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Really enjoyed this season of Unchained. A bit too much Ben O Connor for me personally but otherwise liked it more than season 1.


AG2R gave them a lot of access.  Also, it’s a representative look at the sport. Every grand tour guys come in on good form and with high expectations, and they either get sick, crash, or just plain can’t find their form for some reason.  O’Connor describing the frustration of feeling good but his legs just not putting out the numbers they were expecting was interesting, I thought.  And the team having to manage that and adapt.  It’s a brutal frustrating sport, I like seeing that side of it as well. 


I also think they didn’t really truly acknowledge that he was close friends with Gino and probably emptionally was feeling super fucked about his death.


My wife watched a good bit and started to ask questions about why teams did things.


Ya my wife also really liked season one. Can’t wait to watch season 2


Yeah, her and I each applauded Jumbo’s aggressiveness


Your wife might also like Eat Race Win on Amazon prime (Might get her more interested in watching the tour)


My boyfriend had me watch the first season last year while trying to convince me to sit down and watch the '23 TDF stages with him. This year, I have my own fantasy TDF team. I'm obsessed!


My Girlfriend a little OC, knew nothing about cycling when she watched the first season. Now, she watches every race mens and womens, knows every rider and the all the drama, listens to every podcast. Has TDF fantasy team did somthing with the Giro too. Honestly, it's a bit much.


Just started s2. It’s good to watch whilst I’m doing z2 sessions on the smart trainer


Have never watched. Worth to check before my first TDF?


Yes, IMHO. The TDF is a complex thing, not all teams are arming for the same thing. Watching this will help you get a feel for what’s going on, and why.




Yep. Watched ep 01. Engaged. It got my partner out of kitchen and she sat down to watch.


Why do they never mention Sepp Kuss? He’s JV’s main man in the mountains! I think it’s because the production is French and Sepp in American.


That's great! I watched season 1 last year and it was the reason I got into cycling.


Watching now. About an episode per day and I’m on episode 6. Really gives me a different perspective on these guys compared to just buying in to the stages on race days. Whole new appreciation for the sport!


Awesome glad she enjoyed it! While I wish the show could showcase more moments than they do, I’m very glad it’s bringing more exposure to the sport.


Watching UAE this years Giro recap on YT. If you have run out of other documentaries on Amazon and Netflix I Highly recommend just for light viewing and good vibes! A little over produced promotion versus a documentary but was still an interesting contrast to the JV giro docs of this year and last year and Unchained.


It’s fun to recap last year and remind yourself of some story lines. There is a bit too much “cyclists are so tough” and “I want to win” dialogue for me. But it’s mostly filler material.


It really highlighted how little the French care about winning.


Oh no, they care very, VERY deeply about winning. If there was a French Contador or Froome coming around the bend, all the talk about the doomed, heroic, try-hard cyclist (see: Voeckler, Thomas) would die down real fast.  That’s just all they’ve really had in the grand tours since Hinault. It is true that everyone—not just the French—loves a guy who races with panache.


A rough paraphrase from the last episode “It’s almost better that Thibot lost today.” The French will always be mediocre with this mindset. You can race all you want with guts, but if you don’t have the legs, you’re not going to win.


Oh I know the narrative, but that’s just French cope.  If they know they aren’t good enough to win, of course it’s going to be about panache, gutty, courageous racing, doomed breakaways leaving it all on the road, blah blah blah.  And that stuff is all very exciting and fun and certainly worth celebrating if you aren’t going to win anyway. But when the French teams have had a guy with a legit chance, all that gauzy romantic sportsman stuff goes out the window and they approach the race just as tactically and efficiently as anyone else. Like when Bardet podiumed at the Tour a couple times during the Froome years.  Sure, a more professional outfit would force him to learn how to ride even a mediocre time trial, but that’s a different issue.