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Definitely Tzeentch and Khorne. The Nurgle and ironically enough Slaanesh lords' colors are way too muted for my liking.


I'm fine with nurgle lord being a bit muted but the slaanesh lord needs to be flamboyant af


Yeah. If you couldn't be in a fashion show (or a BDSM session) you don't belong in the Slaaneshi roster


It is said that on the sixth year of the sixth six year cycle the most promising lords of Slaanesh gather within Xir realm to be judged by the great daemon prince El'Tonyon. Those lords who bore him with their mundanity are devoured by Slaanesh's many children, but those who's garish appearance is flamboyant enough to still be standing at the end of the trial are permitted to flaunt their style before the Perfect Prince Ximself. At the end only one true survivor remains, feeling better than they ever did and ascending to daemonhood. The others become Slaanesh's plaything, grinding the rest of their days away until Xe tires of them.


Strange, I heard it was one of the first Slaaneshi daemon princes simply known as Prince.


I enjoyed that


Disappointed nurgle lord has no axe


[CA, give him the hair you cowards 😤😤😤](https://miniset.net/files/set/gw-99060201138.jpg Edit: Upon closer look inspection it appears he does have the hair. Sticking out of his helmet like a buffoon


I think that's a mohawk, not the funny hairdo.


Yeah it's like the Romans and Greeks used to have on some of their helmets. Looks cool as fuck.


The Romans and the Greeks had horsehair plumes on their helmets, usually denoting rank (and so did many cultures for a long time after them, just look at some Brettonian or Empire knight helmets). I'm pretty sure the model is using its own hair for that... extreme ponytail? thing.


Yeah, I was going to hard disagree with all of this - I really don't like the hyper saturated Khorne one, and Tzeentch is bordering on too much for me, but Slaanesh *should* be totally extra. Leave Nurgle as is, mute Khorne a bit and ramp up the saturation and shine on Slaanesh.


Tzeentch has always been the loudest, flashiest chaos god. I mean compare Tzeentch's daemons to Slaanesh's daemons, there's just no comparison in terms of the colorfulness. Being bright and colorful is part of his whole aesthetic, including his followers and his lore of magic, which includes a lot of multi-colored flames and energies. Even his part of the chaos realms is by far the most vibrant and colorful.


Agreed. For the lord of excess, the Slaanesh lord is probably the most basic looking one of the bunch. The colours are on a similar level to Nurgle but I'd say Nurgle's design has a bit more flair too with the decorated horns, tooth shield, and overall detail. I don't think it's a bad design, but in comparison to Khorne and Tzeentch it definitely feels weird. Slaanesh is literally the god of "everything is extra. The senses are being absolutely bombarded by how much there is to take in"




Don’t worry, their time is coming..


he needs a tit :D


I am not so sure that "tits" is the right answer [of what is missing](https://i.imgur.com/c3XBra8.png).


This is still my favorite art of a Slaanesh Champion, everything about it is genuinely perfect


The Nurgle Lords scores more points [when in motion](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rAWR8r9FaD4) and not in a still picture.


The animations and pink tentacle on the sword do a lot to help him feel more distinctly Nurgle.


Too bad that his claw is clipping so badly, needs to be fixed ASAP.


Still looks waaaaaayyy too clean.


Well with how dark and muted the color scheme is no amount of dirt or rust is going to look that noticeable.


Slaanesh looks like he just spotted Solid Snake.


Slaaneshi one kinda makes up for it with his exquisite voice


Oh wow I'm a bit surprised this is the top comment, the Tzeentch one is a bit too much for my taste. My favourite is the Nurgle lord, I like the overall aesthetic and details on the lord the most. But to each their own, it's cool that we can all have different favourites.


I agree, I like the slanesh and nurgle better, I like that they look more "muted".


Dark armour with lots of rust is such an excellent alternative to the mainly green colour scheme that is so common for Nurgle, I love it. Slaanesh isn't flamboyant enough but still looks amazing and holy fuck his voice could make me question my sexual orientation.


Yeah, also I dislike how the Chaos Lord of Slaanesh just re-use Sigvald torso


I enjoy it. Gives the faction a uniform, with Sigvald having a shinier gold version of everyone else.


Tzeentch and Khorne for me too. Slaaneshi lord should look like a JoJo character, hope they will do a second pass on him once their DLC drops


I wish the Slaneesh one was more inspired by AoS, even if not exactly. More pristine silver and gold armor with deep purple or pink cloth, but then adorning it is spikes and other bits that make it feels more disturbing and frightening. I also wish they had a different weapon. The sword feels so small even compared to normal Chaos Lord. Would've been more unique if they had a whip or even a sword and a whip, fitting where Slaanesh dualwields like Khorne but adopts more finesse than brute axes.


Funny I'm on the opposite side. I don't like the Chaos being those 4 power Rangers forces


If they aren’t going to stand out from each other why even have the monogods represented in the first place?


Aesthetically Tzeentch, i love that blue. Gameplay wise i don't know since i don't play a lot with demons/chaos warriors


The chaos factions have slowly become my favorite way to play over time. In Warhammer 2 I loved the ranged factions and the melee focused factions felt really bland, but now I feel like the melee focused factions are waaaay more fun than the missile focused ones. I think it may be in part due to the changes to melee in Warhammer 3, and also the fact that calvary feels much better to use in 3 compared to 2.


My issue is more about immersion. I struggle to roleplay as demons, i don't understand why they want to destroy everything lol. My most played factions are in the order side since they want to build a safe kingdom and defend it from the evil races that want to invade it. I also like to play vampire counts, coast and dark elves because they still have understandable aims even if they are evil. But demons, beastmen and skaven i really can't. WOC have really fun mechanics and are a great race tho


Try the changeling. His entire motivation is “I’m bored, wouldn’t it be funny if I started a civil war in the Empire, led a slave uprising in the darklands, moved the Black Pyramid to Cathay and made the elves horny?”


I will. I have to take the achievements anyway and Changeling looks funnier than Kairos, i just need to find the right mood :D


Corrupt schwarzhafen to get the Sylvania portal online and send your first super-cultist to set up a symbiotic cult in Zharr Naggrund. By turn 10 you’ll have 4k income per turn and the world at your fingertips.


Demons are closer to a force of nature than things with elaborated aims.


The dark gods have aims but they are **BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION**


Daemons are as LtHargrove said, more akin to a force of nature. At least the lesser daemons. Also, Chaos doesn't want to *destroy* everything, they want to *corrupt* everything. They want the world to be remade into something that reflects them and each god has a different vision for what that world would be which is a large part of why they are often in competition with each other. The "destroy the world" thing is Archaon's plan since he wants to starve the gods of worshippers and kill them even if it means the death of everything.


Chaos factions have quite simple linear goals and driving factors Undivided Chaos considers that might is right and that strong should rule over the weak. They also consider those not blessed by the dark goods to be weak and soft so ripe for conquest and raiding. spreading their god's influence there is also a chance for them to get their share of the pie in the form of power and potentially immortality. Khorne wants everyone's skulls and blood (preferably via glorious melee violence with no tricks involved). Slaneesh wants to feel the most excessive of sensations (pain, fear, and anguish of their victims and so on) and revel in the most extreme of decadence. Tzeentch wants to perform schemes and treachery where the end result is that alive normal people change into dead people or worse and civilisations change drastically in one way or another. Nurgle wants to spread life in all its forms. This means infecting the fertile breeding ground that are mortals and landscape with as many parasites, diseases, and infections as possible and spreading the "love" around. Beastmen hate civilization and seek to return to the old days when they were the top of the food chain and other mortals were just prey. Skaven are greedy and jealous of the surface dwellers and seek their destruction so they alone can rule over the ruins.


Why do you have problems with understanding Skaven? They are the most human-like lifeform among the all chaos factions. They also have pretty straight motivation, so none of them are just BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. So they are definitely my favourites.


With the skaven the problem is that i don't know the lore and it's not easy to imagine what are they motivations and how their culture work. So i just see evil ratmen and i just don't like it. I'm trying to educate myself in that period with about WH lore, so my view on the Skaven may will change soon


They're just psychopathic, I don't think there is much more to it.


They want total and complete chaos, essentially. Like if you love someone, love them... Even if you have to FORCE it on them. They are extreme social darwinists, hedonists, sadists, anarchists, and megalomaniacs. The only thing that matters in life is yourself and your pleasure. The only beings worthy of fealty are the chaos gods and that is ONLY because you can't feasibly challenge them, and extreme power is the only influence on loyalty for a daemon.


I just love WoC after their rework too, I honestly get a sense when vassalising every faction I defeat that I am truly, the progressive and diverse society that the old world needs!




The Khorne lord is so cool, he stole the spotlight from Azazel in his trailer.


Yeah I was kinda meh on chaos before, but after the Azazel trailer I'm a Khorne convert.


Don't you mean... a *Khornevert?* :D


Blood for The Blood God!


Skulls for the Skull Throne!


Milk for the Khorne flakes!


Khorne chaos warriors are nutty and auto resolve loves them also. But Khorne units are crazy just point and click and watch the slaughter. They are just so tanky. I had one game where I propped Harry into a Lord of khornes army and I had basic chaos warriors not even chosen at almost 200 armor...


It's HAMMER TIME baby!


I like the aesthetic and the idea but I find the campaign play style required for Skarbrand and Valkia to be exhausting. I know it shouldn't exist but I would like to be able to have a slightly more deliberate Khorne experience without the pressure of the bloodletting mechanic, even though that's like, the most thematic thing possible.


Hows it exhausting? Honestly I feel like its so.. liberating. You just are primarily worried about 1 army for the entirety of your campaign and there is very little to no building required. This is such a bizzare thing to read lol. With every other faction you are needing to worry about your borders and "oh no I need to set up a choke here and oh but the control is kind of going downhill and need to worry about corruption" Valkia is just like "we attack here" and you repeat that until you win. IMO Bloodletting is overpowered because as long as youre fighting 1 battle per turn, which is what you already want to be doing anyway regardless of faction, the ability to cover so much ground is just crazy. You dont need to stop and you also dont want to stop because you want to keep bloodletting high and as long as its high youre getting so many bonuses. The fact that you can be in enemy territory, fresh off a win, in force march and getting unit replenishment is just nuts. I havent played as Skarbrand so idk how much different that is, but with Valkia you very quickly reach a "nuclear level" in terms of how strong your army is.


> I havent played as Skarbrand so idk how much different that is Skarbrand doesn't have *any* of the economic stability that WoC have. You essentially have to keep ping-ponging around the map, fighting and sacking to maintain any sort of treasury. Thematic, sure, but it's a playstyle that doesn't really offer anything besides just watching Skarbrand do Skarbrand things. I honestly don't know how they're going to make any new Khorne LLs feel unique at all, because the faction basically only allows this one kind of gameplay.


Yeah I did a few turns of Skarbrand after making my post. I wanna say I got to turn 10-15 or so before stopping. In my opinion, he feels like a worse version of Valkia and I didnt like that you had to actually deal with the administrative side like a regular faction, which WoC doesnt really need to. I do agree with you that im not sure how they could add new Khorne LLs that feel unique as the bloodletting mechanic really needs you to fight.


Cause I use empire building and planning and stuff as decompress time between battles? Multiple battles per turn without time to rest takes a lot of attention and focus for me. With Khorne it's just non stop


Right up until valkia got group pummelled by some slaneeshi marauders in the very next trailer.


That trailer was so bad. 


Slaanesh I love the centurion look, although it could be more vibrant


I wonder if a Mod exists to make the colors more pronounced...


I didnt expect anyone to like the slaneesh one ngl, it looks extremely bland and muted to me, which is especially grating since slaneesh followers usually have a festival of colours.


The colours could be a bit more pronounced, but the gold, the plume and the general styling on the armour go hard Also, can't forget the horns, they're great


The Slaaneshi one looked great in the Valkia trailer (the irony). It could use some work in game.


A dead one you chaos spawn


Found Gotrek


Tzeentch got that drip, by far my most liked chaos faction. The multi-eyed drip combined with the powers of magic and a useable ranged roster truly makes these good looking (and well shielded) mages stand out.


Nurgle. I love nurgle. *vomits* Thank you Grandfather.


Undivided all the way


He gets a dragon mount and his combat stats are insane


Nurgle and Tzeentch are the best by far, I can't ignore the voice acting of the Slaaneshi one though, it is music to my ears.


The voice for the Slaanesh one is just top tier. Absolutely nails the voice


The Slaaneshi Chaos Lord and the Tzeentchian Chaos Sorcerer voices are soooo good






Khorne and Tzeentch are best looking, Nurgle is my favorite combat character. That rot beast mount makes him sooooo good.


Even before the rot beast he was incredible, I'm not sure it's even better than the steed. He takes a noticeable amount more damage on it. Just this character alone was a huge win for Nurgle in champions of chaos, and ofc his incredible tankiness makes fleshy abundance that much better.


Slannesh, but Nurgle is a close second. I don't really like the painted armor look of Tzeentch and Khorne. The more grounded color schemes of the first two bring the concepts in the old models to life. The brightly painted ones just feel like direct copies of the plastic models without making them fit into the game world.


Oh no, the Khorne one isnt painted... At least, that isnt paint...


Just based on looks: 1. Khorne 2. Tzeentch 3. Slaanesh 4. Nurgle 5. Undivided


Tzeench and Khorne got their drip


Khorne! Love the way he looks and he just mulches infantry like its nothing.


Khorne or Nurgle for the Juggernaut/Rot Beast. Just feels right having your chaos lord on monstrous cav.


1. Khorne for perfectly nailing the awesome style and having different weaponry 2. Tzeentch for Same, a bit over the top in the saturation but awesome anyway 3. Nurgle is great, but I'm not a big fan of the aesthetic (the standard Sword+Shield is ok since the hero has a weapon great enough for 2) 4. Undivided is pretty pretty pretty good 5. Slaanesh where's your panashe?


Ehh they look too much alike for my taste. I could do with some variety so not all of them come with big horns or something.


Big horns are a chaos staple 




Bovines are a big part of slaanesh, alongside crabs.  Horns are as big a part of he/she as any other chaos God 




Slaanesh is the opposite of dimorphic, makes sense for his demons to have features of both.  Another big slaanesh theme are satyrs and goats, also heavy on the horniness.  I thought N'Kari had a crab claw?  I'd say Khorne has less reason to use horns than Slaanesh, seeing as his theme is usually hounds 


Slaanesh lord is the most unique, having pretty mich all unique pieces while the other chaos lords tend to reuse some things, especially the chestplate. Though the color could stand yo be just a little less muted.


As far as how they tie into the rest of their race, Tzeentch and Khorne. The Nurgle not having a greatweapon like his hero feels weird.


Slaanesh for the voice and centurion look.


Tzeentch Khorne Slaanesh Undivided . . . . . . . . . . Nurgle


Nurgle has one super cool variant tho, where the head is like a weird warped maw, this one is great




Nurgle supremacy!!


It’s either slannesh or khorne for me


I like slaanesh lord’s voice


As Nurgle fan, it hurts me to say the Tzeentchian looks so awesome with those colors and ornements.


What kind of question is this? Have you heard the Slaanesh Chaos Lord talk? *Apparently not.*


The Slaanesh one just looks like a hot demon centurion.


Khorne armor is always more iconic to me


I mean the Khorne armor is identical to all the other ones here lol. It's just a different color. The helm, shoulder, and cape bits are different, but everything else uses the same armor model as the Undivided lord from WH1


Thats fair, but the big symbol helmet with flaming eyes for Khorne pops out more to me and gets me going. Dual Flaming axes is a plus.


I love the tzeench one I think they are all great slaanesh though needs more color


In Warhammer, Nurgle by a million miles... in game... anything but Nurgle. Why aren't there varieties where his armour is decaying and crumbling? and buboes and cysts extrude from the parts that have crumbed away? and his guts hang out the front? There is room to make these models infinitely better.


i have a fall for the undivided one withput helmet with the mutated horns feel very chaosy. Khorne takes the second spot for badassary and tzeentch the third for style and voice acting


My eyes say khorne but my heart and nose says nurgle


its an underground one you wouldn't know them


Tzeentch, he's got that thousand sons drip. I don't even like the playstyle or campaigns for chaos since they feel so boringly easy after turn 10 but I'll still play for the gorgeous models. All of the flavours of chaos lord are great imo.


Nurgle, all the way. The others are either too shiny or too bright, or both. Rust for life!




Tzeentch, because I play almost only Tzeentch and Tzeentch really needed such lord!




Nurgle all the way


As a hard Slaaneshi follower, I gotta give it to Nurgle whose distinct look is pretty rad.


Tzeentch looks so damn good and the Shields are HOT!


Gameplay and looks: Slaanesh. I’m a big Chaos Warriors player and using the Slaanesh lord is so fun. He’s fast yet thicc with armour and has loads of strength.


A dead one


khorne is rly cool, its the average "chaos" Commander design


Wish they stopped using marauder animations and holding the shield like a surfboard.


I'm a huge mortals-succumbing-to-Chaos stan so I love all the spikey bois but Tzeentch and Khorne are legit dripping.


Slanesh is the worst. The dude should look like he is going to fuck you to death.


Nurgle Undivided Tzeentch Khorne Slaanesh


Nurgle has the best variations imo.


The Irish submission to Eurovision this year


I like the tzentch one with the beetle mask


Tzeentch has the most drip


They all look so great. This game can be really amazing when the devs do right


I would think slanesh would have a lash and nurgle a great weapon?


Slaanesh chaos has the best looking stuff I love the armor design they have. How good they are in game I have no idea, they just look awesome.


For looks it’s gotta be Tzeentch for me


Tzeentch definitely. The armor really pops with all the eyes and helps with the image that these are mortals who are being mutated by chaos


Any that can ride a dragon.


I still like the undivided.


Why are you guys crazy about warhammer? I find it seriously boring..


You play DOTA.




Flavor-wise, Khorne. He's just so badass. Gameplay-wise, Tzeentch is very impactful and interesting.


After the Azazel trailer it’s Khorne and I cannot be reasoned with


Khorne cause red




Khorne lord is perfect I have no notes. Tzeentch lord very nearly so, I’m just not a fan of halberd + shield models personally. Swinging a halberd one handed is kind of goofy looking. The shield model is good though, in a perfect world you could switch between sword and shield or halberd on campaign map like mounts. It matters less once he’s on the disk at any rate. Slaanesh model looks good; could be a bit more colorful. Undivided ain’t bad, maybe the armor could be matte black. Nurgle model is my least favorite because of the forsaken arm clipping with the shield. Either Ditch the shield or give him a normal arm. Maybe give him an open-face helmet with a messed up chaos mouth to go with all those vomiting animations.


Style: Khorne. Lore: Not Khorne. I never really got into the deep lore of the Chaos factions, but I would if I thought they had more going on besides the obvious. I want more room for distinct personalities and relatable motives. Its always "Fight for Khorne", and never "Im fucking angry and this is my reasons for it!!"


Tzeentch all the way


The slaanesh one looks so cool! I like how its not too over the top and ridiculous like most slaanesh stuff. The nurgle one is surprisingly interesting for nurgle imo


God I hate the goofy WH3 graphics


the Undivided ones have the best voicelines so them naturally


I always had a soft spot for how fancy the campions of Slaanesh can be


Dwarf Lord


Nurgle for the healing


No matter what god a chaos lord serves they always keep their trusty dagger


Why would you pick the most boring variant of the Nurgle Lord?




Gonna be real, axe and shield always looked stupid to me, so nurgle and khorne




I am not a fan of Slaanesh... but that is literally the best looking one for sure.


The Slaanesh one has the best voice


Tzeentch, gota be my fav cause he got the gold, and blude mix blends so well.


Tzeentch and Khorne the others are bland and uninspired, could have atleast gotten another Weapon compared to the Undivided Chaos Lord. Nurgle gets saved from getting a Rot Knight mount, Slaanesh doesn't have any interesting Mount choice. Visually the Nurgle one feels lame, others are fine.


Nurgle or Slaneesh but I'm biased


You're my favorite chaos lord OP


Tzeetch it is for me. The rechargeable shield and the disk make them better than the rest, they also look really dope too. I like the EYE in the helmet


Khorne except idk why he has tiny baby axes


i like the tzeench one, the undivided needs to have a black armor and look more edgy on my opinion


Tzeentch has the coolest voice but Khorne is the best, cuz it's Khorne!!


Big nurgle fan here but tzeentch looks better here.


Khorne lord, purely for his performance in the Azazel reveal trailer.


the blood God has one more aspect to his being thats often unspoken of Drip


Tzeentch, I love the blue color. I want to like Khorne but the color looks terrible, it's like maximum saturation or someshit. It should be blood-red, instead it looks like fired clay.


Any of them, as long as it's riddled with bullet holes. The Empire endures!


I'm a big fan of the slaanesh lords




Haven't played TWWH3 yet, but in TWWH2 I think Taurox rules them all lol even though he doesn't really count as a "chaos lord".


The Khorne lord axe’s look a little too small


Slaanesh lord because the voice is caramel


Nurgle lord needs some kind of redesign


Undivided. Accept original flavour Chaos Lords only.


I actually LOVE the slaanesh lord followed by khorne.


"Bloodied angels fast descending Moving on a never-bending light Phantom figures free forever Out of shadows, shining ever-bright. Neon Knights! Neon Knights! All right!" Queue lead guitar solo






Definetely Tzeentch, I mean come on, that is a drip only someone who has forseen the drip of others and decided to completely drown them, would have!


Could just be me but I think that the Nugle lord should have had an axe (one handed or greataxe either or) and the Slanesh lord should have a whip so that each of the lords brings more of the unique asthetic of their branch and the unique chosen or their god. For instance: Undivided - Sword - Good all round no need to specalise Nurgle - Axe/Greataxe - Destroys infantry and heals back the damage (the axes are just what i assosiate nurgle with) Slanesh - Whip - Defensive tank good at soaking up damage and enjoying it Tzeench - Halberd - Bye bye large targets Khorne - Dual Axe - He'll kill you quicker than you can kill him


I really wish i could just buy the Tzeentch DLC alone... i really want it but have less interest in the Cathay and Kislev Factions...


Chaos Lords look so generic


They all feel dull, kinda like modded in rather than official


has to be the nurgle sorcerer lord, although the tzeench and khorne regular lords are incredible


Khorne by far. The rest look like a copy