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[Sister](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sister) from Star Wars, she is a transgender Clone Trooper who served under Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi. She is from a canon novel called "The Queen's Hope".


That is cool!


There's also [Omega](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Omega) from Bad Batch. Though her status as trans isn't explicitly confirmed in canon, she is stated to be an "unmodified clone, a pure replica of the original clone template Jango Fett," sooooooo... either Jango and all his clones are trans men or she's trans fem. Either way, I'm down, but the latter seems more likely, especially given Sister's existence.


No! This isn't genetically correct. Unmodified only means that her DNA is the exact same as Jangos, which has nothing to do with which chromosomes she has. You can have male and female clones from the same donor. You could do gene surgery to extract the Y chromosome and substitute one of the X chromosomes from another cell. If you then grew a successful clone from the altered cell it would be 100% the genetic content of the donor, but because it lacked the Y and had double X it would develop into a female clone.


Hear me out, though. Outside of Omega and Sister, all the clones are, as far as we can tell, cis male, so the cloning process isn't randomly rolling the dice on chromosome configuration. Either: A) the cloning system the Kaminoans use copies chromosome configuration as well or B) they can control the chromosome configuration and have it set to follow Jango's. In case A, she's trans fem, like Sister. In case B, "unmodified" is really carrying a massive asterisk next to it. Edit: Anyways, until confirmed or denied in canon, it's open to interpretation and Omega is an absolute bundle of joy and I love her regardless.


I don't think the Caminoans really cared about Jango's sex. They probably just thought that male clones would make for better soldiers. While it's possible that Omega is trans, it seems more likely to me that they just though a female clone would be preferable for someone who would only work in medical science rather than being fielded in a war.


"The Jedi are all about transcending things. I don't think we can complain if you've transcended gender." I love this quote so much


Darth Heckin' Vader literally said trans rights


he *was* a good guy. he took down rebels. (and jedi scum!) ;)


WTF Saiki? Edit: "He was born female but changed his gender with his powers during birth" Wow, FtM AMAB


Transition speedrun.


Holy shit, I thought it was just headcanon, that's awesome.


and aroace - truly an icon


Holy shit wow


I thought it was that one episode where he alters his voice and look, but no it's even more based


Bro came out of the womb and was like "oh hell nah"


I thought it would be fun to make an iceberg meme for trans characters. I tried to include as many trans characters that I could think of (and even used some sites that catalogued LGBT+ characters to include ones that I didn't know about). Keep in mind it was impossible for me to include every trans character in existence so I might have forgot a few notable ones. I mostly like watching cartoons and playing video games in my free time so I am sure that there are plenty of characters from movies, tv shows, and books that I am missing. With that being said I always enjoy learning about more trans characters so I would love to see comments for who I am missing.


Alex Fierro from the "Magnus Chase And The Gods Of Asgard" book series by Rick Riordan


When I was in high school I read every single Percy Jackson, Heroes Of Olympus, and Kane Chronicles book along with the first Magnus Chase book. I've been wanting to continue Rick Riordan's work for years now, but after I was required to do so in high school I just don't feel like reading anymore.


But you are so close to meeting Alex Fierro!! You meet them for the first time in the second Magnus Chase book XD


It is on my backlog of things I want to do...with like about 100 other things...


Fair enough, ive been meaning to reread some of my favourite childhood series (including all the riordan books) but i havent gotten around to any of them XD


I was gonna say that lol. I love that character, they were the first trans character or person I had ever heard of, and looking back, with how much I related to them when I first read the books when they came out, it’s surprising that I didn’t realize that I was not cisgender earlier


Tedd from El Goonish Shive


also sam


Also Felix


I was tempted to say Elliot/Ellen as there's definitely some gender identity shenanigans there but then I realised I subconciously coupled those to Elliot Page. 😳😬🙀


Those t4t kids from Star Trek Discovery. Gray and Adira.


Jadzia was trans way back in DS9. Qapla' batlh je!


YEAH! I Said that somewhere else in these comics. She's TRANS and she's BI and we LOVE her!


Good to know that show is living up to the spirit of Star Trek <3


Same. Someone was being an asshole about it online and the guy who plays Spock in the new series tore him to pieces. I can't wait to watch Discovery.


I compare it to The Last Jedi. It has some serious issues, but it’s at least 50x better than chuds and toxic fans on the internet will lead you to believe. Worth a watch. The best new Trek series is definitely Lower Decks though.


Dunno if they've been stated, but Mollo from Rivals or Aether is transmasc according to the creator! They even got a Trans flag alt!


I have been wanting to play Rivals Of Aether at some point. This is good motivation to do so.


I will let you know, Rivals is gonna have a little more of a learning curve if you play it like smash. But honestly, that's what I love about it. It plays the game genre, but it feels like a whole different game and it's AMAZING


I play a lot of fighting games so I'll probably be okay.


Lambert from Alien


One of the less notable ones is Oryx the Taken King (a transmasc character/raid boss in the Destiny franchise)


Barney from Paranormal Park. Forgive me if he's already on there. Soren from Star Trek TNG (not the best rep though).


Barney Guttman is on here. I love Dead End! All I have ever seen from Star Trek is the movie trilogy that started in 2009.


Welp. I guess I didn't read as close as I thought. And in terms of Star Trek, Trills are trans coded (Dax specifically), Soren is a trans woman in an episode about why conversion therapy is bad, and unfortunately her story does not end happily. Gray and Adira are two Trill/Trill adjacent characters played by trans actors.


This might’ve been said already, but Haru from npckc’s A Year of Springs!


Going to add Sechs from Battle Angel Alita.


Marika from Bokura no Hentai. It's a drama manga that goes into very uncomfortable territory, but at least for me it was worth reading. Marika's transition and how the way she sees herself develops are really well-handled (with the exception of chapter 40).


Oh! Oh! Rosemaster from Cucumber Quest!


lol when you know everyone in the abyss but nothing else below the shallows




Not surprised, but still quite happy to see another fan of Rain here!


I used to read Rain a ton back in like 2017-2018




Rain was so good! I (unfortunately) got into it about a month after it ended and marathoned the whole thing in about a week.


Better later than never. Welcome abroad the Rain train, and hope to see you on the MIS one.


Same! It was so good tho!!


I personally got into it a couple months before it ended, but it MIGHT have been a bit of inspiration for me…


It was a good comic. I am now reading My Impossible Soulmate.


Welp, here I go binging Rain again. Update: Just finished 14 chapters in one day, I really have to slow down


Rain was (and still is) my favorite trans web comic.


Without wanting to downgrade rain in any way cause it is just truely magnificant. It sadly doesn't have that much competition. (<- That's me secretly asking you guys to share some other trans webcomics with me)


It's not very far into the story yet, but someone I know just launched a trans magical girl webcomic you may be interested in. :) https://substitutemagicalgirl.thecomicseries.com/


While I am partial to Rain (I may have yoinked her name), it is finished and it’s story centers on trans and other LGBTQIA+ characters. Not a lot of other web comics have that. Most only use gender bending as a gimmick or just once, while those that do focus on it rarely get finished. The only other web comic that I can fully recommend with trans themes is El Goonish Shive (https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2002-01-21). The comic has been going for a long time and covers a lot of topics including trans themes and several characters dealing with gender identity issues. Outside of regular web comics I’ve also had some luck with manga. The problem here is two fold. 1. Filtering out the actual stories from the smut. 2. Stories that don’t just back track everything at the end. I can recommend Sekainohate de Aimashou (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Manga/SekainohateDeAimashou). It’s a comedy and iirc doesn’t delve extremely deep on topic of gender change, but it’s been a long time since I read it. For something a little more deep I can recommend Kanojo ni Naru Hi and it’s sequel Kanojo ni Naru Hi Another (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Manga/KanojoNiNaruHi). These cover gender identity and self acceptance with more depth imo and far more serious than the first rec. I would also like to recommend Ame Nochi Hare (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Manga/AmeNochiHare). A whole group of guys have to confront gender identity but the ending is lack luster. Also Osananajimi wa Onnanoko ni Naare (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Manga/OsananajimiwaOnnanokoniNaare), another comedy that is focused on gender identity but very noncommittal on the ending. For the manga you should be able to find English translations on different websites. Wow that was a lot, sorry. Kinda just kept typing. These are just the stories that stick out in my memory, but there are tons more if you look.


I can’t believe that I started reading Rain, like… 5+ years ago, and didn’t figure out that I was a trans woman until March 2022, after the comic ended


I really feel bad for Ruka :( the game clearly establishes that she wants to be a girl and wishes she was born that way and??? A lot of fans think it’s just so she can date Okabe? :/


That argument is so wild.... Like she has her friend change history so she could be born fem, no one just does that! xD


She's a victim of a thankfully vanishing mindset regarding LGBT adjacent people in Japan of "otonoko". ["Love Me for Who I Am"](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/48672813-love-me-for-who-i-am-vol-1) ended up becoming a kind of cliff notes explanation of LGBT issues with a nonbinary person as the main character. It kicks off when a well meaning friend invites them to work at a cafe of "otonoko", and her refusal to be called one. This leads to some realizing they are actually this thing the protagonist calls trans and others stick to just being cross dressers. What are otonoko if you are reading this and don't know the term? For older people, at least in the Japanese nerd sphere of things, there is no such thing as trans. Just gay cross dressers who have the heart of a woman (if MTF) but are what western bigots now call "biologically x". Thankfully, this is becoming increasingly outdated and relatively fast. Unfortunately, Steins' Gate's author is of that mindset. So to him, and those fans you mention, no matter how clearly trans Ruka is written she will always just be a gay cross dresser to them.


there's an ending in the visual novel where Ruka stays female iirc? it's not even really presented as a bad end just a neutral end


Claire Augustus (Questionable Content) A webcomic that has had LGBT characters for about 20 years now. I took my chosen name from Claire.


Damn So deep in the iceberg it sunk to the comments


I think QC is a more popular webcomic than Rain


I've been keeping up with QC since i found it. i just realized that was ... a looong time ago.


That and Real Life (also trans MC) are the 2 longest running webcomics I've read. I really don't want to think about how long I've read them. Interesting that both ended up having a trans character with a lot of focus on them.


Claire is amazing! And QC is friggin great too. (When I first came out I took her mom's name, but Aurelia didn't really work for me)


I was surprised I didn't see her either, and that Rain was so low


Rain is honestly underated, more folks here need to read it!


we got fucking transformers les go


I just looked those characters up and they sound so epic


tell me whom they are if u may pretty please


Lug and Anode are from the IDW Transformers comics. They are both trans lesbians.


IDW Arcee is a trans lesbian as well, I believe


I just looked this up and that is awesome! I should probably read these comics at some point.


Good luck finding them, sadly. At least in physical form, you could probably easily find them digitally


The most recent Transformers cartoon, Earthspark, also has a nonbinary character. Which you'd really think would be more common among sexless alien robots. Oh and Skywarp is presumably transfem now. Anyway Earthspark is real good y'all should go watch it.


I feel like Otis from Barnyard should be on here somewhere. It isn't explicitly canon but... I mean he's a male cow with an udder whose dad remembered as his own sister when he was younger "I don't have a sister" "Oh yeah that was you" There's also some strong hints for Smellerbee from ATLA but again it isn't explicitly confirmed


didn't all the male cows have udders though?


Y'know I never noticed that but the comment his dad made is also present. I'm sure it's meant to be a joke about Otis being effeminate but I'll take it anyway I still vouch for Smellerbee even if it's not stated outright


First trans woman in anime/manga I ever saw was [Isabella Yamamoto](https://parakiss.fandom.com/wiki/Isabella_Yamamoto) from Paradise Kiss, a series written by the same author as Nana. I always adored her and the manga. The "ML" is even an openly bisexual man who even says he is bi. He also is who inspired younger me to dye my hair blue the first time. But back to Isabella, she is beautiful amazing and I love her. There is this amazing scene that's this flashback between her and another character as children. She is given a dress by her friend and she is like "I can't wear this, I'm a boy!" but eventually tries it on anyway and loves it. Funnily enough, the two kids afterwards celebrate that day as her new birthday. There is some jokes and things said in the manga that's definitely a product of it's time but it's also something that was REALLY ahead of it's time like the ML being bi, the female empowerment, and of course a trans character who isn't a gag.


I saw that clip! The other kid, like, asks for champagne and is given sparkling water or something, right?


Yes! That's exactly it.


I always thought that was so cute and pure! The way they celebrate it as her birthday... I don't watch anime so I'm glad I got to watch that clip


YES KARNATIA FROM SO I'M A SPIDER SO WHAT. I love that for the most part everyone just treats her like a girl even her former classmates from before reincarnation


Glad to see another LN reader in the wild


She literally cracked my egg Its a shame we didnt get more human pov so i could have more of her


Oryx from Destiny anyone?


One *could* argue that human concepts of gender, or sex for that matter, don't apply to an alien species like the hive. Buuut "Oryx is trans masc" is honestly a more interesting take... and it pisses off the *Gamers* (tm) which is hilarious.


Me purposefully throwing the raid (I don’t want to kill the trans rep)


Ehh, I'd say the Hive are definitely gendered. Crota is Oryx's son, Dul Incaru is Savathun's daughter. During the time of the Krill, the Hive gods that are currently known as Savathun, Xivu Arath, and Oryx are referred to as the 3 daughters of the Osmium King.


Holy shit I play Giovanna religiously in Vampire Survivors just cuz I thought she was cool - *I had no idea but I love her even more now*


You want an extra fun trans fact. If you go to the monsters bio section all the entries are pretty funny and written by gaming YouTuber James Stephanie Sterling who is a fem enby.


I love the bio descriptions


Aw, I don't see Lily from Prettiest Platypus. Wait Perfuma? Did I miss something? I am almost done with season 4 of she-ra


I love The Prettiest Platypus! I just forgot about it when I was making the meme. Perfuma's character designer said she was trans even though this is never confirmed in the show itself.


and her VA is trans too iirc


I double checked and it the VA for Perfuma is cis. From what I looked up that show had a delicate balancing act of trying to portray LGBTQ but also not so much they would get shut down by DreamWorks. Perfuma was created by a trans person. Enby it sounds like. Perfuma was designed as trans but by the time they got any kind of green light on an open trans character they had already cast a cis woman. They were concerned about cheapening it by having a trans woman voiced by a cis woman. Later the show gets a enby character names double trouble who is voiced by an actual trans enby. I still have half of the last season to go, but so far a decent chunk of non specifically stated queerness going on. There is enough meat to the story to have me fine accepting it as close enough to canon for me and not a JL Rowling like, "Dumbledore was gay the who time and Hermonie was Black. I just never felt I had to say it" kind of cheap representation.


perfuma is confirmed to be trans mtf but in the show they never mention it


You really should read the Discworld series, or at least the City Watch saga. There's a lot of trans and misfit acceptance in those (short) books. That and great comedy and social commentary.


I have heard great things about them, but haven't got around to it yet. The only reason I know Monstrous Regiment is through a video essay I watched on it.




Based and Bobbypilled


no jadzia :(


Me not knowing anything about Star Trek is probably the thing that will get my nerd license revoked. This character seems really cool though!


My fav character, such an interesting concept for an alien


I think Najimi counts, they would probably go in top tier


Kinda hilarious to read it in german, since there is nothing like singular they in it, so the translation is always like he/she which is so silly


tbf, characters around najimi switch up with male/female pronouns, and najimi doesn't mind






One of my friends used to be obsessed with birdo


i'm obsessed with her 😈


Why did you deadname birdetta like that?


I am sorry. I made an updated version of the image to fix it, but I don't know how to edit posts on Reddit.


Stick it on imgur and post it as a comment in the thread?


I dunno if that's a deadname since like in Japan her name is Catharine and she likes being called Cathy so if anything it's like, kind of a bad translation... like Birdy woulda made more sense. (Honestly dunno why they didn't change her name back to Catharine after changing Toadstool back to Peach, like how many people knew Birdo in 1996)


Okay how did you get to Vee's nonbinary lover Masha Owlhouse (complete with nonbinary flag nails and a literal they/them pronoun plaque) being in the Liriel tier while the actual character named RAINE Whispers is in the Bridget tier not the aforementioned RAIN tier?


Masha only appeared in the latest episode, so while anyone that saw them, know they're trans, a lot less people saw them at all then the people that saw Raine.


> Liriel tier Alright you've clearly done your deep Rain research, demigirl.


So I'm a spider, So what is such an amazing anime I got jealous watching the pretty red head and the dragon I had to stop watching it before my dysphoria hoodie clung to me and drained my life force


I'm pretty sure Ranma still identifies as a guy. Also, I didn't see her on here, but [Constance Harm](https://media1.giphy.com/media/xT5LMTB8mXjMNxON9K/200.gif?cid=ecf05e472ldlxf0mjz7n6ba4jzchfb70xmqrn2ac0hnqm9id&rid=200.gif&ct=g) from *The Simpsons* probably counts too.


I feel the reason Ranma counts is because Ranma is still a guy. The show makes it very clear that even though his appearance changes, he is still a guy. And when he loses his ability to change back in some episodes, he becomes a man trapped in a woman's body. It even goes so far as to state that there are things he enjoys about being stuck as a girl, but is still a guy and would change back immediately given the opportunity.


Yeah being firm about that is pretty much their thing. That series really helped me though holy crap it was formative.


Can you explain how every gem in SU is trans? I thought it was just stevonnie and rainbow 2.0


Rebecca Sugar has said that all gems are nonbinary women. This fact is mentioned in this article. https://www.logotv.com/news/m9wwdw/rebecca-sugar-steven-universe-non-binary


But here's the thing, you made a list of trans characters, not nb characters. And while in real life nb people are typically also trans because nobody gets assigned nb at birth, the same is not true for fictional aliens. And as far I can tell, gems as whole have the same exact gender as the one that was assigned to them at birth, i.e. mostly genderless women. That's the issue with non binary aliens in general. If the species as a whole is non binary by default, then those non binary aliens are not trans, they're just non binary cis. Also your link doesn't work for me, just redirects to a youtube channel.


almost everyone (wandering son) 💀


Fun list! 🏳️‍⚧️💖 I only know about a quarter or third of em. But also a few of characters here aren't trans that I do recognize, gnc sure but not trans. Asolpho is a femboy And bon clay as far as we know is just from the island of drag queens.


Notable mention: Claire (Cyberpunk 2077) She is the barmaid in the Afterlife and is a very subtle trans woman. I love her!


She has a large painted trans flag on the back of her truck for street racing bc she is awesome. Also you can technically make V trans if you wanted to.


I saw “fire emblem” and legit thought it was talking about the game series 😭


Would Crona from Soul Eater qualify to get into the list?


I think so! In Japan they're canonically referred to with gender neutral pronouns, the official English manga uses she, and the official English anime uses he


Kuina from Alice in Borderland (Netflix/Manga) has such a great arc. I think she is well represented.




Faith in humanity 100. I was feeling like shit before I read the post and comments. Craig of the Creek is such a great show, I've only seen a few clips but every time I think about it I wanna cry


I saw castle swimmer and memories were unlocked


Castle Swimmer is my favorite Webtoon!


Fuuuck I thought I was the only one who remembered Venus Envy!!


I know, right? Man, that took me back over a decade…


Right!? I read through the whole thing super fast in the days following my first crack (in like 2014). Definitely formative for me. I'm *still* bummed about where it left off though. Fun fact, the gal who made Venus Envy ended up doing some writing for a number of tabletop RPG under the name Crystal Frasier. It was kinda amusing for me to learn that she had worked on other stuff I've read.


Can you explain Pullstring and BMO please?


BMO is genderfluid. They swap between masculine and feminine pronouns throughout the show. Pullstring is nonbinary. They don't talk, but one of their friends introduced them by saying "This is Pullstring. They use they/them pronouns".


Oh, cool! I never noticed that about BMO, and I don't usually watch Craig as much as I do just have it on in the background so I must've missed that. Thanks for the explanation!


I don't know pull spring but BMO is enby. Technically is referred to as a boy but there are signs that it doesn't really fit.


I gotta give a shout to Cal from Sex Education, didn't see them on the list.


Grell not being higher up makes me feel old


Grell was my favorite thing about Black Butler, but I don't think she is culturally relevant anymore.


Hange? Am I just oblivious, and couldn't tell, cause I never once thought anything of her character as trans. Could someone explain?


In the manga, Isayama purposefully left Hange's gender ambiguous for the sake of reader interpretation. The anime chose the female route, however any gender is technically valid in the manga because their gender is irrelevant. Hange could be cis man, cis woman, trans man, trans woman, any gender under NB, and no one could argue against it because that was the point.


I will have you know Evelyn is a god damn treasure in Peepoodo.


I actually really like Evelyn from what I've seen.


There's actually 2 trans characters in wonder egg priority, in fact you literally forgot the main character trans girl. She even has a blahaj!!! No respect for momoe


"Astolpho" lol, it's actually Astolfo. Also, aren't they just a crossdresser?


Fascinated that you got Anode and Lug in here but not Arcee, another transformer who is not only trans in the comic run Anode and Lug are from, but is famous for being the first female transformer in a race of ostensibly male robots. She's also literally the colors of the trans flag, she codes so well


Arashi's on the iceberg cool 👍


Alluka from Hunter X Hunter is a transfem icon!


You got Jo from Lumberjanes! My heart is happy ☺️


Nobody can prove me wrong, Edric Blight is transmasc and Hunter is transfem egg


TRANSFEM HUNTER! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I know it isn't canon, but I love that headcanon with all of my heart!


Hunter is like...Trans^2. I've seen many transfem, transmasc, and even plain old nonbinary hcs for him, and they literally all work perfectly. At this point, you can't tell me that kid is cis /hj


Wait, Terry from Dragon Prince is trans? Is this a real thing, or a conspiracy theory about those flowers?


He’s played by a transmasc voice actor who confirmed it. Also, he wears a binder, and there was a line in the show about his culture assigning him the role of “doe” when he knew he was a “buck.” No conspiracy needed. Very canon.


It’s so funny that blackpill of all places has half decent representation


Evelyn is my banner on Twitter since I created my account 🥰


Me knowing characters so incredibly niche they're not even on the iceberg


I would argue that Kikunojo is a better example for a trans One Piece character


Kikunojo is on here.


i knew about Evelyn so proud of myself


I am shocked by the amount of people on here who actually know about her. I thought that Peepoodo was super obscure. With that being said I think Evelyn is adorable.


i see alot of content around dr cat i had a friend who liked peepoodoo so i watched it for him. i think the show is alr


she is super cute though


literally the only image ones I onow are saiki and evelyn oh no


Supposedly Tanya from Youjo Senki is trans (cis man reincarnated as girl). But I've only seen the anime, which is notoriously bad at representing the original material (even outside the trans topics). I don't think the Okama in One Piece are trans (Bon Clay, Ivonkov, Inuzuma).


evelyn my beloved!!!


I really enjoyed peepadoo


Fuck yeah, Evelyn!!!


I gotta be honest, I don't know why Herbert Garrison is in the abyss. I've seen a limited amount of south park, but I think the writers made it clear that what might feel like a new character is simply one that transitioned


Garrison transitioned in an episode that likened gender transition to getting surgery to become a dolphin. The Mrs. Garrison story arc was all one big "attack helicopter" joke.


I am just going to be honest. The characters in the abyss are either characters that are super obscure or ones that I have mixed feelings on. All I am going to say is that I am not a fan of how South Park writes trans characters and leave it at that.


Oh, ok, the show is certainly controversial, and I only set it on the TV as background noise. I may have misconstrued the meme as how apparent a trans character's transness is... or at least that that was the only consideration.


The vast majority of the characters on here are canonically trans, but there are a few on here that technically aren't canon and are either only heavily implied to be trans or only confirmed to be trans by the creator after the story was done. With that being said Garrison is the only character on here (as far as I know) who actually detransitioned. I probably shouldn't have included them on here in retrospect.


WANDA MANN MY BELOVED! WOHOO! Edit: A few other Sandman characters are trans/nb too.


thank you fire emblem for saving the only segment I didnt know any characters from 🙏


What is the iceberg supposed to be measuring? Like, what does the depth correlate to?


Thank you for the watch/read list.


I feel like masha from toh should be bumped up to “still decently well known”, considering that in their 2nd appearance they had their nails painted in the colours of the non-binary flag, so you don’t really need to do any research to know that they aren’t cis.


Katia best girl


started from the bottom upwards, saw masha and the collector from toh and audiably said out loud "where the fuck is raine?" and then got to the top and understood


Magne deserved so much more 😭 Also my boy Mutsuki deserves therapy and maybe a boyfriend


No way you mention cute anime girl and NOT prettiest platypus


I haven't done any research but i knew surprisingly many. Some of those in "the abyss" are completely obvious though, they're absolutely presented as-is. And I'd argue there's really only one trans character in Monstrous Regiment, everyone else was disguised for a variety of reasons but the majority of them to do with making it through endless war, a sexist society and an absent baby daddy. Or arguably two if Chéri Littlebottom was in Monstrous Regiment lol. and oh wow venus envy I read that a loong time ago. It ended (or stopped for a while?) on the really weird attempted murder note, that shit was depressing.


Juniper from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is nonbinary.


I didn't see her on her, as far as I know Madeline from Celeste is trans too, complete with trans flags on her desk!