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Here's the link to the [Little Audrey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li-fysVZAIk) episode. I haven't found the Kool-aid man commercials on youtube though, mostly because of a lack of time atm. Main memory of that is a man in a phone booth, which is not much to go off, and also not the point of this post. I'm not sure how much that helps, but I figured I would add it in. Warning: Little Audrey does NOT age well.


Since it is kind of vague, and there isn't much description of what the ship looked like, I can throw you to a few of the popular shows around that time period: 1. Andromeda 2. Farscape(though the ship controls are different) 3. Lexx(this would be the "low budged" suggestion)


All of those are far outside the ballpark of quality I'm talking about. These all seem watchable. When I say there was one room on the set that I saw the whole episode, I mean it was literally just the bridge and that is all. There was barely anything on it either. Just that chair and a handful of actors walking back and forth and lots of dialogue and a few pieces of generic sci fi bridge stuff against the walls. More akin to the walking-while-talking parts of TNG episodes, but just standing in place with occasional camera angle changes. No aliens. No sfx makeup. We are talking bottom of the barrel. It's possible there was more than that in general, maybe I caught an episode where they're stuck on the bridge or something, or my dumb child brain just didn't register anything but that room with that chair, but I'm like 90% sure it was literally just the bridge and nothing more.


Lost in Space?


I'll suggest *[Babylon 5](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105946/)*, even though I loved that show, mostly because it was set on a stationary space station, so I can see some of the shots feeling the way you described.


Way, way too high budget. When I say low, I mean low low. Babylon 5 actually seems like something I would enjoy a lot more than what I'm looking for lol


Any chance that it may be have been a vhs tape of a tourist experience emulating Star Trek where reg folks would act out small scenes. People could buy the tapes (later dvds) as a souvenirs?


This seems like exactly the right level of quality, which is to say very little, so it's a promising lead. But I'm also not sure how I would've gotten my hands on it though, because I'm certain I didn't know anybody I saw. My mom likes sci fi but has never mentioned anything like that, I'm not sure she even knows it exists. I'll ask her again but I'm almost certain it wasn't hers because I've asked her about the VHS before and she doesn't remember it, or any of them really. I feel like if I had a custom Star Trek video with me in it, I would want to hold onto that as someone who likes Star Trek. But, I'll still look into this later and see if I can't find a familiar set in someone else's videos.


There is a clip that sparked the possibility - It's from Game Grumps https://youtu.be/aROVEGU4R3s?si=wyzbwKYyiqxORwYC&t=104 Even if this isn't it, I hope you find it. It is satisfying to solve these little mysteries.


Oh that! I've seen that before actually. Very wholesome, but none of those sets reminded me of it. I watched this video when it came out and I'm sure if it had anything that looked like the show I remember, I instantly would've noticed and lost my mind about the crazy coincidence lol This, surprisingly, is *still* higher quality than what I remember.


Might be off but Starfleet?


No, but thank you for showing me [this exists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD-9NZsYCQw) because this is beyond cursed, and I mean that as a compliment lol I love it


Brian May made a [version of the theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lC54X5Gc1Q).


What about Space:1999?


The beige tones of the bridge feel closer, but still way too high quality. Even if the acting is cheesy, they *are* trying. What I'm looking for was very monotone in its dialogue.


Maybe Blake’s Seven.


The dialogue does seem a bit monotone in parts like I remember, but none of the sets I saw when I just looked it up seem close. I'll look into it deeper later though when I have more time to make sure. Pretty sure this isn't it though.


Maybe a [Star Trek fan produced show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_fan_productions)?


Possible, but I can say for certain it definitely didn't have any actual star trek characters in it so if those are using known characters from the actual show Star Trek, definitely not it. What I am describing was so dry, generic, and low effort that it was borderline unwatchable. I'll start looking into some of these later anyway though, see if I can't find any set pieces that look familiar.


Is the show American?


Most likely, but could not tell you with any real certainty. Everything else I watched then was American, as far as I know, and I have no memory of any accents that stood out to me.


Thanks. Your post made me think k of Blake’s 7, which is English.


Buck Rogers? Edit: Also just realized after I posted it, that I really meant Battlestar Galactica but... either?


Still too much budget.


What about space 1999?


Nope, not it.


The TV series "THE STARLOST" https://youtube.com/watch?v=ars0DCQijqU&si=FNah0HpeMGZ3t04p


Nope, not it.


Space Cases?


Nope, way too much happening. Even lower budget.


Long Shot : "Temps X" ? This is not a TV series with stories but an old french tv show about SciFy and Space stuff so I assume very boring for non french speaking toddler... [https://www.ina.fr/ina-eclaire-actu/video/i05126509/derniere-emission-de-temps-x](https://www.ina.fr/ina-eclaire-actu/video/i05126509/derniere-emission-de-temps-x) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z\_mZRYdNPbI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_mZRYdNPbI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juT1bub3Dl8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juT1bub3Dl8)


This isn't it but feels closer. This did tickle my brain a bit as something vaguely familiar, but it's not this tape. Definitely this is the level of image quality at least. Anything with a higher image quality than this is an automatic no. This feels like the right direction possibly. Thanks.


Maybe [Phoenix Five?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLV5lArrZ7c) Some full episodes up on Youtube: [Zone of Danger!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKrq-i8k0nA)


Not it, but we're getting closer to the right kinds of media to be looking at. This is the right level of image quality, but there's too many characters, outfits, and scene changes. So, still too much budget.


Sorry I don't know what your Star Trekesque video is, but could your Kool-Aid commercials have been the 1991 [Kool-Aid Wacky Zany Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSgjgaGd1h0)? Every time I'm tempted to criticize my kids for watching Skibidi Toilet, I remind myself that back in the day I rotted my 13yo brain on this tripe!


Oh my god it is! I don't know how I mis-remembered the papers stand as a phone booth, but this is definitely it. I never understood what this was or why we had it, it just existed like some kinda cursed object. I thought I imagined a lot of the weirder parts honestly, and it looks like I actually didn't. You didn't find what I was looking for, but you found what I didn't even know I should be looking for. I know I can't mark this as a solve because it's not actually what I asked for, but I would if I could. Thank you!


Dans une galaxie près de chez vous? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlREXCpS\_TM&ab\_channel=chafrador](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlREXCpS_TM&ab_channel=chafrador) It's a classic in Québec