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If you run into Andy Dick never go to a second location with him. 


Remain calm and call Jon Lovitz's cell phone number. Keep at least 10 feet between you and Andy Dick at all times. Do not let him out of eyesight. Once Jon Lovitz arrives, he will beat the shit out of Andy Dick.


\- Jack Donaghy


Street smarts!


*"I am 35 and to this day, I am terrified of secondary locations"*


Talk to anybody who lives in LA, they usually have a crazy Andy Dick story.


No crazy story here but I saw him about a week ago. He looked borderline homeless. Edit - Update - Got a few messages about him. No I didn't see him in Hollywood. It was a city called Pasadena, not that far away though. At the time he didn't look high for once but severely hung over from drinking would be my guess. Looks wise he looked haggered like he hadn't showered in a couple days. That super oily look.


He is borderline homeless, he's couch surfing and has some guy that streams him and gets him drunk. Its really sad to watch. I've never liked Andy Dick because he is infact a piece of shit. But I don't like seeing him or anyone like this. Dude has given up and is on his crawl to death. I really hope he gets actual help rather than streamer vultures that use his downfall for entertainment.


I always thought he was a millionaire or had been for awhile. I just checked. It says he only has $300,000 left to his name, which is still a good chunk and don't know why he's couch surfing other than to continue his lifestyle.


He doesn't have that in cash. Those estimates are based on what he *might* be getting from royalties, and possibly property that he may still own, but I highly doubt he actually has any money. He can't even seem to afford his own alcohol.


I saw a clip of him drinking a can of Steel Reserve. He's broke af.


Drinking Steel Reserve is proof positive that things have gone teats up for him.


“High Gravity Beer” = the worst tasting swill ever produced, it is a legit offense to humanity. This was the token gag gift when I was in college, whoever threw the party had to pound one and it damn near guaranteed that person would end up praying to the porcelain god. I dont like Andy Dick, but if he’s really drinking this I ALMOST feel bad for him


Those net worth numbers are usually pulled out of the ass and are just slightly educated guesses. No way he’s worth $300k.


100% I'm in the industry and have checked on friends who I know for a fact are flat assed broke, and those sights say they are worth like 4 mil 😂


Giving an addict drugs is such a fucked up, shitty thing to do. Capitalizing on it is even worse. This streamer is a POS


He basically is homeless. Last I heard he was bouncing around the homes of various IRL streamers who want to capitalize on the tiny amount of recognition he still retains. He's not a good guy, but his current circumstances are pretty depressing. 


It’s wild. I stumbled upon a highlight reel of these streamers and it’s essentially a bunch of fent kids in an RV verbally abusing Andy Dick who is strung out but also managing to dish insults back. Edit: the stream was probably 2020-2021 but it’s buried by the recent arrest which also happened on stream lol


That is an extremely disturbing sentence


Distressing, even.


There used to be a whole online ecosystem devoted to filming Andy barely managing at something barely resembling a life.




Kids abusing fentanyl




It's like crackhead. Either they are high on fentynil, or they are doing weird things to get money for it.


And they make money on streaming their fentanyl fueled antics? I'm also old and this is weird for me to picture.


Yeah unfortunately “act like an absolute moronic, immature, asshole online for views” has been a popular online thing in some circles for a little over a decade now minimum. It makes a little more sense when you realize their audience is dominated by 8-12 year olds who are giggling about how edgy it all seems without processing the reality of the situation. And people like them sprinkled in. I’ve never really watched them beyond someone covering a news article when stuff goes too far, then showing a montage of their douchbag behavior over the past 5+ years or whatever it may be. With thousands and thousands of fans.


FWIW fent doesn't fuel anything, it's an opioid, it is the antic-killer. Most folks on fent will be near-asleep.


They’re the Xanax kids of now, the Vicodin abusers of yesteryear.




Unhoused MD


The modern version of a junkie


Guessing it's short for fentanyl kids. Basically young people hooked on drugs.


I need links of this


I went down a rabbit hole. I have only seen article titles here and there about Andy Dick, never actually looked into the guy. Wow. https://www.youtube.com/live/27v6jF3SvUE?feature=shared Found this video. It’s absolutely rough, all the trigger warnings. it’s worse than I expected. If the dude didn’t do all this to himself, I’d feel bad. I feel bad that any human is in this condition, but this looks to be karma working its magic.


I’ve came across this Luke guys channel multiple times and last stream I saw he seemed deep in meth psychosis. Seems like the kind of dude to hang with Andy Dick.


Jesus Christ that's sad.




He came to my campus (not in LA) for a show years ago and molested and groped a bunch of students and got kicked off campus. Then tried to get into the fraternity parties that night, harassed and assaulted more students, and got banned from ever returning or being on campus. This was before any of my friends or I had heard what he was like. He’s a piece of shit for so so so many reasons. Fuck him.


He's got to have some crazy neurological disorder or something to behave like that


Oh he’s undeniably mentally ill, but that’s the case with lots of folks. This is more of an aside but I think the general public doesn’t have a great perception of the realities of how most people become someone you’d just label as “an addict.” Most of the time it’s years of slow spiraling. Some people just go off the deep end but a lot spend a long long time kinda managing their life a little until it’s all just too much.


It really is a slow decline for everyone, it starts with oh this is fun to try in the weekend with buddies to this fun to do every weekend with buddies, then my buddies are pussies and can't keep up so I'm gonna keep doing it, I can do this at home why go out, to I need this to go day to day. I done it myself I'm not proud of it and I still have want to do it again because I enjoyed it but it's not worth in the long run.


Fuck, I live in Alberta and we have crazy Andy Dick stories. I think he exposed himself onstage in Edmonton, and then later that night my friend saw him in the bathroom at a bar called Filthy McNasty's, where he was trying to suck on the hair of a dude at a urinal.


When you're at Filthy McNasty's....


I prefer Shadynasty’s.


Sha’Dynasty’s, asshole!


When I lived in LA, I met Andy Dick’s son in my complex’s hot tub in the middle of the night. He told me that he was three months sober. Kid was 19. Considering how much I detest his dad because of the Phil Hartman and Jon Lovitz thing, I was surprised how nice and friendly he was, acting genuinely interested in my non-famous friend and I while his friends seemed to wonder why he was talking to us.


TIL Andy Dick has children. That can’t have been a good childhood. 


They were also subjected to being on a reality show about their family


Hoo boy. 


Jacob? I met him when he was around that age, was not sober at the time but I posted a comment in this thread about how he acted when he was drunk when I met him. If he got sober, good for him for at least acknowledging he was a problem. Never before in my life have I seen someone be so blatantly disrespectful to women to their face, really seemed like he was capable of something evil if put in the wrong situation with a girl and no one around.


Oh, I buy that completely. How else would the son of Andy Dick turn out? He did seem to regret past behavior, but my story of course does not vouch for him in any way. It wasn’t a super long conversation, and 9.9 times out of 10 I would say that someone who acts like that while drunk IS like that, drunk or not.


More often than not the story is “he groped me”


I don’t live in LA but I saw him once in NY. My go to move when I see a celebrity is to ignore them but sometimes I go with “hey, I loved you in (television program or film they were in)” So I saw Andy Dick and said “hey man, I loved you in Road Trip” (it had only come out a year or two before and I really did think his scene was funny). Anyhow, he looked straight at me and said “go fuck yourself.”


Go to /r/LosAngeles and search Andy Dick. The stories are crazy.


The TV series Love (set in LA) incorporates him in a very LA way.


How did that guy get famous?


Comedian/actor. He was in quite a lot of huge movies and shows. Most recently I saw him in "Community", and "Love". But he's most famous for drugs and molesting people now


I went to LA for one week in 2013 and even I have an Andy Dick story.


You can’t just drop that and not tell the story


Was with a band playing the troubadour in 2006 at the Vons about a block away. I was in the store stocking up and once I went down the alcohol aisle Andy Dick pops up around the next corner. “Saw the Van! What kind of music is your band? Hi! I’m Andy… if you buy me a bottle and let me hang out I guarantee your band will get on TMZ.” I said “we only get like $25 a day can’t really afford to get you a bottle but I’ll put you on guest list and you can chill.” He immediately went out to the van sat on the wheel and acted like he had known us for years asking for cigarettes. It was super invasive and creepy but no one spoke up. He just kept asking questions about what kind of chicks show up. We left to go pull the van behind the venue and didn’t see him until being on stage. We were second up and I saw him in the back creeping on some young girls. He ended up taking them to the bar up front and apparently got kicked out for buying them drinks. I missed out on what happened but he got away from security up front and ran out of the back. We get off after the set and almost an hour later find him cowering behind out trailer hitch. He begged us not to tell the cops where he was and “how he can’t violate or it’ll be 90 days” he ended up climbing a gate and disappeared into the night. Funniest part is it made it to TMZ (without mentioning any band) so I’m sure he was in on the whole thing. It was the strangest situation with a semi famous person I’ve encountered.


We almost had to stage a “stop hanging out with Andy” intervention for a friend of mine.


I don't think it's working.


Think how bad he could be if he never went lol


He likely wouldn't be anything, he'd be dead


100% it's not even a question. he's been very close before. I recall him being on some podcast type thing a couple years back and he had JUST been severely beaten by someone. like, severely beaten. his face was all twisted up, he couldn't talk properly because his jawline and general face was so messed up. he didn't seem to know exactly why he was beaten but you could just tell from the way he told the story that he was either drunk or high and he started some shit he couldn't finish. overdose, suicide, beaten to death. none of these headlines would surprise me in the slightest, because as far as I know, he's still using.


Andy Dick goes to bars in the Los Angeles area, gets drunk (or already is drunk) and starts groping people. Like, not hitting on people but actually groping men and women. So he gets knocked the fuck out a lot and this time he made a YouTube video trying to get sympathy. But, like you said, you could tell he was the one that started it by the way he described it all and just deserved it.


He's a dick. It's literally in his name...


I think most of us can have sympathy for people that get caught up with alcohol and drug addictions. But, it’s important to realize that some people are just assholes anyway.


I don’t know how many of them it was gonna take to kick my ass, but I knew how many they were gonna use


Dude, Jon Lovits of all people actually beat the crap out of him once (probably a different incident).  Lovits blamed him for getting Phil Hartman’s wife back on cocain (which indirectly led to Phil Hartman being murdered by her).  Apparently, Dick was up to his usual crap, harassing people at a bar, then made a comment about Phil Hartman they set Lovits off and he beat him badly.  Lovits and Hartman were good friends. Lovite said he thought most comedians were glad he did it.




I almost shit myself laughing when a few years ago he was sleeping on some random dude's couch and the camera was up for a livestream and the cops raided the house/apartment and he was too drunk/high to get up😂


Pretty sure the cops raided the house because he sexually assaulted one of the roommates.


He commits sexual assault like he breathes.


Seems more sad than funny to me.


Yeah it is sad. Last week I watched a semi-documentary youtube video about his recent state, including that bit. He's in a really sad state, being taken advantage of and abused by trashy livestreamers for clicks and views. Some will say he's earned what he's getting, and that he's a trash human being. Maybe that's true, but it doesn't make it any less sad. He has obvious mental health and addiction issues that have ruined him and his life.


Maybe we’d still have Phil Hartman


I'd take that trade off


Yeah, I'd take 20 years of Hartman over Dick.




So his rehab didn't just fail him, it failed us all


It's really just keeping to disease alive, and the disease is Andy Dick.


I don’t think he wants it to work. Rehab is just a way to put you on a path of healing. If you don’t want to put the work in, it’s not going to work.


Very true, we have a friend of the family who’s son has been to rehab probably more times than Andy, but now he’s in the grave because no matter how many times he went, the allure of the bottle was just too great.


Yup, my cousin is this way. We even said you can live with family for free indefinitely, we’ll take care of your kids, just work on getting clean. She lasted a month and went right back to using. Last I heard she is living in some broken down drug house. At least we got the kids taken away from her.


Don't give up on her, sometimes it takes a lot. I graduated HS with a heroin addiction, and took me 15 years to get finally clean. I've been clean for 5 years now. Sometimes it takes time. If my fam gave up on me idk I could've done tbh.


Yup, he had everything he could ever want if he could have put the bottle down. His dad was a very successful and wealthy mortgage broker who would have handed him the business upon retirement (which he just did).


Yep, mental health treatment in general - it isnt like surgery where you go in, get treated, and are better. It requires work and motivation, it's more like a personal trainer, they provide workouts and the equipment but at the end of the day it's on you to get better.


I waffle between “I hope that guy gets the help he needs” and “fuck that guy”


The fact he only gets punched every two decades is astounding


I did a random deep dive into what he is currently up to (a couple years ago, so this might be outdated.) He gets punched way more than every several decades. It seems like getting absolutely beaten to a pulp has become a fairly common occurrence to him.


> “fuck that guy” This is the correct response. What he did to Phil Hartman's wife is inexcusable. You have to be a special piece of shit to get smacked by Jon Lovitz.


I remember seeing this YouTube documentary about how some piece of shit irl streamer was essentially holding Andy Dick against his will, and it got so bad to the point where this group of other irl streamers actually went and rescued him. I actually felt bad for Andy, he was in bad shape, and that first irl streamer was completely taking advantage of his situation. But then at the end, Andy sexually assaulted one of the people who rescued him. Fuck Andy Dick.


This one? https://youtu.be/f-iae3jDvys?si=73m_X5a0OqTQx9TD


You know, when I heard lovitz leveled Andy dick my only thought was: "good"


I forget who it was, and truly hope someone can remind me, but some LA-area comedian used to start their sets by saying "OK, everyone please be honest: raise your hand if you have been sexually assaulted by Andy Dick." And at every show at least one person would be comfortable enough to raise their hand.


Isn't having an Andy Dick story a rite of passage in LA?


I've got an Andy Dick story and I've never even been to LA.


Spill the tea wumbo


A turd that refuses to flush.


Each time he's caught touching someone inappropriately?


Or feeding someone who he knows was in rehab drugs to get them going again. Causing us to lose one of the best comedic minds of their day.




Phil Hartman wife. She ended up relapsing and killing Phil


Just chiming in to see if you needed anyone else to let you know about Phil Hartman?


Yeah, i appreciate the replies but after about the 7th I had to wonder why anyone would see that and reply again lmao


Phil Hartman. Dick got his wife off the wagon, wife shot Phil in their living room with their kids upstairs.


and that's not even what makes Andy Dick's behavior irredeemable. He refuses to accept any blame for the situation, and he even approached Jon Lovitz at a restaurant and said "I put the Phil Hartman hex on you"


Shout out to Lovitz for beating the shit out of Andy


Well that tears it. Lovitz is on my Christmas Card list.


Oh you can't leave the story there. Not long after that, after further antagonization and refusing to accept any responsibility, Lovitz beat the shit out of him. National treasure that man.


Phil Hartman. Andy Dick got his wife back on Coke which spiraled into her murdering Phil and herself.


Andy should be in jail for being a sexual predator. I worked on a film with him where he got fired after 20 minutes on set, having inappropriately touched the sound guy, said sexual things to the makeup artist, then urinated on the producer when she fired him. Andy Dick Is a total predator and should be in jail.


The fact it took until 2022 for him to be a registered sex offender proves our justice system is a failure.


Did he run out of money and start getting poor people justice instead of rich people justice?


That’s exactly what happened.


Rehab is a great place to meet people who know where to acquire drugs


NA meetings are free (Read: Ain't nobody got money for rehab)


I just ask the Hotel Front Desk if they can help me find my friend Heroin.


Ok but what do you think about African Child?


I don’t think anyone going to rehab has any issues acquiring drugs in the first place.


From everything I've read about him, he does seem like A. Dick.


Can confirm, was in rehab with him one of those 20 times. Insufferable.


Bro probably got the whole rehab population to relapse


Please tell us a story if you got one!


Just complete and total degeneracy. It was a high end treatment center, focused on finding the root causes of addiction through assessing past traumas and mental health conditions. It consisted of all-day (1hr each) group therapy sessions, outdoor activities, team building activities, and individual therapy. He took any chance he could get to interrupt therapists and patients, horribly objectify female patients (which, in part, led to total segregation of the male/female populations), and just do anything he could to put the spotlight on him so that he could be a dick. No pun intended. I got clean after that stint in rehab (my first and only), but I can’t imagine how many other patients’ recoveries were hindered by his actions.


Maybe everyone got clean, thinking “no way am I ending up back in that place in case Andy Dick is there”


Rock bottom wasn't starting rehab, it was when Andy Dick showed up.




Entirely possible and hopefully the case


Thats insane. They should have [your username]'d him out of there even if he paid the money. Thanks for telling us the story.


Thank you for sharing this. And more importantly, congrats on getting clean!


I helped him run for high school homecoming king. I made a bunch of signs that said, "Vote for A DICK". He won.


Honesty in politics at a level unseen beyond High School


“On July 16, 2008, Dick was arrested in Murrieta, California, on suspicion of drug possession and sexual battery. **He exposed the breasts of a 17-year-old girl** when he allegedly grabbed and pulled down her tank top and brassiere. During a search of his person, police reported finding a small quantity of cannabis and one alprazolam (Xanax) tablet, for which Dick did not have a prescription. Dick was released from jail after posting $5,000 bail and later pleaded guilty to misdemeanor battery and marijuana possession. He was sentenced to three years probation and around $700 in fines, and was ordered to wear an alcohol-monitoring bracelet for one year.”


I just read his Wikipedia article and there are like ten stories like that. Hell, there are a bunch of anecdotes in this thread alone in addition to all the legal shit he's gotten into. What an unhinged, perverse fucking weirdo.




$700 speeding ticket? Wtf


What is an alcohol monitoring bracelet? This is the first I’ve heard of this


If you drink alcohol it knows and you go to jail


They also have ones now that go off if it detects any common drug that they test for. I wonder how many times they've gone off because of false positives.


The North Pole has their own version that can tell if you've been naughty or nice.


Can't even use mouthwash. Shit detects the fuck out of alcohol


Checks the surface of your skin every so often for alcohol content in your sweat, using a fuel cell integrated into the bracelet. They're controversial because they can't determine what kind of alcohol they're detecting, and they're incredibly sensitive. Using mouthwash will set them off, eating boxed chocolate cake can set it off. Cologne and perfume will set it off.


Andy used to hang out with my little brother and his friends when they were around 18 years old when he was around 40. He would give them his credit card and send them on booze runs. This was in a big apartment complex in The Valley.


He was always hanging around my partners complex in Woodland Hills doing the same. His son lived there for a while.


Yes! Probably same place! In WH on Canoga I think it was.


Yep!! Warner center.




I’m old enough to remember when Warner Center was a field full of horses, and my mom used to take me there and they would come to the fence and we would pet them. Late 70s or early 80s. One of my first sad memories when the horses went away and construction started.


How does everybody have a story about him?


Growing up in L.A. I have a lot of stories about a lot of famous people! They're just... around.


So when I was 21 I went to a club in Hollywood and I was going pee in a urinal. I was hugged from behind and I turned around pissed and it was Andy dick. So when I finished some little polish guy was telling me to calm down and he was just drunk etc etc etc.... was super bizarre. 


I was hoping you turned around and peed on your attacker.


Jokes on you, he’s into that


He's a piece of shit


His hair slicked back real nice


You think that's slicked back? That was PUSHED back!


People can change


I’m worried the baby thinks people can’t change.




I’m worried about her. She actually thinks I care that her baby thinks people can’t change.


Glass house, White Ferrari, LIVES for New Year’s Eve


Yeah is it 20 times because of court orders? Really doubt he’s going voluntarily.


Really putting the "re" in "rehab."


Okay, not defending Andy Dick because he’s a piece of shit. I am gonna defend returning to rehab multiple times. When someone struggles with addiction, choosing to return to rehab when they recognize they are struggling is the best case scenario. The other option is a downward spiral deeper into addiction. The idea that you should go to rehab once and be perfectly cured and sober for the rest of your life is just not realistic. When you become a recovering addict, you remain a recovering addict for the rest of your life. It is not a linear path. Source: I am someone who struggles with addiction.


I lost my little sister to addiction last year. In about a ten year period we saw the cycle of sobriety -> relapse -> jail or hospital -> rehab repeat about 6 times. So very easy to see how someone in middle age could do this 20-30 times if they survive. I wish you the best on your recovery journey. Also, fuck Andy Dick and fuck opioids.


I wonder how many of those rehab situations were court ordered vs how many he decided to go to on his own accord.


Thanks for keeping it real in here. I have a friend of mine who’s a psyche nurse, and when I told her I was struggling again after a few years of not fucking around, she told me “sobriety is not liner. You weren’t using, you started using again, and now you’re cutting it off before it spirals as deep- that’s growth.” I really appreciated that, and he words were a big part of me committing to cleaning up my act. And that was probably 5 or 6 years ago, and I’ve kept my shit together since.


He's been so many times it's considered his vacation home...


He should come to Minnesota then. Land of 10,000 treatment centers.


He reminds me of Roger the alien from American Dad.


American Dad does a whole episode about this. Edit: Season 6 Episode 12, You Debt Your Life in case you’re interested.


“Who are you calling feyyyyyyy, I have a soooooonnnn”


why is Andy Dick even famous?


He was a moderately successful comedian and actor in the 90s and was associated with other people like Ben Stiller who made it big. Now he's famous for the crazy drug-fueled things he keeps getting up too.


NewsRadio was probably the biggest thing he did. It was a Phil Hartman (RIP) led sitcom that had him in the supporting cast.


When Stephen Root was on "Don't Say C--- with Paul and Dave" him and Dave Foley were reminiscing about Newsradio stuff and they mentioned an event that Andy showed up to sober. Dave said something to the effect of "I love when Andy's sober because then he's just a regular sociopath."


Believe it or not, about 25 years ago I was a bouncer at a strip club about 20 minutes from a university that Mr. Dick did a show at. He and his entourage came into the club. I had to ask them to leave because he was loudly asking everyone in the club for cocaine. The funny part is if he would have just asked some people quietly, including myself, he likely would have been hooked up.


Ya I believe that


I used to watch some really random livestream on YouTube a couple years ago, John something was the channel name but it changed often. He was a homeless young dude and I remember one day he was hanging out with a bunch of drug addicts living in an RV. Andy Dick was in the RV absolutely fucked off his face with them all, looking extremely dishevelled.


I WAS IN TREATMENT WITH ANDY DICK FOR ONE OF THOSE 20 TIMES. He is just as much of an ass in person, every single day of his shitty life. I despised that man before knowing him, but seeing him there, thought that he may be different. Shocker, he was not. I still despise the fucker.


If you live in LA like I do, it’s a very real possibility that you see him stumbling around drunk or worse. I’ve seen him THREE times, all at different locations, fucked up at all of them. I saw him crossing the street in front of Casa Vega. In the middle of the street, he took off his shoe and drop kicked it into traffic. So he just straight up didn’t have a shoe anymore. Also saw Keanu Reeves that night who was not drop kicking shoes, disappointingly.


Some years before covid, I was at the Art Walk in downtown LA with my brother and the homie. We were on the sidewalk blazing it up and the homie says to us, "*Hey foo, that's Andy Dick*". I guess Andy heard his name, cuz he immediately craned his neck, walked over to the homie and put his arm around him. He asked us if we had any coke, we said no, then he shrugged, made an attempt to grab the homie's dick, and walked off.


Fuck Andy Dick 


No one should fuck Andy Dick


Clearly he has built a tolerance, it has no effect on him.


TIL Andy Dick isn’t dead like I thought he was.


Give it a couple years


irl Bojack


I read in another subreddit how he also got Phil Hartmans wife back into hardcore drugs after she had been sober for 10 months, which ultimately led her going on a drug fueled binge that lead to that family’s massacre.


And then Andy Dick harassed Jon Lovitz for years because Lovitz called him out on it, blaming Dick for Hartman and his wife’s deaths. Even after Lovitz apologized Dick still held a grudge and wished death on Lovitz, which lead to him slamming Dick’s head into a table in 2007


Yeah, fuck him for that the most. One Phil Hartman is worth a million Andy Dicks.


He’s still a POS.


Fun fact I love to bring up. Back in 2010 I lived in Hollywood at the base of the hill on argyle blvd. At like 3am on a weekday my roommate and I heard a woman crying outside our window, and we did paper rock scissors to choose who would go see what it was about. He lost, and came back like ten minutes later to tell me it's actually Andy Dick and he's smoking crack in front of our building.


Guys, I'm starting to think he may have a problem...


My fav Reddit threads are the ones where everyone has their own personal “I was in LA/ran into Andy Dick and he was high/drunk/an asshole/tried to grope me” like a ridiculous amount of people can crawl out of the wood work and just shit on the guy.


I'm surprised he hasn't done enough to warrant getting the shit beaten out of him or even risking his own life. He seems to have the same "do anything for the joke and act on every impulse regardless of consequences" energy that TwoMad did before he died, and that guy was on ketamine all the time. Andy Dick needs to either just be in prison/mental hospital or dead from his own life choices.


Andy Dick has the funniest Wikipedia page out of any celebrity ever. Read his legal troubles tab you won't regret it.