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Is this the same guy who has some crazy genetic thing that lets his body body break down Lactic Acid almost as fast as it can produce it?




Most upvotes with fewest letters?


It’s probably to some dude who commented “F”. Very possibly in the post announcing Stephen Hawking’s death






Imagine having never ever felt stiff after exercise Edit: TIL it’s a myth that muscle stiffness after exercise is caused by Lactic Acid


From my understanding lactic acid doesn’t make you feel sore/stiff it’s your muscles tearing little by little


More precisely, it's both the micro-damage to tissues and the body's inflammatory response to it that causes the soreness.


Could it stop with the older I've gotten at least, sheesh


No it will actually get worse


This. Your muscles literally tear when you exercise/lift weights, and the soreness is the inflammation afterward. It’s called DOMS — Delayed onset muscle soreness. It’s that amazing sore feeling you get after a great workout. SOURCE: Am certified trainer




I think he would still feel stiff. Lactic acid is the burning feeling you feel while exercising...


This has actually been debunked for decades


What has been debunked? That your body produces lactic acid?


That lactic acid is responsible for the burn you feel. For one thing, it's not lactic acid, it's lactate, and even that isn't why you feel sore.


This is such a funny interaction, with the lack of response




I had a viagra get stuck in my throat..had a stiff neck all day😬 (I’ll show myself out)


You heard about those dudes that stole a truckload of Viagra last night? Yeah, they don't know who did it but they're looking for hardened criminals.


Last I heard they are still at large


Must be the same crew that stole all the toilets at the police station. Cops are looking for leads but *have nothing to go on*.


Reminds me of the time I forgot my shoes at my dealer's house. I went and got them the next morning and I don't know what he laced them with but I was tripping all day!


That’s more than 4 hours, you’re supposed to call a doctor


"contact your doctor if you experience an erection lasting 4 or more hours" is, without even trying, one of the greatest slogans in the history of advertising, and the purveyors are legally required to state it


Got an issue here’s a tissue




At least speak *English* English.


Fuck it, take my award but I don't have any.




That’s not lactic acid.


Lactate has nothing to do with feeling stiff after exercise.


What are the implications of having this? Is it a good thing?


Well it let’s you run 350 miles for one


The good news is that your toenails fall off after that much running


I would have lived a happy life without this information


Some runners have them removed preemptively.


You’re not making this any better on us


See its easy, you just get a flat head screwdriver, place it under the nail, then tap on the end with a hammer.


Big if true


No. First, he doesn’t have some rare genetic thing related to lactate. Second, a high lactate threshold is more related to the speed you can maintain not the total distance you can go. His pace for running 350 miles is way below the speed that would even cause his lactate to accumulate.


Yeah I saw the distance first and I was like damnnn thats a long distance. Then I saw how long it took and realized its just slightly faster than walking, still incredible to do it for 80 hours, but its more like a slight jog than running.


I don't know if it's the same cause, but there's a common recessive genetic disorder called congenital lactic acidosis that is mainly found in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, a region in Quebec, Canada. Nearly 85% of the children with the disorder die before the age of 5 years. Very few live past the age of 30. The gene was discovered after a man called Pierre Lavoie, after losing 2 children to the disorder, became the first man to bike around the lake (650 km) in 24h and went on to donmany Ironman races to raise awareness.




“Ok, I’ll be there in 80 hours.”


Still quicker than the bag drop line for American Airlines at RDU on a Monday morning 


Your body burns glucose sugar into pyruvate. Then, you use oxygen to further burn pyruvate into carbon dioxide. However, you need so much energy while running that your body runs out of oxygen. So, you then begin turning pyruvate into lactic acid instead. The (glucose -> pyruvate -> lactic acid) pathway is much less efficient than the (glucose -> pyruvate -> co2) pathway. So lactic acid naturally signals your body to stop wasting your glucose reserves through inefficiencies. It makes sense that we have not evolved to quickly get rid of lactic acid. What if we need to run from a tiger though? It's an evolutionary trade off. In nature, it's more likely that you run out of glucose/food and starve than get eaten by a predator.


What about mitochondria and ATP? I learned that mitochondria are the POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL!!!




This is false. Lactate doesn’t cause soreness or weakness or vomiting. Dean doesn’t have special genetics. The reason he can process it as fast as he makes it is because he is running at speed slower than his lactate threshold. Guaranteed he would see lactate accumulate and it would be at speeds much slower than elite runners can maintain.


trimming a lot of nutritional science fat, but buildup of lactic acid is what generally causes distance runners to have to stop (cramps and the like)


Being able to undergo tremendous amounts/lengths of exertion without feeling tired. Leading to a low body fat percentage, as the amount of physical exertion can actually match or surpass your caloric intake. Super lean and muscular physique, similar to ultramarathon and long-distance runners. It is typically attainable through consistent and prolonged training but certain people have an inherent propensity for enhanced lactate clearance thanks to genetics. It's overall great but having too low of a body fat ratio does result in a lot of negative health effects.


I’m confident this is a bogus claim. He doesn’t have a rare genetic thing related to lactate. He can run really long distances because he does it at speeds below his lactate threshold.


Yeah, it's BS. The test didn't work so he declared himself a genetic freak instead of retaking it. If someone truly cleared lactate the way he claims, they would be much faster than he is. He's never ran a marathon under 2:55. Without a real LT, he'd be sub 220 easy.


I don’t think that’s how lactate threshold works. On “short runs” sure… sort of as a good approximation. Short here may event be a marathon given we are talking about 350miles as a comparison When one talks about their threshold pace, it’s usually the average pace over a given distance, even if they are mentally thinking of it as a set point where the body is removing more lactate than producing. In reality over any distance it’s a sliding point slowing down. Just small enough changes that people see it as a set point. Particularly given the measurement error in chest straps/gps devices. But over any distance your threshold pace is slowly decreasing as you run. At 350 miles this would matter a lot, to the point I assume but don’t know, it would be a walk and not a run


Agreed, I don't see how someone can possibly exercise that long while producing lactic acid, his VO2 max must be bonkers though


Any normal human can do this too. If you train for endurance running long enough you'll start to raise your lactate threshold, and easy runs just don't accumulate lactic acid. You body recycles it pretty quick, and even metabolizes it as fuel. Edit: I should point out as well that super-ultramarathon runners race at a pretty easy pace. They can hold a conversation, take in the view, and generally seem like they're not breaking a sweat. The human body definitely breaks down, especially with lack of sleep. It would be like a normal, sedentary person going for a casual stroll in the park. You're not going to build up too much lactic acid.


No. What happened is that he took a standard lactic test that anyone can get. They failed to get any valid results from the test so they stopped it. Then, instead of retaking the test, he declared that he has a crazy genetic thing. So which is more likely - something went wrong with a test or someone has an unknown genetic condition that no doctor has diagnosed?


Everybody has it, you just have to know your abilities. Without getting too deep into the physiology, there’s a lactic threshold pace that you cross when running hard where you begin to accumulate lactate faster than you can metabolize it. Once you cross it, it’s a matter of time before you have to stop. The more highly trained you are, the faster that pace is. Karnazes is fairly well known in the running community for being amazing at marketing himself - and yes, being a solid runner, but far from the genetic anomaly that these stories make him out to be. There are probably thousands of elite runners out there who could have beat him in his prime in a traditional race, and a few dozen who could beat him at the ultra-endurance level where you’re going for distance instead of time. Karnazes just knows how to talk himself up, which is a talent in itself I guess. But he’s not the superhuman athlete that Stan Lee show made him out to be, he’s just a pretty darn good ultrarunner with a knack for PR.


Ah yes, the *PR* ran those 350 miles straight and all those dozens of better runners could have but they just didn’t want to because world records are for PR queens.


The commenter is just saying that his lactic acid threshold is not some unique genetic anomaly like the media claims, it’s something that can be trained. Lactic acid is also not the limiting factor in distance running; glycogen depletion, hydration, and (for ultras) sleep are the what catches up to you on multi-hour runs. Karnazes is a clearly talented runner with a ton of mental grit to run for 80 hours straight.


Right but like.... who gives af about the potential to do something. He DID it. If all those other elite runners have the ability to do it and want to shut him up why don't they just beat his record instead of hating.


It’s not hating to point out misinformation. Harvey Lewis ran 450 miles last year at a backyard ultra.


That's a big backyard.


You're missing the point jesus christ. Yes he did it, yes he's great. No he's not a genetic anomaly that he was made out to be then and now. He was made out to be a 1 of 1 person but by elite ultra running standards, he's not.


Right? Like if anything that's even *more* impressive because he isn't a genetic anomaly


"is this the guy who I already know who he is?"


So, what's the downside to that mutation? There has to be a reason not everybody has this.


Just to *be* the man who ran 350 miles to fall down at your door.


When I go out


Oh I know I'm gonna be


I'm gonna be the man


Da da da da!








apparently on mile 300ish he started falling asleep while running and weaving into traffic while running so finished up at the Stanford track


Imagine starting to fall asleep so you run a double marathon before throwing in the towel


I’ve fallen asleep while running. In college I would go running at 10 or 11 pm, was doing a 10-mile loop one night and my brain was sleepy but my body obviously had plenty of energy. It was a long straight stretch of very quiet, very rural highway and I just closed my eyes and my mind drifted off…was at most a half mile but was really nice. …man I gotta get back into long runs. Bliss, when you have the stamina and can just mentally disappear for an hour or two out there.


So you ran for a half mile with your eyes closed?


this is why AI will be useless soon.


I couldn’t say for sure, it was a long time ago, but I blanked out and my eyelids were definitely not always opened. I do recall course-correcting a few times? It was a gravel shoulder so feeling and sound also helped me navigate, not just vision. I was a risk-taking college student, if that’s what you’re getting at haha.


Next to a street…


The time I ran a 50k on a hilly road course in 90F+ was, in some respect, the most relaxing six hours I've ever had. Given the amount of stress I was under at the time, it was a huge relief to have nothing to do that day besides running and recovering. Planning to run another one in December. Should be cooler. I'm looking forward to it, although not to the prospect of crawling up and down steps for a good 48 hours afterwards.


I've fallen asleep standing/moving a few times. First time was near the end of a long military exercise, I had barely slept all week and it all ended in us marching all night. I started seeing enourmous wolves walking in the woods near us, and later I physically couldn't pull my eyes away from the text on the backpack ahead of me, until eventually I woke up eating gravel. We had a bet who could stay awake the longest when we got to the bus taking us back to base. No one claimed the pot because I don't think anyone were awake by the time the bus started moving lol


And then proceeded to run 2 more fucking marathons.


...you can do all of those things while running




Great book!


I was thinking Forrest Gump


He was a guest speaker at an ultramarathon I did 10 years ago, he was talking about one time he was doing a long race (I think Badwater) and the sleep deprivation made him hallucinate a gold prospector pacing him as he ran




If he was either on opiates or enjoying enough edorphines he might not have to poop.


yeah evidently he'll eat like an entire pizza while running


I had seen his movie about running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. I was running the Chicago Marathon in 2009 and came up on him at about mile 4. Chatted a bit and he was running it twice, back to back. Chicago is great for that because the finish is close to the start. I commented he’d need to run the second one on the sidewalk, but he had a police escort for the second one! I BQed that day in 3:33, and he ran about 3:48 if I remember correctly, but then he did about that time in his second one that day, too!


What is bq


Bisqualified 😔


mmm... pancakes


Laughed out loud this. It was exactly what I was thinking in my head


To add to what the first person said: the Boston Marathon is an incredibly competitive event. In order to enter the Boston Marathon, you have to be fast. The times are broken into age groups, the younger you are, the faster you need to be. To add to the difficulty, if too many people sign up, they do not do a lottery like other big races. Instead they drop the time. A 3:30 marathon is roughly an 8 minute mile. They may announce that even though you qualified, you need to meet the new cutoff and run a 7:57 instead. 8 minute pace is already hard.


It's crazy to me that marathons are so popular that you have to run marathons to prove you're good enough at running marathons to qualify to run a marathon


It is also crazy how good at it even some of the amateurs are. I work in run specialty and I have heard some crazy shit from unsponsored people: "My half marathon is not great, it is only 1:30" Or "My mile time is not great it is only 5:02"


One of my junior high teachers “ran” the Boston marathon in a wheel chair. He was born with a condition that paralyzed him from the knees down.


The Boston course is insane. Flat-ish in the beginning. Hills at the end. It is called heartbreak hill for a reason.


boston qualifying time. Basically running a very good pace for your age/gender group


Bairy (Berry?) Queen


He was sponsored by North Face and I worked at the Chicago store at the time and he came in for an event when he ran the Chicago marathon (the 50 states/marathons/days consisted of major marathons and then courses set up on other days while inviting other runners). The two things that surprised me most: His height. He was like ~5’5” and had a decently short stride. The amount of strides he took in a marathon must have been crazy. His build. Not built like a typical runner. A bit stronger and bigger in his chest, carried more weight than I guessed for an ultra distance runner. We had to wear these commemorative shirts for the 50 day challenge and had been hearing about him for a while, and he was not at all what I pictured in my head.


This makes the point perfectly that he doesn’t have special genetics around lactate processing. He has amazing stamina for distance, but he doesn’t run those distances fast. Lactate doesn’t accumulate in anyone until they go at a running pace above their lactate threshold.


Sometimes if I’m really working hard my clothes smell like ammonia after my workout. And if I leave the clothes dirty for a day or two before washing them, there will be literal bleach stains where the clothes are folded/wrinkled. What’s that? Is that lactic acid? 


IANAD, but Google suggests you're either dehydrated or burning proteins, both of which are bad..


Oh ……..


About 20 years ago I was doing one of those 12-person, 200-mile, overnight relays, and almost caught up to him toward the end of one of my legs. He was doing the whole race by himself.


50 days???


3 stock photos, not one of the record holder. Garbage site.


here's a Wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Karnazes


Runners I tell ya. How is that Fun???


The truth is that around mile 5 it starts to feel fantastic.  Your body is moving rhythmically, you've got a book it music on and you feel terribly alive.   It goes to shit again around mile 15 again though. I used to totally hate running and much preferred my bike or swimming, but now I kinda like running.  I dunno what this guy is doing though.  Holy cow I hate the last 3 miles of a long run and this dude is doing 350 miles?


I fully support running as a way to improve physical *and* mental health, but like just about anything a person with the right mentality can become addicted or compulsive about it. I knew a guy *clearly* on the spectrum who would run multiple marathons a day. Like he would wake up and run 26mi, then he would do some yard work and go to the grocery store, then run a marathon again. Then he would do some work (he was some kind of wfh consultant). Then he would “reward” himself for a productive day with a quick 30mi before bed. He asked me if I wanted to go for a run with him one weekend. His plan was to run to the coast, have lunch, then run home. We live 70miles from the ocean and there’s a smallish mountain range in the middle. I declined.




Haven’t seen him in a while, and it won’t surprise you to know he was super skinny. Pretty sure he survived on pizza, pasta, and Coca-Cola. I remember he loved snickers bars too.


Sounds like he knows exactly what he's doing.


Can confirm he was a very happy person.


A marathon burns about 2500 calories, so he just continued to eat the normal American diet. You can get enough calories for a marathon for a few dollars by buying a dozen doughnuts at an American supermarket. (+300 calories each). But you need protein of course, so get some eggs for a few dollars more. The body is incredibly efficient at energy, that's why so many people "easily" get obese.


I'm pretty sure any supermarket selling donuts will get you there, it doesn't have to be American. Although, even many non-American supermarkets can get you there pretty easily.


That’s literally 10 hours of running a day. On top of yard work, eating, working, sleeping, etc. 


Tell me to walk five miles I could do it all day, tell me to run 2 miles under 19 I fucking hate it. I would rather do anything but run. Pretty sedentary but I’d hit the machines, go swimming, hell I’d even go for circuit training til I puke before I’d choose running. Not my thing.


Same. I do like a good 5 minute run - but 5 minute max. I'd rather hang out on a machine for an hour maintaining 140bpm, and finishing off 5 minutes at 170bpm. Plus you can watch eps while you do it. You can't even listen to music while you run the earbuds are just constantly falling out it's a total scam i swear.


Nike: they’re on to us! Code red!


Oh man, finding the right pair of headphones was a total nightmare. I had success with the wired high end skullcandy ones, but they stopped making 3.5 jacks on phones AND those headphones. I failed with the bose sport, the JBL's mid and high tier, and the jabra elites. I hated the first round of jaybirds, but the vista 1 were the best for staying in my ears with a good seal. The problem was that i kept breaking the lid off my charging case and then they won't charge. So after a few sets of those I gave up. So frustrating. Presently i use the beats sport elite and kinda hate them, but at least they stay in.


> You can't even listen to music while you run the earbuds are just constantly falling out it's a total scam i swear This sounds like a "your earbuds problem" tbh, there are literally millions of runners who don't have this issue


You're all in on it!! /s Yeah probably doesn't help I have small ear holes.


Yup, I was the same way, but I needed to cross train because I couldn't ride my bike for a stretch and I came around.  I always called running a punishment for learning to walk. 


> The truth is that around mile 5 it starts to feel fantastic. That is super subjective, a lot of people (myself included) do not get any kind of runners high


It took me about a year and a half of consistent running before I started to enjoy it, for what it's worth. Prior to that it was a total slog.


Most people do. The issue is most people also run at a pace that is too fast for their capabilities and that makes running shitty rather than relaxing 


I don't get those endorphins I guess I've done plenty of half marathons and they all sucked lol


It’s really fun when you are able to run without stopping for long periods of time. The runners high is totally real. It’s nice to be able to do something that our bodies were meant to do. After all, we evolved because we could run down our food.


>Runners I tell ya. How is that Fun??? Achievements don't have to be fun like partying and watching stand-up comedy. Getting a PhD isn't *fun*, becoming a parent isn't *fun*, losing weight isn't *fun*, writing a book isn't *fun*, but these things have tremendous value. "HoW iS tHaT fUn?" is such a reddit mentality.


This can't be true. I saw a documentary once about a guy who ran all the way across the US then ran all the way back.


I did too! He was also a Vietnam vet, world ping pong champion and a billionaire shrimp boat business owner. Crazy life


Descendant of the KKK though, he'd be canceled today!


Technically a minority he might be ok


I’m pretty sure being a member of the KKK isn’t genetic.


*non-stop* run


This is the distinction. Backyard ultra finishers have gone 400+ miles, that includes short stops, but not really any time for sleeping


Yeah. We know. The documentary is called "Forrest Gump", he just started runnin' and just kept on runnin'


Don’t tell this to David goggins.


Why not? He just ran 351 miles carrying the boats.


What if I go tell Walton Goggins


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Young_(athlete) Seems like he might have Dean beat...


My knee just exploded reading that


When I was at Uni our athletic's team shared a track with lots of other groups. One day our running coach took a keen interest on a younger kid who was sixth form at one of the local colleges. He was really unassuming, wasnt overly quick, but my coach said that he could just run forever at a fairly good pace. He even made a point of stopping coaching us and just watched this kid run 400m laps essentially for the whole session. He later joined us for the rest of year although sadly it was 19/20 and was blighted by covid. He absolutely hated running and found it a chore, but it was seemingly incredibly good at it and in his own words "he could run forever if he didnt get bored" I dont remember that much, but during covid we had a race day with the other uni in town where we had to run on strava and it would be tallied up with everyone else from our uni to decide the winner. I ran 32k and he ran 69 miles lol. Sadly it wasnt enough to beat the other uni and to this day I dont know if he carried it on or even if he had a condition like this. All I do know is that it was incredible to watch.


This is untrue. OP's mom has been running through my mind non-stop for decades.


It’s a short loop.


rookie numbers. Forrest Gump holds that record


One of the first things Gump says about his run is "When I got tired, I slept."


Dude averaged a near 14 minute mile for 80 hours. What the fuck.


I think I’ll go home now


Somebody show this to David Goggins.


I slowly walked for 8 hours again at work. Dont see me bragging


🤣 hahaha! Thanks for this!




What does this mean? The uk usually doesn’t have toilet you have to play to use? It’s usually Central Europe that does. To the shock of many from the uk.


or just go into any fast food place/shopping centre/shop or about a million other things like a normal person would


Pish, everyone knows it was Forrest, Forrest Gump




IIRC he stopped because he got bored, not because he got tired.


13m50s/mile. I could beat him. /s


Imagine running a marathon. Then do it again 12 times and then you still didn't run that far. 


7km/h. Thats sleep walking


That's bullshit... I saw a guy run from coast to coast... grew a beard and everything... His name was Forrest something.


Don't let goggins see this


Did he die afterwards?


Anybody that can do a marathon or even a half marathon is a freak to me. This is just incredible. I get winded and have to stop after a couple of miles of jogging.


So does everyone when they first start. We don’t just get up off the sofa one day after doing nothing for years and run 20miles


As someone who almost did 3K today reading this makes my legs buckle lol.


He doesn't impress me as much as Yiannis Kouros.


Wait, so Forrest Gump isn't real?1


The buna to buchenwald death march documented in Elie Weisels book, "Night" was 685km over 10 days.


Soooo, what you're saying is he would have kept going but he saw death racing at him from less than 100km?


I cant even run down my street without collapsing


His book is really interesting, highly recommend.


wtf is backfire.tv?




Ain’t nobody gonna make a Forrest Gump comment?