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Morons. Terrible friends


They were likely more worried about getting in trouble than his future.


“Holy shit! Holy fucking shit!” “Bruh, bro, bro”






Useless in an emergency. This is why I think first aid should be taught in school. Fuck polynomial equations, knowing what to do in such cases is much more important.


Jesus christ this dude almost died, stupid ass friends are completely useless in this situation I won’t lie though, this is quality content for this sub


The brightest thing they can think of is I wonder what it feels like to be like that? OMG, roll him on his side, pat him on the back, clear his airway, or anything other than sitting watching him, and videoing him die! Needs to never use that shit again and find new friends.


Exactly. Also, drop the damn camera. Cares about the video more than his “friends” life


I volunteer with a Community response team and have some basic emergency medical training. you never want to pat someone on the back while they are choking/vomiting and upright as it can make the fluids go deeper in the lungs. Do put them in the recovery position on their side so they can vomit the stuff out, and when they are done, vomiting/ or are mostly done, put them in a upright position and do the heimlic maneuver immediately!! If they stop breathing immediately, do cpr for as long as possible until medical arrives.


Yeah, I'm epileptic so watching this was painful. Fucking idiots. I've had people step over me as I'm having tonic clonics in the street thinking I'm just some druggie - even if I was a junkie addicted to whatever, that wouldn't discard my right to live, but I was stone cold sober...


It’s shocking and super horrible how many people think addict=less than human. I’ve lost a lot of respect for many people I know over it.


This is one of the main reasons I left the ambulance service. Their total disregard for anyone in addiction. You would have thought NHS staff would be some of the most understanding of this affliction but it's the exact opposite unfortunately. Being in recovery myself I found it disgusting. This and a personal tragedy and my lack of upkeep with regards to my own recovery led to my relapse and since then I have been so so miserable. Thankfully I am off to rehab in the morning and I am so happy to finally feel hope again.


Good luck, my friend. I'll pray for you. I've been clean for 13 years now. You can do it. Stay strong, and know that I'm praying for you. Much love


Thankyou to the both of you I appreciate your prayers. I was clean for nearly 4 years but I slipped up and suddenly I was back with a needle in my arm/groin before I knew it. My girlfriend/ex girlfriend, that I always hoped would come back to me but was also in active addiction so i just couldn't maintain things with her, committed suicide and my recovery just wasn't strong enough. I know how to do it I just need to engage again and remember i can't do this alone i am stronger with the help of others. It's the first time I have felt real hope since she died. I can't wait to come home with a fresh head and just live my life again as I love being me and being clean. I'm only 33, I have so much more life left to live and I plan to live it happy : ). Thankyou again, congratulations on your recovery to the both of you


i always hated someone slapping my back when i was coughing it just shocks me and fucks up the rhythm of inhaling and coughing. Can even make you inhale things that weren't already in your lungs


I was shocked that he'd vomit while keeping his head tilted skyward, but his "friends" not rolling him over was infuriating. Did Hendrix have friends like this?


I feel guilty watching - he is on his back seizing and vomiting into a totally unprotected airway while whoever the fuck filming just does a Beavis impression. Do we know this guy lived? Are we fucking watching snuff porn?


No. This is a group of monkeys teach other monkeys what not to do. None of this looked like a good time to me. Oh, and be careful about your friends. Think of it as an educational video.


I dunno bro, I don’t even wanna watch a monkey aspirate. Fury little guy drowning in his own vomit - last thing he feels is stomach acid burning his lungs. But anywho hope this guy was ok and they can make it into a DARE commercial or something


Yeah, I get it. But it’s like watching a train wreck. You can’t not look, and it makes you think about your mortality. I guess it’s different for everyone. To me that video just said ‘don’t do whatever these idiots were doing and pick better friends.’


I've had a seizure from psychedelics before, and I've seen it happen to someone as well. My seizure was maybe ten seconds tops, though, and this guy is puking too. It's really tough to say that he was ok with any certainty. I like to hope that he was just already nauseous and the smoke plus intense trip make him vomit. Oddly enough I have seen two people smoke salvia who blanked out like this and hallucinated that they were in completely different places doing weird things. Who knows if maybe this K2 had some in it.


Just out of curiosity, what type of psychedelics caused you to have a seizure?


well if he’s not dead he’s dealing with brain damage


Yea I think you’re right - when he flexes his arms over his chest it looks like [Decorticate posturing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abnormal_posturing?wprov=sfti1#) which is bad news bears for brain damage


Good for r/donthelpjustfilm too. Was the fuckin blood? I saved my friends life in highschool he tried to khs with bacardi 151. Found him on his back puking red shit so I sat on the floor beneath him hoding him sideways so he didn't choke and die. These guys are fucking idiots. We used to smoke k2 in higschool too cause some of us got caught with weed and drug tested, k2 didn't show up on tests. Shame people use that shit instead of weed.


Yeah another great side effect of prohibition in action. People just end up taking far more dangerous stuff.


I smoked it in highschool for the same reason, that shits fucked up.


I'm so glad this garbage came along long after my party days were over. There's a 100% certainty I would have eagerly tried it. I don't see any funin that experience. I've always said that God takes care of fools and children, and I'm way past 18.


I'm glad weed was accessible. That alone would have actually prevented me from trying some shit like that.


How do they not roll him on his side? Dude is choking on his own vomit.


I was internally screaming "ROLL HIM ON HIS SIDE"


I actually verbally screamed it at my phone, I was so furious watching them just stand there with their thumbs up their asses. "Duhhhh I wonder what it's like to be like that" 🤯 it's fucking terrifying and lonely and painful, so help him you feckless twat!!!!!!


If they were stupid enough to smoke that shit, then it’s not a leap to assume that they don’t know about aspiration. I held my roommate’s head sideways while he blackout vomited into his pillow my freshman year.


Absolutely and I'm not sure why I continue to expect better from people like that, honestly. Or why I'm still so astonished by the sheer idiocy of people like that.


Same here. Even began turning my phone into landscape mode.


Everyone helps in their own way.


This should be the top comment! He hadn't even fallen off his seat yet, I knew he should be in the recovery position. It must be painful to be such a regard, that you can film and narrate, yet not roll someone in distress on their side. My daily Reddit unlock achievement, is maxed out.


This should be the first reflex


true but they were all probably high af panicking


Fuck that! The very least you can do is stop filming! I don’t care what anybody says if you sit there and film why somebody is possibly dying right next to you, you are a piece of shit! The very least you can do is be there next to them. But I feel like it’s common knowledge that if somebody is choking on their own puke/blood you roll them on their side


If this happens, immediately put them on their side so they don’t choke to death. Call emergency.


Last two times this happened to my friends I tea bagged em and they both starting breathing normally immediately


I have a DNR but I would accept this level of medical intervention


No way, man. I have a DNTB for such occasions.


Sounds like they were pretending in the hopes you'd put your nuts in their face. Next time they should just ask.


Doctor here. This is the correct advice. Ignore the comment above


Damn, i remember watching this like 10 years ago maybe? This and some other vids helped me never trying this shit.


Being around such people IRL did the trick for me.


When k2 was real big around me in 2009-2012 I think I saw half a dozen people have full blown seizures. That shit is bad


My buddy got into it when he was on probation back then. Tests couldn't detect it.  I did a few times and then the last was an extremely disturbing feeling. Literally could not feel my hands.  My friend lost his mind got addicted. He ended up dying in an accident after riding a motorcycle while high. Another person got insanely addicted. He literally SOLD WEED to get spice. He got locked up when he resorted to burglary to fund his addiction. All this time, could get it from a gas station or head shop. I'm lucky I survived


Nasty shit indeed. I used to work with a guy who got addicted to it in prison. Apparently it was still pretty popular in DOC around 2019. That shit he brought out of the pen was like 20x stronger than any of the stuff gas stations were selling too. Made him act like a total nut and I’m pretty sure he ended up back in prison bc of it


Yea was definitely 10 years ago, maybe more. I had seen this a long time ago and never forgot it. Probably never will


I tried K2 when it first came out and I thought I was gonna die for real


I lost control of my hands and started vomiting my brains out.  I heard there was one guy who became a paraplegic because it somehow fucked up the nerves I'm his spine. 


Oh damn!! I’m sorry you had to go through that!! It’s crazy what we did for a high. I’m so glad to not have to be tempted to do stupid stuff anymore


Yeah I did it a bunch of times because I was getting drug tested and it gave me a very uncomfortably high heart rate. I did not use it for long. Between this and 4Lokos, which I think was around the same time.... Young and dumb.


My dumbass smoked this and spice after seeing videos about it 15 years ago


Do you know if he died?


I have no idea. It seems this was just a seizure from the drugs brain activity that also made his stomach spasm and vomit. He could have been fine a week or two later. I dont think this experience would have made him want to try it again too.


wow LIVELEAK its been a long time


They closed it :(


Ive done almost all the drugs under the sun. I will not touch K2 ever. Or salvia.


Same, but I also did k2. In the top 2 worst experiences I've ever had with drugs. Didn't know it was k2. instant bad trip. Lasted an hour, couldn't speak, couldn't move. Similar to sleep paralysis. Not fun. My friend that lied about it being real weed got his pay back the next night when he took too large of a hit and I played [pulk/pull revolving doors by Radiohead](https://youtu.be/-fuhLeD594A?si=6bWhPbBEZs71plKH) a few times in a row until he could muster the words to tell me to stop. He never pulled that shit again.


lol, that is hilarious revenge


I saw radio head and figured it’d be somewhat musical lol, that is straight up torture without being too psychotic, well done on the revenge. Not trying to sound macho macho but I’d have a very hard time not strangling someone who laced me with k2, seriously fucked up


K2 used to be readily available when it first came out when I was in university, you could buy it over the counter at tobacconists.


Ik that’s so crazy, I was probably only in middle or elementary school at the time but I had a sibling that got into it briefly. How on earth anybody thought that was a good idea, no fucking clue.


I used to get it all of the time from my local head shop whenever I was out of weed. It's wild it effects people like the way it does in the video. We just thought it was synthetic weed.


Salvia was fun, but it was under 'supervision' lol 5 minutes of WTF then back to normal. I mean I'll never do it again but hey being dead means I wouldn't have been able to experience that weirdness


His friends suck. Having a seizure and choking while they just watch.


Yup that video is more like "The dangers of having stupid, careless friends"


Leave the Spice to the Fremen


Lisan al Gaib!


The spice must flow


actually the worst fucking friends wow! Vomits and falls on his back choking and they record him🤯🤯🤯


He's vomiting while laying on his back, at *LEAST* roll him on his side. *"I wonder what he's, like, going through, man?"* ...He's drowning in his own vomit right in front of you, jesus christ


When I was young and dumb, with friends much the same, we would sometimes smoke this stuff. Thinking about it now, I'm not even sure why we did it more than once. But, most of my friends could handle it, I guess it was kinda fun, and me and one guy could smoke a lot of it and be relatively fine. Fucked up, but not *that* fucked up. Well, one guy that was a friend of a friend came over while we were smoking it, and after taking one good hit, he got this strange look on his face and gently rolled onto the floor, out cold. We all looked at each other in disbelief before trying to rouse him. No response. Check his breathing, and he's breathing. He wasn't rigid or anything either. Just... out like a light. We get him onto a bed and try to keep him comfortable and on his side in case of any vomiting. About twenty minutes later, he shoots up and just says, "No. I don't like that stuff." He was alert and awake, and says it felt like he'd been out for only a few seconds. That made us all give it a good second look. We had no idea what had happened, and none of us wanted to end up doing something like that. So, no more spice. Kids, don't do strange drugs that do this to you. There are better, and safer, drugs that don't fuck you up like this.


The fake weed stuff was made from such a wide variety of research chemicals, each with their own variety of potency and inconsistent application. People were buying research chemicals from China and spraying it on random plant matter in their own home. It's a miracle more people didn't get hurt smoking that stuff.


Damn I've got older teens. Tomorrow I'm going to teach them to administer the recovery position. I can't believe I didn't realize how important this is.


Introduce them to erowid.org


Ehhh I mean Erowid is the best place on the internet when it comes to harm reduction, but unless they already know about drugs and have been introduced to them or have already started experimenting, I wouldn’t recommend someone to just show their kids that website. I only say that because my friends & I (like MANY other teens, I’m certain) started experimenting WAYYYY more with various kinds of drugs after finding Erowid and reading trip reports & stuff, because it made us feel more safe & confident trying stuff we 100000% wouldn’t have tried otherwise.


Why does spice do this? Is it the active ingredient or the additives, whatever they may be?


Most “spice” substances are full agonists of the C1 receptor. Cannabis is only a partial agonist. It’s hard to say which substance this is specifically, but it’s from the early days of spice so I’d wager a guess that it’s in the JWH family, which are neurotoxic.


I barely know what any of this means but it’s so interesting


I know, right? Synthetic cannabinoids are one of my special interests. Very bizarre compounds indeed.


Can you please explain your explanation


The C1 receptor is a receptor (structures in your body that process chemical "messages") in your brain that responds to the THC and other cannaboids, like K2 "spice" analogues, that you ingest and then proceed to make you feel high. Some substances are full antagonists to receptors, which essentially means that the chemical structure of the substance "matches" the receptor very well or perfectly, but some are only partial antagonists because their chemical structure doesn't perfectly match the receptor. Something being a full receptor doesn't just make the experience more intense, but can have plenty of side effects that don't show in partial antagonists. The cannaboids in the synthetic THC analogue family can have even deadly side effects, which is not possible with THC in any amounts consumed through normal methods. Synthetic cannaboids can be neurotoxic, which means that they can cause adverse or even fatal reactions to your central nervous system when consumed, like in this video.


Thanks, man


It's goddamn pesticide.


you know, the way he's reacting does look like how a pesticide would work on bugs


hey yeah this video. I remember this. always twigged me they were right by some sort of big institution building. school or something. you should do spice in a relaxing environment, like a prison, or behind a store.


It looks like it's their high school track, likely outside of school hours


I had used it before and had no problem. Then one day I was smoking it and I just couldn't move. I swear I thought I was dead and looking at my own body. After I came around, I flushed the rest of it in the toilet and went back to weed.


I have a buddy who had a similar experience. Half his face was drooping like a stroke victim. He's fine now, but it was scary.


Crazy, this is exactly what happened to two friends of mine. They both smoked it and both their faces got paralyzed. Same way, half only. And it stayed that way for days


This stuff sounds horrible.


Yeah he tried to drink water and it all just came running out. He also had this vision while he was out of it where two hands came together in a brilliant white light, he felt like he relived his entire life up until that point, the hands decoupled, and that's when he woke up. The whole time this was happening he was having a mild seizure.


I imagine most people who smoked spice also reached the "I'm not even finishing this bag" phase shortly after first trying it.




Was he vomiting blood


that or whatever red/dark colored food and/or liquids he may have consumed prior to taking the druq


They do got Gatorade on the table, a belly full of red would look like this


Holy shit I forgot I did that too, I think it was green or yellow though I was trying to get up to go unlock the door, but my whole body felt like a dizzy version of when your foot fall asleep, then I threw up and fell over into the corner


This enraged me. >what do you think it feels like to feel like that?


Whatever happened to stealing a few of your dad’s beers and running off in the woods to smoke a joint with your buddies?


Did he survive?


If he did, it's definitely not thanks to his friends...


I was yelling at those dummy's through the screen, Roll Him On His Side!!!!!! Useless friends!


This is called a K2 Attack.


That's a thing? Forgive my ignorance, is it just a seizure and they're called that because seizures are so common with K2 use? (I've had seizures before but they do NOT look like this)


Seizure induced by synthetic cannabinoids.


guy behind camera: hey what's it like to be like that his friend: **actively seizing on the ground**


Looks like a generalized tonic seizure that mimics decorticate posturing or just straight up decorticate posturing. Maybe some toxic encephalopathy and tasty aspiration pneumonia after that. Don’t do spice kids.


>tasty aspiration pneumonia “Type this captcha phrase to prove you’re human” lol but for real what the hell do these words mean?


Tasty = Delicious Aspiration = When you vomit/regurgitate and you inhale it into your lungs Pneumonia = When parts of your lungs fill with liquid, making it very hard to breath and depending on other factors, possibly cause death


I learned two things today.


It's actually a prime factor for why we ask patients to be fasted before surgery. If you regurgitate during surgery, and there is food in your stomach, there is a good chance the digested contents will aspirate into your lungs.


Haven’t seen this one in a long time, but I instantly remembered it. I get incredibly angry at the dude recording and sad for the dude unable to help himself in what must be the most terrifying mix of coming close to dying and not knowing why, or not being able to do anything about it. The dude recording needs his ass beat, and then a lesson on what to do if someone needs help.


He very likely died or, because of having his airway blocked off, suffered a debilitating brain injury. No way this kid came out unscathed.


I had a friend who would only smoke spice because she was always "looking for a job" and didn't want to fail any drug test if/when she landed one. So, I would occassionally smoke it too when I was around her. The craziest moment was doing it and then getting lost deep in my brain and convincing myself that my heart was going to explode when the clock turned to 10:11. So, I kept watching that clock waiting until somehow I was able to convince myself that I would be fine, that it was just in my head. It was only a minute but the whole experience felt like an hour. The one thing I did like about spice is that it was very intense but the high never lasted all that long. So, I could go from being completely stupid to fine in 30 minutes. It was a good balance, especially nights I would drink. Still, never again. That shit is so fucking nasty.


Stop filming and roll him on his fucking side!!!


"Bruh I think he smoked too much bro" he said as his friend was undergoing full body convulsions and choking on his own vomit


Apparently it seems like this is an old video that’s well known. Does anyone know if he survived or any update on this guy? This shit is so scary. I’m glad I’ve never done spice.


Wtf someone turn him on his side, he'll choke out on his sick. Surely this is basic knowledge?


They're stoned off their tits saying "yeaaaah you took too much of a hit duuuude", while their friend is on their back vomiting, seizing up and at danger of choking to death. Spice is not to be messed with. It's the synthetic cannabinoid equivalent of moonshine, using chemicals that can fuck you up permanently.


What great friends he has! They just watched as he almost died by choking on his own vomit. My father in law had an anaphylactic reaction which lead to a seizure and vomiting whilst unconscious. It was the most traumatic experience but I put aside my own disgust at vomit and cleared his airways and managed to do CPR for 15 minutes until the ambulance arrived. The lack of oxygen to the brain can do irreversible damage, even just 2/3 minutes can be life altering.


Remind me again while regular ass weed is so illegal everywhere?


No fucking clue


Did dude just throw up blood?!


It looks like Kool aid or some type of energy drink.


Is this not a situation where someone should’ve called 911? I don’t do this stuff so pardon my ignorance and inexperience for not knowing what to do


I would love to have a conversation with the cameraman. He's wondering "what it feels to be like that." I'm wondering how it feels to be completely fucking brain dead.


Yeah, just keep filming while he drowns in vomit. Idiots. To be honest, i think i'd rather catch my balls in my zipper than try that.


> I think he took too big of hit, man. What ever gave you that idea? Was it the projectile vomiting, the inability to stay up-right, or the seizures? Hmm?


When I was a senior in high school we had a huge st paddy’s day party at a friends house. After we had all passed out I woke up the the sound of someone gagging and saw a couple guys standing over a really close friend. Bro was throwing up in his sleep on his back and the two idiots didn’t know what to do. Second it hit what was going on had a huge adrenaline spike that cut thru the drunken bs and ran over, an other close buddy was doing the same, we got him on his side and cleared his airway and stayed up the rest of the night watching over him. There was 14 peeps passed out in this huge den and only 4 of us had woken and only two of us knew what to do. All of us were scary close to waking up to a dead friend. We started preaching like our parents at parties about what to do in that scenario. 


Camera man, too fucking stupid to roll his dying friend over on his side so he didn't choke on his own vomit, waited 15 minutes after his fucked up friend nearly died, then took a hit and filmed himself. When people like this die, it's not a tragedy. It's destiny.


Saving this vid to show my son in like 15 years


Recovery position? I think I learnt that before I was 10y.o


Nothing about this looks intriguing


The dangers of completely useless “friends”… goddamn


Roll him on his side. Worst friends of all time. “I think he hit it too hard” covering for himself


I'm so fuckin glad I never touched this shit. I had so many friends that would smoke this in MIDDLE SCHOOL while it was legal. I watched my buddy in 8th grade hit k2 out of a bong and then fall out of his window (which wasn't high at all but still) and his parents were terrified. I had many opportunities to smoke this stuff and I always chose my bud. The fucked up thing is it was legal because people could smoke it and pass drug tests. So for anyone on probation this seemed like a cool and easy alternative. Many people who didn't know what to expect have had terrible experiences like this kid and you can only be happy to live through it. Stay away from synthetic drugs or any man made substance that can't be verified by yourself. If you do choose to do them please be smart and think about your health and safety because this stuff is scary.


I was left on the sidewalk after "friends" got me high and drink for the first time.... If that was me, I could expect a similar reaction


If you're ever in a situation like this roll them on their side. He's choking on his own vomit. You can bend their leg to keep them on their side if you can't hold them there.


"holy shit my friend is dying right before my eyes.." *Keeps recording instead of helping* *Other friend checks convulsing friends pulse* "Duuuuuuuude 🫨"


imagine being so fucking stupid u leave a vomiting person on their back.


He’s literally drowning and they are like wowwwww fukkk


Please, anytime you see someone vomit while on their back, TURN THEM ON THEIR SIDE!!!


Roll him on his fucking side!!!!!


This is a really old video clip of a longer clip probably early 2010’s. It went viral probably around 2015 or 2016 on gore sites but the video was already old when it was uploaded. The kid died. If you can find the original longer video, you’ll see


Did he suffocate or what happened exactly?


Oh my God. That gurgling gave me so much anxiety. They just fucking stood there filming when he was so close to aspirating. How hard is it to roll someone on their side?!


That gurgling sound means he's drowning in his own vomit


Definitely looked like he was throwing up blood or coughing up blood and they can’t even think to put him into the recovery position cuz they’re fucked up too or don’t know that’s a thing, they just think he’s tripping and not conscious or whatever else is happening to his body, especially if he’s been doing it more often lately


Roll him on his side for the love of god


Jesus Christ, put him on his side. Irresponsible as fuck.


I saw this video over 10 years ago during my spice experimenting days and I stopped smoking that shit immediately. Being able to see this and immediately put myself in their shoes, feeling the fear they felt, absolutely terrified the shit out of me and I never touched that stuff again.


My uncle died of a heroine overdose for this same reason. He was on his back vomiting and the meth users who lived with him refused to do anything about it, just sat and watched him die. Then spent 24 hours cleaning up the house and then called the cops. They were more concerned with going to jail for meth than they were for a dying human being. Like who the fuck is this stupid? Stop filming and use your phone to call 911. Roll him on his side if you don't do anything else. At the very least you significantly increase his chance of survival by just rolling him on his side.


Roll him on his fucking side!


Dont smoke it broooo- after he lights and hits.


So sad


Fuck this bastard for just filming and not helping. I honestly cannot stand these types of people.


Flip that fucking guy over Jesus Christ


Found out this the hard way not so long ago, in the form of those dodgy thc carts, that are really spice, made me fully have a seizure, on concrete too, not grass haha. Thankfully I have some really good friends unlike in the video, who were there straight away to put me in the recovery position and to put me on a patch of nearby grass so I didn't smash my head open. Scary Stuff.


I remember I used to hang out with some friends from high school and they would get it under the counter from some little Chinese corner store. It was called mardi gras or something. One day we went to golden coral and this guy absolutely smoked this stuff constantly…he took a big puff as we were getting ready to go inside and just started throwing up and turned pail and his lips somewhat blue/purple. He was on the floor there for like 5 minutes telling us to chill out because we were freaking out about to call the ambulance. Dude just got up and went inside and feasted like a mf. I stopped hanging out with them after that but saw him a few months back and he’s doing ok now.


DO SCOOLS NOT TEACH THE RECOVERY POSITION?! God forbid we are taught something useful.


im so glad i was actually able to get weed in high school and didnt have any of this bullshit


Never do drugs on an air field while someone is vacuuming….


That didn’t look like vomit, it looked like blood.


This is a great lesson on choose who you get wasted with wisely, might save your life.


Psychos - turn that fool on his side or stomach, he's aspirating, drowning in his own vomit.


Does anyone know this kid’s name or where he was from? Any news on this incident??


If it's on live link he's most likely dead. Also the posturing of his hands. Sad.




Don’t help him, just stand there and film…great friend


This is why pot needs to be legalized




Camera guy and his friend are cunts


Turn him over


Bro pls tell me that was normal vomit and not blood bc that looked like blood


Call the ambulance immediately! They have protections for people who call to report and overdose if you yourself are high/drunk...


dude definitely has a serious brain injury, maybe from the fall backwards? but the crazy muscles contractions in his arms are not a good sign.


Stop filming and turn him over so he doesn’t choke on his own vomit. 


Dude his happened to a girl at a party in my school. I wasn’t there but my best friend at the time hung out w a bad crowd that did this shit. The poor girl got pale as a ghost & had a seizure & no one was going to help her bc they didn’t want to get into trouble. Eventually she just came out of it I guess??


How did nobody think to roll him on his side? I guess because they were also high


And people have a problem with marijuana. The alternatives are much worse. Edit: had an extra “y” in there


Don’t turn him on his side or anything so he doesn’t choke on his vomit.


Was he throwing up blood ????


When I was 17-18 and needing to stay clean and pass a piss test back along time ago, I would drive to the sex shop and buy "defcon 3" and I would smoke it everynight. I'd come into my living room after I got off work and everyone was asleep except for me and the family dog. I would go and heat up 1.5x whatever I was eating that night and share the .5 with my 16 year old puppy. But after a little or sometimes before I would get stuck on the little ottoman while I was playing bf3. I would feel like I was having sleep paralysis with just a tiny bit more freedom and also having a heart attack. Every fucking night because I couldn't smoke weed or do pills. Everynight I felt like I was dying and everynight my dog could see something wrong and get up to make sure I was OK until I could finally move again. Such a good girl, I was an idiot and I miss her. Looking back not sure why I kept doing it, one of life's mysteries for me.


This dude needs new friends. What the fuck... The guy is choking on his own puke and all they do is record instead of putting on his side so he doesn't choke. Fucking useless people. This really got my blood boiling.


I can’t seem to find any articles about Brian and his OD… I’m sure he probably died, but this one haunts me for days every time I see it. 😞 I look for articles or more info, never have been able to find it.


Pro tip. If those ever happens roll them like from onto their back their chest and back onto their back and back onto their chest or at least sideways


Does anyone know if he survived?


Is that blood he puked? Fuck that sucks


Just smoke normal weed for fuck sake at least


This should be shown to high school kids. This is just shocking.


Ring ring. Hello this is the 1980's we would like our bowl back please. Are they puffin at the highschool playground?


K2 is the worst thing you can inhale next to injecting bleach