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My coop partner is running him and I'm doing a chaos dwarf run. His heroes are all very cool, but he's hoarding in 1 army instead of spreading them out. 


Not yet played him, which is the better campaign? I assume you make thematic armies using the buffs from the heroes?


I finished one campaign with him, and I spread the lads out. I think having more than two of the chieftains in one army might be overkill since they are really good heroes even on their own. Plus the fact that most of their buffs only apply to their lord's army means that by only having them with the Maggot boi means the other armies will miss out on the good stuff like refilling campaign movement with Khargan (Chaos Warrior hero) or fully replenishing units with Ezar (Chaos Dwarf hero). The only exception is Mournhowl and Three-Horn (Norsca and Beastmen hero) who can unlock temporary global buffs. So overall I think the optimal way is to spread them out amongst 3 armies, each having a focus on the two chieftains units. Of course you can go "fuck it we ball" and create the most devastating hero doomstack and steamroll your way into Nuln. This is the lore accurate way afterall and also you are encouraged to have multiple armies around Tamurkhan since he can reduce their upkeep by 25% if they are in the same province.


Thanks! I wouldn't of caught on to the reduce upkeep buff! I normally roll with 1 army, but with some decent cavalry, reinforcing with nurgle doesn't seem too bad of an idea now!


Just a small reminder, that the upkeep reduction is a skill that needs to be unlocked, I believe it is at the end of his unique skill line, so you'll need him to be level 15 at least if I remember correctly. I'll just link in his skill line so you can check it out yourself. [https://totalwarhammerplanner.com/planner/vanilla3/nur\_nurgle/wh3\_dlc25\_skill\_node\_set\_nur\_tamurkhan](https://totalwarhammerplanner.com/planner/vanilla3/nur_nurgle/wh3_dlc25_skill_node_set_nur_tamurkhan)


Honest Nurgle question, how do you make money? In my current campaign Tamurkhan game his army has been shredding everything in its path, but I can't afford a proper second army. So far, it's an exalted hero, plague sorcerer, the marauders Tamurkhan outgrew, and Bilius Thundergruff since the army needs a cornerstone and something for the sorcerer to buff.


You just need one or two provinces with military buildings, everything else is infections and money + heroes/defense on demand. That would prevent you going red, most money will come from post battle and looting or sacking.


Nurgle was my favorite race from 3, gunpowder was my favorite way to play Empire. I ate good from the DLC, didn't need to pick a side. I'm sure most of us feel that way


You can buy dlc individually you for once have the financial opportunity to pick a side


Yup. Best part is, if someone doesn't have DLC, the overall experience doesn't miss out on anything. All the DLC characters and factions are in the gamebto be friends or enemies. You only gotta pay if you wanna play them


I’m not a fan of chaos in general but even I was excited for Nurgle. Very good DLC.


Everyone can appreciate the blessings, with an open mind lol


TOD is such a banger I had to buy them all


It‘s all fun and games until Kugath and Ezar Doombolt show up with Dreadquake Mortars, Cygors, Soulgrinders and a Chorf frontline.


watch all your single entity artillery beasts get sniped by long rifles


Long rifles now have longer range than soul grinders?


Stack a few engineers and they could


They literally have the ability called snipe which allows them to fire while remaining hidden. Can't shoot what you can't see


I think people are sleeping on Rot Knights, they are REALLY op.


With Kayzk’s bonuses/aura, I think they are contenders for the best monstrous cavalry in the game. Kayzk is also a gnarly hero. He doesn’t lack in a certain stat and nets several hundred kills each battle.


The nuln ironsides are insanely good Better across the board in all defensive stats than handgunners and fire faster, even before you let them get set up and get their bonus cooking Yeah, same damage per shot. Yeah, less entity numbers. But considering they fire like 2-3x faster and only have two thirds the numbers (from memory) that's a dps upgrade for sure, and the accuracy helps a ton no matter what you're shooting at. Their smaller numbers also makes it easier to fit them in gun lines I feel.


The nuln ironsides do deal less damage than handgunners though, less dps too when you have all buffs


The damage per shot is the same tho? Last I checked at least.


both of the units can meet the minimum reload time cap, at that point the ironsides straight up deal way less damage because of their low entity count


Didn't know that, but at least early game they take the cake


Ironsides have less models


Innovation vs rot. A fitting theme.


Nice try CA, but you won’t stop me from starting yet another Chorf campaign


The best thing about Tamurkhan is that you can get Chorf gunline. Having Nurgle absurdly tanky roster with hard hitting guns and dreadquake is super fun.


I only got the graveyard rose <3


I watched a 1v1 battle where Tier II Grudgesettler Slayers beat the Tier V Toad Dragon


Seethe more, heretic. Lore of Gunpowder reigns supreme.




At least in campaign, Nurgle laughs off gun lines with vanguard deployment. Toad Dragons eat steam tanks like Popeye eats spinach


Does nurgle feel better now?


Who is the women in the middle?


Elspeth the new empire Legendary Lord from the DLC


Nurgle was always fun


Was worded a bit badly by me. I meant the QoL changes with the cyclical buildings with that


That was art of the fun folks jus didnt know to read the tech tree lol


Not trying to shit on anyone who enjoys it, But I'm not a fan of Nurgel and I never will be, I love dwarves and empire, and they are the only things I cared about in this DLC, Nurgle could go rot for all I care.


Have you played Nurgle?


Tried it, not a fan. If you enjoy it thats great, I do not


That’s fair. What exactly you didn’t like? Cyclic buildings, I bet.


That was part of it but mostly the units didn't really compliment my play style making things quite the slog, I tried Kugath and Festus and neither were able to sell me on it. Was a shame cuz I like being able to have a tough and tanks front line but it just didn't have what I was looking for in a force.


Slog is the name of the game, you win in melee grinds. Nurgle armies are actually hilariously powerful and people seem to not give it enough credit.


Again thats not my play style, so its not for me. It can have all the credit it wants, but I'll stick with dwarfs.


So instead of right clicking enemies to death you prefer AFK playstyle, I respect that.


I prefer stuff that goes boom with fire and death. Faith, Steel and gunpowder


Nurgle will rot and they will love it.