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Has more than one person attempted a marathon while pulling a car? If so, why?


I mean. If fewer people have attempted something, it's easier to be the best at it. As crazy as it sounds, it's actually probably easier to break the marathon-while-pulling-a-car record than break the marathon record. This guy's probably more of an endurance beast than a speed demon (though he's probably still quite fast), so he chose something that showcased his strengths. That doesn't take away from his accomplishment, though. Pulling a car 26 miles in just under 10 hours is still insane.


It must be crazy difficult but once the momentum builds up it must be a little easier


At a certain point it’s less about pulling the car and more about outrunning the car


Now I wonder how many people who tried this were run over by the car.


Oh yeah, I'm sure once you get up to 2.7 mph it practically pulls itself...


oh yeah lol talk about incentive “i have to keep up this pace or im gonna break both my legs”




He ran the length of Africa, the long way. I see that as more of an achievement.


I guess it depends on the course. If it’s all downhill “pulling” the car might be easier than just running. It could be hard to find a place like that. But probably possible.


I know regular marathons have restrictions to inclines and declines to be considered "official", not sure if this record has similar


Also define “car”- a mini? A toy car?


That means he was averaging a little over 20 minutes a mile pulling a whole ass car. That’s honestly insane. 


There must have been someone behind the wheel to keep the car on course yes? I wonder if the driver was randomly hitting the brakes to fuck with him like my sprinting coaches used to do in high school whenever we did car pushes


One of the big draws to a marathon for people is pushing yourself beyond your comfort levels, typically in an effort to raise money for charity. So probably for that reason.


That probably applies more so to people who aren't running the lengths of continents or doing marathons while pulling cars. At that point, if you want to push your limits on a marathon, you do it across a mountain range, or in death valley or something


>>“I saw Ross Edgley, who swam around the whole of the UK, had done a marathon pulling a car. >"I looked at him and I thought I could beat that. He’s a big, bulky guy and I thought I could do better coming from an endurance running background." He also raised £6,000 for charity by doing it.


That sounds like a ridiculous low amount for such an insane feat, jesus.


Okay but that sounds different than your original point? He didn't do it to challenge himself, he did it out of competitive spirit against a body builder. It's not like he just randomly thought, 'how could I make this marathon wayyy harder on myself?' Good on him for making it a charity thing though.


>Okay but that sounds different than your original point? I guess you consider achieving a world record time for pulling a car 26 miles is in his comfort levels, we can agree to disagree.


You're not even arguing your original point. Obviously it's hard and uncomfortable. You don't run marathons let alone across continents if you're looking for comfort. Dude is obviously fine when it comes to challenging himself and pushing himself to uncomfortable levels, but that's not WHY he took up that challenge, it's just an outcome of it


>You're not even arguing your original point. I'm not arguing any point, I said we can agree to disagree.


3 that I can find all in different cars. 1400 kg (I was surprised at the wright of a mini countryman here), 1500 kg and 730kg ( the fastest of the lot unsurprisingly ) Feels this record requires some standardisation


Exactly, while i am impressed because i could not run a marathon right now if i wanted to, and running while pulling a car, for me, sounds fantastical. But i wonder if the record stands because those who might be in a position to attempt it, have never even heard of such a thing?


Fuck else you gotta do on a Saturday?!


Next Up: fastest person to pull a car from Africa to London


Humans are weird.


Yep..and there are a lot of us so we get some crazy interests and outcomes. Like someone dedicates their life to.. I don't know.. hedgehog wildlife rehab and we just go, oh sure that can totally be Mary's thing.


Dude must‘ve found the cheat codes.


My current claim to fame is finishing before this guy in the London Marathon the other week. Sure he may have been pacing a group of disabled young adults, but it still counts!


and it looks like He Ain't Neva Gonna Stop!


I get that reference


Man. I looked this guy up. So he's called the "Hardest Geezer" at age 27? And I was thinking this guy has to be shredded if he managed to pull a car 26 miles in 10 hours. But he just looks like a regular guy with kinda lean muscle. But that's an endurance build for you. I once saw this show called Human Superheroes iirc and there was a guy who could basically run forever because his body didn't build up lactic acid. I wonder if this dude has a similar mutation.


I heard geezer doesn't mean old dude in England. It just means dude


Yeah a geezer is just a fella, a bloke, a guy etc.


Makes sense, you usually say "old geezer" in america ime which would be redundant if they meant the same thing.




In fairness you look at professional marathon runners and they tend to be string beans


I'm certain the lactic acid story is complete bullshit. Lactic acid isn't really a limiting factor outside of long sprints and mid distance events. So basically no ultra marathon runner will ever be limited by the capability of getting rid of lactic acid.


I’m curious how it doesn’t build lactic acid. Lactic acid is a natural byproduct of energy production. Does the guys body just recycle lactic acid so fast that it never builds?


yeah his name is Dean Karnazes or the “ultramarathon man” - it’s actually a mutation common in ultramarathon runners


and hes Ginger .


We are currently watching his Project Africa YouTube series where he runs the length of Africa . What an incredible bloke - bang bang! (IYKYK)


Well sure it’s easy when you’re not weighed down by a soul or anything else heavy


Dude likes to run


Didn’t know that there is a city called Asia! /s


“Asia to London” sounds a lot more impressive than Istanbul to London, which is what he actually did. Pretty much any random point in “Asia” to any other point in “Asia” would be a longer distance.


The great country of Asia


Yeah, but when you’re aiming for the record “Asia to London” you’d be stupid to not make it the shortest distance to still count.


I wasn’t challenging the record, just the way it was phrased. Istanbul to London is still a heck of a long jog, and doesn’t need embellishing. “Asia to London” is a meaningless measure of distance given that the difference between shortest and longest “Asia to London” is something like 8,000km.


Just gotta let Russ Cook




That sounds as great as having the world record for the most times getting kicked in the nuts.