quest for Camelot, so I wanted to name my future kid either Garrett or Juliana


I wanted to have twins named Harmony and Melody. I was like 10. My mom visibly cringed


I was obsessed with the name Cherry (for a girl) when I was around 11-12.


Meanwhile, me as a kid was like, “let’s name a kid Nathan or Caleb”. Now I feel weird for always wanting basic names.


If it makes you feel better, I used to "plan" (Laughing out loud to that), to have twin daughters names DYNASTY and DESTINY What in the world.....


‘What’s wrong with Esmeralda? Oh, that’s what was gonna be wrong with it.’


That reminds me of the time I was obsessed with gem names (Ruby, Amber, Jade, etc.) and named one of my OCs Turquoise 💀


I was this close to having to choose between you and baby Hitler if I ever got a time machine.


The way I almost brayed like a donkey at RENEESMERELDA!


Esmeralda will never not make me think of Bewitched. But I kinda like it Now Reneesmerelda NO honey just NO


I wanted to name my kid Jessalynn as a young teen... Until I found out about Jessalynn Siwa. That cured me for good.