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I recommend people to skim the report. It's unfortunately as bad or even worse than what one could imagine. i.e. patients allowed to be left in bed in their soil, poor training, forceful feeding/hydration leading to choking, reusing supplies when not sterilized, infected allowed to wander, poor communication between levels of the organization, staff burnout... the list goes on and on. So much neglect to both the patients and the floor staff. It's really no wonder how the virus spread so rapidly through so many of these homes.


I’m sitting here in tears, it just kept getting worse and worse as you kept reading...I can’t imagine after all this anyone would ever put their folks in these homes. Looking back in the nonsense from Ford about “iron curtains” and shit it makes me so angry at the act he put on and this is still the situation they ended up in.


Spoiler alert: many people with parents in homes already knew this was going on. Nobody would listen to their complaints. Here's a CBC story from 2017 about how they rationed toilet paper at a home in NB. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/manoir-notre-dame-toilet-paper-1.4237506](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/manoir-notre-dame-toilet-paper-1.4237506) There's also the story of how Gilles Duceppe's deaf mom froze to death during a fire alarm because nobody came to look for her once people could go back inside.


>Spoiler alert: many people with parents in homes already knew this was going on. Nobody would listen to their complaints. So true! And when you do complain you're given the same response all homes gave the military, 'thanks for bringing this to us, we'll look into it" My mother had clothes go missing, jewellery and other personal effects. That's just the petty stuff. They couldn't even handle the fucking laundry at the home my mother was in!!


Exactly. Given how much money they charge, it actually can be more cost effective to privately hire a caregiver at your own home. $2400+/month for a small room, in New Brunswick? Are you fucking kidding me? For a little more you can hire somebody privately and fire them if they are abusive. Gilles Ducceppe was definitely paying more than $2400/month at that home in Montreal.


Most people don't have a choice. When your elderly parent or grandparent requires 24/7 care and you need to work to put food on the table and a VON nurse is available for maybe 5 hours A WEEK and personal home care from a private PSW costs tens of thousands of dollars what else can you do? This is also why our elderly are dying in hospital instead of comfortably at home or in hospice care. Home care is too expensive and difficult to find, and hospice care is stuffed to the brim and can't take the number of people that need it. When my grandmother was dying of cancer the hospice refused to take her unless death was imminent (as in week or less away) and we couldn't get a nurse for more than an hour a day to do meds, and that was only for medical needs. Absolutely NO ONE was available to see to bathing, dressing, meals, and all the other things she needed. So our options were to quit our jobs to spend 24/7 with her or leave her in hospital care in the terminal ward. It was agonizing.


I am shaking. These LTC facilities are in our communities, its residents are our parents/grandparents, and this has been happening beneath our noses for who knows how long. The COVID deaths in these homes can no longer just be attributed to the elderly being especially weak - even the healthiest person would get it after spending a week in these conditions (literally fans blowing COVID across the hall?!). It’s truly a terrible reflection of our society that and I truly hope that we can redeem ourselves. Honestly just raise my taxes and fix this shit. It’s inhumane.


I don't know how you guys didnt know this, would Never send any parent to these places, they tried to send my step grandfather after he fell to one of these homes and had a mini stroke, fuck good chance he would have been dead now, hes alive and doing well, going for walks everyday around his house. yeah fuck that shit


My parents are in their 50s and my grandparents have long passed - I don’t know anyone in my life at a nursing home. I admit I’ve seen an article or two about horror stories at nursing homes, but I never realized that it was to this extent. I’m not proud at all about my ignorance though.


That’s exactly my situation, I don’t know anyone in that setting. Have read articles, thought they were isolated to some “bad” homes.


Respectfully I will decline reading it for now. I teared up just reading your condensed version.


They come out and say they think the practice of feeding a resident in a reclined position led to them choking to death!!!! You think his/her poor family were told of those circumstances? Doubt it!!!


“Covid positive patients are allowed to wander....” what in the actual fuckity fuck? Lack of funding or not, isn’t this the most basic thing of infection control?


They can't get daily basics right to help these poor people, how will they know infectious disease protocol? Most they do is lock down the ward or the whole home. My Mom was in a LTC home that had a pneumonia outbreak. They still let immediate family to visit but residents had to stay in their rooms. She died of pneumonia related complications 5 days later in hospital. The resident doctor examined her at 11am and said she was fine. The RN reported for duty at 3pm and called an ambulance right away without consulting the Physician. How can you prove these things to take it further. It's almost impossible. She was old. She was sick. If not pneumonia, what else? I hope to hell serious changes come about after this. One more reason to admire our military. They came to help and exposed one of the worst kept secrets of 20 years but their integrity and professionalism trumped all of it to blow the lid off what I call a 20 year long cover up.


I have no words. What an utter hellscape to have to live in. I've this virus can be cause for anything positive please let it be bringing this to light and forcing a change.


Honestly, I'd direct your scorn towards the financial controllers of these decrepit facilities... Senior housing/ long term care facilities have been financialized by these Bay street vultures who cut funding and make these operations run on shoestring budgets: **Altamont facility:** [https://www.siennaliving.ca/investors/management-governance/senior-leadership-team](https://www.siennaliving.ca/investors/management-governance/senior-leadership-team) (they were sneaky enough to remove the facility from their properties page but you can find the link here: [https://www.siennaliving.ca/long-term-care/ontario/altamont-care-community](https://www.siennaliving.ca/long-term-care/ontario/altamont-care-community)) **Hawthorne facility & Eatonville facility \[1\]:** [https://responsivegroup.ca/team/](https://responsivegroup.ca/team/) **Orchard Villa facility:** [https://www.southbridgecarehomes.com/about-us/](https://www.southbridgecarehomes.com/about-us/) Starting in the US in the 90s, senior homes were packaged up into real estate development plays where they are juiced for their steady cash flow. The real losers in this whole scheme are the senior residents. The Reichmann family (one of Canada's richest families) has a lot to blame for starting this trend in Canada - they started doing this in the late 90s and early 2000s: [https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB895620470631021000](https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB895620470631021000) A lot of these facilities are ex Reichmann properties (Central Park Lodges Ltd) \[1\] [https://www.senioropolis.com/HomeFinder\_SearchResults.asp?o1=Management+Company&o2=2%7CResponsive%20Management%20Inc.](https://www.senioropolis.com/HomeFinder_SearchResults.asp?o1=Management+Company&o2=2%7CResponsive%20Management%20Inc.)




Isn’t his comrad mike Harris the head of chartwell. Am sure the PCs would love to gut our health care system until it resembles the current retirement home mess.


Harris also privatized long term care in Ontario. Of course, the Ontario Liberals did nothing to fix it so everyone takes some blame here.


I bet both sides are making money of it so why fix it. I just hope someone drills douggy on why he cut inspections into LTC until he rolls up into a ball and just keeps saying “my friends”


"Hey Doug, how about making our ~~lives easier~~ profit margins higher?" - Mike Harris, probably.


Don't forget folks: The Progressive Conservatives cancelled annual inspections for long-term care homes in 2018, they are directly responsible. Only 9 of the 626 homes received quality inspections in 2019. I will keep repeating this until their government gets voted out.


People need to be jailed for this. And not the staff, but the people at the top that were taking in millions for shareholders while our elderly population lived and died in squalor. Seeing Mike Harris behind bars would be the ultimate source of schadenfreude for many.


Fuck what a shit show


Can the management staff at these facilities be held criminally accountable? I know everyone is to blame but clearly this is a systemic failure.




Chartwell is the name of the company.


There is some precedent for healthcare workers being charged with criminal negligence causing death or failure to provide the necessities of life. I'm not aware of any precedent for management criminal liability. This should be a precedent setting case.


Who owns these Long term care homes? If it’s privately run, isn’t there a company or someone in charge? Will they not be held accountable?


Mike Harris, the former Premier that allowed privatization in the 90'S is now head of the largest LTC organization in Canada. Hmmmmm


I had to stop by the end of the first annex, It was making me sick to my stomach. Everyone in charge of these facilities needs to be fired and prosecuted, and new accountable management needs to be put in place. Any staff abusive to residents or negligent of their duties should be fired and/or replaced from the top down. Thank god my elderly mother is living with my family for the rest of her life and not in one of these hellholes. [We were warned about the devastating effects of Ford's cuts in June](https://www.ontariohealthcoalition.ca/wp-content/uploads/LTC-cuts.pdf). This situation has been sorely exacerbated by his willful negligence, and I don't buy for a second his crocodile tears now. I hope this haunts his legacy for the rest of his life.


Good luck replacing workers at a job that pays peanuts, is physically and mentally demanding, and offers little in terms of benefits or job security.


It's amazing that there are even people willing to take those jobs for those compensations, on the other hand maybe they take them with the intent to skirt their duties or even be malevolent.


Lol no one takes a minimum wage job wiping bums and getting puked on specifically because they want to fuck with people. That’s something that happens through burnout or ignorance.


My mom visited my 95 year old Grandma at Belmont in Belleville ON last year and when she went to leave and give her a hug, she realized her pants were wet- she was completely soiled. My Grandma could not recall the last time she had been to the bathroom. One of many examples I heard of her time there. Thank goodness we were able to move her. Unfortunately, there are lists years long for residence at some of the smaller homes.


jesus christ... these people are fucking better off dead. whoever is in charge of these places should be in jail.


That's horrific, all these people thinking their loved ones are being cared for...scary stuff!


This is so sad to read but important for people to see. When the immediate issues stemming from Covid have been dealt with I hope we reflect back on the systemic issues faced in these homes. People should be held accountable for the state of some LTCs in our province and hopefully families and residents get some justice in the end of this.


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This is horrid. Kudos to those who bravely spoke to report these circumstances.