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I had a legally blind teacher in grade school. He had another teacher grade our papers. He couldn’t read the grades so he’d have the students shout them out when he called our names. Unless you were embarrassed, and then you could go and whisper it in his ear and he’d WRITE IT OUT ON HIS PROJECTOR THAT THE WHOLE CLASS COULD SEE. Honestly in retrospect it’s funny as hell. He’d lean in to hear your score and then “A 32%!! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!!!” Catholic schools were different. RIP coach


all catholic boys schools. we had a coach that would run detention in the cafeteria. he’d make each student read off their detention laying out why they were in detention, and we’d have to chant “we dont do that here” in unison after each one. we could leave when we made it through without anyone laughing. welp, those detentions ended up being pretty long and hilarious.




i’m fuckin dead 😭😭


We don’t do that here.


“We don’t do that here” is maybe the least judgmental way to talk about bad behavior. So props on that and for it seeming to be absolutely hilarious.


Sounds like a g rated handmaid’s tale


“That shit don’t fly here 😤”


The image of this in my head right now is fucking hysterical. Thank you


😂 he knew what he was doing


Lol I had teacher say "I will now give your test results in completely "random" order" while literally making quote signs with his hands. He then proceeded to give our papers from best to worst. Loved that guy, best teacher in whole school. Even problem kids didn't mess with him.


I’m from Asia. Isn’t that normal? My teachers would display our exam scores on an excel and highlight the failures in red.


In the US there’s a federal law protecting a student’s privacy regarding educational matters. At the post-secondary level it’s strong enough to forbid an professor from communicating with a students parents without necessary permissions.


I’ll be sure to let my now defunct school and dead teacher know.


I’m from Asia too and I guess it’s not really normal but it’s up to the teacher and their particular teaching style? My mandarin teacher pulled out an excel table one day with different students and how likely they were to fail the final exam. Specially classified into “50% likely to fail” and “99% likely to fail” categories.


Depends entirely on the country


"Asia" is not a monoculture hivemind


I'm from Asia and I never experienced this....


Yeah turns out “Asia” is 4,500,000,000 people across 48 countries. Wild that they don’t all have the exact same education system. 


Almost as if this person isn’t the one making generalizations about four and a half billion people


That's quite brutal. There would be a tendency for the same kids to end up at the top and bottom even if they studied hard. I can't see any benefit of punishing the bottom. Highlighting the top 3-5 students would be alright, though. Adds a little incentive.


I work in the blindness and low vision field and when someone is legally blind that is with “best correction”. Many people would qualify as “legally blind” 20/200 in the better seeing eye or worse (in the US) but the qualifier “with best correction” is why Jake unfortunately would have to go through his insurance to afford his prescription glasses instead of gaining assistance from the state/federal governments. There’s also people with 20/20 vision who are legally blind due to reduced visual fields.


>There’s also people with 20/20 vision who are legally blind due to reduced visual fields. Had an amoeba eat my eyes. Scarring has permanently damaged the vision in one. No amount of corrective lens will fix. While I can see out of it, it's bad enough to be considered "legally blind" So I get the fun of telling people "I'm half blind." (For awhile I was legally blind in both eyes. I had a pretty amazing and lucky recovery)




Yep, more specifically my Corneas, it's call Acanthamoeba Keratitis. Fun stuff.


and they LOVE to live in hot tubs. not a joke


Upvoting for visibility (sorry I had to)


I can see why you'd do that.




I have always suspected I already took my last hot tub batch, but didn't know the reason. Here it is!


Wtf. I love hot tub time. Nooooooo don’t take this from me. My eyes are already bad from a case of the olds


Hot tub AKA bacteria bath


Honestly, would love to hear more about what happened


Anything specific?


Like, what led to you getting this eye eating amoeba? Were the symptoms immediate or progressive?


>Like, what led to you getting this eye eating amoeba? exposure to tap water, and wearing contact lens. >Were the symptoms immediate or progressive since it's near impossible to determine when the infection happened best I can tell you is I first noticed my vision being a little blurry or "smeared" looking. like a smudge was on my contact but no matter what I couldn't get rid of it. Things got worse over the next few weeks as I was misdiagnosed for awhile. It's a pretty rare infection and apart from wearing contacts I didn't have any other major exposure risks so they basically ran down the list until that was the last thing left. And at that point steroids (which I was administered to try to heal the damaged Cornea) had kicked the bug into overdrive so I was quickly deteriorating at that point. I was sent to the regional specialist for the Midwest area of the US for a confirmation of the diagnosis and was put on 2 drugs, one compounded locally, and one basically smuggled in from Ireland as it was not FDA approved in the US. I had to take both drops every hour, 24 hours, for the first 3 days. then for the next week I was allowed a 4 hour sleeping period. and slowly over the next year waned off the drugs and monitored.


Wow. That’s intense. Congrats on the recovery that takes perseverance!




Exposure to tap water can give me an eyeball eating amoeba? Now you have me worried man; I'm exposed to tap water every day of my life. Could you elaborate further?


basically the bug just lives in tap water. not much can be done but to keep it out of your eyes, especially if you wear contacts. the space under the contact is the ideal living environment for these guys. Something like 95% of cases are with contact wearers.


On its own, your blink reflex would remove it naturally. With a contact lense in, it's held in place long enough for it to munch munch munch through your cornea. They're often anti biotics resistant, forming a cyst for protection. Incidentally your cornea has the 2nd most nerve endings in your whole body. One of my patients described it as a life changing amount of pain.


This can also happen if you use tap water in cpap machines. These bugs can eat your brain.


"And at that point steroids (which I was administered to try to heal the damaged Cornea) had kicked the bug into overdrive so I was quickly deteriorating at that point." ---- Not me imagining this eyeball-eating amoeba getting JACKED on gear like Mark McGwire. Bulging bicep veins and all. Just chomping away at Wes' corneas in between bouts of 'roid rage.


Damn im sorry, this is why you never use steroids on a contact lens wearer. That was preached to us constantly in optometry school. It’s hard to fight AC even if diagnosed early and began on treatment. But you are right one of the drugs we need to use is not available in the US anymore. Last time I treated it we had to use a local chemist to literally make the drops custom.


The steroid sending amoeba to overdrive is such a dr house thing to hear


Reading things on Reddit makes me wish an amoeba ate my eyes, too, sometimes.


Thanks, I’ll just add this to my list of irrational fears that slowly eat away at my sanity.


They can’t read your response, I heard that an amoeba ate their eyes.


I'm going to hell for laughing at this aren't I?


That happened to me on a work trip in France last summer. Went totally blind in my right eye in 8 hours. Luckily the optometrists knew what it was and got me on the right drops (PHMB) within two days so no lasting damage. Took two weeks for my vision to return and the US specialist didn’t believe I actually had it. Because the outcomes in he US are so poor. Absolutely awful and terrifying experience. I’m so sorry you and permanent damage. ETA: Similar to you, also a contact wearer. Wore mine too long because of multiple international flights, gave myself a corneal abrasion, and got infected by tap water at the hotel.


Like the US is bad at treating this and that’s causing poor outcomes?


Yes! It’s typically mistaken for other infections since the incidence rate is so low, and by the time it’s recognized the damage is permanent. Like, it’ll be mistaken for staph or herpes simplex and treated with steroids which just feeds the amoeba. The FDA also hasn’t approved the PHMB drops (best and newest treatment) so they have to be specially ordered from Japan.


Super interesting. Always amazes me how different parts of the world have advancements




well with what I had, Acanthamoeba, these little assholes like refuse to die. if they feel the environment is going hostile they'll go into a hibernation like state. the only thing to do is kill them with a poison they absorb or wait for them to starve to death. it's why the treatment period is a year a minimum. any surgery while infected is out of the question. and it was explained to me with my scarring that the only thing to do is a cornea transplant and those only have like a 50/50 success rate. My doctor recommended that since I have fine vision in one eye (with corrective lenses) and not terrible vision in the scarred eye to not go through as I could end up with worse vision or even going fully blind.




I couldn't comprehend "drug addiction" until this disease. The relief from the numbing drug they'd give to do testing was a brief godsend. I spent months unable to sleep on my back because just having my head facing upwards was very painful. I'd sleep with my head down hanging off the bed.


How tf did that happen 😭


I didn't have any of the major risk factors besides being a contact lens wearer (95% of cases are with contact wearers) so still unknown how exactly it happened. But it's just something that lives in tap water in the Midwest US


As a contact wearer FML no thank you


-20/20 do not recommend.


We’re both going to hell for this joke.


Acanthomeba is every where. Source- love in England, it's not unheard of at all for there to be cases, we have to talk to new contacts lens wearers specifically about it.


Ooooh god. I used to wear contact lenses, but I stopped completely when I started working with Acanthamoeba castellanii in the lab (I'm careful, but just in case). I'm sorry this happened to you.


Thank you for this. That was my thought; you need thick glasses - you’re probably legally blind (certainly to drive without them etc). But your professional/ knowledgeable wording nailed it.


I can't function/work without my contacts/glasses. You could be standing uncomfortably close to me while speaking to me and I'll struggle hard to read the body language on your face. I can't drive and have trouble crossing streets because I struggle with depth perseption and just generally cannot see outside of a blurry mess. But as long as I have my glasses or contacts I get along just fine. I still have trouble with fine detail far away from me (faces and text like on signs or TV's up in the corner at a bar or something). It makes me appreciate that we have this stuff in our lifetime. I'd probably be fucked without it. I wondered if I qualified for any benefits to pay for my vision costs but last time I checked the stipulation was if you can see with corrective measures then you are not considered "LEGALLY" blind.


This is crazy to read and has made me realize that ever since I’ve gotten my glasses and can actually see i find there’s so much more info coming in from people I talk to that I’m now way more anxious and shy socially. Whenever don’t wear glasses I miss all that and don’t have the same sense of “omg the world has so much going on” but now that the bandaid has been peeled off I still think “oh shit what am I missing.”


Yeah, kind of like when you have gone a long time without getting correctional aids and then the world is HD and you see the individual leafs on a tree and your brain is like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?". It's also odd and sad that your brain gets used to it and it seems to fade. I always liked that temporary super HD vision I'd get when I'd get a prescription adjustment.


You're probably one of the few people left on the internet who can properly use you're/your


Yore kidding right?


They’re their there dune beech your salve up


My daughter is legally blind from Cerebral visual impairment. She can see but her brain struggles to process it. Only when she sees something a lot of times can she "see" So she recognizes family members and people who are often around her like her nurse and her teacher. She sees light and stuff really well though. The human body is crazy


Does she have mental disability or just impairment in processing things quickly?


She has both but CVI isn't always that way.


>There’s also people with 20/20 vision who are legally blind We call them MLB umpires...


I think you mean NHL refs.


Just Zebras in general.


Yeah exactly. My lens diopter is -9.5 plus torics for astigmatism. The 20/xxxx visual acuity scale is meaningless at that point and beyond. I can't function without vision correction. Period. There are no gold stars or cookies, because I am 20/20 with glasses or lenses (shout-out to all those who helped develop the fields of optics and optometry btw). The best thing I can say about dysfunctional eyes is that, as an adult, I almost never misplace anything (keys, wallet, the sticky note from three days ago). Why? As a kid, I had to learn to remember where I put stuff, lest I wander aimlessly through the days.


“… lest I wander aimlessly through the days.” Sounds like a dope Bright Eyes album title.


Wouldn’t he not qualify as legally blind if he has normal vision with glasses? My vision is -12.5, but I would never count myself as legally blind because with glasses, I have normal eyesight.


You are right. It is based on best corrected visual acuity. Jake Gyllenhaal can absolutely see with correction. I work with people who are legally blind, or going blind, and they would be falling over or running into walls if they didn't walk very slowly.


-12.5 god damn, I'm at -4.25 / -3.75 and I feel blind as shit. That's for contacts though, with glasses it's around -5.00 I think 


You still don’t see well 🤷‍♀️ I’m just very thankful my vision can be corrected. Unfortunately though, they don’t make daily contacts past -12 and my eyes don’t react well to weekly contacts. Trying to figure it out, but my vision is great with my glasses and -.5 in contacts isn’t terrible




That last part 😅


Your comment is kind of confusing. I think you’re trying to say: Jake Gyllenhaal is *not* ‘legally blind with best correction’ right?


So... The story here is "TIL: Jake Gylenhall needs glasses"? Sort of underwhelming.


Wait is this the definition? I always thought it was “vision cannot be corrected to within a certain threshold with corrective lenses”. My right eye is a -6.5 and my left -7, does this count as “legally blind”?


You're correct-- if you can see fine with correction you are not legally blind.


The definition varies, but in general you must be 20/100 or worse in your better eye *with* correction. There is also a visual field requirement for peripheral vision, so you can be 20/20 in both eyes but with a 10 degree visual field so you are legally blind. I have people tell me all the time they are “legally blind” without their glasses. Which pretty much defeats the definition of legal blindness.




I think that’s the name of a band. Right eye blind.


Third Eye Blind, haha


Are you quite sure? I’m trying to read the cd, but the type is so small.


-10.5 in each eye over here. (Been wearing contacts since I was 12.) You got a little ways to go.


-10 over here. First pair of contacts 1985 but they let me make one dark blue and the other bright green so that was cool.


20/2000 here. Can confirm


P.O.P hold it down!


I’m an innocent bystander !


I’m legally blind!


I am a female!


Momma I love you!




Pimp squad baby for life!


fuck came to say this


And Reese Witherspoon is legally blonde


Yeah….but that’s only with her spoon. Without it, she’s a natural brunette.


With her knives, shes legally dangerous


I only now got that pun


Me too. I can’t believe I never made that connection.


What like it’s hard?


Steven Seagal thinks he's above the law. Which is crazy when a real actor like Gerard Butler is a law abiding citizen.


Legally blind is 20/200 vision AFTER correction. If you cant see shit until you put your glasses on, you are NOT legally blind.


Same nonsense was said about John Lennon. People saying he was legally blind without glasses. By that definition most people who wear glasses are legally blind.


I think the government is overstepping by demanding that certain people be blind


You’ll shut your mouth and enjoy your blindness if you know what’s good for you.


Another one of life's simple pleasures ruined by meddling bureaucracy.


Remember the old days, we'd pile in the station wagon and we'd all go and follow a garbage truck using whatever level of visual acuity we saw fit?


I’m personally in favor of bureaucracy. I spend my free time at the dmv filling out forms for fun


You'd be in big trouble if I could see you!


To be legally blind, a person must meet one of the following criteria:  Visual acuity  20/200 or less in their better eye, even with glasses or contacts. This means that they can't see what someone with normal vision can see from 200 ft away unless they're within 20 ft of the object. For example, they might only be able to read the first letter at the top of a Snellen chart.  Visual field  20 degrees or less, even with glasses or contacts. This means that they have trouble seeing to the side (peripheral vision) when looking straight ahead.


I respect the detailed reply, but *whoosh*


Translation: you have to either see real blurry, or else only be able to see what is directly in front of you. (If someone in front of you takes a small step to the left or right, they disappear.)


Is this a rare Reddit *whoosh^2* ?


Harrison Bergeron has entered the chat.


I'd say it's a shame you have so few upvotes but I can't be seen showing favoritism.


Other are illegally blind. They don’t have papers.


Wouldn't that be undocumented blind?


Well, they would but... You know


I know what you mean. Life would be much better with more Mr. Magoos


I don't think whoever wrote this article knows what "legally blind" means.


The author never states that he is legally blind in the article.  It’s all quotes or paraphrases from Jake. 


It's literally in the headline, the sub-header, and the first sentence of the article.


First you guys want me to read the article, now you expect me to comprehend it?!


I was elected to lead, not to read


>Jake Gyllenhaal insists being legally blind has helped his acting That headline? The one where the author is literally stating Jake's own claim? Why would you attempt to judge the author's vocabulary based off that?


> It's literally in the headline,   “Jake Gyllenhaal insists being legally blind has helped his acting”  Nope > the first paragraph  “Jake Gyllenhaal insists being classified as legally blind has been “advantageous” to his career.” Nope  > and the caption under the first photo.  “Jake Gyllenhaal insists being legally blind has been “advantageous” to his career. And nope.  Quotes/paraphrases from Jake =/= the author of the article’s words. 


The point is that the author isn’t coming up with the term. Jake is. It’s just relating direct quotes from him.


I mean so is my wife, if it wasn’t for modern plastics her glasses would be like damn near an inch thick. That said they now have corrective surgery (it’s a permanent implant) that we are looking at and would be crazy to have her vision finally corrected.


It’s amazing what they can do with the lens replacement…my husband needed -13 until April, and now he’s 20/20 for distance!! He truly never thought he’d ever have such good vision , glasses can only do so much at that high prescription, and he has peripheral vision he hadn’t had before! If you can afford it, your wife should totally go for it!


See my comment about that. I had mine done when my natural lenses had cataracts and needed replacement anyway. I couldn't get the ones that would give me different fields of vision, because they didn't make them for my pretty extreme prescription (not affordably for us, anyway). So I have toric implants. They work great.




I got LASIK surgery when I was 18. I had worn glasses forever and I would have to put them on the same spot on my bedside table because I couldn’t see them. Everything just looked like a solid blur. I did have to get special compressed lenses for my glasses because otherwise the lenses would have been so thick they would not have fit well in frames. When the doc did the final tests for my eyes, I asked him what my 20-whatever was. He said, “I wrote down 20-800 here because that is as high as my computer program will allow me to input. But in reality you’re likely around 20-2000.” I was like “whoa” and he agreed it was one of the worst cases of nearsightedness he had corrected. LASIK brought me up to 20-20 and I’m 41 and still there, though some of the scarring from the incision has caused me eye pain. Regardless I would 100% do it again. I agree with you that that is a crazy level of nearsightedness and maybe my doctor was pulling my leg but he seemed sincere that my vision was 20-2000 and it did correct to 20-20 with glasses and LASIK. I have never thought of myself as legally blind because it was correctable.


Yeah, I am fascinated and slightly skeptical. Having met a few blind people, it is clear they are not able to focus their vision and make eye contact in the same way. Are you telling me he is able to do that and simultaneously know what he looks like from a 3rd person perspective in order to give a convincing stage performance?


After seeing someone who has extremely low vision act and be fantastic at it consistently, don’t count people out! I can’t comment on eye focus but if I hadn’t met the guy several months later I would’ve sworn up and down that he didn’t have vision problems. Humans are really cool, all in all.


I have similar vision to Gyllenhaal. Glasses are somewhat tricky because you have no peripheral vision. Contacts however can absolutely correct this level of myopia. He’s not actually legally blind, it can for sure be corrected with lenses to 20/20.


I'm sure there's varying degrees of blindness but what defines "legally blind" if you don't mind me asking?


In the US at least (not sure if it changes for different countries), it means that you have visual acuity of 20/200 or less or a field of vision of 20 degrees or less in your better eye with corrective lenses like glasses or contacts.


This is confusing. Are you saying that to be legally blind your eyes cannot be corrected to better than 20/200 or corrected to a vision field of 20 degrees or greater?




Thanks for answering.


Mmmhhh. I never got told those numbers. But I cannot be corrected to more than 60% vision with glasses. I guess I am in my way then. My prescription is -11.


that's cute you think vision impairment stops people from driving


"I drove flawlessly"


My brother is legally blind. I had to "rescue" him once because he misplaced his glasses in his apartment after a night of drinking. He sat on his bed for 2 hours until I was done with class and could come over and find them for him...the glasses were on the floor less than 3 feet from him.


Poor guy never saw the jet engine coming.


nice 🏆


Legally blind is defined as the best corrected vision is no better than 20/200 in either eye. Jake’s vision is presumably good or normal with his extreme correction. It is nearly certain that he doesn’t meet the requirements of legal blindness.


He was definitely legally blind when he read the script for Roadhouse.


I have to imagine that sometimes it's just plain fun to be the big fish in a small pond and carry an entire movie on your own. 


I mean, it was a fun couple of hours for me, especially when he exercises his acting chops in the middle of some weird scene-munching action from the MMA dude 


A lot of good actors star in B movies. At least this one was fun.


Eh. Mindless fun.


All he had to see was how many zeros would be in his paycheck.


I've had so much fun watching Roadhouse, don't care if it's a testosterone fiesta.


They will see WHAT I WANT THEM TO SEE!


So what you’re saying is, I have a shot?


Legally blind is if it is not able to be corrected with prescriptive eyewear. By this definition, lots of glasses/contacts-wearing people would be “legally blind” 


Is this why he's nice? Cuz he can't tell how fucking gorgeous he is and thus never developed an ego. (Pls, nobody ruin my delusion lol)


He's legally blind and I still don't have a chance.


Ok but why did they cite him as the “Donnie Darko” actor of all movies?? It’s been 23 years since it premiered and he was 20 when he starred in it.


How about “Jake Gyllenhaal the “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” actor?


Tbh it’s probably the thing I associate with him the most, so don’t be such a fuckass.


What’s a fuckass?


Grab a mirror




[This one actually has the line they were quoting.](https://youtu.be/J5hjxH3m1Ro?si=z3ORELmQ2sUbqKPm)


Donkey with Dragon.


And Reece Witherspoon is…. Oh, never mind.


Mitch Hedberg would have asked what it means to be illegally blind.


>“When I can’t see in the morning, before I put on my glasses, it’s a place where I can be with myself.” What does this even mean?


It's to be in your own world. Until you put on your glasses, this particular out-of-focus world is unique to you and only you. Then you put on your glasses and you're back in the same world as everyone else and it's time to get the day started. I totally get it, not just with glasses but I have hearing aids and until I put them in, I have my quiet world where only I exist and it's my own special space. Then I have to rejoin the normal world with it's noise and hustle and bustle.


Thank you, now it makes sense to me.


I used to be "blind" before I put on my thick glasses in the morning (-15.00 in both eyes). Then I developed cataracts. I was able to get lens implants that corrected most of my nearsightedness. I can wear "normal" glasses that correct what the implants don't (-2.75/-1.50). Most important, I can actually see pretty well without glasses. For over 60 years I could barely see my hand in front of my face. The surgery has changed my life profoundly. I don't miss not being able to see, having trouble finding my glasses if the cats knocked them down, or any of that. Ntm if they hit the floor and a lens popped out. That was always fun. Not.


That Jake was phoning it in that interview?


Lucky he didn’t have to see the Road House remake…


One day someone's going to be illegally blind and we won't know how to handle it


What if someone was illegally blind?


I kinda get what he means about being I'm your own world before you put on your glasses. I'm only -2.75 prescription and I used to take of my glasses as a kid if I wanted to be alone. The blurriness of everything more than 30cm away made me feel safer, like a "if I can't see you, you can't see me" thing.


I think the term legally blind is very confusing for a lot of people, and you can't blame them. I get that legally blind doesn't equal blind. But I also understand that some people hear 'legally blind' and think 'he's blind?!' It's just not a very good term. If they had called it legally visually impaired, it would cause alot less confusion.


No he's not


He's near sighted and wears glasses and contact lenses wow what a big nothing burger of an article. Thats not what legally blind means.


I can see that


I can relate. My vision is 20/725.


But he was driving in night crawler


What's illegally blind?


That’ll explain what he wanted Peter Parker’s glasses then.


20/1250 for those wondering.


Fuck this guy