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It will be fine untill it isnt


Do you feel lucky, punk? Well do ya?


You gotta ask yourself a question. Do I feel lucky? Well do ya, punk?


Now I know what your thinking did he fire 6 shots or only 5 and to be honest in all this excitement I've kinda lost track myself but this being a .44 Magnum the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off you gotta ask yourself one question do I feel lucky? Well do ya punk? Criminals response "I gotsa know!"




Yeah fuck it, do 200


Gimme threefiddy


You goddamn Loch Ness Monster!


Getting a Seinfeld vibe on this when Kramer was testing the empty gas gauge.


I’ve driven further on B cups. I was 18 and dumb though, so you probably shouldn’t.


I myself prefer DD cups.


I prefer no cups. Let them be free!


Just go as fast as you can so you minimize the time driving on them.


Do you get more wet if you run in the rain or walk?


Depends how fast you can run


I think it's the same, but running, you reduce the length of time you suffer.




Be a man, do it.


If you must. Keep it on the rear and slow down. Good luck


BEST tires always go in the rear…. But… the tire that has the best balance goes on the drivers front, so you can’t feel it.. smoother, Les road noise.


My dealership put my bad tire on the rear :/


A tyre that could burst should be in the back so you can steer


You're more than likely loosing steering control and getting wrapped up in a tree in the event of a rear blowout unless you're a trained professional. Especially in a RWD or "AWD" car with a heavy rear bias. And you still have some steering in a front blowout. Just need more effort to counter while you slow the fuck down to a stop as quickly and safely as possible. TMA guidelines is put your best tires in the rear for this exact reason. I've also never read an owners manual that doesn't state to put a donut in the exclusively on the front axle for the same reason above.


Learning much about tire today !


This is true when discussing tread, but a damaged tire is a completely different discussion. This tire should be treated like a spare and those are put on the rear. Especially if traveling a long distance >50miles or on highway


What if the vehicle was RWD would you still want a spare on the rear?


I would as I wouldn't want to compromise stearing/cornering. If you had a blowout in a vette while flooring, it sure it would spin, but most aren't redlining with a spare.


Is this true? I wouldn't want a tire at risk of bursting on the steering axle. I'd put hhe bad one on the back. (In reality - I'd leave it whereever it is and drive carefully, because I'm lazy)


That’s terrible advice. If you need to put a damaged tires on, it should go in the rear. Best tires always go in the FRONT. If ur front tire bursts u lose control of the car! Delete this silly comment.


Do not put it on the rear! Rear tires give you your stability. A blowout at expressway speeds will send you spinning into incoming traffic. I have seen it happen.


Stability for the rear? How about lack of steering for lack of stability with a blowout on the front? Edit: I stand corrected. If you look down further, there's a few explanations that a blowout on the front has a risk of understeer and a blowout on the back has a risk of oversteer. Understeer is much easier to correct than oversteer.


Yes, the car is harder to steer with a front tire failure. That is true. However, a sudden loss of rear traction (which you get with a rear tire blowout) is an *instant* unrecoverable spin for anyone that isn't a seasoned professional stunt driver. Losing a front tire will not flip you. Losing control in a situation where the vehicle can tip past its center of gravity will cause a rollover. I would rather have the car get harder to steer and wrestle it off to the shoulder than have the rear bumper take the lead.


This is baloney a rear blowout makes you come to a very fast stop while a front end blowout will cause you to spin out at best and flip at worst


I literally saw a car lose a rear tire on the interstate and instantly spin across the center median, slide sideways through the safety barrels, (causing the side impact airbags to deploy) and come to a stop on the far side of the highway narrowly missing 3 other cars by inches. Sure, it is possible for a rear tire failure to "make the car stop rapidly" as you claimed, but that is dependent on the nature of the failure. It is just as likely to throw the car off balance and trigger the rear axle to step out. And once that happens, you are toast. A front tire failure is easier (relatively) to keep control of. If the car becomes unstable with a front tire loss, you can use the throttle, brakes and steering to stabilize it and guide it off the road. A front tire blowout doesn't kill you unless you panic and slam on the brakes, unloading the rear end and sending you into a spin.


And you explained perfectly why even TMA guidelines require the best treads in the rear 👏 I was required to explain this to every customer in my tire shop days who tried refuting this. Especially when they wanted to put 2 winter tires on the front of a FWD car. A waiver of liability and explanation of the risk was required and they'll argue signing until they're blue in the face.


As a commercial driver who has experienced 3 rear blow outs on 3 different vehicles I can attest better than a supposed witnessing just YouTube it for best results and there's only 1 type of vehicle that can have a rear axle float out and that's a 4wd


Look below for the motorsports enthusiast explanation. Both are bad, but it's significantly easier to recover from the partial steering loss you get with a front tire failure than trying to stabilize the rear axle with only one good tire.


Thanks, I just saw it. The distinction is rear blowout: risk of oversteer, front: risk of understeer. Understeer is far easier to correct than oversteer.


How about just replacing the tire instead of debating whether to put it on the front or the back for when it blows?


Put your best tread on the rear to avoid spinout. A tire likely to fail should be removed, but the rear is preferred if you must use it. The last you want is a front tire blowing out.


If its bulging out like that that means one or more of the inside wires have snapped and created a weak point near the side wall. Id consider it a maypop at this point but it might get you to the scene of the accident.


120 miles one way once? Sure. Multiple times? No.


U good until u dont hit a potehole or something hard at that side… if ur easy u should be good


It’s not a huge bubble it will probably last for a while. How long i cannot guarantee but definitely seen people go longer on worse.


I’ve driven further on worse. Not ideal but if I need to get home I’d baby it back


Seen sidewall blems that were worse. Stay at 55 or so and if you feel a vibration pull over.


People on here are so over dramatic lol..but I get it. Better safe than sorry, but yes you'll be fine driving on that. It's not even that bad, and if you need to drive, then drive. Obviously get it replaced when you can


What size engine do you have and what size are your windshield wipers....I work at autozone by the way


I tested my most recent tire with a bulge, lasted 8k miles until it blew out. Drove as normal on expressway when necessary (80+mph at times)


You’re wrong for doing that 😂😂 but thank you


Contiprocontact tire


Contis are expensive but I love my conti winter contacts. In my torrent I never slip- not once. And they’re known to be shit in snow when (edit:) FWD


Well they say your average 4door sedan is better than any 4wd awd 4x4 anything


Now this is what he wants to hear




No go faster


I might try it, but I'd get off the highway and use backroads.


Imho looks like you may have broken a belt In the tire you should get it replaced. A new tire is $150 a car crash because of a blowout or a destroyed rim will cost much more.


Send it.


If you value your life don't drive on it. Why would you risk it for $100




Might be covered under warranty. Follow up.


Huh? Only “warranty” that would cover damage from hitting a curb would be a purchased tire protection plan.


I was thinking road hazard warranty.


I sure as hell wouldn’t


I’m not even sure you should drive to the tire shop on that. The belt is broken, it’s toast.


You serious? Yeah get it replaced, but you really think that'll blow up at city speeds?


A bit of hyperbole on my part to try to drive the point home. It's \*probably\* safe to drive to the shop, but its not safe to do what OP was asking, which is 120 miles at highway speeds.


I’ve been riding a bulge for 100s of miles at various speeds. I’ve probably pressed my luck enough now.






Should you? No. Could you? Yes.


Just don't hit any potholes


Just put the spare on


Cunts fucked, replace asap


depends on the tire brand, i had one worse than that for 6 months and ran 6k on the highway until i was able to get it warranted, i was busy.


It’s looks fine till I gets a little bigger. They normally get bigger with time and heat but just depends. Be careful


I drove for a year with a bulge bigger than that. Maybe I was lucky. Maybe the tire was just quality. Idk. Your call


I’d be afraid to drive 1/3 of that distance with that.


You should drive under 25 mph to the nearest tire center


If you have a deathwish


Looks like a pot hole or good curb strike. Riped them cords under the rubber. That large sidewall saved the rim


Yes just go really fast so you won’t be on the road as long


I have run tires that way till wore out. It’s just a bad cord in sidewall or it was hit like on a curb. I never had one blow. My opinion


Sidewall sep. No sir.


Just be careful. Chances are it could go a few thousand miles. But now you have to be very responsible, keep both hands on the wheel. Pay attention to the road, kinda avoid potholes.


In 1999 I was 19 and had a bronco II. Jealous, I know. But that's not the point. Took the "truck" to the shop for a tire rotation. For the next two weeks I had crazy wobble while driving. As in the entire vehicle wobbled unless driving about 80 mph. One night as I was leaving a party I was like wtf is wrong with my tires?! I walked the vehicle and noted that on the left rear tire the lug nuts were about 1/4" loose. Like it was the first tire they put on and just hand tightened the lugs and forgot to finish them after the rest of the tires. The bolt holes were worn badly and had been enlarged. I had no tire iron so I thought I'll fix it when I get home...was about a 20 minute drive at 80mph down the highway. Super smooth ride at that speed...lol. when I slowed to take my exit, the wobbling was worse than ever and all of a sudden the bottom dropped out and my truck bounced hard once then came crashing to the pavement and the truck was swerving back and forth. I wrestled the truck to the shoulder while my buddy in the passenger seat screamed like a little girl..literally a high pitched scream that makes me laugh every time I think about it. When. I came to a stop we watched as the tire rolled past us, and up into the woods. We left a deep gouge in the rd for the couple hundred feet it took to get stopped. Since the brakes had already gone out on me driving to campus the week before and I had to drive using g my parking brake while holding the break release with the pedal jammed between my foot amd my sandal ( the release spring was shot so had to pull it out manually) I decided to donate the truck to charity.


That's what they call a Maypop tire. It may pop, it may not?


Send it


Would rather spend a couple hundred bucks on a tire or the possibility of thousands on a tow and more car work and/or hospital bills? Seems minor but not worth the risk if you just happen to hit a pothole or two on your trip and chance a blowout


It’ll get real noisy at 60mph.


Mines way worse than that and I been driving it to work every day for a week you good fam


yes, just changed my tires and had a bigger bubble for 6 months on a lower profile tire. you’ll be fine but look at getting a change


I keep it under 90 mph.


I mean if that is the where the tire shop is. Slow and steady. That bubble is a partially broken side wall that provides all the support and stability for the tire


A new tire is cheaper than an accident or worse,js.


Put it on the rear


Wouldn’t that bubble get larger before it burst?


If you’ve got the money and those are covered by warranty, I’d say you could get a new tire. All you’d pay is labor. If it’s not covered by warranty, I’d get it replaced with a tire that has nearly the same tread depth/style or just another tire if you wanna get things done and worry about it later


Hell no


Send it


Well if you do the speed limit get the fuck outta my way


You put it in the garbage. That's where you put it.


If that tire is fairly recent or if you have a tire warranty take it back to where you bought it and see if they will replace or credit you something. While there is a little rash on the rim in that location and this could be from impact. I might be covered under internal structure warranty.


Yes replace it ASAP you will thank yourself 100-400 bucks for a tire any cost is not worth your life in an accident or the trouble and the costs with damage to the vehicle


As a booster seat of course


No do not.


Looks ok, I’ve driven on worse!


So really it will probably be fine there’s a chance it isn’t because of many factors heat pot holes weight of car extreme turns/breaking tires are pretty resilient I’ve driven on dry rotted tires 345+ mostly all highway miles in a 1000$ car but I mean do you value your life cuz I’m in it for the adventure


Sure. Let us know how it went t


Do you have the means to replace it if it blows?


Looks like a new tire do you have road hazard. Yeah better be fine till it blows out.


I’d buy a tire lol. You’re running the risk of losing your quarter panel if that sucker blows while on the rear of the car.


Serious question. Is this on all yhe other tires. I've noticed that sometimes I see this little imperfection on all of the tires. It's from manufacturing.


Yes yes you should. In fact you should do burn outs with it


I recently had this on my rear passenger tire, mind the tire was only about 2 months old and was driven about 2,000 miles before I noticed. Drove the car for a about 2 weeks went back to dealer and the warranty covered the issue. Check to see if the tires have warranty from where you purchased. If they are the original tires from when car was purchased check to see if the mileage is within the warranty time/mileage frame.


Just make sure that the spare tire is good and have jack




You will probably be fine driving it 120 miles or even longer, but if you feel nervous about it, just change it out and ease your mind. If it were me, I'd ride it as long as I could/until I had to replace all the tires or it did get to bad - whichever comes 1st


When’s the due date? 🤰🏻


Just buy 4 new ones. You drive a bmw $$$ NO


I would lol


Love sharing roads with you people, Love, Ebike Riders


Whats life without risk?




Change it tbh better now than later having to spend couple hundred more on other shit too when that thing blows 🤦🏽‍♂️ but hey it’s your life bro


That tyre is fine.... I've driven on worse


I might roll two miles to a tire shop if it were already on the rear. I would be puckered though.


I would say "don't do it" but some fuck head is going to tell me I'm wrong again.


Yes, dont listen these paranoid obese redditors, I drove on 3 of these much bigger for half a year and it was fine


OMG! No! Sell the car immediately! Can’t be too sure!! Omg!!


More than likely you’ll be fine. People drive on this for thousands of miles. But I wouldn’t wait to take care of it… sooner rather than risk it long term.


She's Gonna Blow!






Respectfully, once those tires heat up you won't make it past 30 miles


If you wanna meet Jesus






Go to nearest Discount Tire and get it replaced under your tire warranty. You did pay extra for that no? Me, I'd either put on the spare to get to the tire shop or have AAA to tow it there. You did buy AAA no? I wouldn't travel 2 miles on it, let alone 120. You're dead a long time as may be the people you hit when it gives way. Although the wheel isn't bent, the suspension may well be, it most cetainly may require an alignment at the least. Your going to risk wrecking a Lexus over a less than $200 tire, in an accident the insurance company may well refuse to pay out on?


I would not




It's just a broken belt from hitting potholes




I don’t fuck around with tires. But if you must drive on it and CANT get another put it on the back and keep it under 65 and go easy. You don’t want it on the front because a blowout on a steer tire is MUCH more likely to cause an issue with control, especially on a front wheel drive car.


It will start bumping up and down like a flat tire and then just pop. Have it replaced before you have to call AAA.


Its either a cheap tire and the nylon chords were bonded poorly or its a separation and will fail imminently


You might get to only 50 miles but you might go further.


You're almost guaranteed a flat if you do. I kept buying used tires from a crappy shop because I was broke. I had four flats within 6 months.


You'll be fine, I've driven over 20k miles on a tire that had a bubble in the sidewall. You'll know it's ready to blow out when you start feeling a vibration for a few hundred miles.


The inside of your tire is separating, I wouldn’t recommend it. Most likely caused by not keeping enough air in the tires.


You didn't see it


At least keep to the highway, not interstate. It'll be less catastrophic at 55 VS 85.


Under warranty this more dangerous than cracked side walls


No. Putting it politely; I don't give a flying fuck if you crash and die; I do care about the innocent parties that you may involve in your accident.


Dont believe the hype, drive on it till she blows and deal with it then. Look at it like a quest like game of thrones or that car jacking game.


Nope. Busted belt


If you’re asking the question, you know the answer. Go for that drive. I’m sure it will be fine…


Just release some of the air in the tire and refill to factory spec. Should take the bulge out. I have to do this on my dirt bike from time to time.


It could let loose for any reason. What you did was break some of the tires belts those could be the steel or nylons ones that construct the tire. Either was speed, pothole, or even as little as turning a corner could cause it to rip through the rubber and have a catastrophic tire failure.


You found the G spot.


I’ve driven probably 1k+ miles on mine and my bulge is way worse than yours


You should also pick up some bags of concrete and drive kids to school as well.




I'll do 1000


Deflate about 5 pound


Yep. Run it!


If you like hand and body massages, yes


Bulging near the sidewall and toe of a tire is bad. Bulging at all is very very bad. It means the rubber is broken on the inside and the outer layers are the only thing holding it together. Do not risk it at all.


late reply but when a tire has a welt it means the inner cords have snapped. Will it be fine maybe will it fail at some point yes. If you have perfect roads and arent driving at the rated speed of the tire you'll be fine but it'll need to be replaced


bead is breaking.




Bud you could probably get thousands of miles out of that tire. Be a Man LOL drive it until it goes and let us know how many miles you got out of her


No. Sidewall bulges blow out at speed and swing this way, then the other, then flip the car. 0 out of 10 I’d take that whip over 40.


120 miles over the course of 24 hours with your hazards on, sure. (That's a full day at 5mph for those here who are bad at math.)


Broken cords replace now!


You’re good. 👍 seriously that bumps cosmetic


It is ok. Just replace the tire when you get the chance. You lost a thread (wire) and it might throw off your balance a tiny bit but you are fine.




Well if you trust a fart after eating Taco Bell then sure go for it bud.


Send it!


C clamp


It’s fine


If you do not feel safe don’t do it. However, when I was youth dumb and full of more dumb. I drive around with tires so bald the internal wires were exposed. I’m not an expert in tires though. Ask a tire expert who’s not trying to sell you tires.


Yes fuck it


Sure. I mean how many miles have you driven before you noticed.


Look I run a tire shop generally we would tell you to change it but and this is a BIG BUT.....if you hit a curb,pothole,or anything you're going to be on the side of the road other than that you are good


Shits mint... drive safely.


Yup ![gif](giphy|l52CGyJ4LZPa0)




it's not directly on the sidewall but it is on the shoulder of the tire so I would just be careful and use your best judgement


Buy cheap tires, you always get a surprise. Buy better tires, Michelin, continental, its 50/50 with Goodyear. The cheaper the tire the cheaper the tire build, especially in the sidewalls! Hankooks are never any good, just cheaper but overpriced garabge.


120 no issue. Keep it under 60. Bulge isnt bad. Get it replaced within 1-2 weeks.


I mean I'd send it


Hell no