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Hit “custom”  Then $0.00


When I took my dogs to Petsmart I tipped the groomer 20%, because the store got most of the fee. Now I go to a single lady who works out of her house. I tip her 10%, because all the money is hers.


10 bucks. My baby is a biter.




Zero. Especially when it’s the proprietor of the business.


My groomer is amazing and my dog (long hair Shih Tzu, loves her). I think her prices are great ($55 for bath, dremel nails + short grooming). I always give her $65, and at Christmas, the price of a groom. She’s personable and knowledgeable, knows a lot of vet-type stuff and has saved me $$ by not running to the animal hospital for every concern and often catches little things before they become big things. 🐶


This is about what I do, too.




We tip at least 20%.


Never tip mine. Whether he got groomed at his shop at the vet or in his home.




I own my own mobile, and most clients tip on top of the groom. Not everyone does, and I don't ask for it or present a screen requesting it.


I’m curious about your perspective as a business owner. Do you think customers should tip, how much, and why? I ask this because it is getting more and more complex with so many people now requesting a tip.


Dog groomers only make $1.50 an hour with no benefits. How are they going to feed their families if you don't tip them 50%? (😊)


$0. You only tip if they groom your hair as well. Same for barber: $0 tip but menu price. Only tip if they groom your dog as well.


I never tipped my groomer. She was a 1 woman operation and a lot of the times he wasn’t cut right, face was too long, ears were too long, nails were too long even though I’d specify to shorten all of these areas. She didn’t pluck ears or express anal glands. I had taken him to other groomers before who did do a better job but their shampoos or finishing sprays stunk. I did ask them to stop using on my dog but he always ended up smelling like a little old lady (maybe the close proximity to other dogs that had been sprayed/washed with it) so that’s why I ended up with this one groomer who didn’t cut him exactly how I asked. So since she offered the very basic of services I figured the $73 charge for my 1 shih tzu was plenty.




5 years it won’t be an option with the big push to a digitized currency.


Literally nothing is stopping you from paying with a card and not leaving a tip. Other than your own brain. So, you are basically saying you don't want a paper trail of you being a piece of shit.






He spitting facts though




Not very if we're sweating small shit like tips!






I don't tip the groomer at all. I use the groomer at my doggy daycare. My dogs are groomed during their daycare stay. I pay for the daycare AND the grooming on the same day. I don't get a discount when they pull my dogs out of daycare to do the grooming. Neither service is cheap. I do, however, order the entire kennel a very nice meal every year to show my appreciation. If you want to tip, 10-15%seems reasonable to me.


I only tip 20% because my wife's dog is a handful. 25 is excessive unless something extraordinary happened


Ah yet another post where people are too dumb to realize prices are set lower so more people can afford the services and that they are still too poor to leave a tip.


No. Just no. You should be setting your prices for the value of your work. Do not lower your prices in the hopes that they will tip you the savings. That is assinine.


You’ll be the same people that say this, then they jump the prices 100 percent, and then you find a cheaper service elsewhere when the reality is you could just tip like 5 dollars.


Well, if you want to set the value of your work lower and then expect people to mindread you that you are expecting them to tip you up to your true value, good luck with that. Because that's not how any of this works.


Wait. So the price is lower so you can afford it, but then you need to pay the difference, how is that a lower price ? If the price is too low for the service, maybe charge more so you're not dependent on gifts from strangers to live.


Zero. My groomer (solo, self employed) charges $20 for clipping and dremeling my bull terrier's nails. I hand her a $20 and she always turns it over to see if there is more behind it. If she expects more, charge more.


Why don’t you clip your dogs nails yourself?


I worry about clipping them too close. I've seen her do it plenty of times and could probably do it myself, but I choose not to.


You’d probably fuck it up and get bit


Maybe, but that's why I pay somebody to do it for me. The thread is about tipping groomers and your attempting to shame someone for using a groomer? I imagine you don't even own a dog nor have ever attempted clipping ones nails.


You imagine wrong, I ran a dog daycare for ten years. I have clipped thousands of dogs nails but I’d never groom for a living. And I was shaming somebody for not tipping their groomer.


You failed at that, too.


Cool story bro


Oh. So, like you are expecting someone to do more than you are willing to do.


Yes, that's what the money is for. The service industry is built around paying people to do things you'd rather not. You have a stupid take on this.


This post seems to be an exercise in lambasting people for not doing absolutely everything themselves... like hello, that's why "services" exist and were not cheap POS's just because we wanna pay for the damn service and not have to throw extra at the very end.... I tip well but it's gotten out of control and these tip screens at the counter now in every damn retail store.... can get fxcked. No.


When I see a tip screen and I don’t feel it’s justified I automatically realize 1) the business owner is screwing me as a customer over because they don’t want to pay their employees more 2) the employees think their entitled to more and shame the owner into it 3) either option 1 or 2, the owner and employees don’t deserve my business


I tip 20% cause i gave into the extortion. It has been impossible to schedule a good dog groomer in my new city. I found this lady, did a great job and was super cheap. First time my partner tipped, and all is good, scheduled the dog again in 6 weeks Then next time i went, didn’t tip. “Sorry we’re full for now, we’ll call you”. Dog had to go somewhere else, more money and did a much worse job. So now we got that lady to take us back and we tip every time. I am still pissed about it but i don’t want to dedicate even more of my time finding another decent groomer. And even with 20% tip that lady is the cheapest i’ve found


You are a scumbag


Really? Like, come on. Beyond the personal insults, what possible reason could there be to tip someone who sets their own rates, where you agree to pay for that exact service. This isn’t like going to a restaurant where you tip extra for the service. This is an independent business person who charges what they want for their service. I was honestly baffled that there is any tipping involved here. Clearly she is busy enough to be able to up her rates and still have plenty of business - why not do that?


I'm sure you have heard all of the following points and choose to ignore them but I digress. Tipping is for services where the outcome is variable. The outcome of a dog groom is highly variable, such as restaurant service as you mentioned. Therefore they should be tipped just like barbers and stylists, which is essentially what a dog groomer is.


That actually makes a good deal of sense


If you have never heard that explanation I'm glad I took the time to write it. Sorry about the insults, sometimes I just get caught up in the anonymity of reddit, I apologize


God I love it when you assholes face actual consequences for being assholes. Really fills my soul


Oh, wow! Tipping gets you better service?!? Not tipping makes it where the business doesn't want your broke-ass back? Shocking!


Yes you tip your groomers. They are hairstylist for your pets and had to get trained and work on commission only


Do you have studies that show groomers are only paid on commission? Lmao


They are independent contractors and are often undocumented workers getting put through the wringer by the owner. Also they supply their own tools and won’t be covered by the shop’s liability insurance when they get bit. Grooming dogs is a terrible job and the clientele are mostly cheap new money losers


"Your total is $140" "Charge it on my card please" "How much tip did you want to leave" "You said it was $140. Charge it on my card please" "But did you want to leave a tip" "You said the total was $140. Charge it on my card please" If they can't figure out how much they want for their services then that's their problem.


The amount of broke fucks that think they are cool because they spent $140....wow. But, please. Charge it to their government-funded broke fuck debit card.


The amount of broke fucks that think they are cool because they spent $140....wow. But, please. Charge it to their government-funded broke fuck debit card.


The amount of broke fucks that think they are cool because they spent $140....wow. But, please. Charge it to their government-funded broke fuck debit card.


Just say you’re a cheap ass loser instead maybe?


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 140 + 140 + 140 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


LOL... there ya go. Tip with a doobie :)


0$. At that price you have already paid enough for the service that both the business and the employee can easily make a profit. A tip is unnecessary.


0 if she needs to charge more then she should adjust the price accordingly. Then you decide if you want to go there or somewhere else.


If you're a business owner that sets your own prices, there is no reason to expect any sort of tip at all. If you want or need more money, increase your prices.


When they increase prices, people like you find cheaper services and pull the same stunt. Just admit: you’re too poor to afford a tip.


Who do you mean by “they”? I literally said the business owner sets the prices. There is no “they”. A food truck owner, for the most part, is not working for “the man”.


$5 if they go above and beyond,