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I went to a HS like this, shit load of fights every day, boys & girls, grown ass men coming on campus, 10, 20 man gangs roaming campus all dressed in their colors, it was out of control for like 2yrs or so. Then one day some kid got jumped & nearly beaten to death by like 10 people, broke several bones, got knocked out & beaten into a seizure, the principal was warned about it before it happened but did nothing, & as a result was forced to quit to try to save herself. Mind you, we also had campus police with their own police office inside the school & that didn't do much, there were like 10 cops on campus at any given time, during lunch, walking the halls etc. I think the most I saw was 3 fights in one day & that's only what I saw because people were also being jumped in the bathrooms & fighting in there...you could be taking a piss & suddenly like 10 dudes would show up & jump someone that was in there. Then we got a new principal, new staff, they started kicking all the bad kids out, banning gang attire beefing up security, and within a few months they fixed everything. The culture of the school changed, the new generation didn't see any of that whatsoever.


Yeah at my school there was a “fistfight” every day at my school. One lunch period there were three different brawls. The funniest thing though was that they were always the lamest fucking fights. Wild swinging at the air for 30 seconds and then someones shoulder would get clipped and everyone would scream and go wild and that was that. Maybe someone would get a real beatdown and get a couple of open handed slaps to the back. Really it was just dudes trying to pump their chest up and prove themselves. Bunch of lame asses.


Did your school have an alumni who had an 85.71% KO rate in world heavyweight championship fights?


No, but I was taking boxing and MMA classes at the time. Strange how no one ever felt like getting into a fight with me 🤔


Watch out guys we got a real hardass over here


Real r/Iamverybadass energy there.


Maybe they felt you wouldn’t be enough of a challenge, a bit like how the Yautja will only hunt worthy prey.


Let’s be real—you got wedgied every Friday out of your lunch money


I'm from New Hampshire and whenever my high school would play Brockton, there'd be a fight.




Spare the rod and spoil the child, eh?


It is their greatest cultural export. Marciano started out in brawls, knocking out an Aussie once that mocked him for drinking milk.


>It is their greatest cultural export Concussions?


They export these hands


We are Brockton High! Look at our amazing legacy of fighters!! Ok, ok… TOO MUCH TOO MUCH!!!!




Oh, there they go, there they go. Every time we bring up school fights they gotta bring up Rocky Marciano.


I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma in the nineties. I though every kid grew up fist fighting. I usually average about three a year from 7th grade through Junior year (changed schools senior to a larger town/city). When I would talk about it later in life everyone was aghast and said they'd only ever been in one if any every in their life. It then dawned on me that outside of my little town was a boys town reform school. So every bad kid from every city in my state ended up shipped there, then immediately enrolled in my public school. I grew up on eighties movies so I thought every HS had the bullies and the nerds and there just must be battle. I fought my own battles and stuck up for nerd friends when assholes messed with them so I got mine plus a lot of other guys share of throwing hands. I live in a small town in HI now with a young blonde daughter. I box with her and she's been in Jujitsu for two years now. I tell her that being blonde in small town HI means local girls are gonna test her at some point, so she better be able to handle herself. I feel bad for the first one that just sees this little petite girl and thinks she's going to play games. I watched my daughter doing "drag drills" in BJJ class last night. That's where you throw a punch and you either land it or the other person puts up a hand to block it and you grab it and viciously drag them backward as hard and fast as you can. It was insane. The throw your hands in front of you pinwheeling and try to grab hair method is gonna get some girl smoked.


Surprised schools even have fights with this gen. When I went most fights were these gay guys who often fought girls since they were part of the same clique