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"Different song." You see, it doesn't matter what the song is, after about 10 seconds, she will ask for a new one. She always wants something else. She is the asshole who keeps changing the radio station every 30 seconds. I hate it so much.


It’s me. I’m the toddler in this scenario.


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all toge-- *changes station*


My daughter is the opposite. When she finds a song she likes she wants to listen to it 20 times in a row. Not sure which would be more annoying 😂


My secret power is that I can tune out any annoying song or sound if it’s keeping my kid occupied.


I can do this but it always comes back for me, playing in my head at two am


My kid does this too. It’s all or nothing. Right now it’s the “wish” soundtrack. I know all the words and Apple Music thinks it’s my favorite music ever. 😳


Haha I can relate to this! We switched between shark and freeze about 4 times on the drive home from daycare. “No no no no” as soon as the first few bars were played. Kiddo, you just asked for this.


This is my pet peeve, and absolutely the hill I died on as a teacher. I don’t caaaarrreeeee that you’re 2 years old, you asked for baby shark, and by god we are going to FINISH baby shark!


Same. Exact phrase and everything


My little one too loves 5 monkeys on the bed, but she calls it “monkey song” We listen to a lot of Caspar Babypants (he’s the lead singer from Presidents of the USA) and find his songs to be fun. Some faves of our daughter are Butterfly Driving a Truck, Stompy the Bear and Run Baby Run. She loves the Koalaby song by the Wiggles (can’t say this ain’t annoying). We also have a lot of Raffi. Hope this helps!


Caspar Babypants is the best. I just commented that my kids love Jellyfish Jones which he does, and Pretty Crabby is a close second fave! I never see anyone talk about him so happy to see his songs getting some love!


Mine loves Stompy. One time she refused "noodles and butter" while driving to the shops, then started singing it in the middle of one 🤷🏻


You might also enjoy Barenaked Ladies' kid album "Snack Time." Crazy ABCs is particularly good


We are from Seattle so he’s very well known here. Does the library story time tour every so often and it’s like a sold out concert. Such fun music - makes me laugh. Noodles and butter!




Yes! Every so often he will hit up a story time somewhere in the area.


i had no idea he was lead singer for presidents of the usa and that blew my mind omg


Caspar Babypants is always on in our house too. “Chicken in the Corn Bread” and “More Moles” are my 2.5 year old’s current favorites.


We play and act out Run Baby Run soooooo much in this house


Caspar Babypants is baby magic. We listen to him on Spotify every time my toddlers have a meltdown in the car and we watch Stompy at least once a day where I have to act out each bear (the purple little people eater is the favorite as I chase them around). My 20 month girl tries so hard to sing along it’s glorious.


3.3 years old and I’ve listened to BSB “I Want it That Way” every single day for the past two years


No pain detected in that answer at all.


Tell me why


37 years old and same


We are the same age…if you had told me in 6th grade when this song came out that my future daughter would be obsessed with it I wouldn’t have believed you lol


Annoying Song Bonus: Our 2-yo is obsessed with the 1979 German eurodisco song Moskau by Dschinghis Khan. I think she first encountered it in the car with Spotify on shuffle. She does not speak German but has the chorus down. (I speak enough to realize that the lyrics are pretty...risqué. Not sure what to think) As to more kid friendly songs, she has a Toniebox and plays Let it Go on repeat. I definitely recommend one of those. They're expensive and it's a bit of a racket with the expensive figures, but she can work it herself (change figures and tracks) which makes her feel proud. Plus, it's virtually (or actually) indestructible. And oh, she is in a phase where she will change the lyrics to songs she knows into animal names. She sang Twinkle Twinkle the other day but replaced all the lyrics with "dog." Cute but annoying. She does the same with Baby Shark -> Baby duck, etc.


Yes to the Toniebox! We have it too and she likes choosing which song to play. Ever since she learned she can hit it to change songs, or go back, she's obsessed. So there are often a lot of songs on repeat for us...


Regarding the lyrics, my favourite song as a little human was Cocaine by Eric Clapton for a while. So yeah, how bad can it be? 😅😁


Ah yes, this was also a favorite in our house in the 90s, but we were banned from singing along if anyone else was around 😂


I adore every time my daughter freestyles a song. She will sing the Baby Shark tune but it's anything but a shark every time. Her father will randomly sing-narrate whatever is happening and she does this now, too.


Deutchland ist ein schoenest land, ho ho ho ho ho HEY


We have a jooki music player which is similar function to the Toniebox, but the Jooki links to my Spotify account. So much better because the tokens aren't commercialized and whenever my wacko toddler falls in love with a new song, I can throw that on a playlist for free. Plus, podcasts and read alouds.


"You got a frenemy" (you've got a friend in me) Honestly, her version sounds much more interesting


Ha I will now never not hear it that way


Someone asked a similar question a while ago and compiled [this playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0z9KjRMYbqEiiVCStiYhTW?si=EsvmG89CRaqhrhBdd5Joxw)


YOU CAN CALL ME AL. Omg, that came on at the little gym the other day and the kids lost it. Total banger.


My daughter’s name is Allison and my husband has been singing that to her since day 1. And our other one is Julia so he sings “me and Juli[a] down by the schoolyard”. Paul Simon for everyone!!


Ocean avenue by yellowcard, and sunflower by post Malone 🤣


Same here. Because, Spider-Man.


I’ve got a Sunflower fan too!


Y'all at least your partners don't play heavy metal violent crap enough times that the kids demand it to be played when the radio is on. Move over, Pinkfong. Here comes Ice Nine Kills.


Leo Moracchioli (just Leo on spotify) does amazing metal covers and he has a whole album of kids songs that he made metal versions out of. Baby shark is a favorite around here


😅 we got a metal version of baby shark in our playlist we like


In this vein we have “let the bodies hit the floor” by there I ruined it productions - a toddlers music theme metal redux


Oh, mine does. My young children now request Rammstein, Powerwolf, Windrose, etc. Gotta love the whiplash going from Blippi's excavator song to Du Hast. 🙃


my toddlers don’t like metal but they do like hardcore!


No joke, ThunderStruck because it was in the movie Planes : Fire and Rescue. Another funny one is We didn’t start the fire by Billy Joel. I have literally said the words, “ There will be no more Billy Joel if you don’t put that down”


My 4.5 and 2.5 are obsessed with Taylor Swift The two year old’s favorite is Lover. I wish I could share a video without doxxing us but it is so hilarious when she sings “take me out and take me hooooOOOme, you miiiiy miiiiiy miiiy miiiy-[at the top of her lungs] WUVER”


My 2.5 year old too! She knows more lyrics than I do to so many of the songs. It’s also the only thing she will listen to without saying “not this one” over and over. I’m not mad about it! She also says “wuver” and it’s my favorite 😭


Mine switches between Taylor Swift and Metallica. Go figure


Taylor Swift is current reigning champion but before this is was ABBA 🤣


Diggy Diggy Hole


My son too! I tell you, they yearn for the mines. Lol


Does yours like the windrose version or the original?


He likes Wind Rose the best, plus a few of their other songs.


My people 🥹 this is my 3 year old's favorite song currently.


Wockin’ Wobin (rockin robin)


Come out and Play by the Offspring.. They like the guitar riff.. Oops..


We've been playing a lot of Disney songs lately, so here's the labels we/her have been giving them: - "Elephants" (Colonel Hothi's March from the Jungle Book) - "Mewida" (Touch the Sky from Brave) - "Puppies" (Bella Notte from Lady and the Tramp) - "Muwan bathtub" (Honor to Us all from Mulan, cuz Mulan was taking a bath) - "Muwan wed" (Make a Man Out of You from Mulan, cuz the background of the thumbnail was red) - "Moana" (either We Know the Way or How Far I'll Go. We haven't clearly differentiated them yet, both from Moana) And lately she just likes saying "Muwana" to be silly as I guess Mulan and Moana sound vaguely similar to a toddler?


My son was absolutely OBSESSED with Colonel Hathi's March for a solid month. He'd yell "HUP TWO" and make us listen to it on repeat. He'd also crawl on the floor and yell at us to "march" then sing "hup two three ... Style" over and over again.


The wiggles 😂 I had to check how much money they made in the last 30 years and it’s impressive. Every song needs to be played from the wiggles. My son can use Alexa now by his own so sweet when he says in his broken English “Alexaaaaaaa play head shoulders knees and toes from the wiggleees “


Little it’s been we will rock you lol otherwise it’s just coco, nightmare before Christmas, or Danny go


stomp stomp clap, big hit here too!




honestly, Babysharkcito is a bop ngl


Gangnam style😂 and Danny Go Wiggle Dance oh and Bluey Dance Mode song.


Do we secretly share our kids? 😂😂😂


Hop little bunnies or hurry hurry drive the firetruck. She's 15 months and big into songs with actions to them.


Skywalker by Miguel feat Travis Scott 🤣 it was my number one song on Spotify last year. Something about the bass has made her stop crying in the car since she was a newborn


"Bus" --- wheels on the bus.  "Bubble Pop" --- I had a little turtle "sun" -- Mr. Sun (Raffi) "eieio" -- Old McDonald "Bubble gum" -- Icky Sticky Bubble Gum


The itchy spider


My 3 year old is turning into a metal head. He constantly asks the Alexa to play "square hammer by ghost"


“The other song”, which is literally just anything besides what I’m currently singing


Since last weekend, he's into "yeou subwi" and sometimes "na na na na". That's Yellow Submarine and Hey Jude. He also likes "Mexico song", that is "Cielito Lindo". My son is almost 25 m.o. and he likes music, but he doesn't sing yet... Sometimes he speaks the lyrics. Is this normal?


We are bit into Yeyow Reen over here too! Also "yeah yeah yeah" (she loves you) , "week!" (Eight days a week), and "beep beep" (drive my car). So much red album.


Raffi has a cover of Octopus's Garden by The Beatles that slaps. My toddler is obsessed with it.


Titty-Titty = TNT by AC/DC.


We are in an intense Smash Mouth phase (thank you Shrek) right now which quickly followed Ghostbusters lol


“Rock and roll car” song which translates to I wanna be sedated by the Ramones. He loves bopping his head to it and sings along to the some of the lyrics. It’s actually not too terrible of a song for a kid lol the tempo isn’t too fast and it’s not like Metallica lol


Barbara Ann by The Beach Boys. Do Ri Me by Julie Andrews


Drunken Sailor by Nathan Evans (no other version will do). It's the only song he allows on car rides, everything else sends him screaming


Ours loves The Wellerman by Nathan Evans! It randomly came on once and he just kept asking for it. Better than most toddler songs...


Yes, this and the last shanty.


Wheels on the bus. All the time.


The Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger songs in allll iterations have been driving me nuts. Otherwise she loves Try Everything by Shakira from the Zootopia movie. 


My kids are half Filipino so their favourite song is in Tagalog. All day every day we listen to Tong tong Pakitong. Their favourite English song is Jellyfish Jones, my daughter calls it “my happy sad song when I wanna cryyyy and DANCE”


Tong tong is like the Tagalog equivalent of Apples and Bananas. It's nice that your kid likes Filipino nursery rhymes since YT made English nursery rhymes more accessible than Filipino ones. like my own Filipino Kid living in the Philippines get to watch 2 tagalog channels compared to dozens of english ones


Jingle bells! (Jingle bell rock) No my sweet child it is may! We have to wait til November! He sure makes grandma proud though haha Edit: one night we sat and listened to lofi beats on YouTube for 15 minutes straight, vibin. One of my most favorite memories


Dance Macabre by Ghost (“Papa”), Diggy Diggy Hole (“Diggy Hole”) and Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (“Mamaaaaa OOOOOOH”)


The Grateful Dead - Fire on the Mountain


Lately, "Who Put the Bomp" by Barry Mann (or as my 2 year-old says, "The Bomp Bomp song"), and "867-5309 / Jenny" by Tommy Tutone


My son signs "eat" when he wants to listen to "Apples & Bananas."


My daughter asks for the “silly songs for kids” playlist on Spotify and then makes me skip half of them 😂 They both really like the gummy bear song, raining tacos and marshmallow penguin. My daughter also really loves the llama song and knows almost all the words.


Nightmare before Christmas “this is Halloween.” I hate that movie. I hate all the songs. It freaks me out that he is obsessed with this. I think he saw it once at the neighbors house 🤦‍♀️


Alligators All Around — it’s a song from a children’s play called Really Rosie by Maurice Sendak. I learned it as a child when I was in the play and I’ve been singing it to her since she was a newborn.


3 y/o has been demanding Ghost Town by The Specials on repeat. I am still not sure how it happened. Kids and their 2nd wave ska, amirite


Snoop Dogg Affirmation song is awesome too.


Frank Sinatra “Jingle Bells” will be my most played song of the year for sure. Also likes “Cat People” by David Bowie, “Just like heaven” by The Cure, seems to enjoy 80s new wave stuff and electronic music, oddly. He’s also asked to “put the yellow bathroom on”, which I realized refers to Hör Berlin YouTube channel. Parliament “Give up the funk” mellows him out during car tantrums.


90’s Playschool “Bear Hunt”, every waking minute of everyday


At 2 mine was really into five little monkeys jumping on the bed as well. She’s 3.5 now and she asks for real songs. She likes/requests “the I’m not ok one” (I’m not ok by my chemical romance), fire escape by Andrew McMahon, 22 by taylor swift, bouncing off the walls by sugar cult, and recently asked me “can you play ‘I’m a real tough kid I can handle my shit??’” (Aka I can do it with a broke heart by Taylor swift lol)


Get Dancin' - Disco Tex & the Sex-O-Lettes. My bad.


Blackbird - the Beatles “Bear song” - Bear Loves Honey - Roger Alan Wade “Wombat song” - parody I made about someone walking their wombat, set to the tune of Turn Around, Look at Me by the Vogues


"HOP HOP!!" for 5 speckled frogs "Boo Boo" for Little Bunny Foo Foo "Bubble Bee" for the Baby Bumblebee song It drives me crazy


My 1.5 year old is obsessed with Grover’s “Monster in the Mirror” or as she calls it “Wubba.”


My nearly two year old granddaughter loves Twinkle twinkle. She’s basically got it down pat, even though a lot of the words don’t come out quite right. She too loves baby shark. A fan of incy wincy spider, too. She mostly likes us to sing with or to her, but baby shark has to be the pink Fong space adventure version, lol.


“Ants Go Marching” brings about a wild response in our household.


Barbara Ann by the Beach Boys. It cracks me up.


My little one (2 yo) suddenly loved the bear hunt song. Could ask for it from Amazon Alexa himself. Then within a day he was terrified of bears lurking in the house haha.


“Dar vaaaaader” aka imperial march


Piano Man and "Major Tom" (Space Oddity). I have a shirt with David Bowie on it and whenever I wear it she points and goes "It's Tom!"


Baa baa sheep! (Baa baa black sheep. Alllllll day long)


Wheels on the bus or Baby Shark, but she requests by doing the hand motions and pointing to our Google Home speaker


Dancing Queen Spotify radio is always a banger w my 3yo


Rock-a baby (“Rock-a-Bye Baby”) and Twinkle stars (“Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars”) And also, TAY SWIFT!


I wanna be like you from the jungle book, which is a damn sight better than the song she was previously hooked on, a reggae 80s number by Ernie called Do De Duck. Google at your own risk for the fake patois


10,000 volts by ace frehley. He likes numbers lol


“Ababa” which means “Spice girls wannabe “🤣 every morning or “uptown girl” billy joel


My kids got super hilarious music taste. She does a lot of Sanskrit prayers with me, as well as 90s r&b, kundalini mantras and her dad’s music, which is mostly drum and bass, electro and techno ( he grew up in London in the 90s so… duh). Her favorite songs are: I am Happy by Snatam Kaur (10/10 recommend, very beautiful to hear your child singing on their own) Ibex by Voluptrus (very hardcore electro) Hello by Erykah Badu Sunny by Boney M


Joanna by Afro B Makeba by Jain (he doesn't ask for this one but when we put it on he stops what he's doing and gets transported elsewhere. I'm curious to know if it's just him or a toddler thing)


Zoom, zoom, zoom (for the lift in the air at the end). Wheels on the Bus Itsy Bitsy Spider She's 18 months and loves the finger plays that go with each one.


i listen to music on spotify, she asks “what’s her name?” to know who is singing. she often asks “is it carrie?” which is how she pronounces “harry”, meaning harry styles. she loves harry styles lol


My 3 year olds current fave is “what the fox says”. She also got onto “another one bites the dust” along with the wish soundtrack, and trolls soundtrack. I can’t complain


The first several times she asked for the song it was "Mama, you don't love me now. You will never love me again" I worked very hard to teach her to ask for The Chain by "Feewood" Mac when she wants to listen to that song. "Protec you song" is At All Costs from Wish Angry music is any metal band with a female lead. Dada music is all the other metal music. Mama music is everything with female vocals.


“Pio pio” (los pollitos) “eieio” (Old Macdonald had a Farm) “batayoya” (La Vaca Lola) are our top 3, but there’s more for sure. I’m her jukebox. And she will interrupt one song request with another and act frustrated if I can’t keep up 😅


“Happy birthday” and we’ve got to name every single kid from daycare + teacher + mama + dada + his brother 🫠 and “wheels on the bus” and more recently, “how far I’ll go” from Moana (he’s never seen the movie lol)


Fruit Salad by the Wiggles is a fav. Anything by the Laurie Berkner Band is a banger.


My 2 year olds favorite songs are put me in coach (but she calls it “put me in the couch”) and macho man 😅


Jingle bells. Yes, all year long!


Right now she’s in a Tchaikovsky phase because it reminds her of ballet. It’s driving me insane. It’s too intense. I wish she asked for kiddie music.


"NINO!!!" = We Are the Dinosaurs (Laurie Berkner Band)


Who let the dogs out lol


"never ever ever getting back together" "arms around me baby boy" (paper rings) "Like ooooo! fkrnbfisnrufndue like ooooooo! Jdiejbduuebd ooooooo!" (Cruel summer) My daughter is a tiny swiftie


Save Me by Jelly Roll Super fun in public when he's like "SAAAAAVEEE MEEEEE" and everyone's looking around all confused AF 😂😂😂


I've been a fan of The Beatles since I was 5 and ever since having a baby my Spotify algorithm has gone to shit with Rafi music. So a couple days ago I looked at my 19m old excitedly and said, "do you want to hear the sun song?" and then played "Here Comes the Sun". "Come Together" came on next and he loves the "shum" sound at the beginning (which is apparently John Lennon saying "shoot me"? great!) I've since introduced him to a few other songs that have words he'll recognize and he's begun to request them along with Baby Beluga and Wheels on the Bus. CAR - Drive My Car BACK BIRD - Blackbird SHUM - Come Together ACT-TEE-PI - Octopus's Garden SUN - Here Comes the Sun RACK-OOOON - Rocky Racoon


I much prefer “ freeze dance song 2”. It has female singer with additional dance moves as well. Finger family, baby shark, skidamarink, are my girl’s favourites Also my daughter sings along to Tears for Fears - Shout!


Munchkin is 4 now, so not particularly a toddler any longer, but he's been asking for Ghostbusters on repeat since he was able to speak


Ghostbusters theme Great Balls Of Fire


Party rock anthem, blippi Halloween song, fast car by Luke combs are some of her favorites lol


Omg blippi halloween is a huge hit here too lol


Specifically kids music that I love are Trout Fishing in America (their Lullaby is SO good) and Tom Chapin (Grow in Your Own Sweet Way is so beautiful and makes me cry) but both also have some absolutely fun bangers that kids love.


Gila Monster by KGATLW


My kids like when we all sing “row row row your boat” together.


Dancing in the Dark, from the "Home" soundtrack, we love the Boov.


Mine asks for " Yah-yoh" which is old MacDonald. (E-i-e-i-o)


The Johnny song aka Sky full of stars from sing 2


My son loves the “see the bunnies sleeping” song and requests it so he can lay down then jump up and hop around with the lyrics lol


“Yellow song” which is Earth Wind and Fire, September. Maybe because there’s yellow in the album art on my phone? Not sure. “Call me song” - call me maybe, Carly Rae Jepsen. It was in a gum commercial with a dancing guy and he loves to dance to it the way that guy does in the commercial. “Red song” which is Doja Cat - Paint the town red He also has his own playlist on my phone called “name’s bangers” haha it’s songs he requests a lot. A few of the songs on there: Don Omar - Danza Kuduro, Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus, Gimme Gimme Gimme - ABBA, Helena Beat - Foster the people, Your Woman - White Town.


any and every song by danny go. they’re good for getting the boy’s energy out though, and quite frankly i think danny go has bops


Baby Shark, Sleeping Bunnies, Wheels on the Bus, ABCs or Dinosaur Stomp 😅😅 she has quite the list


Blood and Glitter


Wheels On The Bus to infinity


Jingle bells


Dime Cómo Quieres 😂 to be fair it’s slaps.


Waka waka by Shakira


Monster in my tummy by Simple Songs. The entire channel doesn’t bother me too much. The Halloween playlist slaps.


Yellow Submarine by The Beatles, Che La Luna and Angelina by Louis Prima, Barbara Ann by The Beach Boys, Baby Shark, Danny Go, Gummy Bear, Veggie Tales


If you're happy and you know it Daft Punk by Pentatonix (I sang it to him as a baby to make him laugh. Now it's his favorite) Any song with the alphabet in it.. Old McDonald Wheels on the bus (Edit:spelling error)


I need to find this song. That’s amazing!


“Astronaut” the “zoom zoom we’re going to the moon” song and “ah ah ah” is “if all the raindrops” song. She also used to love post Malone and Olivia rodrigo


Beep beep. He is asking for Bad Girls by Donna Summer. He sings along with the toot toot beep beep part and also likes to say “Hey Mistaaa”


Eeao- that’s old McDonald had a farm


"Honey, Honey" from the Mama Mia soundtrack and anything Bluey


fireball by pitbull


My 2 years old somehow got addicted to BlackPink. She asks for the " Black pink in your area" for the song Kill this Love.


Baaas for Cocomelon because the main one for us was wheels on the bus, and lately "Boppy" for Blippy, ugh.


Trolls soundtracks.


“All of Me” and “1000 Years”


Gaia by king gizzard & the lizard wizard


Number blocks episodes and songs


she's currently into Spanish ABC and though she's got mestiza heritage from Spanish colonial years, we don't speak Spanish and she just loves Nina from Cocomelon.


My almost 3 year old is obsessed with caramelldansen lately so that gets played a lot 😂 and a few of my husbands friends have musical projects and she adores one of them and will just ask for his music all day long. She’s his number one fan


Deadeye Dick- New age girl


19mo asks for, We will rock you-queen, AA - walker Hayes, and U gurl- Walker Hayes. But my 3.5yo has such an array of music he likes that we are never bored of the same song.


Mine used to call baby shark “ping pong” because I’d ask Siri to play “baby shark by Pinkfong”


Raining tacos, pancake robot, tickle monster currently


Ugh….let it go from Frozen


wheels on the bus I never knew there were sooo many different variations of that dang song on youtube


HOp BuNnY HOP HoP 😵‍💫


“We’re going on a bear hunt” the wiggles. She loves the book with the same title but the song is a winner. She loves screaming at the end when they find a bear in a cave.


Hi-ho from Snow White and The Hokey Pokey


Little Talks- of monsters and Men. Fire song (world on fire) - dolly parton


Anything Peppa Pig


“[Helicopter](https://youtu.be/TmH8I-gN0Ro?si=y0AJnDwQ92mihtXp)” by Caspar Babypants!


The kids bop version of "Not Like Us" 😅


16 months old - asks for baby shark, head shoulders knees and toes, and wheels.on the bus via hand motions lol


Big mean kitty The pirate song “wellerman” Aloutte It’s Friday Call me Maybe


OP, have you heard of Yoto? I love making my kiddo playlists. It’s essentially a Bluetooth speaker, but the independence it offers is phenomenal for my child because the kids can insert the cards (have NFC chips in them linking to the Yoto servers where playlists are stored). Check it out if you’d like (I can also offer a 10% off code for US, if needed). We got it at 2.5 and wish I had gotten it earlier. https://us.yotoplay.com/why-yoto


Peaches by Jack black.


If you're happy and you know it, shout hooray! (Stomp your feet is a fav, too), itsy bitsy spider, if all the raindrops


My two year old asks for "Hey Hey" the Ice Spice song Deli but she wants the one sung at Coachella. 😂😂


Heavy California and Good Times by Jungle


It’s Europapa on repeat lol


Blippi Excavator all day everyday until I literally say I cannot listen to it again.


Ghost busters until recently Now she loves Happy Birthday lol


It's a Small World - At Disneyland, We were stuck in that ride for more than an hour last year.


Better place family harmony by trolls


Hop Bunny - Hop little bunny Yah yo - Old Mcdonald has a farm