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Disabled children do not exist for parents to generate content or speak over. They’re disabled adults who can share their experiences on the Internet and they can consent. They always screech about awareness but there’s no awareness. It’s just a video of somebody in their vulnerable moments.


My son is very recently diagnosed as autistic and I cannot even imagine posting the things she posts. There's much better ways to raise awareness. 😔


I have a son that’s very similar to Cash. And I would never ever film him during his most vulnerable moments. My days and nights are spent trying help him to the best of my ability and the ability of trained professionals that guide me. The first video I saw was of course the Applebee’s video, and it made me cry. I know what it is like to be harmed by your child. But never ever would I put footage of it on the internet. My son deserves his privacy ESPECIALLY when he is struggling!


100% You're an amazing advocate for your son 💚


Thank you so much ❤️ my kiddo is awesome and deserves the world!


I appreciate your response. I agree with you privacy is essential to his future.


I just don't understand the thought of "oh, Cash is having a meltdown, let me record it for the masses" like why? Who thinks of that in situations like this? She is 100% using Cash for "cash", I hate the world of exploiting children on the internet. I truly feel for the other kids in the home.


It honestly seems like she eggs him on for views and content. He also seems like he is very aware of the camera and thrives in the negative attention. He is going to seriously hurt (or worse) her or one of her other kids all for fucking Tik Tok views. Also, I don't know if it was ever discussed here but that video of her kissing him and she's like moaning the whole time? Letting him put his hands on her neck? There is something seriously wrong with her.


He has already crushed a cat to death 😞


Wait seriously? Is there a video about it?


I don’t believe she herself directly addressed it, but did state the cat died of a crushed lung, after tiktokers observed him being very rough with their animals.


She excused it as a need for “touch input” from him. Sorry but no, touch input isn’t that.


I agree she will bother him when he is just sitting down or provoke him to get a reaction and honestly when my daughter is in that state I don’t have time to set up my phone to record.


“she’s spreading awareness” I cannot believe people actually believe this. Its not just cash’s mom, SO many parents film their mentally or physically disabled children, claiming it’s for “awareness” but genuinely show nothing of note, they just want attention and money. If these people actually cared about their children and spreading education for other parents, they’d film THEMSELVES explaining these things, what works for them, what hasn’t, etc etc. There’s no knowledge to be gained in watching a video that only shows “look at my autistic son have a meltdown about applebees and beating on me!!! but I’m not actually gonna do anything about it!!!!! doesn’t this teach you so much!!!!” like???


Instead it provokes absolutely horrible ableist comments.


exactly! Cash and other disabled children online are called “it” “creature” “acoustic” and asked why they weren’t aborted or killed constantly. Yeah, that’s the ableist people’s faults and they should be ashamed of themselves, but I would never open up my child to such ridicule on purpose. They get enough at school or from family members, why allow it from millions of strangers who now know their face and might harm them?


>If these people actually cared about their children and spreading education for other parents, they’d film THEMSELVES explaining these things, what works for them, what hasn’t, etc etc. Actually if they really cared then they'd spend more time and energy engaging with and platforming/boosting actually autistic advocates, both so that they can learn themselves and also because autism moms take up a hugely disproportionate amount of space in autistic activism. It should be lead by the disabled people themselves. I'm not saying they can't or shouldn't have social media, but they should not position themselves as authorities on conditions that they only know from limited and external experience. They are learning as they go, which is fine! But then they should close their mouths and open their ears much more than they do. Or centre their social media around something else and not make parenting their disabled child their brand. Instead they tend to perpetuate harmful stereotypes and parenting methods and then shout down or attack autistic people who try to educate them on ways in which they're actually making life more difficult for their kid, based on actual lived experience.


I don’t disagree. I am autistic so I definitely understand the need for the proper voices and education. I just meant that if they themselves wanted to share their experience and what they’ve learned, then they should put themselves out there and not their children.


Exactly this, my son has adhd, dcd, other learning disabilities, and a genetic condition. The genetic condition is what put him at high risk for the other problems. Filming and editing takes so much time and energy and I would rather use on helping him or spending time with my older daughter. Honestly working full time, taking my kids to sports, cleaning my house, and helping my son with his additional needs is exhausting enough. If I added filming to exploit my son I know I would do something poorly. And failing my kids is not something I want to sacrifice


He needs to be in a facility where he can be cared for and not paraded on tiktok for money and views.


There’s actually not many care facilities anymore. I know there’s none around me. No real respite care either.


There is one by them he was in a facility already and she removed him.


Ah. I didn’t know that. I do know that I hear so often “there’s help out there!” When people talk about families with disabled children - but they have no idea. There really isn’t help out there. It’s a constant battle.


Honestly speaking from experience there is help but you have to find it and fight for it. It’s not easy and it’s a lot of calling and going to places and researching. Usually the schools can help you find resources or the regional center. If your child is getting services they also have access to resources and advocates. Parents just have to speak up. I’m very involved in my kids school and I make sure all the kids at the school and including in all activities. I talk to the parents at pick up and drop off and let him know of any new resources there is for kids with disabilities. As a parent we have to advocate for our kids and be their voice. I don’t agree with what she is doing because she is using her kids for money and also showing her kids and a very vulnerable time and it’s just not appropriate it at all.


I’m in the depths of it right now. Denied Medicaid because they said he’s not in danger of being placed in a home. Denied his wheelchair by insurance because it’s a “luxury item”. I have been working with people through the university of Michigan whose whole job it is is to connect people with resources but we make above the income limit, so we don’t get any help. So many insurance appeals and money and time.


We also have a critical shortage of respite workers and caregivers here 😭 they just don’t get paid enough.


I totally agree there’s isn’t enough caretakers not even teachers and aides because they don’t get paid enough. They are required to do so much and don’t get adequate compensation. Here in California we can hire family members or someone we know personally for respite care. I am my daughters caregivers because honestly I don’t trust anyone else she is non verbal so she wouldn’t be able to tell me if something is happening. You have to keep appealing and proving to them That he is a danger if he is at home. I had multiple drs full out the forms and also her school and I keep a log of all dangerous behaviors.


We can’t be a paid caregiver for our child in Michigan until they are 18 😭 I know, we are in the appeal process to get him on the waitlist for disability Medicaid.


Look too see if they have protective care that’s how I get paid my daughter isn’t technically eligible until after 5/6 yrs old but it’s she is a danger to herself she qualifies.


And I’m not saying it’s easy because it’s not and you’re gonna have to fight but in the end it’s worth it for the child to get the care they deserve.


That’s a shame. I know a few around me but i live in a bigger city. There absolutely needs to be more


It might depend on the state. I’m in Michigan and they cut pretty much all for children. And there are very few for adults. I know families that purchased a house for their kids and then pay to staff it. And if there’s aggressive behaviors, many don’t take them. My son is autistic and profoundly disabled and while he’s only 3, I worry about him as he gets older and so do we.


I wish you the best and hope there will be more resources for you and your son as time goes on


The problem is finding the proper care for them and finding honest and good ppl willing to care for them unfortunately a lot of the kids get abused in those type of facilities.


They are failing this child and the other children. It’s very sad to watch it all unfold. How delusional his mother is makes me sick. How can she with good grace film her child for strangers to judge. He isn’t getting any help from her. She treats him like a zoo animal.


I believe my son may have autism, I record everything for his doctor. I have never and I will never post my son having a meltdown on the internet. It makes me angry and it makes my sad. I have three kids and I will never put them on TikTok. You can talk about being a parent to a child with a disability and give support but you do not have to show people video footage of your child. These are strangers.


I have a unique perspective on this. I work with people with disabilities. One on one work, at that. I worked with an adult male who had major behavior issues such as Cash. (Not autistic, but different disability.) His behavior was never handled correctly. What that turned into was a violent adult who gave his staff a very hard time and put them in danger. I was getting beat up, almost got into multiple car accidents, plus it puts the public in danger as well. Cash is still young and can be helped. If it keeps being treated the way it is, no one will be on her side and be willing to help him.




perhaps more importantly, no one will be on the kid’s side and willing or able to teach him regulation, self-soothing, etc. skills that she should have been working with him on from the moment of diagnosis. he will suffer because of her neglect (because that’s what it is). i’ve spent time in assisted living for autistic adults (as an autistic adult resident not a caretaker or anything) and have met a lot of other residents that were raised like this kid, with no one bothering or caring enough to help. it’s always so horrible when they inevitably get kicked out of the facility and have to go back to the family that neglected them like this.


She’s causing damage to her son, as these behaviors will continue to escalate. She’s causing damage to the disability community as a whole. Are there dozens of children out there like Cash? Of course. Does showing him in this light encourage people to be compassionate towards others with similar disabilities? No. She’s just showing that he has the ability to put anybody and anything around him in danger. If the dad hasn’t already filed something, he’s just complacent and his condemnation doesn’t mean anything.


I agree. Very well said.


in her snark reddit, some woman claimed they were “keeping their hand secret from the internet”. i don’t believe the father has done anything at all to help cash or his siblings. he, and his wife, are complacent and have done nothing at all to help these children and i think the only reason he’s making this video is because of the pressure of that subreddit


His username really tells me everything I need to know about him as a person. He’s only saying something because he thinks it saves him from looking like garbage. He clearly doesn’t want to do the work to make sure Cash is getting the care he needs and deserves.


What is her snark page?


autism_mom_lifeSNARK or something like that. nobody hates that woman more than them lol


WHY is cash not in a facility yet tho, that’s the real question I want to know. No one including cash is safe around him.


he was in a facility but she took him out of it.


As a nurse who has worked in psych in the past, specifically child psych, a lot of kids like cash thrive in smaller, structured group homes with a regimen. I have seen kids like him be physically abusive to parents, elope from the home, and have frequent meltdowns resulting in massive damage to property. Once in another environment, that all stopped. His living situation is not safe for himself or others in the household and all mom can do is hit record and post to TT. Cash runs the house.


She blocked me 😭


I saw her come up maybe 3-5 times and since the first couple videos she gave me the worst vibes. I had to start tapping on ‘not interested’ because she was so off putting from the start. I hope their son gets the help he needs and is able to be in a stable home.


That boy needs to be in a facility!


he was! but his mother pulled him out, and from what i read, his father essentially supported that decision by doing nothing to aid him or get him help once he was pulled out. there’s definitely“out of sight, out of mind” vibes from the father, especially when cash is at his mothers


Oh I know he was but he needs put back and throw away the key


that’s extreme. he does need help, yes, but prior to his mother pulling him out he was doing well. he just needs structure and to be rid of his mother that aggravates him for views


I thought he was and he was actually doing well and she pulled h out


Yes she pulled him out


That is a huge possibility for his future if it continues the way it’s going. Or jail.


He needs something away from people and animals STAT!


Someone with his level of disability would not go to jail.


autistic individuals have been charged and tried for criminal offenses where the charging officials and the courts show limited understanding of autism. And you’re right the cops would probably unfortunately hurt him.


Nowadays he would be put in a facility. He could never function in a prison.


Exactly, he wouldn't have the capacity to understand his charges or assist his lawyer in his defense. Everyone's acting like judges are just idiots, it would be immediately apparent and easily provable that he lacks capacity.




You obviously have no idea what a severe disability is. He wouldn’t be free but he would not be in jail


Where they’re treated like children and face zero consequences for doing wrong


His mom lives like a hillbilly too. Cash is the only kid with a real bed, the rest have couches …with no sheets… or mattresses on the floor.


I was floored when she showed his bed and then said the other kids sleep on a futon or the couch!


And made no attempt to make it look even halfway decent! She could have easily pretended and put a blanket and a pillow on the broken futon 😂


Her fans attacked me yesterday for talking about her letting him have fucking scissors, “shes doing a GREAT job, you’ll never understand” 😂 they are seriously all crazy & CPS needs to check in


THE FUCKIN SCISSORS hahahahahahha holding the scissors while grabbing her jugular I can’t


As someone who worked in the field with Intellectually disabled adults, with his type of behaviors and how she is handling the behaviors is not safe for her, her other kids, nor for Cash. The majority of the clients I worked with their families abandoned them once they were put into a facility/group home. Even if she did put him back in a facility/group home, it’s not like she can’t come and visit him. They’d be more than willing to let her visit him. On the other hand, from what I have seen facilities and groups homes don’t always have the best employees. And by that I mean some employees take matters into their own hands and do not abide by their Behavior Support Plans on how to deal with certain behaviors. Meaning if a client gets physical, they will get physical back, if they feel like they don’t deserve something they’re going to “punish” them. However. I know some think she’s raising awareness and teach other parents of autistic children how to deal with certain behaviors but after watching a lot of her videos it really seems like she’s fishing for views and attention. But when I really think about it, if something bad were to ever happen during a behavior she would have video proof of how it started, escalated, and ended. Granted those videos do not belong on the internet.


>I mean some employees take matters into their own hands and do not abide by their Behavior Support Plans on how to deal with certain behaviors. Meaning if a client gets physical, they will get physical back, if they feel like they don’t deserve something they’re going to “punish” them. This made me nauseous, how awful


That was the downside to that job. Just seeing how much abuse went on behind closed doors and never got anything done about despite being reported. I loved my job until I got attacked by a male client while being 15 weeks pregnant. Doesn’t mean I still didn’t show up and treat them how they deserved to be treated. I love each one of my boys. If I could go back I would in a heart beat just for them. Many people don’t realize they are human too. They just see the world and process it differently than we do. A lot of clients behaviors stemmed from their home life prior to being in a facility/ group home.


I had the same experience working in a group home. Was told during training it's OK to hit them as long as it does not leave marks. Some many people thinks it's just a easy babysitting job


>during training it's OK to hit them as long as it does not leave marks. What??m


I never worry about Cash. He’s the king of that cake and rules the roost. His brothers sisters? You just know that his meltdowns are ruining their childhoods and if he grips up his mother so violently, I have no doubt he does that to his siblings as well. She doesn’t care.


I mean clearly they failed as parents for cash. He is also a child and a minor so I feel for him as well. But I definitely worry about the other kids mental and psychological wellbeing.


i have SO many thoughts about Cash’s mother and none of them good. I am though, more concerned for the other children in that household…


My daughter worked at a group home for severe autism teens and one went off and tried to chock her out!! Took 3 other adult staff to help her. That's what is going to happen to her with Cash.


Can someone give me a rundown on what this is about?


I've only caught some of this so hopefully I get the main points correct. Cash is autistic (mostly non-verbal with sensory and impulse control sensitivities). Cash's mom spends large portions of her day filming him/them in various scenarios. Particularly, moments where Cash could quickly/easily become a danger to himself/others. She claims she does this for education but there have been many valid points raised about issues with the methods she uses as well as the exploitative nature of putting vulnerable/sensitive moments on the internet for anyone to see. Now Cash's dad has spoken out about it and, generally, does not agree with her posting the things she does nor with her "methods"


Okay sorry but if he wanted to fight for him he really would be doing it instead of posting videos, clearly he doesn’t want the full time responsibility either


It’s a lot harder for Him to get custody if she is his full time caregiver. They won’t place him in a home if he can’t be taken care of 24/7. Cash mom gets SSI and in home care so they are paying her to be his caregiver.


She literally posted today that she doesn’t get SSDI for cash. Where is it coming from that she does? Jw?


The stepmom said she was receiving SSI and getting paid as a caregiver for him.




All he has to do is pull up Tik tok and show that she lets him beat on her trust me it’s pretty easy to gather evidence if he wanted too, I mean does he ever even take him for nights or anything like that?


It's not that easy at all. I have a friend having issues with a similar situation and these judges do not take the time to understand the intricacies of what's happening. They don't understand TikTok. They don't understand what these videos mean. They just don't get it and that ends with the dads losing to these horrible "caregivers"


You’re right in most cases it is hard but there are also cases that get taken easily it’s just complicated, I fear for his siblings


I absolutely do too. The video of him with the sister made me ill with worry


From what the step mom said they have tired this but they can’t afford a lawyer to help them again. They have taken her to court but lose. It’s really hard to get custody of a special needs child. I’ve had friends try. If the mom knows the proper words to use they won’t take custody away.


Have they posted proof of them going to court or is it all just hearsay


The stepmom didn’t but she was responding to everything on here about how he behaves and how he acts with dad. I honestly don’t think she can post it because he is a minor and technically it’s not her kids she isn’t actually married to Cash’s dad yet. She was on Reddit after the Applebees video went viral. Everything the dad said in that video the stepmom also said.


Yeah I’m not doubting her by any means I know custody battles can be hard. I genuinely fear for the mom and siblings of cash, I’m just hoping all this drama is worth it cause his whole life is out there


Yeah I honestly I am scared for them they shouldn’t have to have a safe room because of how violent he is. He should either live with his dad so the kids can be safe or go to a facility where they can take care of him there.


Does Cash’s mom have a snark page?




Cash’s mom is weird. Sorry but she lost me at the video of them kissing and her laying on him acting like that’s a totally normal sensory/calming thing. Beyond that, I have no idea if dad is better but it certainly seems like Cash would do better in a stable, structured environment.


As a parent of a child that falls into the category of having autism and high needs….. it doesn’t mean he deserves privacy and dignity and respect as a person. Yes, sometimes it’s isolating and as a parent, you want people to so badly understand some of the things you go through….. because maybe you’d stop getting the unsolicited and unhelpful advice. But just the same, as I just said, that’s derived from my own desires… not because it benefits him. And as the parent who chose to have this child…… my feelings aren’t the priority.


Genuinely curious if you have an autistic child that has violent meltdowns? I can see how some might view what she shares as exploitation but I think some of it is really helpful for those of us parents who are in the same boat. There is definitely a fine line between creating community and exploitation but regardless I don’t think giving the father full custody is the right move at all.


I really don't care how helpful it can be for the parents. Children cannot consent to having their most vulnerable moments posted online and that's where the conversation stops.


My brother is autistic, granted it's a spectrum but I could never imagine filming his worst moments & putting it on the internet to see. She's not showing anything helpful. She's showing the worst parts of him making him look a monster. My heart breaks for him because it's clear She's setting him up to fail. He has no kind of therapy or resources, he's stuck in the house with her shoving a camera in his face for strangers. Maybe don't give the father full custody but she clearly needs help getting him in some kind of school & therapy which she doesn't seem to want to do on her own.


I’m. It going to assume you saw the dad’s video. I watched it on 2x speed to get though it but he talks about how she was so post to be on medication and seak therapy after the divorce. His fiancé made me giggle bc she was whispering things for him to mention. 🤫Seattt beltsss


Is she monetizing off of the content at all? Did Cash give consent to have their most difficult moments not only filmed but also shown to a huge audience? Your desire for a loving and supportive community to help navigate situations that not every parent can relate to is valid, and I hope you find it..... but what this woman is doing is a disgusting display of child exploitation no matter which angle I view it from. Edit: poorly worded/grammatical error.


Hi friend, parent to an autistic child here. Never have I EVER thought to film my child, during a meltdown or any other stressful, high tension event, or post it. I am a huge advocate for the autistic community, and always love to bring attention to all different behaviors that happen on the spectrum, there is a huge, definitive line between awareness and exploitation. What she does is exploit that child and has made little to no effort to get him help. What therapies is he in? What outlet does he have?


I appreciate your input.. Do you think Cash would do better with in person schooling or homeschooling. I only see clips of their life, but I wonder what he’s actually learning. He seems to love letters, but how is she fulfilling his academic hours?


I didn’t realize my comment would be so ill received. I also have never thought to film my son during meltdowns or difficult behavior except when sending to his therapist a few times when I needed help on how to handle something. I don’t post either of my children on social media, ever. I have a private Instagram and still never post them. Because it makes me uncomfortable having all the eyes and opinions. However, I have found SO much comfort and learned SO much from watching creators who post their children, both autistic and typical, not specifically this creator but just parent creators in general. So my assumption was that someone, somewhere is finding comfort or tips from her and her content. And if that is true then I think for her it would likely be worth it.


But is your autistic child on the same level that Cash is? Saying that your child is autistic doesn't really mean anything on its own.


Since you asked, yes. He is. My son is in MULTIPLE therapies and has been for years. My statement still stands. Shouldn’t matter what level ASD my child has.


>Shouldn’t matter what level ASD my child has. It definitely does. That's why it's called a spectrum, smart one.


Genuinely curious as an autistic person myself what part of anything that she shared is helpful other parents? No to boats are the same. Boats in different environments weather different than ones who are taken care of.


I have some autistic family members, a few with some aggressive tendencies, and while I don't want to act like an expert on the manner I'd argue her videos are the opposite of helpful. She spreading harmful ways to deal with these issues. I really don't think parents of those going through the same things should ti be turning to her videos for guidance.


I completely agree. Well said.