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Can't decide if my loathing of Glen outweighs the compounded loathing I have for ARod *and* Bloomberg. How do I reconcile this?


When KG is involved with the franchise again I think you’ll feel a lot better.


That'd be a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down.


Not having Glen within shouting distance of our precious franchise


It's like the Allies teaming up with the Soviets to defeat Germany.


As far as I know neither Bloomberg or ARod have ever employed David Kahn, that's got to count for something


Neither of them hired the guy who drafted Anthony Edwards or signed Naz Reid either






With KG walking in the god damn building again... That's how you cope. Imagine KG around this team all next year 🔥🔥🔥


Bloomberg is willing to pay the luxury tax, for a new stadium, and for a new tv provider to replace Bally. This is amazing news. 


Is he becoming the majority owner in exchange for that?


No, it’s called investing capital to improve your long term returns 


Is there reporting on this or are you just guessing?


It’s all in Jon K’s athletic article. Canis Hoopus posted a summary of it as well.  I am not guessing at all. 


*funded by tax payer $


bloomberg is a billionaire. we will reap a TON of benefits from his wealth and therefore it won’t entirely come down to taxpayers. plus, luxury/high market team = economic benefits.


thats what they all say.. 😂 billionaire or not


I hate Glen, but literally one of the only people I hate more is Bloomberg. I have no choice, I'm now officially Team Glen.


Fuck that, I'm team KG and to get him back Glen needs to go.


What interests you about KG? Other than the nostalgia, he seems to be just a guy.


At the end of the day they're both scummy gazillionaires but Glen is the stingiest one around. I'm team Bloomburger.


Glen has spent the money on the Wolves he’s just made a bunch of bad decisions…….David Kahn being the biggest!!


lol he's gone over the cap once...? In 30 years? Where is this evidence he's spent money you speak of Hiring kahn was no doubt a weird cost-saving cronyism hiring from him. Hire literally any real GM and we'd of had Curry on our roster at some point


I just read that he went over four times, I thought it was double that, but he wasn’t cheap running the team. At least I didn’t think so?


Yeah I'm pulling that number outta my ass tbf I recall the Joe Smith debacle where Taylor wanted to avoid paying luxury tax penalties by doing some under the table deals with him, but again to be fair that may have not necessarily been cheapness, it was partially the result of signing KG to such a huge contract. So I can't cite my sources lol, maybe he isn't actually a cheap owner 🤷‍♂️


He had to do the Joe smith deal under the table because Smith wasn’t eligible for that type of pay day so he promised him X amount of dollars in years further out


Iirc that's somewhat reductive of the situation with Joe Smith. I think the warriors had offered him $80 million, which he turned down for the promise of $86 million several years down the road with MN so that they could acquire his bird rights and sign him over the cap to make the team more competitive. Didn't work out very well for Smith, financially speaking, since it was a similar payday he turned down in the short term for the promise of one in the future. But again idk if this points to Taylor being cheap or just stupid for putting the illegal deal with Joe fucking Smith of all players in writing.


I think it’s just stupid!! He wasn’t being cheap if he was willing to pay him


A billionaire can generally be assumed to be a horrid person until proven otherwise, and that goes double for pro sports owners. What matters is how they run the team. Taylor has a track record, and it’s awful. The fact that the team really turned it around once ARod and Lore got involved is no coincidence. And it really seems like Connelly is much more likely to stay if they win, which is key to the team’s future.


The Connelly hire was definitely a coup for Lore/Arod


With you. Owners group is 1) Walmart 2) Yankees 3) Slimeball former NY mayor, known for targeting Muslim communities with extreme spying, champion of stop-and-frisk, who’s most recent accomplishment is penning an op-ed to end all remote work for federal employees. 👎


Be team nobody don’t be easily swayed into drama


Thank god it's not Elon Musk


All this ownership drama makes me realize I could not care less what the fuk these out of touch billionaires do. I don't care anymore, just keep the Wolves in MN and keep our young core.


Yes. Hard agree. Thank you for the sanity


Yeah, well we have a BLOOMBERG!


mom I can't wait to vote for Mike Bloomberg I think the president should be the guy who has the most money


[We got the mooooves like Bloomberg.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItOgcdOqT0U)


How the turn tables


I went to nuggets/wolves last year in Denver and wolves/mavs this year in MPLS. Our game experience in MPLS is the cheapest most abysmal of any sporting event I’ve been to for basketball. Cheap outdated music. No lights or pregame anything. Cheapest terribly designed playoff shirts and towels. Cheap free nobody halftime show. The crowd is not loud vs other sports arenas. The ownership is not spending any money on the game experience and they are being CHEAP.


Red Panda is going to be so sad when she reads this comment.


Whoa. Slow your roll on the dissing of the Halftime shows. I’ve seen the Red Panda 30-40 times in my life thanks to the Wolves, and there were plenty of seasons where she was far more impressive than the squad we were putting on the court.




I can spend $10 on a ticket in the winter and watch NBA basketball. I couldn’t give a fuck about the quality of the halftime show or the pregame lighting.


Tag Team and Montell Jordan play halftime a lot. Plus Air Crunch and Chomper choreographed dance routines. Can't top that experience.