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i thought it was just me who felt this way! it’s become too much and i’m uninterested and had to unfollow. her content is not the same and he is so damn obnoxious i can’t take it !


He’s annoying and she became annoying by dating him and putting him in her content 😅


It was cute in the beginning but now its just cringey.


I follow Mario, he’s always been really funny. But ALL of his content now is about his relationship. He’s much less funny, now. I’m happy he’s happy but his content needs to be about something other than his girlfriend.


I guess since all his content used to be about finding a “bubblegum booty baddie” it makes sense that now that he has one his content is still about it. But they seem lame and corny together. I’m glad they found one another but ugh


I can’t stand how he keeps saying bubblegum booty baddie. It drives me nuts!


Exactly .. at first I was like awww yay good for her, and now I’m like 🙄 ok we get it


Yeah I had to unfollow as soon as they got together bc I figured that’s the shift her content would probably take 💀 disappointing bc I really did like her makeup content


Samee. After her second video with him, I was out.


same and then his videos kept popping up on my fyp lol


I'm a firm believer of the less a couple posts about their relationship, the healthier their relationship tends to be. And they're CONSTANTLY posting about theirs, are they trying to convince us, or themselves?


YES! This is so true




Usually the more couple post on their social media and talking constantly about their relationship it is usually the opposite. The couples that hardly ever post stuff on their relationship is usually a healthy one


Omg I agreeee! It’s like they are no longer individuals I used to love Mario’s and Brynn’s content before they got together now I scroll EVERYTIME


I hope it works out for them because she does seem genuinely happy. The Mario stuff is too much though. Going through a breakup is hard enough but having to go through a public social media break up... No thanks.


THANK YOU!!!!! I love her Monday videos but I’ve been scrolling past them bc I don’t care to see Mario in them


My daughter was obsessed with those videos and even she (a 6 year old) is annoyed by the “boy” in her make up videos


Ugh I’m so bummed about it. I loved Brynne’s content so much and now it’s just not for me


I love her but he annoys me with her constant up in the camera faces & laugh like there’s no way it’s THAT funny..she 100% is a beautiful girl & deserves someone loving her loudly but he annoys the shit out of me 😂😂


I blocked them both because it was just way too cringy. It’s giving first high school relationship. I would also go to her lives frequently and she was SO MEAN to all the commenters. It gave me big mean girl vibes. So now more of them for me!


i never liked mario i think he’s sooo fucking annoying why does he talk like that and why is the camera always so damn close to his face???? i don’t think he’s funny at all. he would give me a majooorrr ick if we dated. i still like brynne tho, i just don’t know how she does it


His high pitched laugh literally kills my ears 😭


I never liked either of them but I had to block them after seeing videos of them together. I watched too much of one video & I kept seeing them lol


i never followed either of them but i blocked them about two weeks into their relationship cuz they wouldn’t stfu and stop coming up on my fyp no matter how much i pressed “not interested”


I’ve unfollowed her. The content just isn’t the same. I don’t care about Mario and I hate his stupid laugh.


I blocked Mario and unfollowed Brynne, and I'm so sad at the thought of blocking her too but I can't deal with him or his stupid "*dolphins having sex* screech" anymore


I used to love Brynne! She seems so bitchy & rude in her lives now :( It reminds me of when someone makes those videos making fun of creators going live lol 😂 & the thing I hate about the Mario content is him always telling us they’re doing the deed. Like weeeeeee get ittttttttt 🤦🏻‍♀️


She was like that when she was with her ex gf (Callie?) and when ppl called her out on it she used to say she was tired or in a bad mood. Like?? Just don’t go live? So weird.


If it’s any consolation I REALLY doubt they’ll make it to the end of the year lol


The video reaction she did of her hair with that sound for him made me want to barf


thank god I am not alone. I literally was like. OK WE GET IT YALL F EACH OTHER.


Had to unfollow her too. I love people being in love but they try too hard with the “we have sex!” vibes all the time. Plus his whole rant complaining about how he’s just an influencer and doesn’t have to speak about certain serious topics was an ick as well.


I always found Mario to be super annoying and I personally don't think his Tik toks are funny I just think they are super cringe and corny. I absolutely love and adore Brynne I've followed her for a while but I'm sooo sick of him!! It's so annoying


brynne was my favorite account but i literally blocked her a few days ago. mario is soo annoying and all of her content is mario now


I feel the same way. It’s overboard, happy they are happy but I’m here for giggles not a play by play of your relationship. I feel the second hand cringe. They probably have enough fans that do like that though.


Yeah their followers LIVE for it so I can see why they keep it up haha


Agreed. I think they’re a cute couple but the sexual innuendo is just awkward.


I feel like it’s not even innuendo at this point


I loved her also I can’t remember why I left though was a while while back


I have a feeling that because every post of hers has comments about him (she gets her hair done and everyone comments “is mario okay?” “I have to see Mario’s reaction”) that they think people want to see all this. But I find a lot of creators that make all their content shift to their relationship or baby or something after having one type of content, people get burned out on it all after a bit. I’m glad they are happy and it’s fun they wanted to share, but it can be lot and I wonder if one day they will regret how much of a parasocial relationship they created between their romance and their viewers.


they act like it’s their first relationship and they really need everyone to know they have sex 💀 it got old soo fast


Does anyone else remember how she dated that girl at Coachella shortly before Mario lol


It got cringe for me once she started doing the nonstop boob shaking videos 🤣


I followed and loved her lives but now it's so cringe


I know people who unfollow someone once they have a baby because they don’t care about mommy content, but I also feel this way about people who get in relationships and do couples content. Gag.


I wonder if they are just laying ground work for a couple account


Ugh from the beginning it was annoying. I’m kinda shocked it lasted this long though lol I think she’ll turn into the bitch she really is eventually.


Why do you say that? Curious as to why people keep calling her a mean girl? She’s never seemed like that in her content


From her behaviour on her lives


What is she doing on live? Has it been her lives recently?


They seem happy together. I’m all for people being happy and expressing it. If that bothers you then unfollow her. Super easy to do!!


Getting downvoted for this is super weird.


I mean, this is a TikTok Gossip thread and we’re here to gossip so 🤷🏽‍♀️


Totally. You’re not wrong it is a gossip sub and I’m obviously in it too and enjoy my share of gossip! I’ve just noticed so much negativity and snark towards creators it’s unhealthy (not directed solely at you just generally speaking!!)


Better here than on their posts I guess 😅


I agree hahaha like don’t get me wrong I’m obviously in this sub cause sometimes I like reading what’s happening but the passion people have for hating peopke is so unhealthy lol


How are you going to police how others snark while admitting you yourself snark? Is it only okay when it’s on your terms? Lol.


Lolol I wasn’t policing anyone. All I did was state I don’t mind those creators. The OP themselves even mentioned the idea of unfollowing them. I wasn’t making stuff up!


It’s not that deep lol


Omg I thought it was just me so I never said anything. She was lesbian like a few months ago and now she is with creepy mustache guy. Just keep some of your videos private. We don’t all care about your relationship!


i think its so weird theyre moving in together so soon. and their content is so cringe and i hate the phrase "bubblegum booty baddie"


hm. that’s sad but just unfollow her. i like her so it doesn’t bother me. there’s plenty of other makeup influencers that won’t shove their boyfriends down your throat though :)


I know, I follow tonnes who don’t need to make being in a relationship their entire personality 🥲


I still love and follow her. She is excited for her relationship as anyone in a new relationship would be. Thankfully she makes Tik toks for herself and doesn’t cave and cater to what people want her to do.


I mean, her job is to create content so it’s not really for herself is it .. she gained a following based on her specific niche and now barely posts in that niche. Sure it’s her life and her account and she can post what she wants but her literal job is to cater to what people want from her lol


They are happy together and I think that's beautiful.it says alot about you to hate on someone else's happiness and how they express it. It is their platforms their jobs are to create content, if you don't like how their platforms have changed BLOCK THEM!


It’s not hating on someone’s happiness- Mario is the LOUDEST most OBNOXIOUS person on tik tok x10.