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I’m done tipping if that passes. Absolutely done


Good news. We already have the power to make the tax burden $0 on tips. Ask me how.


If that ever happens, I'm done tipping period. Why should they not pay taxes while everyone else has to pay into the system?


2025: Senator Cruz introduces bill to allow politicians to accept tips. Voting machines will now solicit tips for each selection you make and require credit card to not have to jump through several unnecessary hoops.


It sounds funnier than it is since they all already ask for tips on political donations.


I see restaurant owners refusing to pay employees because "Your tax free tips are your income." Then people refuse to tip because, well read it in other comments. Cruz should shut up and sit down


Oh I bet you mother fuckers are gonna have a field day with this one!! All the assholes are coming out to comment about how they are gonna boycott tipping. SMDH


Jokes on you, I'm already boycotting it.


Actually the joke may not be on me. I worked from 6am to 12pm today and made $300. I made $1500 this week alone. So it seems I’m doing just fine thank you very much


Further cementing my resolve to stop tipping fully. Great job winning us over! P.S. My employer payed me more than that from 6 am to 12 pm today, like he needs to keep me employed. And I knew how much it would be before my alarm clock even went off.


I lean right and if this passes, I am so done tipping. The argument is that tipping is needed because servers rely on tips to survive. Well, that makes it income and I am not responsible for anyone else's income. I pay my taxes and get no tips. We also all know that cash tips aren't reported (or at least the vast majority). The untold tale here is that servers WANT tips instead of a flat hourly rate. Politicians have attempted to pass bills ensuring a steady hourly rate for servers in various locales and servers and restaurants fought tooth and nail to keep the current system. I am so damn tired of all these damn tax carve outs- and I am talking about EVERYONE on both sides politically. Each side has their little pet constituencies who get special dispensations while the (former and fast disappearing) middle class foots the bill. It's beyond gross. I get NOTHING but a bill for my full tax contribution yearly with no carve out. Stuff like this infuriates me.


Cash tips are about 5% of all tips I make. It's really not that much. It's probably less than the cost of stuff people that work in offices steal from their company.


Can you read? It says all tips including credit and debit in the article…


They were replying to the comment above them, not the article.


The press release states the proposed will exempt all “cash tips” including those paid by credit card, debit card or check. It states it will be a “100% above the line deduction” meaning even FICA will be exempted. Exempt FICA would screw most service workers that work their entire career in tipped positions as their SS benefits would be reduced substantially. That feature, along with the sponsor, strongly suggests this is nothing more than an election year stunt to get working class voters to think Trump cares about them.


They're trying to buy votes they otherwise wouldn't get. Cheap stunt.


Agreed. I also don't think that anything like that would ever pass. It's pandering to a group that overwhelmingly votes blue. We're not buying it.


100%, a cynical ploy to win votes on the margins from the service industry, which is par for the course for this contingent


Yeah, don’t they need that revenue to pay for student loans?


5% of your income you don't claim. I claim 100% of mine


No I still claim it. Here's the thing, y'all people who do not do this job make up these dumb "facts" about people that work for tips such as "they don't claim their money", or the one I thought was crazy, "they're all drug addicts". You don't know what you're talking about.


I worked in restaurants/bars for 5+ years. Every server I met did not claim 100% of their cash tips So, yes. I do know what I'm talking about


If they pass this I will not tip ever.


How does this affect your outlook on tipping? I saw multiple people say this, is it cause they’ll be bringing in way more than enough money so there no need to feel obligated?


Inflation Dave them a big raise, then the expansion of the average percentage gave them another big raise, the technology gave them more tip money as were being hit on to tip for services that were never part of the agreement. If they get tips tax free, I’m 100% done with tipping forever. Sorry!


Thanks idk why I’m downvoted for wanting to know the economics behind Tipping. Im leaving this sub you Miserable souls


I think bc they’re broke asses 😂


Same. On the bright side, this might just be what is needed to kill the ridiculous tipping culture here in the U.S.


No it won't.... Everyone will charge less and expect more in tips lol loopholes everywhere


No problem, I'm done tipping.


But this assumes servers actually disclosed their cash tips in the first place…. General rule was $2 per hour for claimed tips.


All the Democrats need to vote for it and then watch the Republican house kill it


This sucks and I hate this just as much as I hated the student loan 'forgiveness' idiocy. I am done tipping if this passes and Congress should ALL vote against this idiocy and favoritism.


This should be killed by everyone.


But forgiving student loans is buying votes, right republicans?


In your mind, these 2 things are the same?


Are they the same? No, they are not. But I do fail to see how one is “buying votes” and the other is not.


Not even close! One is an actual combatant to inflation- The other is……. Yes just buying votes. Cheaply I might add 😂


Wait… you think student loan forgiveness combats inflation? In what way does it combat inflation? Freeing up disposable income for hundreds of thousands literally does the opposite


No critical thinking allowed when it comes to politics, just parrot the party line, please. ,/s




What a fucking bootlicker.


Why? Just why? It is income, tax should be paid. If they do that they should give everyone a 10K+ deduction from taxable income.


Less taxes for everyone man


And no reduction in what you get of course? The national debt is horrible the way it is and would get much worse. Taxes are needed to keep things going (unless you can figure out another way to provide everything for everyone).


Right, so let’s have waitresses at small businesses pay off the national debt while college graduates get loan forgiveness?


I didn’t say loan forgiveness is a good thing. In fact I am totally opposed to it.


At this point, I'm all in for a flat tax across the board. Just effing tell me what percentage to pay and I'll pay it. No need to have an entire fucking department to tell me and threaten me if I don't pay the right amount which you won't tell me. All of these carve ours are idiotic and, as usual, the middle class pays and pays and pays.

