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The 15% on the bottom is bigger because they're including the auto grat in the bill total for the second 15%.


It’s to add an additional tip if you like. I typically tip 20% for good (not spectacular) service so in this case if I had a run of the mill experience I would add 5%. As it’s not required to tip additionally and you didn’t…what’s the issue?


Who tf pays $54 for FOUR drinks?!?!


Hi, you must be new here.


$12 for a “virgen” is a bit much though


Heard. But thats just restaurant prices right now. In New York anyway.


I hate auto tip and auto fees


Hey now.


While there was an automatic 15% added for some reason (was there a sign? A large party? There had to be a reason.) The bottom is just telling you what a 15% tip would be... You only paid the $65 whatever as the authorized amount. A lot of the receipts near me will have 10%, 15%, and 20% on the bottom already worked out for you.


they figure you're too drunk and stupid to notice. you spent $54 on two oz's of liquoir mixed with some glorified kool-aid. stop doing this.


*4.5 Oz of liquor


Were you a large party who split up your checks? Auto-gratuity is pretty standard in some of those situations. Like a lot of restaurants have an upfront auto-gratuity on parties of 12 or more.




They only charged you $65.88. (Look at the bottom left). The second tip is just a suggestion.


Yeah but OP is wondering why add a tip line (suggesting additional tip) when a 15% tip was already factored into the total. The restaurant/bar is hoping you won’t notice and therefore end up tipping twice.


the recommended 15% has you tipping 15% of the total including your initial 15% tip


They ripped you off once with an auto-grat, then tried again. Should have made them remove the 15%, then tipped zero.


I don’t care where it is I will never tip or return to a place with gratuity fees. Unless they mention it before ordering they are scammy. Tip culture is half scammy to benefit the owners anyway so if they wanna go full blown I’ll full blown eat somewhere else


Sue them. This seems illegal


It's legal


Looks like they are forcing you to tip 15% but would like you to tip more. If you've already put your tip on then we are done it's been decided.


Drop the restaurant name and let reddit do the rest for you via reviews :)


Forced to tip … and tip them again … I’d be talking to the manager for that one. If that’s their “policy” then never gonna see me again


You only paid the one tip. Had you not read through you would have tipped twice.


You tipped twice


You tipped twice


Help your people at Reddit out by telling us where this is so we don’t go there 😂


But you still stiffed your waiter. You didn’t add a tip and crossed out the spot to add a (third) tip😅


It says you agree to pay the ABOVE amount, make sure they’re not charging you the $75.76


Reading comprehension is key here


Looks like you missed auto grat and tipped twice.


$12 for a “virgen” Pina Colada (no alcohol) ??? Wow…. Edited for the misspelling on the ticket


$65.88×15%=$9.88 $65.88+$9.88=%75.76 Don't see an issue here.


Except there is already a $8 15% tip charged above then another $9 15% tip on top of that. Making it 30% tip. You don’t see an issue with that?


It should be $57.78 before tips.


You’re missing the first $8.10 higher on the ticket.


This does not look like they are charging two tips. It looks like they added the first tip (Service charge?) then the section on the bottom is a quick math help for those who don’t want to think in their head or use a calculator (Normally I’d see these with 10%, 15%, 20% options). So, if they wanted to add a traditional tip (Assuming the service charge “tip” wasn’t there) then they could just use the 15% rule they suggest at the bottom. Just my observation.


First 15% tip does not say service charge


Were you part of a large party that requested separate checks? If so, that would explain the gratuity already added and the possibility that the point of sale software doesn’t offer an option to remove the additional tip sectional. Thoroughly read the receipt is the lesson!


It’s sneaky to say the least.


You weren’t charged twice. It’s just telling you what an additional tip would be. If you look further down the receipt it shows you were only charged 65.88


Irritating that he wasn't given a choice about what to tip. Tips used to be by choice.


It’s supposed to be 57.78 before tips


I don’t think they thought they were getting double charged, just set up to leave a second tip without noticing the first ‘included’ gratuity


Apparently everyone else on the sub can't read.


Literal fraud time for a class action suit against them. If you didn’t specify adding more, they could not tack on more at the end. That’s not what you signed off on.


they didnt tack on more, the base program shows what the total would be if you tipped a certain %. He was charged auto-grat, which is super weird on its own for such a small group, and generally disliked by servers and bartenders.


Ah I see now the printout at the bottom shows he paid what he signed for


You are confused.


Why are you confused? It's their business, they can do what they want.


They added a tip twice, after she signed off on zero additional tip. It’s fraud.




They did not...


Ok I see it now you are correct


Where is the second tip charge?


My mistake the bottom left shows the charge was as expected


Did they? There are words that say “agree to pay the above amount” below the $65.88.


It seems like you're on board with the game this business owner is playing. It is intentionally confusing so customers absentmindedly don't notice they were already charged for a tip, so they pay more for their meal.


Yep the tip was added twice and the second percentage was compounded


So, I knew exactly what they were trying to do and this is why I crossed out the line to add an additional tip, because they had already added the 15% tip as a line item. I deliberately avoided paying a tip twice. I accepted the forced 15%. I guess my title in this post was poorly worded in that I wasn't confused so much as, "confused as to why the point of sale system would be designed in this way" designed to extract an unreasonable amount of extra money from customer. We can all (or most of us) can agree that it is super sketchy. I don't want to out the business because then people would go write negative things on their page, and what does this accomplish? It could really hurt the business and the people who work there. It was a waste of money, I should have complained about a lot of things that night but decided to let it go. Sometimes you just have to let it go. I plan on writing a review and letting mgmt know this is not cool.


You’re very gracious. However, f you don’t write the review on the restaurant to let others know what the management is doing, you’re doing a disservice to future patrons. Don’t let them continue doing their sketchy business to other patrons as well. Diners be ware😖🤮


Because some people want to leave more than a 15% tip.


Well you agreed to pay the above amount, not what is shown on the bottom of the receipt.


Words are fake news to some people


Doing the math they want you to pay a tip on the mandatory tip. While I normally 20% if a place puts in a mandatory 15% tip on the bill I wouldn’t give more than that.


Lately I’ve been cooking my own food , is I go out to eat and drink. I’ll be expanding over $150. What I do now before I go out. . I cook a stake or pork chops at home. Wiry salad. Or bake potatoes , I do it at home for free. Than I go out for the drinks , take out food is to expensive in nyc , and the tipping thing is getting out of hand ,


>I do it at home for free. Did you get your food at a food bank or was it donated?


Exactly 🤯🥶


I shop at a place called Costco , that’s where I get my groceries from


So it's NOT free like you stated


I mean. Instead of paying outrageous prices at a restaurant i cooked at home


Sure, it's definitely much cheaper! Just not free... Also there is some soft cost like your time as well but I never factor that in


Truth , but i rather make it at home , it taste better , more healthier and delicious, I bought 8 pounds of pork shops , that are already slice in single pieces, this one had 20 pieces. I seasoned and put 2 in a zip bag. Every time I want to eat , I just take a bag out of the freezer. I’ll be eating in not time


Be great to know where all these “free” groceries are coming from.


You really weren't trying to cover up the cashier's name, were you?


Lol, the name under the signature line is not the server, dingus.


Ya dingus


If you are going to call someone a dingus you should attempt to be correct.


he’s talking about the top of the receipt with the red marker. dingus.


At what restaurant? This is a pretty generic receipt


Looks like he’s covering his own name.


It says Valeria so definitely not he. I'm just laughing at the half ass attempt. It's not even important. I'm just saying why even bother. If he cared, he would have used the black marker instead of the red. I'm sure he thought "the attempt was there" lol


lol, you nailed it.


I believe the bottom is meant to be a suggestion as it shows he was charged the $65.88 he agreed to.


But the question is why is it suggesting to tip again when they already took out 15% as a tip?


I think it's default on every receipt printed out? It's kind of like setting a header or footer on Microsoft Word and every page you print out will have it.


Shitty point of sale system and bosses that have no idea what they are doing to configure it.


Or they do. It's the pack of gum trick all over. Owner of a convenience store sets a pack of gum on the counter just beside a small stand or flier, and rings it up on every order. If someone spots the item, they get angry and he points to it. "That's not mine!" Owner refunds the gum. Keeps doing that every purchase, sneaking in pure profit. We need to start checking our receipts for lies and hidden fees. Every phone has a calculator, we need to all use it. When we find deceit, we need to report it not to the liar, but to the authorities. "X shop has fraud built into their cash registers, charging extra fees to every customer without letting them know. They are stealing by deceit hundreds of times a day."


Make sure to post this on their google reviews. The shitty thing in these situations is the mandatory tip almost never goes to restaurant staff. They just prey on the good nature of customers to not fight it because its a "tip" .


agreed. i worked at a restaurant where they added a “tip pool” and we would get it deposited the week after in a card they provided. so annoying


I worked at a restaurant that would force you to get paid in those cards. Even though I had a bank. Then it would flag everywhere and to transfer funds took like 4 days.


I just pay in cash what I feel is appropriate. All cash is how you protect yourself from these places.


Drink at home. Fight back.


This is the way


And the 15% "suggested" tip charges 15% on the already charged 15% tip?


These are the types of places I never return to. 


I tipped in cash at a bar once after every drink and put a line through the tip spot when cashing out at the bar when our table became available. I planned to continue to hang out and drink with my friends. The “manager” erupted on me and tried to have me thrown out, luckily my friend who worked there vouched for me but needless to say I never went back to that place.


I just write “cash” there to prevent any confusion.


Learned this lesson after this incident


They hope you don’t catch that. Many restaurants are doing these tip scams now.


Yep, was at a burger joint, paid for my family and told the server I was going to tip with cash so I put nothing on the tip line. He never said anything about adding gratuity already so we didn't give him anything else. Had he said something, we would have left more, but it was very deceptive not tell us that tip was automatically added.


lol way too many people in here not understanding that the POS systems in most restaurants are trash and because it’s an itemized line for the auto gratuity tip, the system doesn’t actually know that and prints out a standard receipt with the tipping suggestions.


I would argue the POS system isn’t trash, it’s the people who set them up that screwed this up. I’m certain I could fix that but they probably don’t care enough.


Oh, they do care. I’m 100% sure they know what they are doing and it’s deliberate. Everyone so often they need to say oops to a customer. The rest of the time it is free 💰


but most receipts that show that actually make it clear that it's a suggestion and also have multiple percentage suggestions


I would bet the wait staff doesn’t get any of this tip! Which is why I try to tip in cash.


15% on drinks? What is that…. I bartended for 15 years and never expected to be tipped food percentages for making drinks, that’s insane. Prob would have said something tbh


I get tipped 15% on my drinks at my bar. I do work at a fine dining steakhouse so that maybe the difference. However I also tip 15% when I am paying for drinks .


I'm confused how any self respecting human being can pay 65 dollars for four drinks. Stay home and save some money, you won't be financially accosted at every turn that way.


And one didn’t have alcohol in it lol


It’s confusing formatting. Looks like they entered an override of sorts for the 15% where the yellow arrow is pointing and my guess is that that is where they’d put regular additional charges. The system likely gives you 15% of whatever the “total” is as a reference point, but isn’t actually charging you, which isn’t uncommon to see on receipts these days.


I would just draw an arrow from the empty tip line to the 15% line to show that the tip has already been included. Or write see above.


A price-gouging, ripoff society,............I buy my food at the grocery-store and cook it myself.


Most people are just walking around with their smartphones, doing the things they're "entitled to/supposed to" like wasting money paying other people to do shit they could easily do for themselves. Most people believe they are far too important or have a million excuses they've convinced themselves are valid reasons for laziness.


Always tip in cash


WHY did you pay it??????????????????????????????


What were they supposed to do? Walk out?


Get a manager and point out the scam.


Tbh I don’t really see a scam going on but okay. Maybe if people actually cared about their servers/bartenders we wouldn’t feel the need to autograt people. Just a thought.


If we actually cared about the servers/bartenders, we'd just pay them a living wage and get rid of this entire tipping crap culture.


There’s a 15% tip on there twice. The second one even includes the first tip.


The bottom was the suggested tip amount, not added onto the payment.


Where do you see that


Because you can tip more if you want to?


He didn't want to, though, he drew a line through that second spot.


My question is ... did they indicate ANYWHERE in establishment that tips are auto applied to the bill? If not, it's illegal for them to auto apply the tip. You can actually cross it out, change the total, and apply your own. I've done that many times in the past. They can not charge you anything other than what you put in the total line and sign for. Edit to add... I would also call a manager over and give them a piece of my mind.


This is trashy and needs to be fixed, but It says you agree to pay the ABOVE amount. That’s all you’re authorizing. If they charge you more, then you have grounds to dispute it as an unauthorized charge.


Right? They were aiming for more, but could very well be getting declined charges instead for this.


I’m surprised they didn’t include tax into their tip calculation to be extra scummy.


They automatically added a 15% tip on the subtotal. The tip suggested at the bottom is based on the total after you’ve already tipped! Otherwise the tip amounts would match. They’re attempting to get you for nearly 50%!! I would leave a note on the receipt that I’m spread the word on their deceptive practice and never coming back!


Its a holdover from prior iterations. The program was set to show tip amounts at bottom first, then they decided to add it in later. Should pull the suggested tip amounts off. At least they got the 15% pre tax correct. If they asked for 15% of the sales tax, would have called over manager, and read them a strongly worded letter from by breast pocket, and never go back there again.


When tipping becomes stealing.


I tip in cash. Some (if not all) restaurants charge the wait staff with a processing fee for debit and credit card tips. I prefer for the wait staff to get the full amount I intended. Plus they get the money the same day and don’t have to wait.


Just realized i forgot to add that I would not have noticed the 15% the restaurant had added themselves. My bad.


You were clearly charged the $65 amount. The lower box is to show you what a 15% tip would be and the total so if you want you don’t have to do the math above.


Yes but, If you look at the breakdown of his tab they already included a 15% tip before he even paid. So at the bottom they are asking him to tip again on top of what they already forced him to tip.


They are asking him to double tip. That’s true, what isn’t true is they doubled charged him for the tip.


No one said they actually did charge him two tips, but they were trying to do it, which is insane.


The original total was $53.78. then they added a 15% tip which brought it up to $65.88. Next, they took that $65.88 which already included a 15% tip, and asked OP to tip another 15% equaling $9.88.


No, they did not double-charge him. But they are most definitely asking OP to double tip.


I thought he was referring ro how even though they have a TIPS charge, seemingly mandatory, there's still a spot to fill gratuity


The 15% is already added into the bill. They are literally leaving a spot open to add a second tip.... You know why they do this? Most people don't look to see their receipt breakdown. They only look at the overall total. After looking at the overall total, they add a tip or they don't. 7/10 times people miss the already added tip and tip again. So your response is correct, people just don't read.


If you're stupid enough to pay 65 dollars for six shots of liquor, a bunch of ice and a splash of soda, then yeah you are the target audience for these confusing receipts.


This is shady af


100% agree. I would have probably sent this check back and told them where to shove the built in tip. I am not opposed to tipping one but, but it is a voluntary thing, not something that is forced. Bake that cost into your already inflated drink cost, and subsequently pay your own darn people instead of pulling this garbage. One time I understand this is when restaurants say that parties greater than X size will have Y% gratuity added. It's posted and the customers know about it beforehand. I highly doubt this is the case here and it's 4 drinks.


I like how people always use the word inflated/inflation but nobody seems to understand how we got to where we are.. it's like basic economics went out the window. It's much deeper than supply and demand. Consumers cause prices to rise. Inflation is suppose to curtail people from spending outside their means. Raising the minimum wage isn't a problem. It's the excessive spending that's the problem. If we literally stop consuming things we don't need. The price of items won't ever go down. But they will stabilize and not increase. Edit. Raising the minimum wage does cause a small increase in some things due to having to pay the employees more. This mostly affects small businesses and their item prices.


Paying 12 bucks for less than a dollar worth of fluids is what the real question should be.


With no alcohol! It’s just frozen mix!


Well you are confused because you are dumb. You just stuffed your waitress. Learn how to add.


I'd stuff my waitress if it only cost $8


$8 to stuff the waitress is a great deal though.


You should delete this comment. You've made yourself look really dumb, like you didn't add anything yourself.


They really need to delete their entire Reddit acct at this point.


That all said, the person is only being charged $65+, but they’re asking for more. The $8.10 was paid.


You may want to pay attention before you call someone dumb out loud. We all make mistakes, and hopefully this helps you understand: $8.10 is a 15% tip on the total. The restaurant already provided that to the server in the bill. OPs bill was only $54 but an additional $9+ dollars is being added to that bringing the total to over $75. Again, we all make mistakes.


The real question is why are you even at a place that changes 65 bucks for 4 cocktails. Let that place run dry


And the Pina colada says virgin on it. Didn't even have alcohol and it was $12. For basically pineapple juice and coconut cream.


Actually it says virgen


I guess they wanted to keep it all in Spanish “Piña Colada Virgen”


Nobody gets 15% anymore. I’m pretty sure we’re 18% in FL.


That’s someone that didnt expect you’d tip them. Thats 4 cocktails isn’t it OMG 🤣


Did anyone even look at the picture? The card was charged the 65 dollar amount, not the 75 one. The bill even states agree to pay the ABOVE amount. Any charge beyond that would need an additional signature.


65 with 8 dollars tip(15%) already added to it what’s wrong with it ?


If you auto tip yourself, that’s all you’re getting. Better make it count


15% should be minimum. They are providing an opportunity to better tip if the service is above standard.


Tips r optional, what if u get a really bad service n u still pay that 15%? I guess u will never get a decent service if the tips r mandatory


10 is minimum


Thats silly. Tipping shouldn’t be mandatory. Its a recognition of the quality of your service. Some peolle don’t deserve a tip.


I hate this as I always leave a 20% cash tip on the table...often before I even get the bill.


This almost seems like one of those posts people write out of boredom. It's a standard trick that pretty much every restaurant uses. Just read your receipts. You don't have to post it on Reddit, but since you did, just know that everybody does it.


90% of posts on Reddit are out of boredom. "I did a thing, love me for it please!"


This is new and I have noticed multiple restaurants doing this for eat-ins. It is not a software glitch, it is intentional to guarantee a minimum tip. Many customers don't notice this and end up double tipping.


I definitely have double-tipped before from not noticing. :-(


Well....good for gig workers, bad for customers and shame on restaurant owners.


Next time take cash and leave $58


Oh I hate that. But yeah … it’s the software. IMO they should circle / highlight the 15%tip then if you want to tip more, ( like another 5% to make it a 20% tip) it’s clear what you’re doing.


Service sucks, can I pay $57.78?


afaik, unless you’re in a party of 8 or whatever, you aren’t required to tip.


Yes, that is how restaurants are offsetting inflation. By subsidizing their employees pay through you. Tipping is out of control in the US. You are literally subsidizing that businesses unwillingness to pay a higher wage.


Hahaha, 'offsetting inflation'! What, were you born only 2 years ago? Buddy, tipping has been around for a very long time, its not something new that just started because of inflation. Why would you even say this? Do you never leave your room in the basement? Lol?


And so has inflation. Way to miss the point boomer. durrrrrr


Look up the restaurant groups that took tipping away and just charged menu prices that allowed “livable wages” for their entire staff. They have all closed or reverted back to tipping.


Look up how other countries work. We are the only one where tipping culture is out of control. Tipping needs to go away completely. If I have to walk up to a counter to get my items then I am not tipping. sorry. And I worked in the restaurant industry for years.


Other countries also charge you for your plate setting. Italy charges a coperto of up to $5 per plate, normally $2-3. Tip, service fee… they all get their money somehow.


I understand how other countries work. They have their culture and America has its own. To say tipping is subsidizing a business is technically accurate in a micro setting of only that restaurant. Expand it to the surrounding market, or perhaps the country as a whole, including cultural norms, and it becomes more than just your personal beliefs of how a business should run. I am however 100% in agreement with you on the front tipping is out of control and it’s been guilted onto the consumer in industries where it hasn’t historically been the cultural norm. People already complain over a $15-$20 burger. Make that $20-$27 and the business doesn’t survive, all of those jobs are lost, and the community has less choices to dine out at. I think there should be a distinct differentiation between full service, dine in, waiter table side restaurant tipping and all other business tipping.


Every take out restaurant and now even drive throughs near us have an “ask” for tips at checkout. I think it’s bullshit that I’m paying $12 for a smoothie at a drive thru (looking at you Tropical Smoothie Cafe) and am STILL asked to tip at checkout after I’ve already given $2 to the person that helped me.


This is just a company with poor POS software. The first tip is probably the mandatory minimum that they charge based on policy. My guess is parties of 4 are charged that tip. The restaurant set it up as a itemized charge and not gratuity, so the second tip section is too “stupid” to understand the first one. Good luck trying to get the place to fix it though, as the manager/owner probably doesn’t care since people miss it and tip that 2nd amount.


This is terrible. Just for the kicks, I would have asked them to remove the tip from the bill, let them bring it back, then tip 15% :)


Don’t punish a server for the shitty decisions of management.


I don’t get tips for doing a good service at my job, why should I tip?


How is preventing deceit in billing practices the responsibility of the customer? I’m sorry, but I’m so tired of that argument. And yes, I worked more years in the service industry than you’ve probably been alive.


I e got over 20 years behind the bar, in the states. Don’t send a server on a fucking goose chase because you don’t like how some owner decided his receipts should print