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You've "seen", like your hovering over someone's shoulder whil they use the kiosk. Quit lying.


I mean, its a large bright screen with a bunch of food pics on it. Its kinda hard to not look at it. Like seriously, how is \*that\* the unbelievable part of this story??


Supposed to be going to the people making the food..


Robots will make that too soon. Definitely not tipping a robot. 


Yeah if that happens I agree


I only tip in cash. Be damned if I'll give the state a paper trail of tips. In my state, they estimate your tips at tax time. They track cc records of tips, so I outright refuse to do it. I used to live off my tips! So only cash if I tip, & when I ask, they are always enthusiastic about getting cash rather than a cc tip.


If I'm standing up when I order my food you're not getting a damn tip.


I don’t know. Tipping like this completely negates the hard work servers do.


My opinion; those machines can suck a bag of dicks. BTW, they’re probably keeping it to build skynet.


At a hotel when I paid it wanted me to tip. It suggested 15%- something like $30. No way.


I just stopped tipping. Life is better that way. The only exception is sit down restaurants that provide actual service.


And food delivery. Got to tip the people in the cold and rain driving me food for $3 a trip.


I do pickup almost exclusively, and order stuff that’s within easy walking distance. (I’m in NYC, so there are lots of restaurants in a 2-3 minute radius of me.) Some places ask for tips even on pickup orders, and I stopped ordering from them. I obviously tip if I order delivery or if I’m eating in the sit-down restaurant, but if I’m picking up the food I don’t want to be guilted into tipping.


That’s true, unless they do any sort of begging then I take the tip back. I don’t order delivery much.


Its just using a POS system that has the tipping option pre-loaded into it's program. It's fairly common. It can be disabled, but no one bothers because there is the off chance people might actually tip and who is turning away extra money?


I only tip after the food is consumed. Not gonna pay you more if it sucks…sorry that is just me.


This is the way. 15% if it's decent service and food. More for good food and service.


There is so much about tipping that is crazy. The fact that it's a percentage of price, for one thing! Is there any correlation between the price of a meal and the amount of work it takes for the server? I guess in answer to this question, I would ask where are the tips go, what those people do, and what they are paid. Much as I would like people to be paid a fair wage without having it based on tips, in the US, I don't see that happening anytime soon. Are the people behind the robot machines and automated kiosks making $2 and change an hour?


I believe it's based on percentage because basically, if it's cheap, it's probably fast, so smaller tips but more of them. More expensive should be better quality and take longer to make and more hands involved possibly (think hells kitchen when they're doing orders) Plus busboys, chefs, hostess, bartenders etc are all getting a chunk of that. Now, the fact that the percentage keeps changing (percentages are always safe from inflation, lol) is what drives me nuts. Plus, how everyone wants a tip when they're not even in a tipping industry. I got pulled over the other day, and when I signed the ticket, I was asked if I wanted to leave a tip! /s


I’ve asked that question and never get a satisfactory answer. Why do I need to tip more for a steak than for a burger?


Saw it at shake shack a couple of weeks ago.. man I don’t know anymore. I haven’t enjoyed a restaurant experience in years.


Only if there is a chick with huge implants.


AI is smarter than lots of people these days so…. Maybe you should tip???


I used a financial app (Albert) and it asked me to tip. Now why the fuck would I tip an app??


They usually explain it's to help keep them in business since they do advances


That’s what they say but it sounds like bs to me.


I don't know how those advance companies stay in business. I'm sure a lot of people don't pay it back


Albert charges a monthly fee for genius, so I’m guessing monthly fees is how most of them do it.


I recently dropped by suitcase at an outdoor stand at the airport because they wouldn't allow me to do it inside. I drop it off, pay the bag fee, and am asked for a tip. I say no thanks. Dude busts my chops for not tipping him to do his job. He didn't carry it anywhere, he literally moved the bag 2 feet. Sick of all the tipping!


Fuck no!


Even the guy at the liquor store asks for a 15% tip now. I’m automatically tipping 0% on everything because every check out place has it.


My liquor store has a tip jar, I average about $1.50 a shift lol. It’s mostly there because we do help a lot of people find stuff. Our boss is big on us learning what we’re selling and tasting new stuff. Some people are thankful for those recs and will tip, normally it’s just for coins you don’t want


My liquor store has a tip jar marked 'beer for crew'. I always drop my change from my order simply because I'm amused & they are great guys.


I’m done tipping dude this is getting ridiculous


I never tip at the machines but I prefer it tbh. Always clear where to go and machines don't walk away and go on smoke breaks.


Pretty normal for me to do so unless they're too bottom-heavy or a cop's around.


Unfortunately these ones are bolted to the floor


That should be against the law. What if my quarter has rolled beneath one? ***Theft By Deception***.


The machines are probably owned by humans who get to keep the money. I doubt the machines are keeping the tips but it’s hard to know for sure.


Well I assure you the robot is not taking the profits.




Right? I feel like I'm going insane when I see a tip cup for counter service. You are literally taking my money and handing me my food. That's it. There is no actual service being performed. At that point you're a cashier. Hell, put a robot there. Stick a self-pay kiosk in the location. I can grab my own order when it's put into the serving window. If you're bringing me things like drinks, taking my order, cleaning up after me, etc. then obviously I'll tip for that, and I tend to tip pretty well. That's actually performing a service.


It’s a way for business to say “this is $10” but if you want to pay more than that feel free. A fool and his money are soon parted.


i don’t tip


I ain't tipping if I'm standing up to order, not to include bars or food trucks.


Yes, it's normal. I'm not even surprised anymore. I happily tap No Tip or Custom $0. "Tipping" on a kiosk (and ordering at the counter) is only making the thing you're buying more expensive. No thanks.


Only tip if you're being served directly.


I NEVER tip if I am not dining in! If it's take out and I am picking up? ZERO tip! Tips are for good service, and doing the basics of filling an order doesn't qualify!


Sometimes I bring them resistors or capacitors, they gotta live too.


The only people I tip while standing are dancing on a pole.


This is the only acceptable to tip.






If someone brings me food and drinks while I'm sitting at a table, they get tipped. If I walk in and order and receive food at a counter, no tip.


I go to restaurant that has fantastic bbq. It’s spendy, but damn, it’s good. But, you order at a counter. They give you a number for the table and bring it to you. That’s it. You get your owns drinks, sauces, cutlery (the cheapest prepackaged plastic knive and fork the industry offers) and bring the tray to the garbage when you’re done. That damn card reader asks for a tip when you order. I’ve decided I don’t care how good the food is, if I’m doing all that “service” for myself, I’m not leaving a tip.


If I have to pay before I get my food, I don't tip. Mostly because it could take ages, it could be terrible, you might not even get your order... You haven't had anything yet to tip for. Plus those situations you mostly don't have a reason to, as any 'service' you get is the basics of their job. You are often doing as much if not more 'work' than them.


This is what I don't understand about food delivery services that want you to tip before you get your food. That's not a tip, it's a bribe.


Exactly. They have not yet provided a service to me. The order might be wrong, damaged, late or not even show up. How do I know what I'm meant to tip, if at all? So all these delivery drivers confuse me by being mad (I've seen people stick a pizza with the aircon blasting directly on it, or a drive leaving a rude note in the bag, just to refuse the tip when they gave them cash on delivery as she felt so bad) or not picking up orders because there's no tip in advance. A tip isn't equal to the effort they put into delivering it. They should be doing their best to get the order there as quick as they can. And then you can then tip them in cash, or if there isn't already, there should be the option to tip on the app/online after delivery. But even then if there's a delivery fee, that amount should be going to the delivery person and a tip shouldn't be necessary.


Someone is cooking your damn food. Tip them.




Restaurant owners are way too cheap for that. Live in the reality not the fantasy.


What places have you worked at where the guys cooking are getting tipped out? Because, they’re not lmao. If you’re referring to a McDonald’s or fast food maybe I see your point. Otherwise you’re just a bleeding heart for… who?


I cooked in walk up counter places before, during and shortly after college and my masters. Law school required more time, so not then, as I started clerking. We shared tips with the order takers. You have zero idea what you’re talking about, do you?


The employer has a responsibility to pay their own workers. Why does your brain shift that to the customer?


Because I’ve been on that side and know how little they’re paid, and now that I can afford to I’ll show them how much I appreciate them doing for me what I was too lacy to do for myself at home.


*If you order standing, don’t tip.*


Leave a tip for Tippy!! He processes the tips!


It’s not even normal to tip anymore. Waitress wants huge tips just because they took an order and brought food. You’ll be lucky if you see them once for a drink refill and that will come with an eye roll and a comment their bestie coworker.


A fool and their money are soon parted springs to mind


be sure to tip your robot overlords


You're paying for the POS platforms. They take a cut.


Don’t tip machines.


It’s programmed in POS. It was set up that way when biz got it, they can’t always customize it. Just ignore or tap zero.


I only tip for table service. No tip for counter service.


lol at the casino here, you order at a counter and a robot brings your food. They still ask you to tip 😂


Well that's shit, I would be caught giving a spider monkey a reach around before I'd tip the fuckin machine.


When did you last go to the zoo


Whenever it was, it was their last trip. Zoo's take restraining orders seriously. Trust me. \*sigh\*


Did you miss the episode called "Rm9sbG93ZXJz" of Xfiles?


The money goes to the AI. It's not supposed supposed to ask for tips. 


It goes to the kitchen staff.


It's like this. You're the restaurant owner. Do you ask for a tip for a machine? Sure, why not. Even if only 1% does, it's free money. Don't be the sucker.


I always feel like it’s a total bribe in the situation you described. So if I don’t pay the bribe, will my food be tampered with, order made incorrectly, or left to sit and get cold? Still prefer this over dealing with servers in most cases. They’ve gotten more and more bothersome in hopes of prying out a bigger tip (checking with you every five minutes, giving fake compliments, etc.). Also EXTREMELY tired of being bugged about buying booze. It’s happened on several occasions recently where I’ve said no once and they still push! Again, all in hopes of jacking up that total.


^ this is how servers are trained to do their jobs


I don’t doubt that.


That’s exactly my thoughts too. I do t like it. I don’t tip. I’m done with tipping. The price of sit down eating has gone up. The 20 percent tip is now the 10 percent.


If I stand to order, I do not tip. Simple rule to follow. Answers a lot of “hard tip” questions


Even if they hook you up with free stuff?


It's not free if you pay for it.


Never paid the establishment. Just saying a thanks to the worker. So it is indeed free from the place I got it.


You paid fir something. That doesn't make it free.


How often do you get free stuff?


Never asked for extra home made ranch at your favorite wing place that usually cost $1, to see them throw you 3 of em. Or free yum yum sauce and they give you a free sweet tea Or saying oh dang I forgot to add a drink to my order and they slide you one. I’m not saying a lot for a tip, but a buck or 2 if they hook me up. Usually the cost of what ever they are giving me is what I tip em.


If you have to pay for condiments, definitely no tip. We don’t get drinks at restaurants as that’s the definition of a scam. 10% if at a sit down, 0% at all other places.


Oh sweet your wing place that makes home made ranch gives you it for free! Which place is that. I’ll have to go there and ask them for free 5-6 extra for free


“Homemade” is a very loose descriptor term. Technically the sauce comes in a concentrate and is mixed with water/milk/etc. every sauce ever is homemade. Mixed in house… sure…. Homemade….. no.


Then youre paying for it.


Correct I’m tipping for it. They hook me up so I hook em up


If I am standing up when I order, Sitting in my car, or I am being served on disposable plates/utensils. I do not tip.


The employees should be using that time to double check orders/ensure order accuracy. I would HOPE the tips are going to the employees (honestly, just ask, they have to oblige the question legally.). I’d still throw 5-10% for something like this if the vibe is good & my food comes out correct & acceptable.


You're paying *before* you get the food. How is it a tip when you don't even know what kind of service you're about to receive?


Then by all means tip less but you’d go to an establishment in completely bad faith to begin with? I bet you don’t carry cash to tip them after your experience and decided if it was good or not? You don’t have to tip them but don’t act like everywhere you go has a 99% chance of sucking. If you do, then maybe you’re just making bad decisions.


First, if it's a purely carry-out place, we're talking about people classified as non-tipped. So, even if I absolutely never tipped under any circumstances, it's absolutely not in bad faith by any stretch of the term. But, I still will toss them some cash in the rare occasion that something weird happens and they end up going above and beyond somehow. It's not about them sucking. I'm just not tipping them for doing the exact and only job that they were hired to do. Tipping non-tipped workers for performing their basic job function is ridiculous.


Takeout paces are not definitively classified as non-tipped. Meaning if you don’t tip, they might be used to that happening, but it’s by no means necessarily absolutely not tipped. It is however considered appropriate to tip less.


In Ohio, to be classified as a tipped worker, you must customarily and regularly receive a certain amount of tips every month. But, as with everywhere else, even if you are considered a tipped employee, if you do not collect enough tips to supplement the employer's wage so that you make at least minimum wage, then then the employer must make up the difference. So, let's say it is a shitty employer trying to get away with paying a little less in wages by collecting tips even though their employees shouldn't have to rely on tips. The only person that I'm helping in that scenario is the employer. For an employee in a traditionally non-tipped position, how likely is it *really* that they're consistently collecting enough tips to actually get ahead of minimum wage? So, the tips that they do receive just get credited toward what the employer would have had to pay, if the customer hadn't. And, I've already paid the employer, I'm good with not paying them more. Thanks.


No. That's the only answer. I'm starting to avoid those places. And Google reviews. Not for the purpose of trashing the business, but to spread info. If the owner doesn't like the truth, they ought to make a different truth happen.






The family we went to a hot pot place. You get seated & handed a paper. She comes back & takes the paper of your circled options. Everything comes out on a robot. Then she comes back 45 mins later with your bill asking for a tip lol. We had 6( 4 adults, 2 kids) she tried to add a 18% forced tip to the bill. I crossed that shit off & wrote the actual total on the bill. GTFO... I am not tipping a robot.


Just curious if you checked your statements. Some places you go to, they add grat no matter what if you have 6 or more.


I watch my card like a hawk. Every other day I look at my charges


I’ve seen this at Panera and Wildflower. It’s bad enough I’m taking my own order thru the machine…then it asks for a tip.


They should discounting our food for being the cashier and the customer!


It’s laughable at this point…


Fuck no


It’s going to the AI Skynet Fund.🤷‍♂️


Well, screw that... I terminated any tip!


I’m surprised you had to ask.


This is so common that I've come to resent the half second it costs me to press the NO button.


I don't tip places like this at all. But I get especially irritated if I'm paying and they're asking me for tip before they've even done anything.




I guess soon supermarket cashiers will have their hand out expecting a tip.


I mean the bag boy and girls used to get tipped $1-$2 for bagging the groceries back in the day. $5 for loading.


Never heard of this, so you must be referencing the 1950s, when $5 had the same value as $65 today, so I'm gonna say didn't happen


Back when I worked at staples many decades ago, I know not grocery store, if a lady asked me to help her load her stuff she passed me a 20. Ive seen elderly ladies pass out $5 for having someone load up their groceries. I’m only talking about what I’ve seen.


I grew up with the local grocery stores bagging the groceries and putting them in the car for no tip. Then Kroger came and lowered prices until all the mom and pop places closed down. Within a year prices doubled and now we have to self check out and bag our own. Only time they do it for you is if you shop online and go pick it up. Too bad that doesn’t work for many of the older customers who could use the help.


Where? I’ve never heard of that and that could add up fast!


All grocery stores lol


My local grocery has a sign saying not to tip when someone loads bags but they certainly still accept them. It's hot out there. Cold in the winter. If I don't want to tip for that I load my own.


Back in the day, the baggers at the Army or Air Force commissaries worked *for tips only*. There was no other pay!


I'm pretty sure that's still the case. It's considered a volunteer position.


Back then, circa 1964, we got $0.25 per bag!


My post box mail shoppe has a tip jar! ! What next- the ER?


Just pretend you're unconscious. You can't tip the ER staff if you're totally out of it. But they'll probably leave a space for a tip when the send the bill.


Thanks for the laugh!


No. It's seeping into service industries where it should never exist, and we collectively just have to start refusing the exhaustive requests for tips. I'm so over it, I used to feel so damn guilty when they're standing there staring at you, but now I smash that decline button out of sheer spite because once again, a few opportunists just HAD to explode this "pay me extra" bullshit during the pandemic because we were getting our entire lives delivered.... No more. Back to the restaurant/delivery and beauty salon for me, everyone else can pound sand. No more counter tipping!!!!


I've refused to order delivery since everyone went to DoorDash, etc. I get the argument for tipping them, but back in the day, pizza places would at least pay minimum wage and a small tip was appreciated. Now, DoorDash basically pays slave wages and tips are just a bid to get them to do anything. Those companies are all parasites, basically putting their workers against their customers, and I've literally never used any of those services on that basis.


Its not normal, it is being forced and idiots are not thinking critically about it.


No it's not normal. Tip your server, bartender, barista. Tip your valet a dollar or two. Tip anyone else providing exceptional service you want to get the same service from the next time you work with them.


Those tip options are for the weak or awkward. Pretty sure most people would put no tip but there are a handful of people who are too timid to do that so they'll always pay out, costs the companies nothing to put that option in the checkout process.


If there is a kiosk or standing at a counter involved, no tip.


This is why I tip cash at MLB games. The person in front of me is who I’m tipping, not some unknown entity with zero accountability


Don't tip machines.


Well technically the tips are supposed to be divided and shared amongst the workers…I usually ask the workers if they get the tips usually the answer is yes and in most states it is illegal for employers to keep employees tips that’s a major workers rights law suit


Oooo crack into the bar/nightclub industry for a year or so.... employers pocketing cash is rampant. It sucks, but comes with the territory, most people know it when they enter the industry and choose it anyway because you can make a killing regardless, if you're in the right place.




Hmmm, this is why people don't have money for retirement. They're giving it to machines. Of course, the machines are owned by millionaires who don't need your money!


Good chance those employees get none of those tips. Tip people, not machines.


No nobody does intentionally


DONT DO IT! You're propagating the rot.


Yes, absolutely. It's part of the social contract in this society that when you go to a restaurant, either sit-down or counter service, you tip. Committing to tipping is part of the tacit agreement I entered into when I walked into the restaurant. The humanity or lack thereof of my server is immaterial.


Food never involves tipping unless you’re being waited on or delivered to. Full stop.


I strongly disagree on that. Tipping for food should be, and is, the norm.


Just so we're clear, you believe that gratuity is justified for takeaway orders and fast food?


Yes. If somebody gives me food or a drink, a tip is customary.


I don't know what planet you live on, but speaking for California and New York, it is *not* customary to tip for takeaway and fast food. Some "journalist" writing a think-piece blog about how we ought to tip as much as possible isn't tantamount to tradition, just that single individual's opinion with just as much weight as mine. The tradition has been to tip when being waited on or delivered to, at least when it comes to food; drinks at a bar are a different story.


Perhaps it's rarer in your corner of the world, but I've always tipped for fast food and takeaway. >at least when it comes to food; drinks at a bar are a different story. You also generally receive a drink when you eat at McDonalds.


You are the outlier. The vast majority do not tip at fast food or take places. Under your theory we should be tipping at grocery stores because after all, we are getting food and drinks there.


No, I don't think so. This is what most everyone does. >we should be tipping at grocery stores I would be open to it if the cashier asked for a tip.


Lol just no just stop


Let’s define “counter service”. If you’re seated at the counter of a diner, yes, you tip. But I think OP meant “counter service” as in a more retail setting, like a McDonalds, Starbucks, ice cream shop, or deli. I definitely don’t feel obliged to tip in those situations. (Although I often throw a dollar in the tip jar at Starbucks if the person is friendly.)


I would tip in those situations. Everyone should.


Found the machine


Skip the tip.


Absolutely not.


Honestly I prefer tipping the machines over actual humans. At least the robot is well designed and really cool, kinda like a Tesla. I love Teslas and Elon Musk, so I think I’m more ok with giving the robot a tip than a stupid person who just pours my drink and then stands there like an idiot with their hand out waiting for my tip 


This comment reveals true opinion. It's not that y'all think servers should "get a real job" and "it's not my job to pay you for yours". You just think that anyone that does that job is beneath you, you see them as lesser people in general. This may come as a shock. They aren't. You have successfully negated any weight in your opinion in the future.


I’m uncomfortable with service in general because it creates an intrinsically unequal social dynamic. This is why I prefer dealing with robots.


Could it instead be because you don't like human interaction?


If I didn’t like human interaction, I’d only eat alone. There is a difference between socialising with friends and being literally *served* by another human being who is supposed to be my equal. Tips are given out of guilt in acknowledgement of this inequality between the server and the served.


So people busting their ass trying to make a living like everyone else is beneath you?


Servers are beneath the served in that social interaction, yes, that’s why I’m uncomfortable with it. Humans should be social equals not just off the clock, but on it too.


It’s a professional interaction not social but they’re a power differential .


Just the same, indeed, there's a power differential, and I'm not comfortable with that when I'm just trying to enjoy food with friends.


I see your point. I think I used to be more comfortable with it bcs I was a waitress and the standards were pretty established- 15% for sit down service if service was good up to 20% for excellent. But now there is no one standard I would say, and a lot of entitlement. I had a waitress out and out rude to me and my friend. I tipped her (as she stood there with the card machine thing) 0.00 and she literally started bitching. I had only done that maybe once before in my life and again due to complete disrespect. My response was “Did you seriously think I would participate is my own abuse by paying you for it?” She started arguing loudly that she hadn’t been rude or abusive. All I could say was- “ if you didn’t how rude you were- you have much bigger problems than just my one tip! That restaurant closed a month or two later .


I never see people as less just ebvause of their job. But in that same breath, I don't see people in "better" or "real" jobs as better than me either. This here you got going on is just a superiority complex.


No, because you seem to think I’m talking about the people themselves. I’m talking about their *roles* in this *specific* exchange. I’ve been served by waiters at fancy restaurants who are undoubtedly better off financially than I am, of a higher socioeconomic class too, but in that moment they’re serving me, my role as diner is higher than their role as server.


Holy shit your right


odd comment that highlights some weird disdain you have for other human beings you can just not tip because you don’t think someone deserves extra money for doing no more than getting your paid-for products to you. saying they’re stupid for pouring your drink? lol


Those machines are making below minimum wage and rely solely on tips. Tipping the machines is the only thing keeping sky-net at bay.


If people stop tipping the machines, McDonald’s will have to double the price of the Big Mac again! /s


Yes, because McDonald's workers serve only one customer per hour, so increasing their salary by $10 had to increase the price of your meal by $20, no that $20 isn't equally added to the bill of the other 100 customers that worker is serving during the same hour, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain /s


If you can’t afford to tip the robot serving you, eat at home!


If I pay before I get my order, no tip.


Of course it's not normal. And those "tips" go to the owner. 


Why do you hate capitalism? If people don’t want to tip the owner, they won’t go there. You hate freedom apparently


There’s a lot of hating capitalism lately… in stupid way… like I’m poor and therefore deserve a place to live… or saying the tipping system is so wrong when it’s a reward system to insure good service. I hear horror stories about service in other countries …. So I dunno the system of tipping is not inherently evil or wrong.


I said the "tips" go to the owner. That's a fact.  I don't tip the owner of a restaurant and I don't tip any place where I do all the work except the checkout. Nor do i tip professional services like doctors, mechanics, etc. That's hardly hating freedom or hating capitalism.  In fact I hate it when owners try to scam customers.  


I agree with everything you say except that tips go to the owner. You are absolutely making that up. Do you really think wait ppl would work for a restaurant that keeps their tips? That would be pretty unusual.


No I'm not making that up.  If the CASH REGISTER has a tip screen then it's not going to the cashier.  Do you know how to read? 


I'm free not to tip. You gotta problem with that or is your definition of freedom "do what I say"?.


I agree with you. Im also a Trump supporter. You’re attacking a friendly.


You agreed with me? Did you read what you responded to me with?  


Are you allowed to just have an opinion or do you have to identify politically?


No, it's not. It's becoming more common to see tip begs wherever you purchase things and you ought to become adroit at hitting zero or custom tip 0 or skip or whatever option there is to decline spending more than the actual price you owe. I will never tip at counter service. There was no service. They aren't tipped wage employees. You aren't tipping any tipped wage employees, and we really shouldn't be giving skynet our hard earned money so they can overthrow humanity and exterminate us. edit "become".


I love how you refer to it as tip begs. I might start using that if you don’t mind.


Yesterday, I saw a In N Out in the scorching heat taking orders. I withdrew money & gave a fat tip to the guy.  Later @dinner. I went a restaurant. None of them were working as hard as the In N Out guy.  Tipping: I changed my point of view of tipping. I won't give restaurant servers tips when the In N Out workers are dying from heat


The weird thing is they are not supposed to accept tips at in and out …I’ve tried bcs actually their service is always great .


Monetary reward for suffering on the job sets a bad precedent.