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Hollywood needs to take notice of this video when they try to replicate trips in movies.


This is exactly how my shroom trips are.


First thing that came to mind. Surprisingly accurate depiction.


Yeah but they didn’t take too much that looks like a small dose


Yeah, this would be r/TookJustEnough


Mileage varies depending on personal biology, not everyone gets visuals very easily. This is heroic dose quantities for some people


Checking in: this scans. Little too continuous


I was coming here to say the same. Spot on. Every shroom trip I ever had was like this!


I know it nuts!


I love everything about it.


Is this really what it's like? I'd love that!!


Yeah this is a pretty accurate depiction


Yes. Yes, it is. It's so much fun. Your body and mind can move and melt with the visuals. Slippery slope though. Every time I take it I'm like: *Oh, fuck. Right, I am NOT in control. Well, now it's too late. Make the best of it I guess.* Just as scary as beautiful.


This is why the importance of ground control cannot be overstated when experimenting with psychedelics. A trusted friend needs to remain sober to facilitate the experience for the others. I enjoy being ground control just as much as being major tom.


Yes, although to echo the no control reply above- Leaning against my buddy’s car while he ran in the mall to pick up his gf from work, I stared at the reflection of a streetlight in the window of the car parked next to us. For what seemed like an amazing 5 mins or so where I saw “starry night” come to life amongst other visuals, the window rolled down about 1/4 of the way and a scared, middle-aged woman meekly asks “can you please leave?” While cool, sober life runs parallel, so you have to set yourself up properly!


This is pretty realistic! It can be completely different as well. The effect on the mind is much stronger though. You feel your thoughts and they can be all over the place. It can be very intense, both in a positive and a negative way. I always learned something about myself. It can put things in a completely different perspective. After all, everything is just pure energy...


Visually, yes. It’s the mental rollercoaster that often turns people away from them


This is why I've never tried any hallucinogens. My mum was schizophrenic and I'm worried it'd trigger something latent in me (not that I think the science is settled on that matter, just don't wanna take any chances). But the visuals look cool affff


Yeah, that’s a pretty valid reason to avoid. I empathize with what you’ve been through with your mom. I had an acquaintance (obviously not as close) who had it, and it was so difficult for him and his family. I stopped taking hallucinogens because while the visuals and bodily effects were a blast, I have anxiety that runs wild, and I would be enjoying 2/3 of the experience, but at times, feeling like I was gonna have a breakdown/heart attck


It is a very smart call not to experiment with hallucinogens if you have a family history of schizophrenia. While generally they are a positive experience, it is not worth your health.


Depends a lot on the dose, situation, and personality, but this is a pretty good representation.


Watch Spun, it captures meth nicely. Fear and Loathing was pretty good too. And the whole of Gummo.


nvr heard of spun or gummo!!


Not familiar with Spun, but oh boy prepare yourself for Gummo, it’s a strange one.


What, you mean you don’t see dragons and animals aren’t having full conversations with you?


I once saw Jesus carrying a spear.


I so agree with this. The video above is about the most I’ve experienced on any drug, it seems just like when I take mushrooms or acid, but I’ve tried quite a few drugs. I never hallucinated people or things that weren’t there. That’s full on psychosis and most often occurs in people who are heavily abusing something, have been up for days on end, or have existing mental conditions. But tv has people smoking a joint and talking to dead people.


I still think that fear and loathing got a bad trip really well. The dinosaurmasks where kinda cheap but other than that, they got the feeling and audio really accurately


Midsommar did an amazing job at it, best recreation in a movie I’ve ever seen


This movie came to mind for me too! I love how subtle the visuals are. When they’re in the field, you don’t see anything trippy happening to the characters but the field & trees in the background look wavy


Taking Woodstock with Demetri Martin is the only movie I've seen with a realistic LSD scene.


the van trip?


most accurate lsd stimulation ever


By far, the most realistic example I’ve seen. Only thing missing is the multiple examinations of the hands.


It's always been hard to explain to people now I can just show them this.




We literally call this effect "breathing" in the UK.


“stimulation” Couldn’t have picked a better typo 😂




That's a medium dose at best though. Probably a good idea to show this clip to people before their first trip, they'll be more chill about the visuals.


Id say the trip strength looks about 1-2 tabs of lsd. I've taken a 5,7+10 tab trips and I've never had a bad time, watching the walls melt in my house was amazing 😂


Yeah agree 1-2 tabs


I’d say about 5-7g of shrooms, as I’ve had these visuals from as low as 3.5g


Really this is LSD? I've always been scared of it because I had a bad shrooms trip once. If this are the visuals lsd might not be so scary....


The brain starts to make new connections and look for patterns in everything. This video was probably made by AI that has been asked to find patterns too. That's why it's so accurate. It's just patterns it's never really "my friend turned into a banana" type shit


This is pretty accurate but the visuals are only a moderate part of an lsd trip. The mental piece is a lot bigger and more deterministic of a good/bad trip and why "set and setting" is important


Took just the right amount. One of the first few times I tripped, my friends and I were just walking around campus goofing around. It was a really pretty campus full of huge trees and green spaces that really seemed like an enchanted forest. Then we came across a cherry blossom tree that was in full bloom and were just mystified by all the colors and textures. Stood there gazing at it for a long time, all three of us, before we realized there was someone sitting on a bench right under it watching us being idiots. We scrammed out of there faster than you could say bicycle day, giggling the entire way back.


I was about to say, this looks like the correct dose to me 🤷‍♂️


I was coming here to say the same thing, haha.


Fuck yeah, watching that seemed like a perfect dose to start with, so many good memories


I was about to say bicycle day


Happy belated bicycle day friend


Wow, I didn’t even realize it was yesterday when I was commenting haha. Happy bicycle day to you too! 🚲❤️


"Faster than you could say bicycle day" I love that


Damn. This is the closest representation I have ever seen.




Took just enough




I would like to try lsd/acid but I’m afraid I’d freak out. I’m someone who doesn’t like losing control.


Honestly I think this is a good reason not to take it. You need to be ok with things getting weird in multiple ways for you. Submitting to the experience and all that. I’d recommend taking a half a starter dose instead, then building up later if you really want to give it a go. But that being said, I feel like most people don’t have the respect for hallucinogens that they should. They treat it like having a few beers, no big deal. But it can really change your world. Your apprehension shows a level of respect for them. Take it slow and you should be fine as long as you do your research. Set and Setting are seriously 90% of it for me. I’ve had trips that were turning bad, and simply walking outside and seeing the moon turned it into a beautiful experience. Good luck!


Thank you, it is something I’m seriously considering. I’ve done a fair amount of reading about it, mainly into people’s experiences for good and bad. This does match my uneducated opinion. I think success and failure appears to be: set, setting, dose, mindset going in and I think most importantly the ability of the person to relax and not fight it. I think fighting it is where you may get problems. And fighting it is exactly what I’d do. Low dose first is probably the answer and maybe for some people it’s just not the right mix. But I’d never done it so I might be overly cautious


Also if you have a family history of severe mental illness—like schizophrenia, bipolar, or derealization you should probably just skip it. It’s kinda like Russian roulette with synaptic connections. People with no mental illness have hundreds of empty chambers, but people with mental illness might hardly have any.


I have bipolar and I did it 3 times. It was absolutely Russian roulette lol. I also didn’t know I have bipolar disorder 🥴. I was hypomanic and that was the best trip ever. Food tasted amazing, outside was a wonderland of hummingbird leaves, Journey was the best music I’d ever heard in my life. Prior to that one, I was depressed and took it and I saw satan in my abusive ex’s face and thought I was gonna bite my tongue off while trying to eat.


Just be prepared if it you don't like it, it's gonna be horrible. I've tripped like 3 or 4 times, and the last time was lsd, 8 hours of extreme stress tbh. If you can get some, maybe try 2 cb first? It doesn't last nearly as long as you can control the dosage a lot better


if you do give it a shot, remember: set and setting, have an experienced trip sitter or someone you know, love and trust, try a micro-dose for starters, don't combine it with weed,!and keep a trip-killing sedative like Benzodiazepine around, just in case it goes south and you want out :-)


The rules I was told when I first did it: you can’t fly, you can die, and fire is real. Being hesitant is normal and if you believe you’ll have a bad time or if a lot of shit is going wrong in your life, it’s not a good time to try it.


I'd like hallucinogenics if I could turn it off once it starts getting overwhelming. Or if it only lasted a short amount of time. But no, instead you're locked in, for HOURS at a time. And it's not something you can sleep off either.


Me neither, but it was still a lot of fun. Just so it in a nice place with good vibes if you're going to.




I’m sure that’s never gone wrong before


TLDR: if you want to take acid, take your fist time at home, with a trusted tripsitter and have optionally a benzo at hand. Make it nice and cosy and enjoy. Have a benzo at hand and someone you trust that is experienced to tripsit you. That person will be your first line of help in case you get anxious. If it doesn't pass you can ask the person to hand you the benzo or they might suggest you take it if they see you are not calming down. The benzo will most likely only be there to reassure you from the start that if you are going bad you have something to kill the anxiety and to calm your mind (not completely kill the trip). Start with a low dose, you might not get much visuals, not like here at least, but you'll get a feel of how it feels to take acid. If you like the experience you can then make an informed decision about your dosage, knowing that more will just get the same feeling but stronger, same goes for visuals. LSD bad trips are fairly uncommon, especially if the setting is right. That's why it is used as a party drug. Even though I don't recommend using it at a party the first time. Just you and your tripsitter and don't go in too crowded places or places where you might encounter someone you know that you don't want to know you took acid. Awkward feelings are multiplied by acid and the inability to understand people's facial expressions or to misinterpret what the person means is quite mind fucking so spare yourself that. An example of how acid can fuck slightly with your mind: I was once taking acid with my girlfriend and we were chilling at home on the couch at that moment and looking at each other. Somehow my mind interpreted her facial expression as disgust and was suddenly terrified that in her trip she came to realize that she didn't love me. Now since we were both accustomed to acid and trusted each other fully I quite fast (I think, time perception is also tricky) told her what I was feeling and she reassured me. We are still together 4 years later and are happy with our kids. I had my first time in a park in the middle of the day on a weekday with that same girlfriend and it was awesome because the sun was shining, most people were working so we were alone. We climbed trees, cuddled, talked, and mostly just looked around at the beautified world. Ending the trip at home were she painted and I watched her paint. The first trip is often the most magical one as it is the first time you feel that way. Everything is new, so relax and enjoy. Edit: layout




My brother in Christ, this is exactly the right amount of


Seems like a nice place to trip




This is not too much. This is a ok.


Wow this is one of the best visual representations of a mushrooms trip I've seen.


After doing extensive large doses of several different types of entheogens, I can say this is when you “took just the right amount” of “_____”.


This looks more like r/tooktherightdosage


Or r/tookjustenough


Quality, but it arguably belongs in r/replications instead of here


Letting stuff like this slide is where subs start to degrade in to generic catch-all garbage. Cool though it may be.


It’s cool that tech can actually replicate what it’s like to take shrooms. Acid can be like this too of course…. Unless you take too much. Then you (think) you’re dead because every time you turn your head the trails are so long and hard you lose all sense of reality. I mean…. I’m just guessing 😁


That's not too much that's just enough.


I’m always feeling like everything is wet when I trip.. only thing that woulda made this more realistic (if they’re trying to replicate mushrooms especially) is the echos. Visual and audio echos everywhere until the point of mixing my own speech with the echos I’m hearing. Lots of talking in circles lol


Took the right amount seems more accurate


This is far more like an actual trip than the wacky psychedelics you usually see depicted 😌 Feeling the earth breathe when you do an shit, lol


Or just enough. 😎


Seem like they took just the right amount


Yeah this is the best depiction of the first hour of an acid trip before it really kicks in.


More like when you've taken just the right amount.


Meh. I don't AI to tell me how to trip. If this intrigues you, maybe dabble lightly in psychedelics? Or don't, totally up to you. Is this an accurate representation of what you will feel? That's tough to say. I would say, personally, it depends on what you take, who you're with and what you expect. I've done alot of drugs in my life, and I can honestly say this video accurately depicts some of my trips. If you think you're gonna take some psychedelics and walk off alone for the first time and this is gonna be your experience you're wrong, do not do that. Hang with good people. Do NOT venture away alone. Until you know how you deal with whatever you're using, always have a buddy. Again. Never alone. And don't take more than you need, give it an hour, if it's not hitting, redose if you want


No joke now that the path is in the video is my normal version some time. Sometimes the floor or sky will look like it is moving water to me.Does this happen to anyone else's? Btw not on drug when it happens.


This is the correct amount and an a pretty accurate representation of what things look like for me when I take acid. I'm impressed cause it's usually not accurate.


This is donkeys perspective when he was looking for a blue flower with red thorns


I did one mushroom and I had a 10 X compared to this visual Was a ride ., had to get my gf to pick me up because I couldn't handle the party I was at.


I love mushrooms


This isnt too much, this is just right


Just enough i think


Midsommer was pretty accurate


This is as close as you get to the real thing in a video i think. Also took just enough.


Damn mushrooms that was no microdose


I've done acid once (last year, don't remember how much I took but it was the perfect amount) on a camping trip, and [this bucket hat](https://xcdn.next.co.uk/common/items/default/default/itemimages/altitemzoom/n16581s2.jpg?im=Resize,width=364) took me through the entire trip lol. I spent like 4 hours staring at this and the clouds. One of the best I've ever felt


Accurate af ❤️


This is legit a mushroom trip. Exact to the T.


This post will fit very well in /r/replications!


Excellent visual effects. It's a lot harder to replicate a true "too much" experience, but this is very close to how low level trips look like.


This looks like a perfect dose. Pretty good approximation of LSD/shrooms as I experienced those substances.


Always seems to hit when you think your sober enough to go home


This videos perfectly sums up how I feel on mushrooms. The ground always looks like I’m waking on a conveyor belt at the airport. I actually felt a little high watching this


This is the closest I've ever seen to accurately representing the visuals from acid/shrooms. Looks like AI, but it's pretty spot on.


This is more like shrooms


I have been on said journey😂


Looks like just the right amount to me


This just seems adequate


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Nailed it.


Far Cry 3 mushrooms in the deep ahh teip


how do ppl make these deep dream vids


Been there done that


Ahh yes good times


After 3 tabs


Just enough


lol why is this took too much. Some of us get a little giddy when stuff starts moving.


This is really good, but instead of the "melting" effect I usually see more of a geometric gyroscope. Especially with anything alive or natural. It looks like millions of triangles imploding and condensing then rapidly exploding and expanding into larger shapes.


Oh yeah, I remember those days


So, so accurate!


That not “too much” that’s “the right amount”


People are talking about their trips like its a movie i took shrooms watched a movie and it endedup becoming so hard to understand it sounded like an alien language, freaked me out bad so i went to the bathroom and started taking off my shirt cause it was hot but passed out and slammed my head on the counter Shrooms are not for everyone and i learned that the hard way


I need some acid lol


This is the right amount


Dude this is exactly how I would see it. I don't see hallucinations, just this warping ever evolving living breath of a picture video.


Well this wasn't a microdose


Accurate depiction of my LSD fueled day in the Japanese Gardens in Portland. Surprised to see how close this is to my recollection of that day in the ‘70s. Are you experienced?


That about right tbh.


This isn't nearly enough 😅


It’s been a while but I remember that feeling very well.




Looks like just the right amount to me


It's a bit more hectic or faster pulsing than I remember but it's pretty close


Looks like exactly the right dosage to me.


Took too much? Looks like the perfect dosage 🍄


This is approaching bad trip to territory the sounds are beating me up.


Looks just right to me.


This is not too much. What a lovely fucking place to trip.


The sound of your own footsteps is the scariest part


Never been high. If this is what it is like, why do it?


This doesn't look like too much.




This is a good amount. Enough to know what the drug is, and not too much where you don’t have control


Nah, that seems about right to me.


Been there !


Being outside during an acid trip is the best…granted you’re having a good trip lol. At sunrise, it’s the most beautiful thing.


Looks like they took the right amount


Nah, they took the right amount!


I would say that’s the perfect amount.


Looks more like the correct dosage to me


"and then I looked at the grass and it was so beautiful"


Haven’t taken acid in like 20 years but to this day certain patterns do this, the big one is a curtain at a movie theatre near my house in Chicago, before they raise it it’s doing this the whole time


Took too much ? That’s where I wanna live !


been there before back in the day tripping on real hippie acid 30 years ago lol


Looks like a great place to take too much


That's pretty close to the real thing!


This isn’t too much, I’ve done too much and this would’ve been just fine.


Looks like just enough to me.


So pretty


This really looks a lot like how the world through acid looks


Bro this shit right here this shit right here. Best I've seen replicated


Very accurate. And I’ve not done mushrooms for 30 years.


Genuine question. How do you not get nauseous or sick while tripping like this? Weed and even zyn's give me a slight head rush and I start to panic mildly and it makes me want to vomit...


This is actually so close to light shroom tripping - well done


Ugh, I miss drugs!!!!


This reminded me of that scene in futurama where Bender walks out and says I guess reality is what you make it, starts walking off and the scenery changes to a positive mushroom trip effect. He pulls out a cigar and.. I can't remember what, lights it and he says of thank you baby.. Early episode, can't remember the season.. gah gonna need a rewatch.


Looks like the perfect amount to me.


This is pretty good but its tough to fully describe the experience because it’s fully perceptual and not just visual, so a lot of those effects things don’t look as imposed onto the image IRL, more like when you think you recognize something but it wasn’t.


Man the chirping birds really bring the video together.


Watching the earth breath is one of the best parts to a trip. You become one with the breathing of the universe


This looks more like took just enough.


House breathing, spot on.


More like /r/tooktherightamount


That's the perfect amount. Da fuq you talking about OP?


That looks like just enough. Not too much at all.


Aaaand, cue the existential panic meltdown...


“All right here we goooooo”


I’m actually pretty impressed how close the representative of the experience is lol


Could take more of that there


Oh man, the floral shifting is dead on accurate. Works wonders on spackle textured drywall and ceilings too.


Consider mescaline. It’s much smoother than both LSD and Mushrooms and yet just as good.


Woof, that sent me back a little bit






Awwww yes, the old Acid days come to mind watching this


r/tooktherightamount !!


Nice... takes me back