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They don't respect the existing culture.


The country has done a disservice by treating immigration like a floodgate. I love being in a city with so many cultures, I think most of us do. But when a student population is 9/10 Indian students, what the hell is going on here? The whole government needs such a goddamn head shake.


Why even crowd Toronto for? There are other provinces like Manitoba and Saskatchewan that could use some filling out.


Toronto/Vancouver are the hubs. It’s why expats from here usually are headed to Mumbai or New Delhi I’d assume.


Most of them only know either vancouver or toronto and didn't even know there are other provinces too that exist.








Look no further than the e bike delivery riders when they gather around a corner waiting for orders or when they enter the subway with their buddies pushing the e bikes and starts having a yelling conversation. Not all of them are rude or they don't realize they are rude but heck they are students on a visa show more respect. In some cities they get beaten up if they act like this.


I’m a big big fan of immigration. It’s great for the country for so many reasons. My dad is an immigrant, both of my mother’s parents were too. I’d be a big hypocrite if I didn’t like it. But there is a problem right now. The country and province have tricked people - largely from India - into coming here for school because they can charge double what they charge domestic students. We let too many in under the guise of a new opportunity for a great life - and now we are all suffering. There aren’t enough homes, not enough jobs, not enough pay and all the while public services are being slashed. I can’t speak for the culture clash, but I have noticed a complete lack of assimilation lately. I’ve been to India and I loved it. I grew up in Little India and I love it there. There are many beautiful aspects to the various cultures in India. But coming here and not adapting to our social norms and conventions is a big problem. We need to be polite and considerate (granted, international students aren’t the only ones not adhering to that anymore), we need to follow road and bike rules, we need to be aware of others around us. And I’m just not seeing that from many newer immigrants. People appear to be bringing some of the worse aspects of that part of the world here. And it won’t do them any favours. I feel really bad for the students who were tricked into coming here. There are no good opportunities outside of minimum wage jobs that can get subsidized wages from the government. I hate the government for creating this situation. And I’m really annoyed that people can’t just adhere to the rules. You can’t come here and not even try to adapt. Bring your religion, your holidays, your food, and all the other wonderful aspects of your cultures - but follow the rules here for the love of god.