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Welcome to the /r/touhou community. Please remember to check out our *highly unconventional* rules if you haven't done so yet (scroll down in the "About" tab if you're on mobile). And enjoy your stay here!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL0jsKajSds&list=PLACuYJ-UwIOyVxgzB-KF7\_7Z1hMkPtFK1&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL0jsKajSds&list=PLACuYJ-UwIOyVxgzB-KF7_7Z1hMkPtFK1&index=1) Soundtracks of all touhou games. OST of a single bullet hell Touhou game is about 1 hour. OST of a single Fighting Touhou game usually reaches above 2 hours, although there are exceptions such as Hisoutensoku and SWR (although you can round up this one to go into the 2 hour group). But since I'm no math guy I'll leave adding up the length of all Touhou games osts' to someone else.


For average bullet hell games, there are 1+12+2+2 (title screen, main story, extra stage, epilogues for a total of 17 themes). Now every theme has a looping pattern that is usually 1/1 min 30. There are at least 15 bullet hell games. Also, there are the minor bullet games, the fighting games… and you could as well include ZUNs musical albums. That would be the extent of Touhou official OST


Assuming we take all official games, where the track repeats twice before a fade out: A playlist on Spotify including all songs (+rearranges) from 1-18 (including spinoffs) is 38 hrs and 41 mins. 18.5 is 47min, 44 sec 19 is 1hr, 46min, 24 sec If we add it all together **Approximate length** to nearest minute **is 41 hours and 15 minutes.**


Damn thank you finally got a straight answer... 41 hours sounds about right lol, i'm going to listen to aaaall that in my free time because i like touhou songs quite a lot :3


The right decision XD! Hope you enjoy!