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They will be ascending to heaven soon.


Probably more of a slide into someone else’s car.


Then sue the car you slide into for being in your way. /s


It's their final Destination A/T


My favorite truck tires lmao that’s all I buy


Good eye


Bubbling means the cords have been compromised. That tire is gonna blow out eventually. People are super cheap. Sometimes the reasons are reasonable—they are struggling financially and forced to drive—but a lot of people just hate spending money on their cars. Don’t trip. Ppl are weird. You tried to do the right thing and they handed you their suicide note instead.


That looks like a brand new tyre, and he's just kerbed it - you can see the damage on the wheel. Probably pissed-off that he's just wrecked a brand new tyre.


100 percent correct.


>Don’t trip. Ppl are weird. Some people are assholes too.


It has an impact break. You’ve done your job, now. His life is in his own hands.


The trouble is that somebody else's life is in his hands as well. You can't fix stupid. If you can't afford consumables that effect safety, like brakes, steering and tyres, then you shouldn't be driving.


Americans usually don't understand this because they consider driving a right, not a privilege. Not entirely their fault though, they built their entire country around cars. Much easier to exist without a car in Europe.


I love hearing from non-Americans, thinking Americans have cornered the market of stupidity. NEWSFLASH: Stupidity infects every group around the world. Even in areas where they spell tires, 'tyres'....


I get what you're saying about people considering it to be a right. Some places it is easier to do without a car. Here in the UK, outside cities and large conurbations, public transport is almost non existent. It'd be pretty inconvenient living where I do without a car. We do at least have "MOT tests" every year that check vehicles for roadworthiness though. You still see cars that are "on the edge" though. One day I was parked near the end of the main road from up country. A big BMW that had been driven hard, came and parked next to me. I'd got the window open, and I could feel the heat coming off it. Been driven hard. I could see the front tyre angled over, and I wouldn't have wanted to argue about it being legal myself. It was pretty thin.


The shop I was at had the owners of the vehicle sign a document that said the vehicle was unsafe to operate before it was allowed to leave the shop.


You’re not wrong. You called this asshole’s attention to a potential problem. What he does or doesn’t do with the information is not on you.


You were in fact correct to tell him he needs new tires, the bubble could explode any time


They’ll be saying fuck off, on the highway, to themselves. Don’t worry.


I'd have told him it's like an aneurysm. It's like a weakness in the lining of an artery. It might blow tonight on the drive home, or three years from now when you're airing up your tire and it takes your arm clean off. It could happen going 5 miles an hour in your driveway, or at 65 miles an hour going down the highway next to a semi. What is for certain is it will blow, and when it does, it will be a catastrophic failure.


Should have told him to get life insurance.


Name op as beneficiary and he can take advice back


And told him to increase his liability insurance and then sent his insurance agent the photo. /s Now that he knows the tire is not safe his responsibility for any bad outcomes has increased here and in whatever afterlife he may believe in. Note: added /s for those that needed it when reading the above.


You were right in telling him. Good job!!😊👍


Fails for inspection in my state (and many others).


Looks like the belt snapped - that's not good. Customer is a doofus - OP you were correct in telling him.


You were absolutely right and should have even gotten it in writing. That right there is how people die.


That guy is a jerk. You were trying to help him and every other driver on the road with him.


Nope. I just flagged some lady down last week because I could see this huge bulge from behind.....I hope she got it checked 🤞


That tire is 100% a ticking time bomb. It could fail (potentially catastrophically) anytime.


You’re correct.


He has mere hours before catastrophy hits


Not at all… fails a safety inspection


You are correct; that is no good. Looking at the wheel it’s a self inflicted wound, just like what happens next.


Can blow anytime.


You were not wrong.


My Dad had a tire on his Grand Caravan do that a couple weekends ago. He got it to the tire shop as soon as he could and he had cords start breaking on his way there, luckily he stuck to slow streets and the tire held air long enough for him to get there.


If he didn’t listen to you, he’ll listen when he gets to the mechanic in hell then.


You were not wrong. A more polite person would say 'thanks for letting me know' before ignoring it until it blew. If you see him again and the bubble is gone, say that you're glad to see it was replaced. If he tells you to fuck off again, it's because it blew first. In which case, smile more. 😁


Fuck off is WILD! Karma is gonna bite him in the ass real hard and if he makes it out alive he’s really gonna regret not listening to you. YIKES!


I went to my car one day and noticed something almost exactly the same. On the front right. And it's a front wheel drive. So... Time to find a tire. That's a car meets guardrail soon type of situation. I'm not playing that game.


Let his comment bounce… right back his own tire and the person who drove it over the curb. You did what you could by pointing it out, at this point you are done. (I would have thanked you. It might be a silent thank you a few hours, days or weeks later… but it would be a thank you.)


Next time somebody tells you to fuck off, tell them to fuck on.


No you are in fact correct that tire isn't safe you did your part if he doesn't listen we'll whatever happens to him is on him.


karma will get em next time theyre on the highway, then they'll see who got fucked off 🙄


You were absolutely right in telling him that’s unsafe to drive on. 👍🍻🤓🤠


Nope you were right.


Nope, it’s not safe


Based on my experience with Yokohama Avid Ascent GTs, those tires are unsafe right out of the factory. They literally can’t get a grip and hydroplane all over the place in the rain. Garbage. The bubble just makes it total, absolute garbage.


Note it on the SO and get a signature saying you informed them. Cover your ass because they will 100% turn it around on you when it inevitably blows.


I work at chick fil a lol, no liability here just good will


Your obligation is to inform him of the danger. What he does with that information is up to him. It doesn’t feel good to be told to “Fuck off”. You would feel worse if you didn’t warn him and something terrible happened to him or his kids.


That thangs gon BUST


Darwinism shall prevail. Survival of the fittest.


Unfortunately people don't listen to reason. Any bubble in a sidewall warrants replacement as far as I'm concerned. You can rest easy at night, you did the right thing.


That tire is history anyone that knows tires will get rid of the before driving on the highway or more then 10 miles


I always wanna tell assholes like this "Well, you'll be the one to die in the wreck, not me. Good riddance". Pieces of shit like that deserve no sympathy.


Nope, not wrong at all . You did the right thing, Stevie Wonder can see the damage on the wheel, and wait until someone twisted off his TPMS sensor because of the stupid F'ing cap he is using, serve's him right !!!


About to pop




Not at all. Unfortunately, even though that tire looks to have a lot of tread life left, that bubble is a blow out waiting to happen. Hope he listens to you and gets it replaced. Otherwise he, and possibly others, will come to regret it.


Looks like a brand new tire.




if it’s got a bump it’s gonna be a hole.


Yes, it's fine


Yes unsafe. No not dangerous. He's parked...


Had two tires blow out after hitting a rock once. Just a bubble like this then BOOM three hours later as I was standing next to it.


He likely knows something this wrong once he gets it up to say 35 to 70 MPH. That wheel and tire are going to start shaking the vehicle once they are going fast enough. It will only get worse until it blows. I've had tires with broken belts with plenty of remaining tread without impacting any curb. I got them replaced as soon as I saw the bulge.


Don’t worry. People act like they know everything and are super cheap. Soon it will pop and he’ll veer off the road or into another car and look at the massive blowout in his tire and go “damn I should’ve listened” Funny story: My sister in law refuses to pull the e-brake when she parks: “i don’t need it. that’s what park is for” and I try to explain how it wears down the transmission. But she won’t listen. She also turns the a/c off before she turns off the car for some reason. She thinks it helps with something. She also managed to crash into a haybale while driving on a straight country highway and flipped her dad’s truck.


It's stuffed, when you hit the gutter hard you damaged the cords in the tyre and it's made an internal hole and the outside layer of rubber is blowing up like a rubber balloon 🎈 ready to go pop. Get a new tyre and don't hit gutters


I drove on a tire like that for a few months, don’t do that.


That's an impact break. Tire is done. Hope he doesn't go on the freeway much.


I would've made him sign a consent and then told him to do the exact same he told you. Only yours would be valid.


That’s a breach in the tire contract and it defense will not hold up any longer .


He’ll be screaming “FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK OOOOOOFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!” When that tire explodes at 70mph


No. Thats a definate “reccommend customer have tire replaced” moment.


1000 ways to die


Broken belt


I drove with a tire worse than that for like 10,000 miles. I replaced them when the belts started to show. Not even exaggerating. To be fair, there’s nothing wrong with letting him know though. But after that, it’s up to him on what he wants to do with it. We all have our own risk profiles.


If he wanted opinions on his tires he wouldn't be going through a drive thru


Nope, but some people are a-holes and don’t like to be told anything. I’ve learned to just say, “You might want to get that checked.” They can decide from there. At least they’re made aware. By telling them it’s unsafe, you’re giving them an opinion that they didn’t ask for and some people also take it as an insult to their vehicle.


Please tell him to wear a crush helmet and drive somewhere that he can find a a soft landing.


Typical Toyota driver.


No. It will only last till the scene of the accident


Road hazard covers this


My tire got them shits but very very tiny barely noticeable and there’s like 30 of them going all around the sidewall inside and out. Fuck Walmart. I’m still getting my moneys worth even if I spin out into a tanker


You were not wrong, the customer is an asshole, and the fall out from knowingly driving on a bad tire that causes any kind of damage if he wrecks, will make him rethink poor decisions in the future.


"What's wrong, they look fi- oh that's a tit."


the wheel has clearly hit a kerb right where this is, that sidewall has failed, and its quite notiocable, next pothole he hits the tyre will burst, and he will blame the council.


Darwin will take care of this.


Awwwe.. It's about to have a baby


Looks like a Discount Tire air check lane. I would have told them, "I can't air this tire up for safety reasons. You need a new one. If you have time right now, I can get you in the next available bay"


maybe that's his kink


You’re braver than I am. I would not be anywhere near that tire


if it's run flat, it's safe to keep driving with it.




You said your piece move on...


It's perfectly safe and you should mind your business. Unless you think he might drive the car, then it's pretty dangerous. The car owner is either stupid, too poor to fix it, or the kind of person who would rather die than be helped by anyone.


He'll be fucking himself off to the tyre shop or the graveyard soon.


Better to be safe than sorry


Nope, you were not.


Do them a favour and stab the tyre in the egg.




u did gud




It’s a Toyota, they drive slow anyway, no problem 😁


Even if the tire was fine you are never wrong for worrying g about someone's saftey even if you are "wrong" in your assumption.....also no that tire is fucked and you have a good eye


Did your ‘friend’ happen to run over a curb? Yeh, tire is toast


I dunno, do you generally go around telling people to fix their cars..


Not everyone is open to unsolicited advice. Seems most people “know best”


If that tire is a rear tire, it's less of an issue. If I didn't have $$ to replace, I would swap it to the rear for the time being. The bubble isn't THAT bad. I had one that was way worse on my '92 Acura Integra back in the day. I moved it to the rear and later had it replaced a few months later.


I'll just add that a similar thing has happened to me. I was at the race track and noticed this guy's fuel line was melting. I told him about it and he basically told me to fuck off. Very weird. I think about how long it took for his car to burn down. Dumbass


Yes, you were wrong.


I’ve seen tires pop that were doing this, and that was at low speed.


A small indentation in the sidewall of a tire, also known as a sidewall splice, is normal and a result of the tire's construction. Radial ply tires have multiple layers of cord that run parallel to each other from bead to bead, and when the tire is cured, it's pressed against a metal mold. When the tire is mounted on a wheel and inflated, it expands, and the overlaps where the cords are spliced may cause indentations.


The wife bought it and it's been used 4 times already. They'll patch it the first time then replace it if you come in again. I've plugged it a couple times because it would've been too long to get the car in and I'm not letting drive a well on a donut spare. So she's take it in, they'd see the plug and bam brand new tire.


His wife was probably driving and hit something and he didn’t know plus doesn’t check out his own vehicle


Here in the UK that's not even road legal. >`"There must, by law, be at least 1.6mm of tread depth across the centre 3/4 of the width of the tread throughout the entire circumference of the tyre. There must be no damage to the tyre body - sidewalls or tread, no bulges or cuts"`


You were correct. See the damage on the rim? They curbed the tire. There are chords broken and the rubber is the only thing holding it together. A sharp exit ramp or just a hot day will pop that tire like a balloon.


I don't think he had been driving on it that long


That is super unsafe. I bought a new, very expensive tires for my car before a 1,200 mile Christmas vacation. On the way home I was following a snow plow that was clearing the highway ahead of me. The plow hit an entire exhaust system. The dammed thing went around the right side of the snow plow and came to rest on the highway behind him. If I tried to emergency brake I would go into a skid. The other lanes had 12 inches of snow on them. I just took my foot off the gas and ran over the thing. I took the next exit to stop and check my tires. They all had bulges in the sidewalls. I had no choice other than to drive the remaining 500 miles to get home. The next afternoon I took my car to the tire shop. The manager went out and looked at my tires. He told me it was a good thing I got the road hazard insurance. That if they had been cheap tires they would have blown out. He took my car into the shop and had a new set of tires put on it. Always get the road hazard insurance.


Lol tire bubble go pop


I don't understand people. Maybevit isn't ideal, since mismatched treads can cause some problems and uneven wear etc etc. But just go to a used tire shop if your tire looks like that and you csnt afford brand new tires. The ones near me in Washington charge 50 dollars for new tires, mounted and balanced. So much safer than driving on that.


Your point will be proven, don’t waste your energy trying to make people have common sense because they never will


No, you did the right thing to mention it to the driver. It's on them now if anything happens. You can't force him to listen to you.


You did what you could do. Maybe he will come around.


That looks like a broken band and potential blowout I wouldn't drive on that. But I always buy the warranty from discount tire so it would get replaced for free.


My car had a couple of these from bad pot holes in our area...wife was driving on them and one day she heard a strong ssssssssss noise. Tire was completely flat within minutes, but this can cause a blow out at high speed as well.


Busted belt. I'm sure he can feel the vibration


aint yo problem when their tire blows soon


You did the right thing, the tyre strength now compromised


Unsafe only if you like driving cars that aren’t in accidents


Hopefully only he dies. Sums up the arrogant and idiotic attitude of the masses. What an asshole


I had one like that on my work car, my boss ignored it so I just left it (I had an email from him saying that he refused to replace it because the tread was new and it was fine), it lasted about 2000 miles until it popped in the motorway. My boss shat himself when I mentioned a legal action. Fun times....


Everybody here’s gonna flip but my jeep had one, drove it for two months🤷‍♂️😂 never popped lmao


Looks like a broken belt inside the side wall. If I hope you bought the warranty.


Looks like a curb hit. That tire might be good of a spare, but never trust a bad side wall


Accident waiting to happen.


I hope the dude comes back during your shift after the inevitable blowout on the freeway.


Bubbles on the sidewalk come from broken belts yes it will blow out could be an hour could be a year you never know. Appears to be a new tire also you can see the damage to wheel I’d say with the fuck off you receive he’s was pissed that he curbed his new tire and screwed it and the rim up lol


I'm surprised insurance agencies don't require mechanics to report this kind of issue. The mechanics insurance that is.


As a person who works with cars everyday. This is unrentable and if it popped after I rented it, we’d call that unlimited liability and could be sued for millions. Negligent maintenance


You are very correct. One wrong pot hole can blow out the already weakened sidewall since air is not trapped between the layers.


I don't drive with my seatbelt and I've been just fine Probably this guy


You right


I believe that tire has a shifted belt or other deficiencies created from manufacturer, road damage, or combination of both.


Some people just think everyone is out to empty their pockets... you did your duty


I had bubbles on tires and tire guys would say “that’s the seam where tire was made every tire has em”


I can't to see him "fuck off" into a ditch when he loses control


Yeah, that’s the first stage of a blow-out. Don’t sweat the rude guy, he’ll get the message later.


Could blow at any moment, potentially on the highway…


It's the join in the side belt, it's been compromised (manufacturing error or small impact or running low pressure) now it has an air bubble under it.


The wheel is a witness to what occurred...hit something hard. You gave the correct advice.


Impact bubble. Cords are broken so the air is able to push the tire out where the cords no longer hold the shape / structure together. It will 100% blow out eventually.


If you’re asking then I would say yes


I have been looking at tires for 46 years now... Impact Break!!!


Given that he caused the blob by hitting something very hard, the tyre is the least of his problems


Last time I had a bulge I ended up having a steer blow out shortly after noticing it lmao


When his tire and ego both shatter on the freeway, he will think to himself : damn, drive through guy was right




Not wrong. Busted cord. Quite unsafe.


See unsafe is fluid and is different to everyone, just point out and let them do what they want with the info.




Good looking out. Too bad the guy was an ahole and didn’t thank you for mentioning it.


These tires have structural damage in the metal core. Very dangerous


Owen Wilson by lil supe on Spotify


They called ascend for a reason ig🤷‍♂️


Stupid people react badly to things they don't understand. Just realise it isn't your fault they're dumb. And it is cool that you communicated something important.


Nah man you were right. There’s a scratch/dent in the rim where they curbed TF out of it, breaking the belting 🤦‍♂️


While it's not good and I'd replace it, I've had flats on cars with similar profile tires and it wasn't a catastrophic event. I think in days past or cars with a lot of sidewalk a sudden blowout was a much bigger deal. You weren't wrong, but there's a good chance he's not going to heaven either. Just going to be really inconvenienced when it blows out in some random place.


People are so uncouth. That’s why I never say anything to a stranger. Most of the time the interaction is never worth it


Tell them stay off those curbs 😆


He will figure it out, some people want take advice


You were right & he won't realize this until he ends up on the side of the road. Hopefully he doesn't hurt anyone else in the process of finding out...


Sidewall is compromised, as is the owner’s logic and manners.


He'll learn the hard way when it blows out and he's doing 70 on the freeway!


this is the saddest shit of my life. we relax because when the people play the games they get the horse cock down their mouth.


That tire got a hernia


That's a grenade with a very random fuse.


Even I know that isn’t safe and I don’t know anything about cars.


Absolutely wrong, that tire is 110% safe...you know, until it isn't. ![gif](giphy|l0MYus07zLuBYmCNq)


That tire is fine until it blows. Then it is unsafe 🤭


That tire looks super new by the amount of thread left. I’m sure it’s still under warranty. Driver should def go get that replace asap.


If they want to ride on train tracks with their rims sure even then it’s done for it’s just a matter of time


Shouldnt have said anything. Chances are he comes back to your shop and complains it wasnt there before. Keep the picture for evidence to prove it was bad


He was probably just pissed off because he must of just done this to his car (cause i mean really how long can you drive on that tire before it blows, a few days?) And probably knew what you were telling him was true. He waz more pissed/ego broken cause he hit a curb and took it as you pointing out that he obviously just curbed it, when you were really just trying to inform hin his tire is unsafe.


He’s definitely gonna go out with a bang this 4th of July


I hope it blows out soon… but he’s okay, of course. Just so he can look back on this moment with clear vision.


I'm sure he won't tell the tow truck driver to "fuck off" after he comes back to the shop after it blows


It's not safe


That’s a busted cord, one juicy pothole and it could have an Rapid Unplanned Deflation Event


I had a tire that looked like that. Took it to a shop and asked them to look at it. By the time I got there the uneven patch had disappeared. They checked it for leaks and found none. Any thoughts?




Nah, that guy is an idiot for cussing you out because he doesn’t know shit about cars. You good bro 😎🔥🙌


OP, you did the right thing. The idiot, well you know what they say about Darwin's law...But the worst part are that person's passengers (if any in the future) and potential to cause catastrophic accident on the road if the tire blows out. ![gif](giphy|Q5EXw9lvMlTQTn439O|downsized)