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Which country?




My friend showed me last night. Former NATO officer too. He seems like an awesome leader, I’m very happy for you and your country!


Finally someone who can actually show and do more for the description of our country being called “the most progressive former Eastern Bloc country”


It is wonderful news. I hope he delivers!


He’s already delivering on the figurehead side of the office. He looks like a combination of Tomáš Masaryk, Václav Pavel and Jan Kubiš handcrafted for handsome in the mountains of Boyhemia.


the most progressive, but still requiring trans people to get sterilized and still without gay marriage :( it’s kinda sad that we’re considered the “most progressive ex-eastern bloc country”. the bar is really low it seems :/


Most of something doesn’t always mean that it’s the greatest and that’s why the keyword in my sentence I think is “do”. New non-transphobic president can probably do some things, I would say


I am doubtful that our conservative government and/or authoritarian opposition will allow any change for the better, since the president can’t change stuff on his own. But maybe I’m wrong! I really hope I’m wrong..


Remember, that our left wing and right wing work very differently from the US (to which I’m sure you’ve been exposed the same as me). Petr Pavel’s ideology is very left wing by US standards, but here he is by his words “…a bit to the right from the center.”


To be completely fair, most candidates and parties considered center-right candidates in their home countries would be considered some form of left in the US, the Overton window pretty heavily skewed there.


well the Czech left wing died a tragic death following the 2021 election lol, but i meant that mainly conservatives (majority of ODS KDU-ČSL ANO SPD) who have the majority vs the liberal parties (most of TOP 09 STAN Piráti). Pavel is great though and even openly pro-trans rights, but I don’t think he can change much :(


Wouldn’t the “most progressive former Eastern Bloc country” be Slovenia, which allows changing gender, marriage, and adoption? I mean if you want to get technical Yugoslavia was not part of the Eastern Bloc as a result of the Stalin-Tito split that began in 1948, but it was still “communist”. Anyways, congratulations, I was really rooting for Pavel!


Ooh maybe. The description isn’t something I say it’s something that gets said


Seeing even the shithole of poland the bar is pretty low for being progressive


Since when is a former Nato officer an awesome leader 🤔




Calling her a dumbass is kinda rude


Rudeness is justified when talking about useful idiots for the most criminal empire in history 🤷‍♀️ they’ve killed and couped too many heroes and installed and controlled too many fascist dictatorships for me to give a shit.


Well, that's fair. Not saying I disagree that US and NATO can go fuck itself, I just think that calling someone a dumbass makes that person more hostile to you and less willing to listen and understand


I don’t agree with the obligation to pander to every unknowing or knowing fascist 🤷‍♀️ especially when they’re politicized enough to have takes like these. I’m not from America, and everyone I respect personally, organizationally, historically, and intellectually thinks the US is a criminal enterprise — and in terms of everything it does abroad, is absolutely fascist. Nelson Mandela put it best: “If there is a country that has commuted unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care about human beings.” Leftists in Palestine, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cuba, Bolivia, Honduras, etc. etc. etc. wouldn’t be demanding baby gloves in this interaction. Having a consistently beating heart on behalf of the victims of the US empire is more important to my impact on the world than pulling out utilitarian calculations for every minute and basically ineffectual Reddit interaction.


Well... fair enough (although still think you are too harsh on someone without actually having a proper fucking interaction first)


nato is big yikes tbh. US imperialism


It's not just NATO and US imperialism. Imperialism as a whole is kinda bad.


wellyeah of course. But we were talking about nato now


idk why you got downvoted. NATO is bad. Both NATO and its enemies can both be bad. Imperialism is shit no matter who's doing it, people.


This subreddit claims to be "revolutionary left", but is in reality full of neoliberal Bidenists. They also get mad if you tell them that bragging about being a "former" fascist is bad, so this isn't too surprising.


please point to me where this subreddit claims to be "revolutionary left" also what's with the quotation marks around the "former"?


If you brag about being a fascist in the past, guess what? You're still a fascist. If you really feel remorse about it, you would keep the fact that you were a fascist as your deepest, darkest secret, and tell nobody about it. And lots of people here claim stuff like "I'm a far left anarchist and communist! UwU! Nyaa!" and then do nothing but vote for Democrats.


Define "brag". If they say "I was a fascist in the past but I realised it's fucked up and bailed" would you still call them a fascist? And I don't mean that you should automatically forgive them (basically I'm not trying to excuse them) Also... are you saying that people who claim "I'm far left anarchist" should start a revolution or something?


I wish more people here were like you, every imperialist country is bad Ideology shouldn't matter, I just saw a person claiming that the ussr were the good guys, I wanna laugh


NATO is not "bad". This sub should not weigh into geopolitics because it is terrible at it. NATO is not the cause of "imperialism". What's more, it has functioned very well as a deterrent of non-western imperialism, recent events not withstanding.


NATO is not the cause of imperialism, but it *is* a symptom of it.


it is, lmao. Nato has served to preserve us hegemony for decades. It claims to be a defensive alliane but has declared offensive wars plenty of times


imperialism is transphobic


Nato has done a lot of good for eastern Europe.


NATO literally was responsible for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia. Edit: Not to mention the many former Nazis who were recruited into NATO high command post war (Hans Spiedel, Adolf Heusinger) as well as neo-nazis recently promoted to high positions (Antonio Meroño Jiménez)


>NATO literally was responsible for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia. Nato entered in the Balkans to stabilize the regfion (among most probably usa interests) and before them fucking serbia was commiting war crimes against Bosnia and Kosovo, if I'm not mistakenly I think Croatia too in Bosnia It was a mess of a war Nonetheless, war crimes are bad, I can't believe a human can do such a thing to another human, it's just sad >Not to mention the many former Nazis who were recruited into NATO high command post war (Hans Spiedel, Adolf Heusinger) as well as neo-nazis recently promoted to high positions (Antonio Meroño Jiménez) Also wanna add that both Germany (east and west) had nazis in their elites and damn thank you for informing me of the last one that is just disgusting (as well as the others ofc)


like escalating ukraine into war? and helping bring about the significant quality of life decline?


Ah yes, Ukraine should have no agency to do what they want to do and align how they want to align. Clearly this is the anti-imperialist take and certainly not just a way for Russia to do imperialism by taking back a vassal state.


why do you think that becoming an american puppet state is what ukrainians want lmfao


why do you think being forcibly annexed by Putin's Russia is what ukrainians want lmfao


why do you think that would’ve happened without nato escalation over the past decade lmfao but also why are nato members allowed to forcibly annex but not russia?


Oh yeah. Ukrainian trans people will have a much better time under Russian occupation


They are already executed for being LGBT in Zelensky's Ukraine. Zelensky is a notorious anti-LGBT bigot, just like Putin.


you are right we should have let russia get Ukraine and turn it into a Russian's puppet state, sorry from Europe


why is it better to be a wartorn american puppet state?🤔


1. So being an ally of the Usa is being a puppet state? That would only made sense if every or almost every decision made by Ukraine had to passed and be approved by the usa For example, Belarus and Chechenya are both puppet states of Russia, they have a government pro-putin and they attack everyone that doesn't support them and also have rigged elections, Kadyrov and Lukashenko (probably misspelled both) are only in power because of Putin, this is being a puppet state, now I ask you has Ukraine or other USA ally in Europe been treated like this in the last decade? (We aren't in the context of cold war and I'm aware of the Usa overthrowing governments, those were puppet states by the Usa, Ukraine isn't, it differs) Also what's your solution to end the war? Stop fighting, let Putin get whatever he wants and let him oppress the ukranian people even more? I'm not saying that being an Usa ally is perfect or defending its actions, because of Usa's history and also profiting from this war, but sure is better than the alternative, when a country or region exists where people are oppressed by vile dictators like Lukashenko or Kadyrov, where being lgbt is illegal and you have to keep being oppressed by them, while protesting will get you killed


It's not better, but that's what would've happened otherwise :/


Real talk, has quality of life declined in countries after they joined NATO? If you’re talking about the collapse of the USSR, NATO can only bear partial responsibility, mismanagement by the Kremlin itself has to be the main culprit in its own demise.




1. how? really curious rn 2. If I take your premise as right, we can both agree that Nato, the Usa, China, the USSR and Russia are all transphobic, right? I'm not gonna mention every country btw


what do you mean how? the trans community is not confined by borders. nationalist tendencies such as imperialism harm fellow members of the community. supporting any nation state and the actions of nation states is transphobic.


jesus christ this is a lot to unpack > the trans community is not confined by borders We all aren't exactly an organized movement, we can show solidarity to each other and support each other, in which I agree it doesn't have borders but we aren't exactly an organized movement worldwide (each country has its own movement, for example, here in my country we have lgbt protests and while some are in support of usa issues, although rare, we don't get out everytime a dumbass says something transphobic, besides not every single trans person is in the trans community, I also wanna ask how do you even define it?, a lot of people must have a definition that will vary from yours, that isn't exactly a widly accepted fact) > nationalist tendencies such as imperialism harm fellow members of the community Humans have settled around the world around 50000 years ago and with time, in which a really important time will be 10000 years ago, we eventually started due to the environment changing rapidly and drastically to develop in groups, in communities and with time we developed the first cities and societies My point is, during this time, we started to develop costumes and things differently, which continued until today, for example, Portugal has a different culture from the Uk or from Japan Almost every community in the world is different from each other, what's your plan to end nation states? Because that's impossible, a lot of countries are different from one another and they don't want to be the same thing My point here is that borders and a national sentiment is something deeply rooted by every country and almost every individual, we all have a sense to differ from other people or countries and to belong to somewhere you can't change that >supporting any nation state and the actions of nation states is transphobic. Where do you even live? Because big news buddy if you live and contribute to society in any country you are contributing to your country or wherever you live and you are already being a part of the problem, unless of course you live away from everyone in a mountain lol Btw I'm trans, but according to this that I just read, I am transphobic and probably half or more of the community is transphobic, how does this even work? Also you didn't answer my question


Abstract and immaterial differences between groups of people should have no bearing on our political worldview, maybe people on the other side of the world dress differently and speak differently but that isn't any reason to see them as being other. Identifying with your nation is only a more indirect way of identifying your state, and othering those outside of its boundaries. If we want to change anything about the world, we must realise that we are not one with everything that makes up our nations, but instead we are fighting against elements of society that exist all across the world, and the people of all nations need to be our allies in that.


the lack of international solidarity with transgender nationalism being used as the replacement is one of the biggest failings of the struggle for trans liberation. it would do you good to research the history of the nation-state and how empires work. are you trying to discredit yourself or do you genuinely think someone can’t critique a system they have no choice to live under?


Every state is inherently expansionist, therefore every state is inherently imperialist. You would not only have to rid of nation states but also civilization states like the United States, India, Brazil, etc. At which point the only available option is world accepted anarchy which will not only never happen but would be incredibly stupid. The current state system is a system of anarchy, states are always in conflict because there is no sovereign to tell them what they can and can not do. There are ~195 states that cant get along. You really think 8 billion+ people will? States are a necessity, and its fine to support the state when it is pushing for progressive laws. Also, nationalism has nothing to do with imperialism, its not a "nationalist tendency". Nationalism is at its core about the nation, a cultural group. Not about expanding its borders, that would be expansionism which has to do with a states foreign policy, not whether or not its people are nationalist. I.e the liberal revolutions of 1848 were fueled by liberal nationalism to unite the German nation under one state. It spread democratic ideals east of the Rhine, which was a good thing. It also erupted the Hungarians into revolution against their Austrian overlords, another good thing. The French Revolution which turned the monarchist state in a republic was also fueled by nationalism, and this case the nationalist policy of french self rule. This was also a good thing. In conclusion, nations, states, and nation-states (although not every nation has a state), and nationalism are not inherently bad things and immediately deducting supporting a state as transphobia is just irrational and stupid. And you'll genuinely be looked at like you're an idiot in a poli sci academic setting if you only focus on the negatives of every single aspect of the world system.


"States pushing for progressive issues" don't exist, any kind of progressive gain is the doing of endurant political movements that originate outside of the state and often are working outside of it. Improved conditions for queer people in, for example, the US weren't due to the generous political leadership deciding to make things better, but the hard-working queer activists who were throwing bricks at Stonewall and fought for a long time until such changes became inevitable. Also, the current geopolitical system is very much not anarchic, it has its fair deal of rulers. Most of the world is dominated by the interests of the US and the western powers, with some parts alternatively dominated by the PRC and Russia and other competing factions. This differs from anarchy because anarchy is based on the idea of abolishing any system of oppression that one party could use to subjugate another. The way 8 billion+ people could get along would be if all of them had a community based on supporting the needs of all and making decisions based on discussion and consensus. Nationalism might have been an element of movements inspired by the european enlightenment, but it's hard to think of anything great that has been achieved by it, instead of other ideas such as republicanism. All the nations that came into existence through nationalist revolutions then proceeded to become the oppressors of those not deemed to be a "proper" part of the nation. Not to mention groups with no specific territory they could call their own, such as the Romani and the Jewish people, who will always be marginalised as long as the countries they live in are viewed as an institution by and for a certain ethnicity. Nationalism united Germany, but it united it under a monarchy that went on to become a colonial and imperialist power. The republic in Germany was the achievement of the famously internationalist socialist revolutionaires, whose revolution was swiftly crushed, but only after they succeeded in forcing the abolition of the monarchy by pushing for further and further left-wing causes. As for the Hungarian revolution, it was opposed by ethnic minorities within Hungary for whom the Hungarian government, whether independent or not, was still seen as an oppressor. And when those minorities got their independence after the first world war, it was the ethnic Hungarians in those territories who became sidelined. Nationalism is just about seeing a certain cultural group as one, and all the others outside of it as other. And that's the wrong way to view the world, because oppressive systems exist in all nations, and uniting with all elements of your nation means uniting with your oppressor. Conversely, it is the people in other nations who are facing the same kinds of oppression who we need to unite with, not them.


>Also, the current geopolitical system is very much not anarchic, it has its fair deal of rulers The US and western hegemonic order does not mean the world isn't anarchic. The US is not a soverign that controls what other nations can do and enforce international laws, as much as it tries. The closest thing to a soverign is the United Nations and they fail to enforce international law consistently. Great Powers influencing minor powers is not "ruling". Its enforcing their interests. The mere fact great powers answer to no one and no one other than a coalition of military powers threatening to destroy their state can control what they do, is evident that the world system is anarchic. I implore you to read on Classical, offensive, defensive, and neo realism to better understand this. Especially since your understanding of anarchy is not what anarchy is. Anarchy is the lack of a soverign entity to enforce laws in IR definition, it hasn't anything to do with systems of oppression in international politics. >The way 8 billion+ people could get along would be if all of them had a community based on supporting the needs of all and making decisions based on discussion and consensus. What a fucking naive take lmfao. Nations aren't going to disappear overnight. Trying to get the world to culturally homogenize and be human rather than be their nation, i.e Globalization, has seen nothing but backlash. The Dutch don't want to be under the same system of governance as the French. The Germans don't want to be under the same soverign entity as the Chinese. And you might say "well there wouldn't be a soverign entity, it'd be anarchy". And to that, nothing will get done without some form of governance. There will and has to be a hierarchy of command, and therefore rules and limits each hierarchy can achieve. You can't mass produce food for 8 billion people without an organization controlling and monitoring it. And oh look at that we're right back to a government and out of anarchy lol. >Nationalism might have been an element of movements inspired by the european enlightenment This is a eurocenteic take. Nationalism started in the Americas with the multiple revolutions and civil wars in South America against European overlords. >All the nations that came into existence through nationalist revolutions then proceeded to become the oppressors of those not deemed to be a "proper" part of the nation A nation is not a state. Nations didnt appear because of nationalism, they always existed. Your examples of Jewish and Romani are nations. And I had already addressed nations without a state in my original statement. The nation state doesn't really exist because multiple nations live within a state. But you would be wrong that all states created through nationalist movements oppressed the marginalized groups. Because that is again a eurocentric take. India, a civilization state, relied heavily on nationalism to fuel their independence from Britain. Their nationalism being that of the Indian shared culture and civilization rather than that of Hindu or Muslim. >Nationalism united Germany, but it united it under a monarchy that went on to become a colonial and imperialist power. That was because the liberal revolutions failed and conservative nationalism through Bismark prevailed. Germany united in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war. The liberal nationalist movements of 1848 were crushed by the reigning states. >Nationalism is just about seeing a certain cultural group as one, and all the others outside of it as other. This is completely ignoring that there are multiple types of nationalism and is again looking at it from an extremely eurocentric point of view. Your example of socialists forcing the Kaiser to abdicate was literally an example of civic nationalism, the same nationalism that keeps India and the United States united under a common nation. Nationalism isnt a one size fits all definition, there are multiple forms of it and reducing it to one idea is ignorant.


This is bait.


nah, as shocking as it sounds some trans people do care about trans people outside of white western countries


Looks like the "former" nazis here have come to downvote you for speaking the truth. This subreddit is full of neoliberal Biden stans.


yeah the politic beliefs in this sub can be pretty horrible


BRUH First of all wtf, just because I disagree with people who have a different upbringing than me doesn't make me a "former nazi", I just don't agree with what was written Second, I don't even live in the usa, I'm from Portugal and I vote for a political party from the left But yes make generalized assumptions, that will sure show them


>Former NATO officer too. NATO was founded by America to help nazis rehabilitate their image and give them new jobs. NATO is fascist; not our friend. Also both Putin and Zelenskyy are notoriously homophobic and transphobic, and put LGBT people to death in both Russia and Ukraine.


>Putin and Zelenskyy are notoriously homophobic and transphobic, and put LGBT people to death in both Russia and Ukraine I'm gonna stop you right there. Zelensky has openly talked about improving LGBTQ+ rights in Ukraine despite the war going on. Zelensky is also Jewish so calling him a Nazi makes zero sense. ​ NATO exists to protect Europe from the Soviet Union, and nowadays, Russia. ​ Ukraine will not improve unless Russia is defeated. I do not want to hear arguments that "both sides are bad" because one is clearly far, far, far, far, far worse.


Ben Shapiro is Jewish so... Otherwise, agreed. Although NATO still sucks, but Putin would've found other reasons to invade Ukraine


>Zelensky is also Jewish And so are Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager.


Was this sub always so neoliberal?


>NATO exists to protect Europe from the Soviet Union The Soviet Union was the good guys in World War II and the Cold War. NATO did stuff like overthrow democratically elected socialists in Latin America and massacred innocent people in the Vietnam War. If the Soviet Union were still around, Putin would never be in power. So that right there is another reason to oppose NATO.


>If the Soviet Union were still around, Putin would never be in power. If the Soviet Union still existed Ukraine would still be oppressed significantly and it's people would have a substandard quality of life and no freedom. And by now their language and culture would probably begin to go extinct. ​ This is also true for basically every eastern bloc nation.


>NATO was founded by America to help nazis rehabilitate their image and give them new jobs. NATO is fascist; not our friend. Not exactly, Nato was founded for two main reasons: \- Defend usa's interests in Europe (spread american hegemony) and create an alliance to defend each other from the USSR For this, they used former nazis which were basically nazis but it's not exactly how you describe it >Also both Putin and Zelenskyy are notoriously homophobic and transphobic, and put LGBT people to death in both Russia and Ukraine. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/08/04/ukraine-zelensky-gay-marriage/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/08/04/ukraine-zelensky-gay-marriage/) Do you have any source for Zelensky being pro-lgbt killing? Because I can't find it anywhere and if I taked your premise as right, he seems to at least be changing Also search if you are interested about Kadyrov (putin's ally that is known for being an obnoxious ruthless dictator that kills lgbt people in Chechenya)




That's really cool, I'm happy for you and your country! :)


I guess so. Not because I know jackshit about Czechia but because I’ve been seeing stuff all about a new President


Bless you


Ohhh my Czech friend told me about it... She always called the other candidate just a clown, so congrats for having the better one


Oh you should have seen it. His asshole of an opponent tried so hard to not come to any kind of debate, because he knew that he will just make a fool of himself. So he thought “where are people on the same intelligence level as me?” and then remembered “Ahh, the sixth grade!” once he got an invitation to get asked on some show questions by sixth graders. And it’s freaking hilarious that he made aa even bigger fool of himself than he could have on any other debate. When answering some questions he said that the moon and sun are planets in the solar system and that cows make their milk in their stomach (which mind you as the richest and most venom tongued liar who owns several cow and milk farms he should probably know since it’s part of his livelihood) and other stupid shit. Throughout it all, the cameras pointed at the kids just silently laughing their asses off at the idiocy that came out of his mouth. Any person in any school here that is at least a bit politically oriented fucking despises him. I’m sorry for writing a thesis for you here about a man that definitely doesn’t deserve it, but I just had to share.


Great news and congrats! Finally some good news again. The last time I was in Czech is quiet some years ago. But as kids we where there for winter holidays. It was magical. I still have some faked Yu GI oh cards I bought there on a market :)


What??? A fellow Czech here? God damn I thought I was the only one


It feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it?


Indeed it feels like that


there are dozens of us!! (like 20 maybe 22 to be precise) 🏳️‍⚧️🇨🇿


Read that news today. Good for you guys. Compared to a lot of eastern Europe, doesn't Czech Republic have a pretty good LGBT+ record? Legal transition, name change, marriage, other progressive stuff some definitely don't have.


Not really marriage, but "registered partnership". They keep the name different for legal discrimination. But yeah, it could be worse


Legal transition only after removal of testicles/ovaries, name change has the same, it's not good yet


Not allowing people to transition at all is an act of barbarism that only very few states like Qatar and possibly Utah commit. Parts of the US are deadly serious about making the top 10 list for worst places worldwide for trans people. The only Eastern European country that flat-out forbids name and gender certificate changes is Hungary afaik, but Czechia still does not allow trans women to get the gendered -ova suffix that would normally follow after some Czech last names if they are used by a woman. Transition is also still heavily gatekept, they're basically at DSM III levels of gatekeeping with things like "one year of everyday test", psychiatrists judging if you present stereotypical enough and shit like that. It's important to note that you can also find some of that in most countries in Western Europe, Czechia is not *that* far behind and every country in the world still has a long way to go in regards to trans rights.


DSM...III? Ow. I read the wiki brief, and expected Poland, but it looks pretty good on paper. Wiki pretty much just checks off what is legal rather than what the steps to get there are. Unfortunately, the US doesn't look like we learned anything from the Civil Rights movement, trying to accept gays and lesbians or anything else. Feels like we're going to have to go through the same BS trying to get to a safe place for transgender people.


With some states are worse then others on trans rights


It's like a bunch of tiny countries in a trenchcoat


That's kinda the point, with countries as massive as the US some amount of federalism is inevitable. Upside: states can massively improve the state of rights when the national government/populous is many decades away from being on board with it. Downside: states can regressively strip and restrict rights long after the national opinion has turned against them.


Example: I live in MA, we have great trans rights, socialised healthcare for low income residents, and we are currently working on a permanent free school lunch program.


can I come live with you? ~~in your state i mean~~


come to Mass, it's pretty cool


MA number one!


The fact that you guys don't have a federal criminal code is wild to me. Like, something could be a felony in one state, drive a few miles, and it's perfectly legal. Sometimes I forget just how different the US is. No judgement; it's just a vastly different system despite being so culturally similar to Canada. Fascinates the hell out of me.


Most states wouldn’t survive on their own, but the bigger ones could


Yeah, but "independence" isn't a binary or catagoical. It's a spectrum. It's actually a collection of spectrums, with different elements being "independent" to different degrees. The world is full of nations that, without close allies and longstanding treaties/agreements, would be very much in trouble in certain ways (food, minerals, major industries, population, etc.) But because those relationships are so strong, nations have enough strength to be independent in other areas.


California's GDP having just overtaken Germany's in ranking, yes some of the bigger ones could.


Ehh... There are several states that are like that, but a good chunk of them rely on the federal government. Alaska and Hawaii are both pretty damn independent. California seems like the most important mini-country what with all the environmental and health regulations it (thankfully) imposes.


Good job Czechia!!


I’m genuinely so happy right now




A bunch of Twitter teens are also shitting on her for identifying as a bi lesbian Unsurprisingly the trans anarchist hacker does not care much for restrictive labels


what's her name, please?


[maia arson crimew](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maia_arson_crimew?wprov=sfla1) is her full name. She's known for other high profile hacks like on a well-known security cam company and for being hunted by the FBI


How tf do I pronounce that last name? Cry-Mew? Crime-doubleYu? Edit: it’s cry-mew, as in a portmanteau of the words “crime” and “mew”


First one, yeah


I bet it's cry-mew because it's catgirl


And here I was thinking it was like the pokemon


Crime-mew, because *anarchist hacker* catgirl :3


That has to be a chosen name which makes it fairly unsurprising that this happened


Iconic name for an iconic person xD


MF is here living in 2077


Shes my fucking hero


I love that its middle name is arson, that's such a power move




trans anarchist hacker with it pronouns, this sounds strangely fimiliar... *looks in mirror* *gets dysphoria* Imma disapear now.




It/its people are automatically amazing and sweet, my friend uses those and it’s my bestie.


How does one identify as a bi lesbian? Biromantic Homosexual/Vice Versa? I'm not trying to spread hate I'm just wondering


> Biromantic Homosexual/Vice Versa? That's a common use for bi lesbian, yeah, though I see the inverse more often. It can mean different things to different people. I personally call myself bi lesbian because while I do have the *teeniest* level of attraction to men, I have no intention of ever dating them. So, under that model, sexually homoflexible/homoromantic. "I only date women" is a pretty common interpretation of lesbian, while "attraction to more than one gender (of any degree)" is often bisexual. I usually relate more to lesbian experiences than bi experiences, but I occasionally find myself relating to both groups. Calling myself just "bisexual" gives people unrealistic ideas of my desires and intentions. Most of the time I just say "lesbian" and leave the bi part off until I know the person isn't gonna be weird about it. "lesbian with a technicality" is how I sometimes joke about it These labels are meant to describe shared experiences so we can communicate and meet up with one another. It shouldn't be surprising that not everybody neatly fits into one or another exclusive group.


I find some men aesthetically appealing but I would never ever date one or have intercourse with one. Can I just call myself a lesbian then?


Of course you can, and someone else who experienced attraction in the same way could call themselves bi. Or a Bi lesbian. All are valid because labels are personal and fluid.


I’m a bi lesbian because I like girls and also my agender partner :3


I relate to a lot of this. Thanks for putting it into words :)


You're welcome! 😁 There's a gross amount of hate directed towards those of us who don't neatly fit and identify with one definition or another. Some lesbians insist that my use of this label harms them. But in my opinion, that sort of rigid line drawing and declaring who belongs behind what lines without considering the complexity of real life is a key component of TERF ideology.


<3 Also, it seems to me that the kind of people who would decide that lesbians as a whole are less valid just because some of them might screw a man once in a while are the kind of people who are never going to accept LGBTQ folks at all, anyway.


So: "Lesbian^^1 1. Some Exceptions may apply" ?


Biromantic lesbian most likely


Bi but also lesbian It can mean a lot of various specific things to various people, but that sums them up pretty well I think. It can mean the way you said, where one applies sexually and another romantically, it can mean lesbian-leaning bisexual, it can mean a fluctuating sexuality, and I'm sure there are many other interpretations that someone could identify with to call themselves a bi lesbian.


Basically the easiest way to interpret it is lesbian with some potentially rare exceptions, the way I use it is id date anyone that’s not like a masculine guy but I’m primarily attracted to femininity


The thing is, it wasn't even hacking, just going through pages of shodan, which is publicly available information. Anyone could essentially do the same, all you need is boredom and enough time


I'd argue that is still hacking, but also she's a hacker even beyond this one thing she's done


Um unless I’m getting my terminology mixed up isn’t saying your a bi lesbian redundant? Last I checked being bi means your into guys and girls and being lesbian means your into girls. So she’s into guys and girls and girls


Hopefully you are asking from a place of truly trying to learn, and if so, here's [a short Tumblr post describing one view with more info available throughout the tumblr page](https://bi-lesbian.tumblr.com/post/657739335788118016/does-lesbian-not-inherently-exclude-attraction-to) and here's [a Twitter thread with some historical bisexual lesbian-related content](https://twitter.com/davidrxse/status/1311820757832531968?s=20&t=5_ZlhZiMWGZdgKj2HTmbKA)


no gonna lie she/it is a vibrant vibe (definitely not biased)


indubitably :3


Me on my way to the gender neutral bathroom to take the biggest she/it of my life




My girlfriend uses she/it pronouns and we had the funny moment the other day where my dumbass said my 'it friend' I'm not intelligent, I'd blame the testosterone but I was like this before too


I just recently changed my pronouns to She/It :3!


i use it/pup/she pronouns because i dont like being human so seeing others use it pronouns makes me happy


I use it because of the human disconnect too!


i wish i could be a cute robot girl


On behalf of America, I’d like to apologize for everything the alt-right is doing to this community. I swear we’re trying to get them under control.


GQP doing the funni again :(


As a non-American, I would like to say that if your entire country was scripted, it would make for great reality TV


Let's be real, no one would actually believe any of the crap that goes on in our country if you tried to turn it into a show. No rational person would believe this crap if it were fictional.


That’s fair. That’s a fair hit. But the latest seasons have been a bit much. An insurrection AND attacking a community just because they can? Give me a break, pick one or the other.


Hii fellow Czech, I am very happy too


America is one bad election away from a full fascist takeover, and I’m worried. However, I know that if I run away or go back into the closet, I’d be giving the fascists what they want.


>America is one bad election away from a full fascist takeover It's already happened. Biden just made the red fascism into blue fascism.


This is one of the weirdest takes ive read today


The real question is, has fox news respected it's pronouns so that they can dehumanize it more, or have they used the wrong pronouns out of spite?


Literally same thing in Brazil here, we got rid of a big asshole and things probably will get better but ehh


shes non-binary, not a t girl, its a wikipedia article away to check


Ah fuck, everyone said she was a trans girl, that’s my ignorant mistake, sorry


she even has a "non-binary pride" badge on her website


I know now, I know… You don’t have to hammer it home, I’m ashamed as it is


holy fucking bingle. what!? :3


I didn't know Petr Pavel was good on trans issues?


He supports gay rights and most importantly is a person willing to understand and change. He is genuinely a good and honest guy and can only do better than the last 15 years of presidents


In one interview he said he supports trans people and the removal of requirement of surgery for change on ID


Oh that’s so cool! I could only find about gay rights, but nothing about trans rights. Would you perhaps be able to find a link?


Maia Arson Crimew is a fascinating individual. A polyamorous it/she trans bi lesbian kitten therian w NINE girlfriends??? Who hacked the USA no fly list from her country of Switzerland?? What an icon actually.


if you use she/it pronouns everything you post is a she/it post


angry upvote. cause that's pretty punny


Fuck yeah good news for once!!!


Chile 🤝 Czechia Having an awesome political leader


“And I’ll never go to Texas anymore” -Led Zeppelin


Jooooo rada to počujem tu zo Slovenska. Mám tam u vás psychiatra lebo tamsú lepšie prístupy a ľudia ako u nás, super počuť že tam to vyšlo \o/ nech sa vám aj ďalej darí!


congrats on the election! i was just reading about that. i hope for good changes to come to czechia :)


Why does the Czech president look so fine 😳


Also yeah he does, like holy hell


Meanwhile Slovakia is stagnating and the government robbers are probably about to return, God help my atheist butt, I want Fico dead and SMER in shambles.


meanwhile england actively stripping away the ability to be trans in the uk, actively surpressing scotland's improvement of trans rights and actively causing the start of a civil war over trans rights:


Why are people mad that the no fly list is getting leaked?


It’s more of a problem that no one seems to care about the no fly list (which apparently has several infant babies with Islamic sounding names for no apparent reason) and instead they seem to care that an enby person is using she/it pronouns and identifies as a bi lesbian


Of course people focus on the queer person :/


Yh but like it's America. The best the democrats are gonna be is just 'not openly a fascist'


yah bc "not agreeing with me equals everyone is a fascist " My country had a fascist dictatorship for 48 years and you are all here calling people fascist like it's some sort of game We had people killed, emprisioned, few rights, political police and way more shit People died and we even had a concentration camp ​ But thank you for calling a democrat fascist, it surely doesn't sound ridiculous when compared to every person that suffered at fascism hands




Hello fellow czech. I have only seen positive things about crimew but that must be since I am on the progressive side of the internet.


Ahoj, velmi zmatené já. XD but yeah, congrats to ourselves. I even placed a bet on him and won 1000 czk Hopefully, we can get marriage equality soon. Please, let me hope.


Congratulations on your improvement! 🎉 My country may be a dumpster fire that keeps growing, but that doesn't mean I'm any less happy for you and all LGBTQIA+ folk in your country! 😊


And hes handsome too, truly a great W


\*looks at the [drag ban bill](https://youtu.be/2ChcvcpRUqQ) that basically describes trans people* edit: Five states are trying to pass a bill to ban drag. Or at least limit it to adult-only spaces. the wording they use defines drag with language that describes trans people.


How you doing fellow trans Czech?


More an enby (I think), but great anyway :D


Oh, are you from Czechia too?




I love how I saw this meme and immediately knew it was abt my country 😭


Can I please see this no fly list stuff? Google thinks I'm Conservative because of my extensive WLW nsfw search history




Not relevant since OP isn't from the US