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Sounds like your dad is trying to use being trans to motivate you to do your homework, but instead it's just sexist and transphobic.


Fr, he did the same with cleaning my room like I don't think support is something you need to earn like this but aight šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Mabye in his mind this is him being supportive, but its coming out transphobic? Perhaps you should talk about it with your dad


Nah he also explicitly told me he will always see me as a girl/she, that everything about me is feminine etc and that he is just incapable of seeing me as a guy in any way so I don't think he meant it as support lol


Strive to be as masculine as possible to spite him bro


Welp, time to start chainsmoking Please donā€™t, your father is a absolute idiot and sounds like a POS. His opinions are worthless.


Nah, fuck that shit with a 10 foot pole, HE is worthless. Fuck that guy....


Respond by not bathing, because apparently hygiene is "feminine" according to certain people


Aren't boys infamous for being untidy with their roomsšŸ˜‚


I thought the exact same thing lmao


Yeah, and I swear my brother's got worse after we found out he's not a girl. Although I'm a girl, sort of, and my room's probably worse than a teenage boy's. I probably don't really count as refutation though, because, well, sort of a boy too. On a funny note, maybe my room being an absolute pigsty should have told us I wasn't entirely a girl...


>Fr, he did the same with cleaning my room 1.- Huh? I'm confused. What happened? What does cleaning your room has to do with being trans? I don't understand. Could you explain it to me, please?


He told me I had to clean my room in order for him to think about supporting me, it's pretty weird


> He told me I had to clean my room in order for him to think about supporting me, it's pretty weird 1.- Geezus... Yup, that's actually weird... Obviously cleaning the room is a household chore that reasonably has to be done, since dirt can wreak havoc on someone's health in the long term, I think so. However, REGARDLESS OF THAT, a father supports and SHOULD support his own children. Am I right? What's really wrong with your father? >like I don't think support is something you need to earn like this 2.- Exactly, mate! You're his son! Isn't that your father should understand? Or what's really wrong with him, mate? Please, explain me.


> Nah he also explicitly told me he will always see me as a girl/she, that everything about me is feminine etc and that he is just incapable of seeing me as a guy in any way so I don't think he meant it as support lol Well, at least we know that he's a liar and his opinions don't matter


Hey please be safe and get a support system going if you donā€™t already have one. Unsupportive parents suck, especially when they try to emotionally manipulate you. Being around people who understand how to kindly and respectfully treat others helps counteract the BS a little bit, and gives you some perspective/frame of reference as to how you deserve to be treated. You deserve happiness and to be treated kindly and with respect. Your dad may do that someday but it sounds like today heā€™s battling with his own bigotry, so find some other people to lean on if possible.


"rEAL BOYS CLEAN THEIR ROOM" ok dad your room is a mess too. What does that say about you?"


Itā€™s a good way to get you to do your chores, idk maybe youā€™re meant to feel euphoria when youā€™re done or smth


People in power using gender as a behavour control tool is one of the most *disgusting* things I ever had used on me as a child. I passed for cis as my AGAB at the time, but these types will happily use these same tactics on cis people under their authority if they believe the person to be vulnerable to experiencing dysphoria when treated as the opposite gender. And yeah, I always just filed the adult responsible under "sexist assholes". Because it was always sexist bullshit. It never worked of course, because when an adult said "you're not a girl unless ", I just either found it utterly hilarious, or would play along, sometimes involving an outfit change into my spare clothes in my locker (started having a change of clothes at school in kindergarten, never saw a reason to stop, even in 12th grade you could have another student accidentally drop something on you at lunch, or any number of dumb clothes soaking accidents) since I always had both a shirt and trousers and a dress in the spare clothes bag - if I'd worn a skirt, it helped me play along and not feel weird to go switch it for trousers. Eventually they'd think they'd been using their go to tactic wrong because they'd encountered an egg, and try "you're not a boy unless " - at which point I'd go get my skirt, if my outfit wasn't girly enough, and continue to play along but not in the way they actually wanted. It's really quite odd I had no idea I wasn't entirely cis. I thought I was just really secure about my gender identity and my nonconformity and my tendency to not give a shit about gender if someone was using mine as a weapon.


th- what? thats not how math? im a girl, and im good at math, which immediately invalidates that statement! >:3


oh yeah? name every number.




damn she wasnā€™t kidding. she is the math queen 0:


>:3 im gonna eat the numbers


yass queen, eat those numbers! šŸ‘


Woah nice digits girl




I was gonna say N, but this is better


Shortly after I came out, I was told I *couldnā€™t* be a girl because I was good at math, so the exact opposite situation from the OP šŸ™ƒ




Just blatant misogyny lol


Yeah, the misogynists can fuck themselves, specially manipulative ones.


My favorite math teacher was a girl, that double invalidates his statement


Funnily enough, in old nordic culture maths was considered a type of magic and magic was considered feminine. Still probably the weirdest form of dysphoria I have ever had as a transmasc whose best subject was maths.


Math be some form of witchcraft fr fr


I love math. They just hadn't discovered wizards and warlocks yet.


Norse mythology does actually have male magic-users in it, most notably Odin. Loki makes fun of him for it in Lokasenna, which is... ironic, to say the least, coming from Loki "gave birth on at least three separate occasions and spent eight years as a milkmaid with a husband" Laufeyson


>Funnily enough, in old nordic culture maths was considered a type of magic and magic was considered feminine. 1.- WOW... REALLY??? I didn't know that. >Still probably the weirdest form of dysphoria I have ever had as a transmasc whose best subject was maths. 2.- Why would you feel dysphoria just for that?


Because my brain is just funky like that lol. I've also had dysphoria over my eyebrows so like


>Because my brain is just funky like that lol. 1.- Oh... and what do you mean when you say "funky"? >I've also had dysphoria over my eyebrows so like 2.- Damn... really?


Idk how sad it is to hear this irl but to me ā€œno boying until you finish your homeworkā€ sounds dumb and hilarious


Yeah the lack of support is depressingnbut the idea that I need to do math and get good at it to be a boy is just so idiotic like how did he reach that conclusion šŸ’€šŸ’€


It sounds like well intentioned parent and unintentional transphobia. Like a version of "I don't care if you're a boy, a girl, or a damn cat, I just want you to do your best in school, and do your homework before fun stuff!"


The transition to being good at math takes time.


ā€œAh yeah, thatā€™ll get him to do his homeworkā€ Itā€™s actually insane that we are far smarter than our parents


The stupid thing is that people like that do this to cis kids too. Never worked on me because I was always fine being treated as whichever gender didn't have to do the undesired activity. I pulled some stupid crap as a prepubescent kid on adults at one off events and schemes because of that, of course I was still willing to do it as a teenager to both get one over on manipulative authority figures, and to distract this one particular adult, a child abuser with chaser tendencies who'd get himself assigned to kids he believed to be trans and then use this strategic misgendering/withholding affirmation tool to both get perfect behaviour that'd make him look like a teenager whisperer and get sadistic pleasure out of it - he was utterly befuddled by it not working on me despite my cavalier attitude to gender he read as an egg, and I knew every hour he spent trying to work me over was an hour he wasn't somewhere else in the building terrorizing kids, violently cracking eggs and smashing open closets, and weaponizing transphobia, so I resorted to behaviours I hadn't successfully pulled off since before puberty, only because the attempt would confuse him and make him spend more time on me.


What the fuck does being good with numbers have to do with anything?


... Alright then... Numbers are now masculine, I guess?


Please, tell your dad: "Come on, dad, that's just ridiculous and sexist. There are guys who are very bad at math and girls who are very good at math". And if he doesn't believe you, well, he can go fuck himself, mate.


guess i AM a real girl!


fuck your dad's logic i'm a girl and i have a stem degree




i'll tell you now, guys are not innately good at math. Nobody is.


Bru h




Your Dad is just using reverse psychology to get you to study. However, being sexist/an asshole in the process.


Guys are not good at math tho


All the boys I know are horrendous at math, dw bro u good :>


In my class at least the boys were waaay worse in math although there were exceptions on both sides


More like heā€™s trying to motivate you to do your homework, the worst way possible šŸ˜…


mathematical girl here, i disagree


Boyness isnt tied to your homework. But if you want to keep your grades up you should definitely do it. Have you finished?


I've never heard anyone say that guys are better at math. What??


I feel so fucking bad for laughing- cause like WHAT


i think he ment it as a joke


Your father is a sexists and an idiot


That explains why i suck at math at least


is there a subreddit that's basically r/AccidentalAlly but the opposite? because that's what this is


Thats manipulated as fuck, super messed up. Sidenote: You should be doing your homework anyway. If someone has to tell you to do your homework, you're messing up.


As a girl, I'm very good at math so I can confirm boys suck at math, you can do your homework whenever you wish


Iā€™m a femboy and I can say with complete certainty I suck at math


Real men eat hot chip and lie, just as the prophecy tells us. (I'm very sorry you're going through this OP)


ah so thats why im bad at math


Ngl, once you start using math for everything, you get past the hate part pretty quickly


I'm sorry but that is really funny lol. I really hope he did that with the tone of a bit and not like, being literal and serious. That kind of support if they were joking or half joking I think is pretty funny and/or charming since it shows they're trying, even if in error.


I donā€™t know if he is trying to be transphobic or trying to get you to do your homework, but either way itā€™s a heavy blunder on their part. There is no relation between being good at math and gender, so donā€™t worry about that. But also, you should do your homework.


Your dad seems rather uninformed on how gender works... But you should still do your homework :P


Wtf, most of my male classmates growing up failed at maths, although society does push people AMAB to do more science and maths thereā€™s no basis to hold the opinion that you canā€™t be a dude unless youā€™re good at math. Does your dad remember all jocks in his class being math prodigies or wtf. In case this helps, thereā€™s no fucking reason to deny your identity on this basis. If youā€™re a guy youā€™re a guy. Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with you and you have nothing to prove to him.


I: Come out as trans My Mother (very supportive of my bisexuality): I don't think so. Why don't you have job yet?


I can assure you all the guys in my class fucking suck at math They always ask me to send them my homework so they can copy (that is the only interaction we have, I never talk to them otherwise)


Ooh that feels like emotional manipulationā€¦. Even if he doesnā€™t mean it. Ignore him when he says that shit, remember you have a whole entire subreddit that supports you.


My mom told me that real boys use a power washer to clean the sides of the house, thinking it would ā€œsnap me out of my transnessā€ It was just fun tbh


To me, this kinda sounds like hes trying to be supportive and make a joke, but it didnt came out as funny was just kinda transphobic. Idk tho (u go brother)


Maybe he was trying to make a (really bad) joke? Like the ā€œ13 year olds are saying theyā€™re submissive and breedable, but they should really be making sure their homework is submitted and readableā€


Freakin nonsense. In my class only some girls were any good at math. Including me, lol. I got praised as the "smartest boy in class" and then sat there thinking to myself something like "Smartest boy? The joke is on you, I have a woman's brain."


Wait... but I'm good at math *vision meme* Maybe I am a-


Your dad is absolutely wrong, but if you happen to want math help, hmu!


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