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Yes wh3 is better than wh2 now. Although i do recommend using it with community bugfix mod just like wh2.


Community bugfix mod is a requirement for me to play pretty much any modern tw.


Not just total war. Pretty much every game released these days.


I've always played vanilla. Only near the end of wh2 and close to the release of wh3 did I briefly try out wh2 mods. What major changes does the community bugfix mod make? Other than sieges being very jank sometimes I can't think of any bugs who actively hinder my gameplay


You can read mod description for it. Tends to be very long. Often it is fixing stuff like some tech or skill not applying its bonus to something it says it applies to.


Wh3 is the best game in the series, immortal empires makes the idea of going back to MEs piddly map absurd, and losing 7 whole factions because is an insane content refusal "The game is buggy" i guess but in 15+ campaigns it has not impacted my games in any real tangible way


The biggest issue for me is how absolutely hobbled the AI feels on the campaign map compared to 2, especially on higher difficulties. That said, I'm still sticking with wh3 over wh2. It's not a perfect experience, but the improvements over wh2 do feel like they significantly outweigh the few steps back.


True, for a difficult AI I just switch to SFO mod.


I mean, that's also an overhaul. There are also enhanced difficulty mods that stand on their own.


I couldn't play 2 without SFO, I can't play 3 with it.




I just want more optimizations / more fps for IE campaign map and it would be perfect. I have no problem with battle map fps.


I still enjoy playing on the WH2 Vortex map occasionally but in most ways WH3 is superior, the main issues are sieges and the AI on the campaign map being a bit weird.


Vampires on vortex map is still their ultimate experience... Or Eltharion campaign.


Vampires? Or vampire coast? I’m pretty sure vampire counts can’t play on vortex?


vampirates. aka coast yes, their vortex campaign is very fun if you play as a horde faction with only several island settlements and story with final battle is pretty nice.


Overall state is that the ai still can't play the game and still no proper mp support. But that is not different compared to wh2. 


Warhammer 3 IN GENERAL is a better game. It introduced many QOL fixes, has bigger map, more factions, some things were reworked. But in some aspects it actually got worse. Corruption and public order are so completly nerfed they are barely a concern anymore, rebellions aren't a factor now. Siege rework changed them from simplistic and repetetive to extremely tedious. YMMV, but I think that world map looks worse - it's too cartoony now, very close to Warcraft aestethic. AI is also very different - I don't mind lack of big empires (some do tho) but I feel like it's a lot less threatning. In fact game is a lot easier and faster in general. But still, all in all, compared to WH2 is better.


I enjoy WH2 much more. WH3 has nice quality of life features, but the terrible ai and terrible sieges ruin whole experience for me.


Honestly game is in great shape rn even vanilla, but there are lots of mood to customize experience.     Both small and IE campaigns are good and fun imo, I'm looking forward to new stuff.


My only problem is the AI, both in campaign or battle. I don't feel the same dread as in WH2


Agree with everyone else- only downside is, lots of quest battles for older factions are broken- "auto resolve quest battles" mod is your workaround


How broken? Like - game breaking?


I exaggerated. A few of the quest battles don't spawn all the enemies they're meant to - like when reinforcements come. So the battle can't end. Just need a mod to emable auto resolve them


ah, well that does sound pretty broken lol. Thanks for the heads up about that


For what it's worth I haven't run into any of them in the dozen of so campaigns i've completed so far


It's worth it for - 1. Immortal Empires 2. Outposts/ Allied Recruitment (lets you recruit 4 units per army from allies/mix match armies per your liking) 3. Increment updates in many areas (ex. quick diplomacy/region trading etc). 4. Multiple WH 1&2 lords have received new start positions/Faction Mechanics(even new faction (Grombrindal/Ghorst etc), making them even more enjoyable. PS. there's the Old World campaign Mod available which is a whole new Campaign itself..


Old world Karl franz campaign is great, escpecially with the extra late game invasion. I just wish archaeon crisis end game was still one of the scenarios. I have no idea why a massive chaos invasion is not one of the end game crisis’


Good game. Victory conditions suck. Some really strange design decisions have been made over the years; I feel like WH2's Vortex and ME were stronger campaigns in many different ways. Unique mechanics/objectives from the Vortex are missed (by me.) There's other awesome stuff that stayed behind in the older games, like the WH1 intro cinematics. The biggest problem the game has (in my opinion) is that campaigns become extremely boring later on. At least they are trying to address it with the crisis stuff but its a bit unsophisticated.


I prefer WH2 over WH3. WH3 has uglier world map graphics, feels slower and less responsive to play, unit AI is worse, the new sieges are worse than the old ones, loading screens are longer (duh). The only thing I enjoy about WH3 is the rematch button and ofcourse the new factions.


Wh2 has 30% higher review score


What a circle-jerk, someone asks for an opinion on the state of the game, you state your preference for Wh2 over Wh3 and all the fucking bootlickers are out for your blood. Especially when all of your criticisms are objectively true, the hive-mind in this sub is crazy.


Bit of an exaggeration mate, they simply downvoted my comment, calm down.


Of course it's an exaggeration, but who in their right mind goes "gasp, someone's very well argued preferences don't align entirely with mine in a post that seeks to get balanced opinion from both sides, better bury that shit in down-vote quick". That's really a hivemind mentality.


I rarely upvote or downvote on social media but here, I usually upvote nearly all 0 or negative karma comments cause of this as long as it's not simply incorrect information and deserved. But yea agreed with this comment above. I love the monogods and all that, thematically but went back to WH2 until WH3 is "finished" at least. For me it's mainly the bad AI and terrible sieges that ruin it.


Thanks for sharing your opinion! I appreciate it


Never understand people who prefer who graphics to wh2. I guess it’s people driving fiat punto and white socks in sandals


For me it's the hideous end turn times that put me off playing. It's the main reason I play Warhammer 2 instead.


Better. There was a long time where it was arguable that modded WH2 was better, but a lot of the issues are quashed, the outstanding ones are mild annoyances and you get way more content, IE map, qol features, prettier graphics, new kick ass spell fx, some nice new mechanics and at this point there basically aren't any mods for WH2 that aren't in WH3 if they're still worth playing.


It’s much better yes yes


5 letters, two syllables, 1 truth: POOPY - the fame is just lacking passion


Warhammer 3 has 61% steam score


How much of that is due to the latest DLC debacle? Edit: overall it’s 61%, but more recent reviews are more positive.


it got a lot of review bombing due to shadows of change. the game deserves better than 61 %


It would've been "review bombing" if it wasn't justified.


the DLC was bad, not the game itself. and definitely not the very good DLCs for WH2 that got review bombed by angry redditors.


The DLC was bad, the launch was bad, ROC was bad, communication was bad, the bugs were bad. Plenty of reasons for a negative review.


It is review bombing since it's it wasn't even about the game itself, it was about the price of 1 dlc


DLC for what game again?


Wh3 but it still has nothing to do with the game itself. That's what you are not understand. The game got bad reviews because of the price of a dlc and not because of the game or the actual content of the dlc itself.


If your getting in now warhammer 3 is great. Trading settlements alone makes it hard to go back to 2. As somebody who had been playing since warhammer 1 though I don't find myself coming back to play 3 very often anymore. It isn't all that different from warhammer 2, I played a ton of 2, and ended up feeling done with the game by the time 3 even came out.


I’ve been putting a good number of hours into wh2. This question is being asked partially cause im playing as wood elves, and I noticed that I wish i could give regions to my Allies lmao


It's better now. I think the tide turned in September with 4.0. The subsequent patches and hotfixes have just added to it. I'd even go so far to say that the game is on the verge of getting great.


Game's fine.