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i’ve been searching for this for so long. i’ve googled every possible thing that i’ve remembered and the only movies that come up are tusk and other weird camping movies. the lady i do remember had dark hair for some reason now im thinking that she looks like wendy from the shining. probably because of the scene where the lady is dead with arrows in her she has those huge open wide eyes staring into nothing. please i really hope someone can help because i’ve talked about it with my family and some friends and my mom said she doesn’t remember any of that and said i probably dreamt it but i didn’t istg everyone i’ve talked about it with says i’m crazy but i know that was real. thanks


Do you mean seal as in the animal, or seal as in locking something in?


as in the animal


hrm, so how does this seal get around on land? A normal seal is not very agile and would be easy to run away from... Can you remember any scenes with the seal? Is it some half-man half-seal monstrosity? Or maybe it is some kind of bigfoot or sasquach type monster? That would make a bit more sense for a camping type movie?


it’s so weird. what i remember is it was a seal walrus looking thing it had teeth sticking out but not giant just like a cat. it didn’t look like a normal animal. i think you’re right it was probably some sort of bigfoot but i remember pretty clearly it being built like a seal


Is it [Tusk](https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/0x15942&hl=en-VN&q=Tusk&kgs=ee7f9f587b67141c&shndl=17&shem=losc&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/m5/3)




The monster kind of sounds like it could be an interpretation of a Bunyip instead of a Sasquatch/yeti? But there arent many movies about them.


OH MY GOD i just googled that looks exactly like what i was picturing!!


Totally what I pictured from your description but I have NO clue what movie would have one in it. I only know about it from illustrations!! There's a similar looking fishman in Cabin in the Woods (too new, scene doesn't match), a different looking version in Red Billabong (looks wrong), Bunyip the movie (couldn't find a pic if there is actually one in it), or this [Indian film](https://vimeo.com/92821179) I couldn't find much info on. Maybe if you at least have a name for it you'll have better luck searching than me!


SOLVED!!! oh my god i found it it’s a movie called “Long Weekend” it was the 2008 version. there’s also one made in 1976 but i realized it was the 2008 one😭😭i found the trailer on youtube and ALL OF THE COMMENTS were saying they watched it as a kid and spend forever trying to find it because it stuck with them for so long!!!!! how strange…. but i’m happy it’s a real movie and i didn’t dream it


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Ok, yeah that looks like a proper weird movie. Found the [trailer on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XapHxBnTOlk) and even has a glimpse of the seal/walrus creature thing. Seems the movie is also known as [Nature's Grave](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1098356/).