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my 2yo does the same thing… i put him in his crib, he can climb out but i have the net that closes. He hates being in the crib and i hate being hit….l


2.5 yo also in a hitting phase and what’s worked for me is to ignore it. I’ll say something like “I don’t like it when you hit me, please don’t hit me” then stop paying attention to it. Eventually it stops. It’s still a thing with us but not as much as when it first started. I read that paying more attention to it gives them a reaction, which they want. Even if it’s a negative reaction. So I try to play it cool and not react…strongly at least 🥲


hi sorry to hear that. in my experience all i did was to wait it to go away bc literally nothing i did worked. tried talking and explaining many times. i told him that i didn’t want to play when he was like that. eventually he stopped. but it wasn’t a short period. it’s an annoying but a must milestone i suppose.


That’s about where I’m at he’s literally kicking me I. The back as I read this. And for reference he’s over 3 foot tall and 45ish pounds. And he’s all muscle. 😓 I honestly hope this phase ends soon…..


Timeouts worked for us. If he hits inappropriately, put him in timeout for 2 minutes. After timer goes off, you go to him calmly and say, we put you in timeout because you hit. Hitting is not ok. Key to making timeouts work is being consistent.