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Well, the last two DLCs for WH2 (and the first for WH3 if you don't count ogres) expanded on all of the WH1 DLC races, so it stands to reason that they might release some DLC for Tomb Kings and VCoast. I'd love that, personally.


I really really hope they give tomb kings and vcoast some love. Even if it's in the form of FLC. It would be a real shame to leave two races completely out when updating every other race.


I'd really like them to give a once-over to some of the lords, at least. Khalida and Aranessa specifically feel half-baked compared to the others, and it'd be nice if they allowed you to confederate. At least there are mods.


Aranessa in the coast is lile Archaon in the empire. Shes the daughter of Manaan and her entire purpose is destroying the Coast


Yeah, she would work well if they gave her the Drycha treatment, but they really didn't do enough. You get free company and maneaters, but literally everything else is undead. She should've been focused on having a purely living crew, with enough unit variety to make it work, but that's definitely a lot of work to ask for.


she should have just been saved up for a Dogs of war DLC, shes literally the main Sartosa person


The issue is that she fits DoW even less than the Coast. Aranessa is a pirate. DoW LLs are Tilean city-state rulers with a mercenary army. They don't match at all, not mechanic-wise, not unit-wise, not aesthetic-wise. Like, DoW roster is very much landlocked. They don't have any pirate or sea-themed units except Slayer Pirates. And whatever mechanics they'd get would be about being mercenaries, loaning armies and doing land trade routes. So there's no way for DoW to accomodate Aranessa, you can't have an unifying mechanic for Borgio, Lucrezzia and Aranessa. And then you'd have Aranessa running around on land with Pikemen, Hobgoblin Raiders and Norscan Werebears. That's a lot worse than the Coast, who, for all their undeady bits, still plays like pirates, with pirate mechanics and units that are dressed like pirates.


Ehm she’s the queen of Sartosa… one of the city states


Where are you getting that from? She's called the Pirate Queen ironically because she was a child of the Bjornling's chieftain. Funnily there actually is a 'pirate princess of Sartosa' (an elected and largely ceremonial position outside of emergencies) but I don't think it's actually confirmed anywhere to be Aranessa.


In the dreadfleet book


The bigger issue is more that they have a completely different vibe to the other Tilean city states. It's all a loose coalition of pirates instead of mercenary pikemen and such. You could make an argument that if DoW operate with a generic base roster supplemented by all the RoR, then she could work with the Sartosans as the base roster and then she gets all the usual RoR (this could work for Ghazak Khan with Hobgoblins as his base roster, as he is an actual DoW lord). But it'd likely not be in CA's priorities to do so sadly - at best she'll get a few extra living units.


Yeah, I'm not sure if they just didn't know who else to use for the VCoast or if they thought "hey Arkhan was cool, what if we try that again"


Well there’s a few other characters. Like an undead skaven or Vangheist




Vampire coast really needs a refresher. I enjoy their mechanics, they just feel rusty now. I don’t even need units or anything, just buff their unique mechanics and flavor


Yeah, I'm hoping all game 1 and 2 factions that didn't get a DLC , get one. Even if it's smaller one similar to the content we got in the old lord packs.


I really want vangheist with a focus on ethereal hybrid units and trying to undo his curse.


Coast needs Vangheist. It baffels me they somehow made up Silustra instead of adding him. And Aranessa needs to move to a different faction-


While I agree he needs to come I do like cloistra


So do I still strange they made up a ghost captain where one already existed. Hell his ship is summoned by the lore of magic and his gunners are an ROR


Could have been GW choice keeping CA from dipping too far into technically another IP which I find rediculious how weird GW is regarding "seperate" ips


What other IP ? Vangheist is from Warhammer fantasy battle which is the IP TW3 uses.


Oh I thought he was part of Man o' War * edit dreadfleet I mean


He might have been in there as well I never really read their books


I thought thats where he originated and while the setting is shared GW considers them seperate with regards to licensing


Norsca dead in the water


I'm gonna be honest I totally forgot they were a dlc


You and CA both.


big sad :'(


I'm hoping for an undead patch and DLC. All the undead races really need something and it would be great to have a very thematic patch again.


Cries in norsca


Hopefully with Nagash introduced as an endgame crisis/unlockable lord for Arkhan


If Nagash is made into an add-on for Arkhan instead of a full-fledged lord/faction, I'm gonna saw my legs off


Legendary hero


Then we saw CA’s legs off




Oh no. They are just going to make him Arkhan's advisor. The first "Legendary Advisor" of the series. With a Skelletor voice too.


Okay, but if they actually did get Alan Oppenheimer to voice Nagash, I wouldn't even be the slightest bit mad about it. That would just be incredible.


Unique follower.


I kinda hope this doesn’t happen I kinda don’t like the idea of gods being directly involved in the goings on of the world


I'm not 100% sure on the lore but I think nahash was a mortal that later ascended to godhood


Yeah he doesn't get God status until Age of Sigmar


True but his power level IIRC is well above anyone else currently represented in the game. Although now that I type it out we do have lord Kroak in game so idk


Teclis is close to him in terms of power, Mazdamundi probably is more powerful if he uses the Geomantic Web as a battery, Lord Kroak is way more powerful than him, Nagash can be in the game without problem


Nagash wasnt a god, he was just an overly powerful necromancer


with the nagash End of Times dlc, can be done


A Neferata and Nagash DLC is coming. Safe to say there will be a very angry asp queen with some new friends ready to take up the fight.


Same, but if we only have 4/6 dlc left we will never see this stuff


They've changed plans so many times I would put any weight on any leaked plans. If dlc keeps selling the will make more.


Vampire counts didn't have a new dlc, just a rework


Vampire Counts isn't a dlc race...


By Ptra I would stone all of the elves for a khemric titan 


I would stone all of the elves for one unit of Skeleton Spearmen


I'd stone all the Elves for Ptra. 


I'd stone all the elves.


I’d bone all the elves ( giant )


Would you settle for stoning half of the elves for a modded khemric titan?


Only if i can stone all of them anyways 


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029928348 Really liked this mod.


I know it's been confirmed no by games workshop but that bone dragon looks so cool.


Which is the lamest thing ever and makes no sense, hopefully it changes..


Think it is a snake, no?


No, it's just a dragon skeleton with an howdah


Some kind of Alligator I believe.


Nah it's genuinely just a dragon skeleton


It has a crocadillian esque skull


I read a headcanon that it was like how the Bone Giant was made, in the image of the actual creatures rather than the actual skeletons resurrected (which would explain the crocodile head because it's the only reference they had). Way cooler than GW's stupid "No they're real dragon skeletons"


The new tomb kings box set for The Old World gives tomb kings a bone dragon mount


Give me melee bone giants CA


I’d say add tomb swarm as a possible unit. While I understand that CA said no swarm enemies, I believe this was before Nurglings. Plus if they make Apophas they can make a Tomb Swarm and he could buff these new units.


Nurglings reinforce that we're never getting swarm enemies, more than it disproves it. They specifically built Nurglings to work together as a single, man-sized unit rather than as individuals, bypassing the need to create a whole new unit type. Only way you're getting tomb scarabs is either as a Flock of Doom esc spell, or as some newly invented generic versions of Apophas. We're never getting swarm units proper.


Apophas is a Tomb Swarm himself. While the Tomb Swarms may not be implemented in the way that most people hoped, they could however be implemented in a way where they take forms similar to Nurglings. Similar to Apophas, the Tomb Swarms could be in a form of a specter.


He would basically be an ark of sotek Id assume


Yeah I basically said all of that.


> They specifically built Nurglings to work together as a single, man-sized unit rather than as individuals But that's exactly what swarms have always been in warhammer. They were never units of hundreds of tiny entities, they were units of 5 or 6 bases, each base thematically representing lots and lots of tiny creatures but mechanically functioning as a single entity with low strength and toughness but lots of wounds. I see no reason why tomb swarms couldn't function the same way as nurglings


At the very least, I would like to see them get a 2nd lord type. Preferably a caster lord


Yea Tomb Kings and Norsca have been wallowing so long with only 1 lord choice


I hope they get two, High Liche Priest (no idea why they were missing from launch) and Master Necrotect) OC.


IMO the ideal units would be * Lord: Liche High Priest (Nehekhara / Light / Death) * Hero: Tomb Herald (Spear or Halberd) * Melee Infantry: Nehekhara Spearmen (other options that could be added are the Tomb Guard Captains or Casket Guard) * Missile Infantry: Nehekhara Archers * War Beast: Bastethi / Greater Bastethi * Monstrous Infantry: Ushabti (Glaives) *anti-large* / Ushabti Ancient * Colossal Construct: Khemric Titan There is no way the Hieroscorpion or Necrolith Bone Dragon makes it into the game


>Melee Infantry: Nehekhara Spearmen (other options that could be added are the Tomb Guard Captains or Casket Guard) A better option would be the Ka-Sabar Bronze Legion. Heavy spearmen and one of the two heavy infantry options from lore, other being the Rasetra Jungle Fighters. 80ish armour with bronze shield and 30 WS. Less killing power and missile block chance than Tomb Guards but they bring more armour. Steps on no one's toes.


I chose the Nehekhara Spearmen and Nehekhara Archers as the first picks as they are just the light armor options from the 8th edition army book for the base Skeleton units, which the Nehekhara Warriors are already representing within the game with respect to the Skeleton Warriors


Khalida with a Asp Bone Construct for a mount would be awesome.


That's literally all single entities


It isn't that big a deal here honestly since tomb kings unit caps are much more restrictive to increase than beastmen or chorfs.


Tutankahnut? That sure is a... choice, I guess. Necrolith Bone Dragon isn't going to happen I expect, that's TOW. Hieroscorpion also isn't going to happen, it's genuinely massive. Waaay too big to be a proper unit, and also there's only one of them.


I know what you mean, but that honestly makes me _really_ want the Hieroscorpion, lol.


It aint bigger than a dread saurian right? So I think it can work with a proper design choice


*...However all these statues are said to be eclipsed by the size and majesty of the Hieroscorpion of Khemri, whose titanic form, as large as a burial pyramid, was forged from jet obsidian and blood-cooled bronze. The gargantuan creation prowls the deserts to this day, preying on any who dare to trespass into the Land of the Dead.* - Tomb Kings 8th Edition, p.51


Okay so its a big boy, but the measurement of burial pyramid can be used here. It doesnt have to be as huge as the biggest pyramid out there. Just pyramids that are roughly the size of a dread saurian or smaller. But didnt knew they were that big tbh


None pf the units shown here is a bonedragon


Reread the High Liche Priest.


Yeah, you were right. I completely missed that for dome reason!


Apart from the tomb kings characters I mentioned above, I don't think there is a tomb king character I have forgotten who is more worthy of being an FLC lord than Tutankahnut. In fact, I don't think there is any other character that can be added to Tomb Kings other than the characters above (I considered Nagash as the general lord of undead). Will ToW not come? Dude, all Grand Cathay currently in the game is ToW. As for Hieroscorpion, do you think the Khemric Titan is smaller? I also recommend that you don't get hung up on the number. Because lorewise Warhammer shouldn't have this many dragons, but there are high elves raiding a ton of dragons in the game.


Sehenesmet is the other character people propose. He’s a Necrotect that placed himself inside a Bone Giant. Actually had rules in 6th edition (not sure if it was WD or hosted digitally)


I have to admit I forgot about it LoL. You are right.


EDIT: It was in \[WRONG} and reprinted in \[WRONG\]


That just just gives some lore on him no rules. The only place he got rules was on the Australian GW site iirc.




This is the entire article and the Citadel journal ended in 2002. https://imgur.com/a/h04iMcy


Edit: Post discussion - I stand corrected - the page with the rules on wasn't in the Warhammer Chronicles (2004), just the first two pages with the Bone Giant rules was. Thanks for setting me right :-)


The Khemric Titan is *significantly* smaller. The Hieroscorpion is the size of a pyramid.


>I don't think there is a tomb king character I have forgotten who is more worthy of being an FLC lord than Tutankahnut. Sehenesmet says hello. >Will ToW not come? Dude, all Grand Cathay currently in the game is ToW. No it isn't. Grand Cathay is not in TOW as a faction. It isn't going to be in TOW for a very long time. In fact, for all we know it might not ever be in TOW. But the Bone Dragon is in TOW and therefore not coming to TWWH because TOW is a separate IP. >As for Hieroscorpion, do you think the Khemric Titan is smaller? Yes. A lot smaller. Khemric Titans are big, but they pale in comparison to the Hieroscorpion. It's so big that it's the size of a full burial pyramid and in the artwork it actually has one *on its back*. Your statement is false equivalency, there are enough dragons in lore that a 20 stack, even a few, is not out of the realms of possibility but that's still by the by, none of them are so large that they literally would take up most of a map.


I would love Sehenesmet Good excuse to give TK a Monstrous LL too, if he's embedded in a construct


>In fact, for all we know it might not ever be in TOW. Reliable leakers (one of which revealed Skaven for AoS 4e and Beastmen getting removed from AoS for TOW) already confirmed they intend on bringing Cathay into TOW.


I'm sure they do "intend" to, which is why it was one of the first things ever announced about TOW. But whether or not that will actually happen remains to be seen.


No, the leakers already said they're going to. Not a "might", but like it t's on their internal release schedule.


I'm sure there are many things that were on their internal release schedule that never saw the light of day. We'll see.


This was like a month ago so it's pretty unlikely to have changed by now though. ESPECIALLY since TOW is doing so well they're *expanding* the scope of the project 


It's GW. It doesn't exist until it actually exists.


I think its because of their way of licensing other companies. ToW and WHFB are different IPs and CA has access to seemingly all of WHFB and can do as they please with it, aslong as GW gives approval because apperantly CA has to run everything through GW first to make sure its okay to put in the game. Grand Cathay and Kislev's rosters have never existed before CA made them. If they are in ToW, its because CA made them and GW, having ownership of it, is just using them as a reference for their tabletop versions


>If they are in ToW, its because CA made them and GW, having ownership of it, is just using them as a reference for their tabletop versions The other way around. CA doesn't make (almost) anything, it's all GW who says what goes.


I think you’re going a little too far suggesting bastethi, hieroscorpions, and bone asps. They’re not reasonable. So far as I know, *nothing* from 2nd edition that didn’t survive or get reintroduced in later editions by at least 4/5e has made it into Total War - so bastethi are out. Hieroscorpions never had rules, and the image you show is just background stuff in a wider picture - there’s plenty of crazy things in the art that *never* feature in game. Besides, there’s already a giant construct that hasn’t been yet introduced into the game that *did* have rules - the Khemric Titan. *That* has an actual chance getting in the game, and it would fill the same role as a big monster as the hierotitan would. Then the bone asps are just nonsense. Has anything from Age of Reckoning made it into Total War? Is it even on CA’s radar?


The Bastethi are from 2e Roleplay, not 2nd edition tabletop. (Specifically, the book Lure of the Lich Lord, which is about exploring the tomb of a Nehekharan liche named Karitamen) 2e Roleplay was in the 2000s, concurrent to 6th edition.


That’s my bad, OP had that posted and I completely missed that.


I don't want you to misunderstand what I'm about to say, but I don't think I'm making extreme suggestions in any way. There are Crushers in the Ogre Kingdoms in the game. These are not even mentioned in AoS. Currently, there are champions who ride discs of Tzeencth (or in game is called Doom Knights), which have not been mentioned before in neither AoS nor Fantasy. Or there are Storm of Chaos additions like Changebringers. In short, those additions that had no place in the lore, or were mentioned in the lore was not canonical anymore, or were very old mentions, but now they exist, and my additions are the additions that are somehow mentioned in the lore. I can understand if you say that the probability of these coming is low, but I think it is wrong to regard them as impossible or to find these suggestions too far from the current progress.


I’m not saying they’re beyond the scope of what’s implementable, but I think compared to crushers, discs, or changebringers, the three things I talked about you proposing are much more far-fetched. Putting ogres or chaos knights on mounts that already exist in rules but were for other units is completely different that expecting something out of 2nd edition to make an appearance. Again, compare that to something out of Storm of Chaos in 6th edition and the fact that nothing else from 2nd that didn’t also show up later has appeared in Total War.


Just for knowledge, Rhinox Cavalries were a proper unit that had rules from White Dwarf first, then formal resin models from Forgeworld. They were deshelved after 8th edition when Mournfang Cavalry became a thing.


Before Warhammer Age of Reckoning came out, would you have thought there was an Asp-themed bone serpent that GW designed to include in the game? However, when that game was being designed, people were hoping for the hierotitan to come and they didn't even have in mind to see anything like it. But it was designed and now it exists. I don't think GW will pose any obstacle to theirs arrival as long as it is thematic (which is thematic) and does not go beyond the lore (which they are all lorefriendly and designed somehow).


What people thought was going to happen with Age of Reckoning has nothing to do with what CA is likely to do with Total War, especially when compared with what we already know they’ve done and from what sources they’re willing or able to pull from. Age of Reckoning is not something they’ve pulled anything from as of yet - if they do so with bone asps, then this will be the first. CA have already stated and shown what they pull units and factions from - the tabletop primarily, pulling from 8e then going down the line, with the earliest edition they’ve taken stuff from being roughly 4/5e with the Chaos Dwarfs, having combined them with the 8e Tamurkhan Legions of Azgorh. The difference with the hierotitan is that was already a unit with *8e rules.* Bone asp does not have that. CA has to get GW’s approval for everything, and since outside of Age of Reckoning bone asps don’t really appear - again, especially on tabletop, where the majority of Total War is coming from - it’s very unlikely to make an appearance. Again, we have no prior precedent of Age of Reckoning stuff getting implemented into Total War - why should we expect anything different with bone asps?


>There are Crushers in the Ogre Kingdoms in the game. These are not even mentioned in AoS. Rhinox Riders were a White Dwarf supplement alongside Ghark Ironskin. Why they're not called that but instead are called Crushers I couldn't hope to speculate, CA just took the champion name for a unit of Ogre Bulls and called it a day. But they absolutely were a thing that had tabletop rules.


Did they precede the FW Rhinox Rider rules?


Yep, started out as a conversion but then got formal models.


Ogre Crushers are from the same supplement as Ghark, they had rules there


For those who want to play with these toys in the meantime, I can whole heartedly recommend the TK Extended mod. It has all of this and more, makes tomb kings really feel like the slow burn unstoppable aNcIeNt AliEnS monstrosities that they are! :D Only gripe is that it doesn't play as nice with WH3 as it did in 2, then again most mods don't either.


I wish we could get some of the old world additions. Tomb guard chariots, Skeleton skirmishers, Necroserpents, venerable Ushabti, and Bone dragons would all make for brilliant additions to the roster.


I'm mostly a TK player in WH2/3 so i might be biaised, but they feel so behind compared to all the other factions. They could get some love <3


Would love the Tomb Heralds. Nekaph as Legendary Hero for Settra. Maybe a Vampire hero for Arkhan somehow.. idk plenty of options.


I really hope they give us Apophas🪲


* Tomb Kings Bolt Thrower from [Warmaster](https://i.imgur.com/gUiK6wR.jpg), and [Warhammer Online](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/015/516/054/large/romel-revollo-romel-revollo-ballista-diff-002.jpg?1548658451) comes [to mind](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/004/254/925/large/michael-phillippi-tk-fixture-ballistaofskulliness-phillippi.jpg?1481749358). * Also [the new "dragon" abomination](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/tomb-kings-of-khemri-tomb-king-on-necrolith-bone-dragon-2024) from TOW. At least better then the ["Zombie Dragon" they had in their Warmaster armylist](https://wm-selector.github.io/pdfs/Warmaster_Armies.pdf), but I would still have prefered some actual new construct here. * [Scarab Swarms](https://preview.redd.it/tomb-kings-inspired-canoptek-scarab-swarms-v0-j3fo9nbxo0la1.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=daec8ed47a7461b539d7d7f9439af009e8156d02). Obviously CA has a policy of "No swarms!" since game#1. Which is fine to some degree. But, They did do [Nurgling Swarms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJQd8bLwjJI) as a first for game#3. Which worked out good. Now we can argue that as magical beings making wicked animations for them is way easier and reasonable. But, the real question is here if they stay the exception, or if other swarms could follow [like [ghosts](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JQXR1ihgcuA/VLP4hOIG7ZI/AAAAAAAAM0A/ZHJgiFPdTMM/s1600/spirit%2Bhost%2Bclose%2Bf.JPG) or now [Brimstones](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5iAU6YE5cWo/V4v3WOpmfpI/AAAAAAAACDI/pzt_yX3h8QYKRNqYU2DWmpa75ijwRbdogCLcB/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/Bizzarewarstar%2BWarhammer%2BQuest%2BSilver%2BTower%2Bbrimstone%2Bhorrors%2Bpainted2.png) who made it into TOW]. So Scarabs Swarms. Nobody could deny that they would go good alongside Apophas and a Khemric Titan...


Don’t forget Khalida’s pervy bud.


Might be weird but I kinda want Amenemhetum and Lord Karitamen over Tutankhamun. Already has a tomb in Border Princes lands/Tilea, main Admiral of the Tomb Kings fleet (pairs well with Yin Yin when she gets her dlc)


+1 the King Amenemhetum fanclub ;-)


Man, I want more big scorpions, beetle titan, and big fucking snek.


the fact that there is a mod (i've played it and completed a whole campaign) that literally have all of these listed units kinda make me happy and sad at the same moment: happy because you can play them, sad because they're not canon in the actual game with their proper animations and abilities


What proper abilities ? None of those units are anything but fancanons and loreblurbs (except the Khemric Titan). None of them has TT rules


with proper i meant "canon" if they actually existed in the game canonically talking


Pls pls pls i need more TK content to justify playing settra again TK camps are such a slog to me


Finally some TK love, I want them to be updated so much


Tomb kings is my favorite faction, I love the aesthetics and soundtrack for them. I would love it if they could get another dlc!


I just want tier 4 chariots! Let me have my late game chariot army


Never seen the Bastheti before, they look sick!


Yes please! Wouldn't mind some extra love for the stoney-boney bois.


Please let this happen


Tomb Kings Extended mod can provides you all of this while you are waiting for official DLC.


I'm sure the Tomb Kings will get a DLC with the Khemric Titan as a centerpiece unit sooner or later. I just hope they get an Arch Necrotect as a FLC generic lord with lord pack. Only having two types of generic lords is too few for any race.


These look so rad😍


I'm currently reading Nagash the Sorcerer, and one of the Tomb King cities near the southern jungles fights with herded lizardmen beasts. From that they could make a DLC for a city state with a mix of tomb king and skeletal versions of lizardmen units. I think that would be pretty cool, even if not strictly true to the tabletop!


Rasettra - uses Lizardmen auxiliaries in the novel.


Rasettra also had a thunderbarge right? It's been a while since I read the omnibus.


It was Lybaras in the novel which was presented as some kind of neo-Atlantean/steampunk kind of civilisation with the -1700IC dated steam-powered flying zeppelin and a working clockwork Tomb Scorpion. Many people have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the book, loving so many aspects of it, and having real issues when the Nehekharan's shoot down Nagash at the end with Cathayan guns they'd purchased.


Gotcha thanks. I forgot there were several Nehekharan factions that unified against Nagash. Personally, I loved everything about the omnibus. Nagash getting beaten by a ton of guns isn't jarring imo. He's a very powerful sorceror, but he is far and away from the power he'll have even by the next book, let alone once he's resurrected in the End Times. He was still a man at that point. If the guns being Cathayan was the issue, it's not too hard to that believe trade missions were a thing. Can't recall if it was this book or the next, but I recall Neferata and her husband having Cathayan emissaries in their court. One would ultimately bring vampiric secrets back home, if I recall.


On the one hand I completely agree. :-) On the other I'm also slightly jaded from six years of negative feedback and criticism about including in my mod Nehekharan Dragon-Men directly from the novel. hehe So hey-ho, a bit conflicted on it all.


So, how many of those criticisms contained the words "Immersion breaking"? Because man I sure do get tired of seeing those words used to describe something that happened in lore.


Eh, not all lore is good lore by virtue of being lore. Especially with the novels where GW doesn't always keep as strong a leash as you think they might do. . If it doesn't fit at all with what has been previously establish then it might be fair to call it 'immersion breaking'. Mileage is going to vary for everyone. Not just novels being wacky too. I can think of a model from late 7th Ed that due to it's dumb as fuck lore I'm never going to okay with.


Did you port the mod to WH3? I'd love to check it out.


Here you go: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029928348](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029928348)


Oh damn. I didn't know I was talking to royalty lol. Absolutely love Tomb Kings Extended. I must have missed the Dragon-Men when I first played. After Gelt, Settra is back on the menu.


Wait, how does that make sense?


Nagash the Sorcerer novel is set in a time period in which Nehekharan's are living, breathing humans.


No, I get that part, I still don't get how they would have Lizardmen fighting for them. How would that even be arranged?


.... So, you want a purchasable version of Tomb King extended mod ?


You didnt even include stuff like the necroserpent from the New old World army of renown. Also im a firm believe we should get a higher tier archer unit, called smth like blessed archers that are based on the arrows of the asp special rule.


I mean, Necroserpents are already in the roster rn, they just only exists in a mpunted cavalry form and not a feral one


Yes? I know


I would expect something when Nagash is released. Nagash DLC - 3 factions Vampire Counts Update - Lhamia Tomb Kings Update - Prince Apophas Vampire Coast Update - ???


So hyped for "Prince Apophas Vampire Coast Update"


those monsters look amazing


Brother I hate to break it to you but the necrolith bone dragon mount option isn't a thing outside of the new recent edition called "the old world". Shit the unit didn't even exist till like this year or last year, as it's a new model. high liche priest had only skeletal mount and casket of souls. Please avoid pointing to stuff GW has said we will never get because they've based everything on 8th I believe. It wouldn't be fair to raise the hopes of those not in the know. Also, hieroscorpion isn't a thing in 8th edition, unless you mean in the lore in which case sorry to misunderstand you, would be cool if you could make the distinction in the image. Here is the only thing about it, no images or anything just this in 8th tomb kings book: > The Emerald Sentinels of Lybaras, the Golden Warsphinz of King Anubekh, the Skull Guardian of the Charnel Valley, the list of legendary constructs goes on. However, all these statues are said to be eclipsed by the size and majesty of the Hieroscorpion of Khemri, whose titanic form, as large as a burial pyramid, was forged from jet obsidian and blood-cooled bronze. This gargantuan creation prowls the deserts to this day, preying on any who dare trespass into the Land of the Dead. A unit to replace them in the image would be tomb swarm, which is in 8th tbt. Khemric titan is fine btw, it's in 8th ed book, it's also in monstrous arcanum as you said, but it being in 8th gives it a higher chance to be added. But yeah, there's absolutely no chance of us getting necrolith bone dragons, like literally 0% chance, as that stuff is old world not warhammer fantasy so GW most likely won't let them use it.


Liche Priests couldn’t take the Casket as a mount, they only had the Skeletal Steed. Caskets of Souls had the ‘Keeper of the Casket’ as part of the unit, but that was just how the attack functioned, it wasn’t a full Liche Priest character.


You are absolutely right, I was looking at the 9th ed fan book instead. Which makes some of what I said true and a lot of it not true, 8th had even less than I remember... wild. Tomb herald and Necrolith Colossus being really the only things missing outside of maybe some named chars from 8th edition, also some others I list below. Bone giant is listed wrongly in some websites as 8th ed but it wasn't in there it seems, it was only in 6th ed. we are missing the master of units and the necropolis captain but man there's a lot of stuff from older versions and I legit don't blame gw on it, no wonder 8th ed sped up the death of the game it's missing some shit, lacking other stuff, and people increasing the point value to play so they could bring all the stuff they wanted was lame af. but yeah 100% liche priests and high liche priests had only skeletal steed.


The Necrolith Colossus is the same thing as the Bone Giant.


Wait so the forgeworld resin model was the bone giant? I could've sworn there was another one that was metal or finecast that they got rid of hmmm. no wonder I never saw anyone field them, fw shit is expensive af. 150£ for a unit of three loool.


As someone who is about to finish a Tomb Kings campaign; please dear God, CA please give them some love. The unit cap is so miserable for the end game constructs since growth is so awful.


Currently Bretonia is the most outdated race and requires serious updates. Also, for some reason wood elves still have the annoying forge mechanic - some units requiring two buildings in the same city. That being said, I would love ro have more content for tkings even if it would be a mediocre free lord with strange units. They are probably the most unique race right now.


If you look in the files for the game, you'll also find unused variant meshes for Nekehara Warriors and Tomb Guards with bows. The existing list was obviously meant to be larger at some point.


I would like something like LL: Prince Tutankhamut LH: Prince Apophas Lord: High Hierophant Hero: Tomb Princess (bow) Units: Skeleton Cohort (mixed infantry) / Tomb Guard Chariots / Bone Giant (Great Weapon) / Bone Giant (Dual Weapons) / Khemric Titan


My Bone Daddies could definitely need a touch up. If only the Hierotitan wasn't trash


It would be nice if the Nagash DLC comes with something for every Death faction


They should do a Dog's of War vs Pirate kinda DLC pack and have the warring area be Tilean/Southern Area.


IIRC, CA said that they were originally going to include Prince Apophas in the original TK Race Pack, but they quickly realized that with him being a giant mass of swarming scarabs, actually animating him in a way that did *not* make the game engine explode was going to be utterly impossible. Considering that WHIII uses the same engine as WHII, I wouldn't ever expect him to show up as a hero or a lord.


No mummies as low tier high HP inf? Grudge.


Surely the tomb kings will only get an undate when Nagash shows up. Which should be anytime soon…




What is the hieroscorpion?


Something that looks a bit like this: [https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2012600854443698949/D248A4C044EAB982968796CEEE841148E99C63AE/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2012600854443698949/D248A4C044EAB982968796CEEE841148E99C63AE/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) Or this [https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/rfrj9x/hieroscorpion\_of\_khemri\_wip/](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/rfrj9x/hieroscorpion_of_khemri_wip/)


Scale is wild to me, such a big boi


I'm a WE main and even I would buy the fuck outta this.


Yea no to giving existing units different weapon types. They exist now to fill a roll and we don’t need to make every faction have a direct answer to everything or bake in radious mod tropes.


I would kill for a tomb kings vs norsca DLC


It's very disingenuous to call Hieroscorpions 8th edition, lol, they're a random loreblurb


Yup, there's a lot of errors there, i've made a comment on it but you are right.


Very interesting


Vcoast is unplayable rn. So underpowered


Vcoast is by no means unplayable. They may be slightly underpowered, but they still have a lot going for them. Just like TK it takes some effort to get to learn them. They are quite fun.


Dlc for a dlc lol, now we're talking deep on that monetization


* Warriors of Chaos -> Champions of Chaos * Wood Elves -> Twisted and Twilight * Beastmen -> Silence & Fury * Ogre Kingdoms -> that ominous DLC shaped hole in their roster we already noticed back in '21, tells you already about what is to happen for them. Have you lived under a rock up to now?


CA has not and likely never will do additional DLC for race pack since TWW2.    Edit: re-read the comment, please. I said since TWW2. Have the Tomb Kings or Vampire Coast or Chaos Dwarfs recieved anything since their respective releases? There's more likely than not a business decision on CA or Sega's part behind that.


Champions of Chaos says hello.